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  • Totem Arts Staff



Welcome back commander!

What is a PUG? The Renegade X community comes together every weekend to participate in organised, pick-up games that are held on our Discord. These games are graciously hosted and organised by the Constructive Tyranny community. You can identify these CT members by the 'PUG Organiser' role on Discord.

How do I participate? If you are on our Discord and get the PUG Player role, you will be notified when we are starting each PUG. People usually start joining the Waiting Room voice channel about 30 minutes before the PUGs. The PUGs start at 7PM GMT/BST / 1PM CST/CDT (daylight savings changes included).

How does it work? Each team will get a commander. This commander, along with the PUG organisers, will draft teams. After the teams are drafted, a specific team will get first map pick. The team that loses gets to decide each map pick.

Listen to your Captain(s)/Commanders, and be a team player, the goal for the PUGs is to encourage amazing teamwork that would otherwise not be easily seen in a public server. We're all here to have a fun, competitive experience. Anybody is welcome to join, but it is still highly recommended that you have basic knowledge of the game mechanics before you hop in. PUGs typically last 2-3 hours, this often equates to 3-5 matches depending on map selection.

Once again, to join the PUGs, join our Discord and find the channel #pug-rules-and-role to get the role.

Below is an excerpt from the pug rules channel from Discord


1. Excessive gloating/whining/disruptive behaviour in all chat/team chat/private chat is not allowed. If you have any complaints, PM a moderator in-game at any time.

2. Never change teams on your own unless instructed to do so

3. Use push-to-talk if you're playing in a noisy environment

4. If requested by a mod and/or your teammates, you must change your discord name to match your in-game name (the name most people will know you as).

5. If you need leave before a pug officially ends, please notify a moderator/organiser as soon as possible so adjustments can be made on time. This should ideally be communicated before the PUG begins. If you have to leave mid PUG (without having it announced to the organisers before hand that you might have to leave), You have 24 hours to send your reason to a PUG organiser.

6. You must notify your team if you have to go AFK

7. Do not give away the PUG password to somebody who is not in the Renegade X Discord

8. A mic is not required, but you must have your voice chat unmuted, and you must be able to hear and acknowledge other players

9. If you show up late, please DO NOT join the game. Instead, sit inside the waiting room. You will be moved automatically by a moderator to a team after a round ends.

10. Do not type out the password in any of the text channels on Discord.

11. Use of mentions without moderator consent is forbidden on the discord channels

12. No putting vehicles in places they should not go (On top of the Wall on Walls (with non-air vehicles) as an example)

13a. No Flaming Infantry (Man-Bombing) (Various C4 placed on an infantry unit which then you run and detonate them to kill the opposite team)

13b. Flaming Vehicles are permitted (as they detonate the vehicle when hit)

14. No Pedestal Beacons during the Warm-Up Round, if they detonate, the game ends.

15. Only commanders and server moderators/admins are permitted to do Surrender/Change Map votes.

16. If you are playing in the PUGs, make sure you are dedicated to the PUG, and don't just sit and type in Discord (or anything else for that matter) or deafen and do nothing. You will be kicked and potentially banned from further organised games.



Our typical punishments are:

1. One week ban from Organised Sessions

2. 1 month ban from Organised Sessions

3. Permanent ban from Organised Sessions


  • Thanks 1


Team 1 Commander: @Davidbeast

Team 2 commander: @Xeon Wraith

Score: 3 - 0 (Team 1 wins)


Match 1: Complex

Victor: Nod / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Complex PUG Demo 11/08/2018


Both teams contest for silo, GDI manages to infiltrate HON but fails to get an armor break. Nod rolls out with artys/lights/flamers, GDI with Meds, MRLS, and later mammoths. Both fight for field control for the majority of the game, with Nod having the upper hand most of the time due to raveshaws being uncontested. Airstrip gets chipped down to 40 HP from a buffed tank push, while all of GDI's buildings get armor breaks with Refinery taking the most damage, at 21HP. Eventually a Mendoza destroys the GDI Refinery from the outside with a little arty support. GDI tries one last push with an offensive buff, but fails to do any significant damage, and Nod snowballs to victory.


