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I configured a dedicated server with the intent of having friendly fire enabled but I couldn't find any value for it in any of the config files.
How do you setup a LAN server without advertising to the internet? Or can you not but it doesn't matter as long as the ports are not forwarded? I can connect to the server but it does show up in the internet list. In game if I switch to the LAN tab I see nothing and when I switch back to online servers the populated list goes empty. I can only connect to my LAN server via the IP.
Dear Server, I take this opportunity to celebrate your existence. I don't know where you came from, but I am glad you are here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firstly, may I say, your decision to be 15 min A.O.W. is AMAZING! ( A.O.W. is All Out War - which is a timed match where the points can win the match. As opposed to Marathon.) I have already enjoyed several games and hope for many more. Granted they are mostly games with only 1 or 2 players so far - but the funny thing is that on this server it was very easy to create some fun and enjoy the game even with a low population. Throw in some bots, focus on keeping teams balanced, and go for it. See how many points you can score in 15 minutes and just enjoy the fights. Less Meta game - more jousting. Nice. Losing a building seems less stressful as it will all be over shortly anyway. Secondly, I think this concept is so solid that it may be time to consider modified versions. Could this be used as a Tutorial/Trainer ? 1. Another Option is: points win, 15 min match, with no building destruction option? ? 2. Creative mode. This could be really amazing. This set up is for training. One experienced player could coach a new friend on the game quite easily in this format. New player on one side. Bots of decent difficulty on other side. ?? 3. This is an old request. We need to find a way to let humans group on the same team if they prefer. The recent wave of new players points to the Value in this proposition. I have played a few games on this server already where it would have been helpful to have humans vs bots ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big thanks to the server. My dreams for the possible are only a testimony to the fun I have experienced. Too much Fun!
Hello i need help because i cant enter in my server i created one but i cant enter in the server i tried to join in the game but i click joint and nothing happens i tried in launcher but nothing happens
I really enjoyed the game tonight @ 9pm EDT. ! it was surprising to find the North American server populated. Loved it. A great group of a dozen players fighting and having fun. A fantastic ping that does not go to thru the ocean~! We can get this game played in North America. It will happen? I am happy to be working with the NEC clan who sponsor the server. They primarily play Call of Duty Black ops, but are kind enough to share their server with us. ( of course ~ thanks and donations can be sent to : ) I am new to the many aspects of keeping a server going, and i welcome any input offered. NEC is training me on how to keep the server up so they are not bothered , and i am learning bit by bit. Your comments about the server welcomed below.
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- nec
- north american
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Is there enough Usa timezone community to plan a time to play on a Usa server? ( Australia interest?) I would love to see some better ping play. I have learned that Usa servers have been tried but empty. .. . Maybe we just start small and build grassroots instead? If we got a few Usa players and a few supportive players from the community could we try a few games at some designated time?
Is having one server monopolize the game Good for the game? 1. I play less. if i have time to play and the only server is full...i go play another game. 2. Diversity is lost. Diversity is life. Only one server means only one type of gameplay. Perhaps if there were more options then more folks would play. On the other hand..... Having an active server is paramount. ... YOur thoughts ??
- 21 replies
This Is My Server! Enjoy It!