Match 2: Islands

Victor: GDI / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Islands PUG Demo 11/08/2018


Neither team ends up infiltrating each other's base at the start. GDI rolls out with Gunners, 1 MRLS and some hotwires while Nod gets Arty/Tech/LCG. Nod pulls out on top in the first engagement, but fails to armor break the GDI Ref. Meds with Sydneys push out, and a back and forth battle for field control ensues with no buildings taking any armor breaks. GDI eventually locks Nod in with a massive ball of tanks, and destroys the Nod ref. An Ion at the end of the strip with tanks hitting HON sealed the deal. Nod attempted an SBH nuke with outside C4 on WF, but ended up getting caught.


Match 3: Field X

Victor: Nod / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Field_X PUG Demo 11/08/2018


GDI attempts two consecutive Grenadier rushes, both fail to get an armor break. Nod's Rocket rush ends up running into GDI's second grenadier rush, and fails to get an armor break as well. GDI however loses their harvester, while Nod saved theirs. With the extra funds, Nod is able to hold field for nearly the whole game minus one med push that reaches the Comm center and slightly past the upper bridge, but falls apart due to lack of repairs. With low credits, GDI is unable to contest the field, and also cannot contest Mendozas camping the tunnels. WF goes down from artys, and GDI surrenders. 

  • Thanks 1

Team 1 Commander: @boxes

Team 2 Commander: @yosh56

Score: 3 - 2 (Team 1 wins) 


Match 1: Walls Flying

Victor: Nod / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Walls Flying Demo 18/08/2018

GDI loses the harvester battle, and Nod attempts a light tank rush but fails to do any damage. GDI then seizes control of the plateau, and holds onto it for almost the whole game. GDI tanks freely attack the HON for VP, and Gunners on the plateau as well. Nod pulls off an SBH outside C4 rush on PP and destroys it, then gains slight control of plateau, and uses the opportunity to apache rush the Ref, destroying that as well. GDI however still controls the plateau afterwards, and Nod still is unable to break out of their base. Another SBH outside C4 rush destroys the WF, leaving only the Bar for GDI. Finally GDI tries a rocket rush, but are unable to do any damage. GDI surrenders. 


Match 2: Outposts

Victor: Nod / Team 2

Demo Download Link: Outposts Demo 18/08/2018

Both harvs survive, Nod takes control of the field with lights and artys. GDI turtles and pumps out a ton of meds, then takes back the field after winning the tank battle. A back and forth tank fight ends up going nowhere, until a spy destroys AGT. GDI then slowly falls apart from that point on, losing bar and ref to a stank rush. A GDI rocket rush from the infantry path destroys HON and later Ref, but Nod tanks roll in seals the deal. 


Match 3: Lakeside

Victor: Nod / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Lakeside Demo 18/08/2018

Both harvs survive, Nod rolls out with lights, artys, and stanks, while GDI with meds. Nod wins the tank battle, and locks GDI in. Nod first tries an Apache rush which brings down Ref to ~20 HP, then later destroys the WF with SBH outside C4. Another apache rush destroys both Ref and Bar.


Match 4: Volcano

Victor: Nod / Team 2

Demo Download Link: Volcano Demo 18/08/2018

Both teams lose their harvs but Volcano ends up playing out the same way per usual. Nod overpowers GDI with lights/flamers/artys, and GDI, unable to roll out enough meds, falls apart. 


Match 5: Complex

Victor: Nod / Team 1

Demo Download Link: Complex Demo 18/08/2018

GDI goes for a grenadier rush on strip, but fails to do any damage. Nod takes silo, then goes for an APC rush on Bar, which ends up working. GDI without any hotwires cannot compete with field control, and loses WF to an arty rush then stops repairing the Ref soon later. 


Team 1 Commander:  @yosh56

Team 2 Commander: @KrypTheBear

Score: <To be updated>


Match 1: Tomb

Victor:  <To be updated>

Demo Download Link: Tomb PUG Demo 25/08/2018


Match 2: Islands

Victor:  <To be updated>

Demo Download Link: Islands PUG Demo 25/08/2018


Match 3: Complex

Victor:  <To be updated>

Demo Download Link: Complex PUG Demo 25/08/2018


Match 4: Canyon

Victor:  <To be updated>

Demo Download Link: Canyon PUG Demo 25/08/2018


Match 5: Field

Victor:  <To be updated>

Demo Download Link: Field PUG Demo 25/08/2018


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Madkyll's voice in the first match, let's just erase that from our memories. ❤️

Meanwhile I'm moving from Best Defence to Best Offense, it's all good.

Very good games today! 👍

Edited by SMayhew
  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

PUG 15/9

@Xeon Wraith (2) vs @Madkill40 (3)

Match 1: Islands (Winner Xeon - GDI)

Nod pulls standard Arty rollout, GDI pulls Gunners to counter. Some anti-inf on Nod but they get wiped by a MRLs escort. GDI begans to rollout Meds & Mammies and eventually kills off Nod's ref with a offensive buff. GDI overextends and loses most of their tank force though. Nod exploits this and nearly kills off the Ref. SBH squad fails to finish the job. Slugfest in the field for a while, till Nod sneaks into the Bar. GDI buffs and rushes in response. GDI wins the base race.


Match 2: Walls (Winner Xeon - Nod)

Harv battle. Nod pretty much all-ins on killing the harv, GDI defends. GDI fails to save the harv and Nod rollouts Arties and LCGs onto the plateau. A 2 Man SBH squad kills off the AA towers while Nod pressures GDI. Towers go down and Apaches flyover and kill off GDI tank reps. GDI surrenders.


Match 3: Field (Winner Madkill @yosh56 - Nod)

Nod stops their harv and rushs GDI's harv. GDI commander has his internet nuked in the meantime. Nod kills GDI's harv and saves theirs. GDI rolls MRLs and Nod rolls Arties. GDI ends up overcommiting to MRLs  and Arties shells through everything. Nod tanks farm VP and a couple of Nod inf hold tunnels. GDI bleeds out.


Match 4: Arctic Stronghold (Winner Madkill - GDI)

Nod rolls out Arties and Lights. Meanwhile Nod's Ref explodes due to infantry infiltration. Whoops. Nods tries a rocket rush but gets instantly spotted. Everything in Nod explodes shortly after. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Match 5: Goldrush (Winner Madkill - Nod)

GDI tries a dumb rush to HoN. It didn't work. Tank slug fest ends in a GDI victory, pushing back Nod to their base. Bar explodes from infiltration. Whoops. Lack of Adv.Engies loses GDI field control and lack of high tier inf loses all inf path control. GDI bleeds out.


Pretty good response tank-wise and a ton of field control focus on my team. Probably should have paid more attention to infantry and defense.

So TL;DR: Blame @Agent

Edited by Xeon Wraith

Since @Agentsaid to use this, here:

6 roles:

  • Sniper
  • Tanker
  • Reps
  • Defense
  • Anti-Inf
  • Misc.

They can be self assignable, or they can be assigned.

Then preferrably @boxeswill assign 1 of 2 skill rankings, which is just like, top tier and then the rest.

So like for example, Xeon, Kryp, and Boxes would all be considered top tier for tankers. Whereas people like Mint and Norc would be considered regular. Now yeah, this isn't perfect, but what it does is:

  • Help show other players who the best are in their field.
  • It can provide people someone to look towards to see how they can improve themselves.
  • It helps with team selection.
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

PUG 6/10

@Xeon Wraith (4) vs Democracy, but mostly @yosh56 shouting (0)

Match 1: Field (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Both teams go for harv with no success. Nod tries a rocket rush to Bar, GDI grenadier rushes Ref at the same time. Both teams get a fair amount of perma-damage, with GDI dealing a bit damage over Nod. Nod then rollouts out with the standard Arty-Flamer to try to lock GDI in. Thanks to saving Harv and the delayed rollout, GDI pushes Meds at the same time as the Arties. @MintLemonade notably pulls an early mammoth tank thanks to perma damage credit income. Nod's tank force is unable to acquire a decent field position in time and is pushed back to their base entrance. Nod holds GDI off with a mixture of tanks and AT infantry but is unable to push further. Eventually GDI defence buffs through Nod' EMPs and kills the Ref. A follow up tank rush kills the Obi and Nod crumbles.