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- robert
- roberts server
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issues Renegade X Server Issues [Kicked During Map Rotation]
Xoiron posted a topic in Technical Support
Okay, I managed to get a server in working order. It starts up fine and other players can join. However, there is an issue that I'm running into. Whenever the game ends and the players vote for a map, everyone is immediately booted from the game and sent to the main menu, From there the server cannot be joined again without a hard restart. I've tried editing some lines in the files but I cannot seem to resolve this issue. If there is a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated! -
Version 1.1.0
Warning : This mutator can crash your server * This mutator will add a votemenu item, the submenu's contain items you can enable/disable during gameplay * For now i added the functions "FutureSoldier","Sandbox"........ Later i will add more options Modes : All modes can be enabled by entering the "Vote Menu" (Ctrl+V), then choose "Server GameTools" (9). The modes below will be displayed on the screen, choose the mode by number. Mode 1 : FutureSoldier Mode 2 : Sandbox (SandboxSpawn) Mode 3 : Sandbox (Gimme) After the vote successfully ended, the Mode Access-Level will be set to 2, the chosen mode will be activated en accessible by the command screen (F5 or ~) Commands: Mode 1 Command : Futuresoldier Mode 2 Command : SandboxSpawn SandboxKillOwned destroy all items spawned in Sandbox SandboxHelp Mode 3 Command : Gimme Commands (Only Admins) options: AdminToolHelp - Displays information about accesslevels AdminToolInfo - Displays the current status of all modes AdminTool {Mode} (Optional{Status}) (Optional{Level}) Command: Description: Admintool mode1 - toggle current status mode1 Admintool mode2 true - toggle current status mode2 to true Admintool mode3 false 1 - toggle current status mode3 to false and set mode1 access-level to 1 Admintool mode4 2 true - toggle current status mode4 to true and set mode1 access-level to 2 Admintool mode1 3 - set mode1 access-level to 3 Mode Acces-Levels : 1 = None 2 = All Users 3 = Administrators 4 = Developers 5 = Administrators and Developers Mode Status : true = mode is Enabled (All Users got access to the function depending on the Access-Level of the mode) false = mode is Disabled (Can only be enabled by command line) Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.283 -
View File Rx_Mutator_AdminTool Warning : This mutator can crash your server * This mutator will add a votemenu item, the submenu's contain items you can enable/disable during gameplay * For now i added the functions "FutureSoldier","Sandbox"........ Later i will add more options Modes : All modes can be enabled by entering the "Vote Menu" (Ctrl+V), then choose "Server GameTools" (9). The modes below will be displayed on the screen, choose the mode by number. Mode 1 : FutureSoldier Mode 2 : Sandbox (SandboxSpawn) Mode 3 : Sandbox (Gimme) After the vote successfully ended, the Mode Access-Level will be set to 2, the chosen mode will be activated en accessible by the command screen (F5 or ~) Commands: Mode 1 Command : Futuresoldier Mode 2 Command : SandboxSpawn SandboxKillOwned destroy all items spawned in Sandbox SandboxHelp Mode 3 Command : Gimme Commands (Only Admins) options: AdminToolHelp - Displays information about accesslevels AdminToolInfo - Displays the current status of all modes AdminTool {Mode} (Optional{Status}) (Optional{Level}) Command: Description: Admintool mode1 - toggle current status mode1 Admintool mode2 true - toggle current status mode2 to true Admintool mode3 false 1 - toggle current status mode3 to false and set mode1 access-level to 1 Admintool mode4 2 true - toggle current status mode4 to true and set mode1 access-level to 2 Admintool mode1 3 - set mode1 access-level to 3 Mode Acces-Levels : 1 = None 2 = All Users 3 = Administrators 4 = Developers 5 = Administrators and Developers Mode Status : true = mode is Enabled (All Users got access to the function depending on the Access-Level of the mode) false = mode is Disabled (Can only be enabled by command line) Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.283 Submitter Ukill Submitted 02/25/2017 Category Modifications
Moved the list to the wiki. See ======================================= ========== WORK IN PROGRESS ========== ======================================= The format describes how the setting is written. (I) is a number. (B) is a True or False (S) is text. Settings List Admins Steam Auto Login Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl Parameter: bSteamAuthAdmins Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bSteamAuthAdmins=False Explanation: Automatic granting of administration privilages (from the server (as per adminlogin)) based on the user's Steam ID. If I remember correctly. (from Fffreak9999) Verified: FALSE Allow Bots Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bBotsDisabled Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bBotsDisabled=False Explanation: Are bots allowed on the server. Verified: TRUE Allow PowerUp Drops Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bAllowPowerUpDrop Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bAllowPowerUpDrop=true Explanation: When a