Match 2: Uphill (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

GDI goes for silo and harvester. Nod gets lost in tunnels. Nod harv dies. GDI rolls Meds over Nod Arties and takes field control. A random duo (?) nuke kills off GDI's PP. In the meantime Nod manages to push GDI off the field with lights and arties. Nod locks GDI in their base and shells them to death. 

REBALANCE: (Team Xeon) Owl & Voltex swapped for (Team Yosh) MyKenubie & Whistle

Match 3: Islands (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Standard fare Arty rollout vs Gunner counterpush. GDI rolls Meds and pushes Nod back but is unable to sustain it. Nod regains field control and locks GDI in with a flamer. Arties pound the Ref and WF, dealing heavy perma-damage to Ref. @Quincy in classic fashion, sneaks and kills the HoN. GDI restocks on tanks and pushes through the Nod siege. Lack of advanced reps causes Nod tanks to crumble, letting GDI have total field control. Nod's base explodes soon after.

Match 4: Walls (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Harv battle ends with no losses. Both teams small preliminary tank forces to contest field. GDI starts getting orcas but Anti-AA tower SBHs keeps them from pushing field. Nod maintains plateau control with LCGs and transitions to Apaches to counter Orcas. A second arty force starts massing on the North side. Nod rushes in with a buffed force of Apaches to Barracks but is unable to break armour. Meanwhile the Arty force pounds the Ref dealing significant perma damage. Arty and Apache pressure allows some Nod infantry to sneak into the WF and GDI is unable react in time. WF dies. The Arty force (which is still largely unharmed) gathers and kills the GDI Ref. After a couple minutes wait for CP, Nod masses LCGs and Apaches and rushes Barracks, killing it. GDI PP falls a while after.


Probably a more balanced PUG than what the results indicate. Both Uphill and Islands would have been a lot tougher if my team didn't secure the building kills so soon after losing field.

Player list (from @Minji's stream)




Edited by Xeon Wraith
Link for Minji's stream.
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On 9/15/2018 at 11:16 PM, Redarmy said:

Since @Agentsaid to use this, here:

6 roles:

  • Sniper
  • Tanker
  • Reps
  • Defense
  • Anti-Inf
  • Misc.

They can be self assignable, or they can be assigned.

Then preferrably @boxeswill assign 1 of 2 skill rankings, which is just like, top tier and then the rest.

So like for example, Xeon, Kryp, and Boxes would all be considered top tier for tankers. Whereas people like Mint and Norc would be considered regular. Now yeah, this isn't perfect, but what it does is:

  • Help show other players who the best are in their field.
  • It can provide people someone to look towards to see how they can improve themselves.
  • It helps with team selection.


Posted (edited)

would be neat to have little clips of the highlights of PUGs. like how @LavaDr4gon makes his vids. (with the demos and all)

for example the apache rush with wf infiltration or with  @Quincy's hon kill you only get to see the full picture of that if those who infiltrated recorded.

Edited by HuskerDoggo
@ and typos
  • Totem Arts Staff

I was planning on going back to my videos and separate out the scenes so people can watch shorter videos.

So I guess I can create individual scenes from now on then compile them into an episode.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I mean... a small highlight reel shouldn't be too much. Some minor effects and flare. Then maybe just work on larger videos from public games on the side with no real pressure 

18 hours ago, LavaDr4gon said:

I was planning on going back to my videos and separate out the scenes so people can watch shorter videos.

So I guess I can create individual scenes from now on then compile them into an episode.

Those videos were great, pls continue making them if you have the time and will.
99% of the time when i mention this game to someone, they have no clue what it is, so i always proceed to show them one of your moments videos.

  • Moderator

Maybe I should start recording my gameplay. The HoN kill at PUG was nothing special, but some of the stuff happening to me in public games recently is hilarious.

What programs do you guys use to record stuff? Can maybe answer me in PM please so we don't go off-topic that much.

  • Totem Arts Staff
39 minutes ago, Quincy said:

Maybe I should start recording my gameplay. The HoN kill at PUG was nothing special, but some of the stuff happening to me in public games recently is hilarious.

What programs do you guys use to record stuff? Can maybe answer me in PM please so we don't go off-topic that much.

Personally I use OBS, but the built in recorders for GPUs aren't terrible. (Shadowplay and whatever Radeon's version is)

  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

PUG 13/10

TL;DR: A ton of dumb early game rushes ending the match. Most "standard" game was probably Whiteout which was still pretty one-sided on the tanking front. Not too sure what Team Yosh was missing role-wise, though more scouting definitely would have probably helped.

@Xeon Wraith (5) vs  @yosh56 (0)

Match 1: Uphill (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Team GDI goes heavy into the field, causing Nod to stop their harvester. Meanwhile Nod walks into GDI PP.  GDI gets too greedy and tries to advance to the stopped harvester instead of suiciding to defend and loses their PP. Nod rolls out tanks to pressure GDI but is eventually pushed back with Gunners and Meds. Infantry on the hill bridge pressures GDI's repairs and the second Nod tank wave cleans up. GDI's crippled economy stops them from restocking tanks and the Base falls with a offensive buff push.

Match 2: Lakeside (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

GDI goes for a pretty balanced infantry spread. Majority of Nod tries to rush the Bar via high route but gets spotted. A couple of GDI infantry on the lower inf path runs into HoN at the same time. Neither team manages to get any significant damage. GDI does manage to C4 and kill Nod's Harv, which Nod was unable to do to GDI. With the Harvester secured, GDI preps for a grenadier rush during the downtime with @boxes scouting ahead. @Ryz gets abducted by aliens. GDI runs into the HoN while Nod tries to rolls tanks into the field. GDI's rush goes mostly uncontested and grenadiers start running to Ref as well. HoN explodes, but GDI manages to save Ref at 47% HP. GDI tries a quick followup Chinook rush but forgets Nod has no HoN and packs an extra Sydney for no reason (was for the mines). The rush fails to deal perma damage. GDI amasses tanks on the field while Nod setups a Rocket rush and Stank rush. Nod's Rockets move out, prompting GDI to offensive buff and push in. GDI kills the Ref, Nod's rockets fail to deal perma. The Stanks go undetected and hit WF, but are unable to kill it. Nod tries to sneak Stanks again while GDI restocks on tanks and pushes field. Orcas spot the Stanks and GDI rolls tanks in. The Stanks get cleaned up and the rest of Nod follows.

Match 3: Mesa (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Team Yosh accidentally thinks Mesa is Mesa X. Nod tries a stupid flame rush to GDI's PP, but it gets spotted and shutdown. GDI tries Gunners but it gets scouted and shutdown. Nod then gets Arties and a Flamer and GDI dies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Side note: One of the biggest factors Mesa is Nod sided is due to how trivial it is to shutdown GDI's tanks with a Flamer. Adding more rocks to the map may affect Arty siege somewhat but it does provide even more cover for Nod tanks to exploit. Think of Field X - you hardly ever see Flamers or arties in the center of the field since there's no cover to use.

Match 4: Whiteout (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Nod stops their Harv and tries to kill GDI's Harv. GDI holds Nod back and saves their Harv. Nod's Harv goes later but is mostly uncontested. Nod goes standard fare Arty party and GDI rolls Meds with some additional infantry to pressure repairs. The Meds wins out and Nod starts to gather stanks. The Stanks fail to do perma and GDI box Nod in with tanks. HoN falls after a offense buff and a infiltration and Nod' base follows shortly after.

Match 5: Walls (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

@MintLemonade declares he needs to leave for work in 15 minutes. Nod subsequently decides to buggy surf after the Harv battle. Both Harvs die. GDI commits to defending their second harvester, leaving the buggy surf undetected till it enters GDI's side of the field. The buggy surf dukes past PP and kills off GDI's Ref. Nod tries a Mantank drop after but with no luck. Meanwhile SBHs clear out GDI's AA towers and Nod goes for the typical Apache stack. GDI tries to mass their own Orca rush as well. Nod rolls in first with a offense buff and SBH nuke, killing the Bar and WF. GDI opts to ignore the Apaches and counter rushes. Nod then immediately diverts the Apaches after killing the Bar to intercept GDI's Orcas. GDI's orca rush gets shutdown before a armour break. GDI crumbles afterward.