player dies, should there be a such as random drop such as Health, Armour and Ammo (from Fffreak9999) Verified: FALSE Allow private messaging Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bAllowPrivateMessaging Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bAllowPrivateMessaging=True Explanation: Can players private message each other. Verified: FALSE Allow private messaging with team only Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bPrivateMessageTeamOnly Format: (B) Default: Examples: bPrivateMessageTeamOnly=False Explanation: Can players private message only their team mates. Verified: FALSE Balance Teams Location: UDKGame.ini Section: UTGame.UTTeamGame Parameter: bPlayersBalanceTeams Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bPlayersBalanceTeams=TRUE Explanation: Should the server balance the teams at match start. Verified: FALSE Bot attack % Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: (NOD/GDI)AttackingValue Format: (I) Default: BLANK Examples: GDIAttackingValue=75 Explanation: How much the bots will try to attack, vs defend. Verified: TRUE Bot Count Location: Commandline Section: N/A Parameter: (NOD/GDI)BotCount Format: (I) Default: BLANK Examples: udk.exe server CNC-Field?NODBotCount=8?GDIBotCount=8 Explanation: How many bots to put into the server. Verified: TRUE Bot Skill Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: [NOD/GDI]Difficulty Format: (I) Default: BLANK Examples: NodDifficulty=60 Explanation: Skill level of the bots. Verified: FALSE Broadcast admins Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl Parameter: bBroadcastAdminIdentity Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bBroadcastAdminIdentity=False Explanation: Should the server announce when admins login. Verified: FALSE Can admin pause game Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: bAdminCanPause Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bAdminCanPause=false Explanation: Can the server admins pause the game. Verified: FALSE Can Change Levels Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: bChangeLevels Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bChangeLevels=False Explanation: Can mods change the map. Verified: FALSE Client processing time Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: ClientProcessingTimeout Format: (I) Default: 30 Examples: ClientProcessingTimeout=300 Explanation: How long player’s computers have to load a map before being dropped. Verified: FALSE Crate respawn time Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: CrateRespawnAfterPickup Format: (I) Default: 30 Examples: CrateRespawnAfterPickup=30.000000 Explanation: How long after being picked up should the create respawn. Verified: FALSE Disable Demo Requests Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bDisableDemoRequests Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bDisableDemoRequests=False Explanation: Should players be able to start a demo recording on the server. See Demos in info section. Verified: FALSE Donations disable time Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: DonationsDisabledTime Format: (I) Default: 180 Examples: DonationsDisabledTime=180 Explanation: How long until donations can be made. Verified: FALSE Dynamic Bandwidth (!) Currently ignored. Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: (Max/Min)DynamicBandwidth Format: (I) Default: 7000/4000 Examples: MaxDynamicBandwidth=7000 Explanation: How much bandwidth to user per player. Is an older feature used for changing player maxclientrate based on their ping. Verified: FALSE Fixed match rotation Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bFixedMapRotation Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bFixedMapRotation=False Explanation: Should the map list rotation be enforced. No vote for map selection, etc. Verified: TRUE Force player ready Location: UDKGame.ini Section: UTGame.UTGame Parameter: bPlayersMustBeReady Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bPlayersMustBeReady=false Explanation: Should the game wait for the players to mark themselves ready before starting the match. Verified: FALSE Force respawn Location: UDKGame.ini Section: UTGame.UTGame Parameter: bForceRespawn Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bForceRespawn=true Explanation: Force player to respawn after spawn timer, or allow player to sit on class selection after spawn timer. Verified: TRUE Game Password Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.AccessControl Parameter: GamePassword Format: (S) Default: BLANK Examples: GamePassword=secretpassword Explanation: The server password for players to use to get into the server. Verified: FALSE Gore Level Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: GoreLevel Format: (I) Default: 6 Examples: GoreLevel=6 Explanation: How gory the deaths are. Verified: FALSE HTTP Download Compressed Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: IpDrv.HTTPDownload Parameter: UseCompression Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: UseCompression=False Explanation: Are the files in the http download location compressed? Verified: TRUE HTTP Download URL Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: IpDrv.HTTPDownload Parameter: RedirectToURL Format: (S) Default: Examples: RedirectToURL= Explanation: The URL location