Match 6: DECK

Is Deck. Everyone wins.


Player list (from @Minji's stream):



Heads-up: We'll be trying to restart Sunday PUGs this week, also at 7PM GMT. If you can't make the Saturday PUGs or just want to play more, chill in the PUG waiting room and we can try to get some games running.

Edited by Xeon Wraith
  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Xeon Wraith said:

 Not too sure what Team Yosh was missing role-wise, though more scouting definitely would have probably helped.

Defenders I'dd say...

  • Moderator

I dunno about that. Team Yosh did have people defending the base (you can see on Minji's stream) but there just wasn't enough of a response to counter our rushes. The only time there was was on Mesa, where their team was still in their base.

The only way I can see of really stopping the rushes would have been to call it out earlier.

  • Moderator
Posted (edited)


@TK0104 (3) vs @boxes, then democracy (1)

Match 1: Field (Winner: TK - GDI)

Pretty standard game. Nod rolls Arty/Lights, GDI rolls MRLs/Meds. GDI wins the tank fight and locks Nod in their base. GDI pounds Nod with tanks till they die. 

Match 2: Tomb (Winner: TK - Nod)

GDI tries a starting infantry rush to HoN but fails to do damage. Nod kills GDI's harv and rolls out Arties. A bit of a tank slugfest ensues,  but ultimately GDI is unable to pump enough tanks out to push Nod back.

Boxes has to leave during this match, letting democracy take over.

Match 3: Field X (Winner: Democracy - Nod)

Both teams start with delayed harvester rollouts. GDI secures their tiberium field first and gets their harvester dump. Nod rolls Arty/Lights, GDI rolls MRLs/Meds. DEJA VU Tank slugfest goes back and forth, till GDI decides to rocket rush. The rush deals heavy perma to HoN but loses field control in the meantime. GDI restocks tanks and pushes back Nod. Eventually Nod slips a stank rush past GDI, taking down the AGT. GDI tries to take out the HoN in response, but lacks the DPS to do so. GDI tries a mixture of Tank pushes and rocket rushes to finish the HoN but permanent repairs keep it alive. With this, Nod then opts to abandon field control for a while to Mendoza rush the Bar. It works and kills the Bar and also Ref. GDI tries some last-ditch tank and rocket rushes, this time targeting Ref but is unable to deal perma. GDI crumbles afterward.

Match 4: Twilight (Winner: TK - Nod)

Basically, Nod gets Flame tanks on this incredibly small and tight map and rolls over GDI. 


Player list from Minji's stream:




Edited by Xeon Wraith
Details, expanded player list
  • Like 1
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  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

Sat 20/10

@Redarmy (1) vs@Madkill40/ @yosh56/@MintLemonade (3)

Match 1: Cliffside (Winner: MYM - GDI)

Nod wins the early harvester battle and pushes out Arties and Flamers on both sides. Nod locks GDI in on both sides but gets pushed back by AT infantry and Meds. Both teams duke it out with vehicles for while. Eventually GDI gets a infiltration kill on HoN and Nod collapses shortly afterward. 

Match 2: Arctic Stronghold (Winner: Redarmy - GDI)

Both harvesters survive, but Nod gets control over the silo. Nod rolls Arties/Lights, GDI MRLs/Meds. GDI pushs to control the EMP Cannon with a few tanks to contest the tiberium field. Nod does the same but loses the EMP fight. GDI tries a couple buff rushes with the tanks at the EMP cannon but are unable to deal perma. Nod attempts to sneak tanks on the lower path but are caught by the tanks around the EMP cannon. Eventually GDI amasses Mammoths and rushes the Obi with a offensive buff in classic GDI fashion. Nod gets overwhelmed by GDI's tanks afterward.