of the files for players to download. All files must be in the root. Must include ending slash. Cannot be an alternate port (Must be port 80). The default is a dev hosted repo for maps. Verified: TRUE Ingame admin IP's Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.AccessControl Parameter: IPPolicies Format: ACCEPT;[IP's] Default: ACCEPT;* Examples: IPPolicies=ACCEPT;* Explanation: The IP's that are allowed for admins to login to the game. Supports wildcards Verified: FALSE Log RCON Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bLogRcon Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bLogRcon=true Explanation: Should RCON events be logged. Verified: FALSE Map List Location: UDKGame.ini Section: UTGame.UTGame Parameter: GameSpecificMapCycles Format: ((GameClassName="Rx_Game",Maps=("[map1]","[map2]")) Default: GameSpecificMapCycles=(GameClassName="Rx_Game",Maps=("CNC-Field","CNC-Walls_Flying","CNC-GoldRush","CNC-Whiteout","CNC-Islands","CNC-LakeSide","CNC-Mesa","CNC-Volcano","CNC-Xmountain","CNC-Canyon","CNC-Complex","CNC-Under")) Examples: Explanation: List of maps to have in the server rotation. Doesn’t need the extension on the map name. Verified: TRUE Match time limit Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: CnCModeTimeLimit Format: (I) Default: 30 Examples: CnCModeTimeLimit=45 Explanation: How long does a match go for. Verified: TRUE Max Client Rate Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver Parameter: MaxClientRate & MaxInternetClientRate Format: (I) Default: 15000 Examples: MaxClientRate=40000 Explanation: How much bandwidth is sent to each player. Verified: TRUE Max Idle Time Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: MaxIdleTime Format: (I) Default: 300 Examples: MaxIdleTime=300 Explanation: How long in seconds a player can be idle before being kicked. Verified: FALSE Max map voting size Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: MaxMapVoteSize Format: (I) Default: 5 Examples: MaxMapVoteSize=5 Explanation: How many maps should be in the vote list. Verified: FALSE Max Players Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: MaxPlayers Format: (I) Default: 40 Examples: MaxPlayers=40 Explanation: How many players are supported on the server. Can be raised with mutators. Verified: TRUE Message of the Day (!) Currently bugged. Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameReplicationInfo Parameter: MessageOfTheDay Format: (S) Default: Examples: MessageOfTheDay=Play Nice, Play Hard! Explanation: Message the servers sends as host in game when player joins. Verified: FALSE Moderator Password Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl Parameter: ModPassword Format: (S) Default: BLANK Examples: ModPassword=secretpassword Explanation: The moderator password for ingame moderators. Verified: TRUE Player Load Wait Time Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: NetWait Format: (I) Default: 15 Examples: NetWait=1 Explanation: How long to wait for other players to load at the start of a match. Verified: TRUE RCON Enabled Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Rcon Parameter: bEnableRcon Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bEnableRcon=True Explanation: Can programs/mods remotely connect to server. Needed for admin bots like Jupiter. Verified: FALSE RCON Max Clients Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Rcon Parameter: SubscriberLimit Format: (I) Default: 5 Examples: SubscriberLimit=5 Explanation: How many connections to the server RCON can handle. Verified: FALSE RCON Port Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Rcon Parameter: RconPort Format: (I) Default: -1 Examples: RconPort=-1 Explanation: What port should rcon run on. -1 means to run on game port. Verified: FALSE RCON/Admin Password Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.AccessControl Parameter: AdminPassword Format: (S) Default: BLANK Examples: AdminPassword=secretpassword Explanation: The RCON/Admin Password Verified: TRUE How many recent maps to exclude Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: RecentMapsToExclude Format: (I) Default: 3 Examples: RecentMapsToExclude=3 Explanation: How many of the most recent maps should be removed from the voting options at the end of match. Verified: FALSE Require Stream Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl Parameter: bRequireSteam Format: (B) Default: FALSE Examples: bRequireSteam=False Explanation: Do players need to have steam running. Verified: FALSE Reserve vehicles Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bReserveVehiclesToBuyer Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bReserveVehiclesToBuyer=True Explanation: Should a vehicle be locked to the player when they buy it, for a limited time? Verified: FASLE Restart Wait Location: UDKGame.ini Section: UTGame.UTGame Parameter: RestartWait Format: (I) Default: 30 Examples: How long the server should wait before moving onto the new map (after map voting has finished) Explanation: RestartWait=15 Verified: FALSE Server IP Location: Commandline Section: N/A Parameter: -MULTIHOME Format: (I) Default: BLANK (this runs on all ips) Examples: udk.exe server CNC-Field -MULTIHOME= Explanation: The IP of the local interface the server will run on. Verified: TRUE Server Name Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameReplicationInfo Parameter: ServerName Format: (S) Default: Renegade X Server Examples: Shrewd Gaming Server Explanation: The name of the server. Shown in server browser/launcher. Verified: TRUE Server Port Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: URL Parameter: Port Format: (I) Default: 7777 Examples: Port=7777 Explanation: The server port the game will run on. Verified: FALSE Server Tick Rate Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver Parameter: NetServerMaxTickRate Format: (I) Default: 30 Examples: NetServerMaxTickRate=90 Explanation: The server tick/refresh rate. Think FPS but server side. Will increase bandwidth as it is increased. Verified: FALSE Starting Map Location: UDKEngine.ini Section: URL Parameter: LocalMap Format: (S) Default: RenX-FrontEndMap.udk Examples: LocalMap=CNC-Islands.udk Explanation: The map the server starts on. Verified: TRUE Wait for player load Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: bWaitForNetPlayers Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: bWaitForNetPlayers=false Explanation: Should the server wait some time for players to load the map. Verified: FALSE Spawn crates Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: SpawnCrates Format: (B) Default: TRUE Examples: SpawnCrates=True Explanation: Should there be creates on the maps Verified: FALSE Spawn credits Location: UDKRenegade.ini Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game Parameter: InitialCredits Format: (I) Default: 150 Examples: InitialCredits=150 Explanation: How much money does a player get when they enter the match. Verified: FALSE TotalNetBandwidth (!) Currently ignored. Location: UDKGame.ini Section: Engine.GameInfo Parameter: TotalNetBandwidth Format: (I) Default: 32000 Examples: TotalNetBandwidth=32000 Explanation: The total amount of bandwidth allowed to be sent by the server. (currently ignored) Verified: FALSE
For those that are into drinking games, take a shot every time a bot suicides. Danny look what you've done.
Hello I have a big problem with my Renegade X Servers. My Servers are the two "Renegade X fun Server with bots" (maybe someone know this servers). I have "one" folder for the 2 Server and start the 2 Server over a serverstart.bat file. That works perfect but my Problems are the Settings for the Servers... I found that the most Settings "DON'T WORK" when I change the config file! and the other Problem is that the most Settings over the .bat file don't works! This is very stupid and shit! Today I looked into the renegade X Serverlist and don't found my 2 Servers... Then I must see that all my settings from the servers changed to the default settings and now the servername is again "Renegade X Server" and all other settings changed to default... I am very angry about that! (I don't started the lauchner. Only the serverstart.bat file) and I don't understand why this happend and why not all settings works? I changed the defaultSettings configfile too but it don't fix the problem... A other problem is that my servers not 24/7 in the serverlist. I don't understand why. The Servers running on a (normal) Windows Root Server and this Server running 24/7. I logged in into RDP to check if the gameserver have a problem (something with a error message) but no... the consolewindow of both Gameservers are show and I see the logfiles and that the bots have a lot of fun...Great... Bots havy fun and I very angry... I have to restart both Gameservers and then the Gameservers showing again in the Serverlist... I hope someone can help me. I am very angry that I must very day restart the gameservers and recheck the Serversettings. The problem is 100% not my rootserver. over this rootserver running other gameservers, Websites and other programms and all of this have no problems... Sorry for my bad english. I comming from germany and english is a big problem in a small village I am a programmer and I can restart my servers over my website with a start button but I don't found a way to check all settings if all is ok. Is it possible to create a own Settingsfile with all settings that work that I know that this settings works and all others not? Maybe a idea for a future release? I am not sure if it works with UDK to load a own Settingsfile after all other settings loaded and overwrite the default settings? So we can create a own Settingsfile (maybe a big one?) and we know that all settings in this file works and all others not? And i think this is easier when the server must update to a new release version and the serverowner can save this settingsfile and can easy change it again. Here my serverstart.bat This file is in xxx/Renegade X\Binaries\Win32 and I start this file normaly with double mouseclick (over RDP) or with a other .bat file over my website script. Thank you for your help!
right now you have a lot of mirros which the launcher use to download from and i really don't know why but it is very slow to me. i have 40 mbps connection with a very good infrastructure, it should be fast when iam downloading from Europe but it doesn't. yersterday i asked for freak0009 help and i opend a bit ports but still when in game or using the laucher it is very slow. is there any chance to use a mirror from israel? or turkey? any other country which is closer? the speed according to my calc is 8 KBps