Match 3: Walls (Winner: MYM - GDI)

GDI wins the Harvester battle, killing Nod's Harv and saving theirs. Nod rolls out Lights, GDI pushes Orcas and infantry. Nod sends a SBH squad to kill the AA towers. Tony enters the game and joins the SBH squad for some reason. Nod tries to push Apaches but is unable to fully push GDI off the plateau. Eventually GDI sneaks into HoN and kills it. Nod tries a Apache rush and a Stank rush but fail to do any meaningful damage. GDI rolls tanks in and Nod falls.

Match 4: Tomb (Winner: MYM - Nod)

Both teams save their harvesters. Nod rolls Arty/Flamer, GDI rolls MRLs/Meds. Tank fight ensues, until the Barracks explodes from infiltration. GDI does their best pushing tanks still, but can't sustain them without advanced repairs. GDI bleeds out.


Player list from Minji's stream:



Some resource mis-management on Team Redarmy notably on Uphill, where we had Anti-infantry within the cave while GDI was pushing PICs on the other route. Main issue without a doubt was the lack of a defender though. The three losses all had infiltration building kills which crippled the team. 



@Xeon Wraith (2) vs @Fffreak9999 (0)

Matchs : Under (Winner: Xeon - GDI) / Islands (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Basically, team Freak has a really bad time. 


Player List from Minji's stream:




Edited by Xeon Wraith
Added Sunday's PUG "Write-up".
  • Like 1
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  • Moderator

Sat 27/10

@Xeon Wraith(2) vs @MintLemonade/@yosh56(3)

Match 1: Walls (Winner: Mint - Nod)

Both harvesters survive. Nod rolls out two early buggies. Nothing comes of it though. GDI rolls out MRLs, Meds and Orcas, Nod with Arties and Lights. GDI secures early plateau control, pressuring Nod's base. GDI notably gets a armour break on HoN, but eventually gets pushed back by Nod tanks. GDI attempts to gather Orcas to rush the HoN but fails to amass more than 4. The Orcas gradually get picked off by enemy infantry and Apaches, losing plateau control. GDI then buys 3 Mammoth tanks (???). The mammoth tanks become VP feed for Nod. Nod consolidates plateau control with LCGs and lock GDI in their base. GDI gets pounded with arty fire and loses the Ref. GDI is unable to break out of the siege and dies.

Match 2: Whiteout (Winner: Mint - GDI)

Both harvesters die. Nod rolls out Arties. GDI pushes with rocket/gunners and two Humvees. Arties move out too early with minimal repairs and quickly get killed off. GDI transitions into Meds and locks Nod in base. GDI buffs and kills Air. Nod tries to push back with LCGs but with no economy and no vehicles,, Nod is unable to make a meaningful difference. Nod dies.

Match 3: Field (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Nod's harvester dies and GDI lives with a delayed start. GDI pushes MRLs and Meds while Nod has to make do with Arties. The Arties get shelled by GDI and locks Nod in their base. GDI slowly builds up their tank force eventually pushing with a offensive buff. It fails but Nod is unable to break out of GDI's lockdown. GDI sieges Nod for a while, using Mammoths for point holding and MRLs to pick off repairs behind cover. A second defensive buff push works and kills off the Obi. A second wave of tanks and infantry kills the Ref and Hon and Nod crumbles.

Match 4:  Tomb (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Both harvesters survive. Nod pushes out with Arties and Lights and most of GDI apparently decides to go AFK. Simultaneous tank pressure from both sides causes breaks in both Ref and PP. Eventually Ref falls and the few tanks GDI has get cleaned up. The rest of GDI gets cleaned up shortly after.

Match 5: HeXMountain (Winner: Yosh - Nod)

Both harvesters survive. GDI notably gets a couple of infantry inside the HoN but no damage is dealt. GDI pushes out with MRLs/Meds, Nod with Arties/Lights. GDI's barracks gets infiltrated by three Nod infantry and it explodes. GDI tries to push tanks still but are unable to sustain them without advanced repairs. Nod locks GDI in base with vehicles. With no higher tier infantry and generally weaker infantry players, GDI loses their infantry rush options as well. GDI gets pummeled to death.

Player list from Minji's Stream:



A fairly sloppy start with my team with a lack of vehicles and repairs but gradually improved over the course of the PUG. Then @poi came and the Barracks exploded ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Posted (edited)

Sun 28/10

@Gliven (3) vs  @blazingyoshi (2) 

Match 1: Complex (Winner: Gliven - GDI)

Nods rolls Arty/Lights. GDI pumps Meds. Nods gathers a large amount of Arties on the silo side but neglects to control the rest of the field and get sufficient repairs. GDI rolls in Meds, which kills the majority of Arties. Nod tries to restock on Arties and Lights but GDI keeps pumping Meds into the base. Turns out, GDI tanks are individually stronger than Nod tanks. GDI places pressure everywhere, until Nod eventually gives in and the Air dies. Ref and HoN soon follow.

Match 2: Arctic Stronghold (Winner: Gliven - Nod)

Nods rolls Arty/Lights. GDI pumps Meds. Some tanks slug at each other at range on the tiberium side, others push in to contest the EMP cannon. GDI wins the initial fight, but their repairs get picked off by enemy snipers. Nod resecures the EMP but is pushed back by a wave of restocked GDI tanks. The cannon remains contested for a while but GDI is unable to break through their repairs. Eventually GDI decides to Gunner rush with two mammies holding back Nod. The rush fails to deal significant building damage. In the meantime Nod's Arties by the tiberium field sieges the AGT and the Arties at the EMP cannon shells WF and PP. GDI tries to push mammies to the EMP cannon but is locked down by Arty fire. Once again, GDI is unable to burst through Nod's repairs and the push fails. Nod sieges GDI till the AGT dies and the rest of GDI follows suit.

Match 3: Mesa (Winner: BlazingYoshi - Nod)

Nod secures their Harvester and kills GDI's Harv. GDI preps for a early Humvee rush but it is called out as the vehicles are brought. The Humvees go to HoN and PP through the center cave. PP gets cleaned up, but HoN suffers heavy perma damage (~3% HP) despite the call out. Nod pushes Arty/Light, GDI with Meds. Nod overruns the outer route, killing GDI's harvester repeatedly. The cave is contested, but is gradually cleaned up with tank support from the outer route. Nod pressures WF/AGT from the cave and PP/Ref from the outer route. GDI masses their Meds and pushes with a offensive buff through the cave. The tanks fail to deal significant damage but infiltration of Nod's PP and Air gets a armour break before clean up. Nod restocks tanks and continues to siege GDI. GDI tries to Gunner rush but Nod kills the PP, Ref and WF while their team is away. The Gunners deal significant perma damage on Nod's Ref but fails to kill. GDI tries for a second wave with more Gunners but is scouted early. The Gunners fail to kill the Ref and GDI's base explodes.

Match 4: Islands (Winner: Gliven - Nod)

Nod rolls Arties and GDI pushes gunners with Meds to follow up. The Arties siege the Ref but is pushed back by Meds and a lucky flamer crate drop. The flamer overextends and dies, taking most of GDI's repairs along with it. Nod pushes back out with Arties and a flamer and secure the field. GDI gets distracted by a technician in the Ref and fails to restock on tanks. Nod buffs the Arties and shells GDI's ref. GDI tries to push the arties back with a couple of Meds with no success. The Ref dies. Nod rolls in and cleans up a short while after.

Match 5: Field X (Winner: BlazingYoshi - Nod)

Nod secure their Harv and kills GDI's Harv. GDI grenadier rushes in response but it gets spotted thanks to Comm centre early and shutdown. Nod pushes Arties and lights to the field and GDI tries to contest with Meds and MRLs. GDI is unable to mass sufficient tanks and gets locked in base. Nod's arties siege up GDI's WF and AGT. Arties splash repairs inside the AGT through the open door, eventually killing it. GDI buffs and counter pushes. Nod's arties ignore the push and opt to kill GDI's Ref instead. GDI's push gets nullified and Nod rolls in more tanks to finish GDI.

Player list from Minji's stream:



A couple of tanking slip ups from team BlazingYoshi but seriously fuck team gliven's field repairs like holy shit why wont you die god damn it.

Also shoutout to BlazingYoshi keeping a cool head during his first time commanding today. GJ!

Edited by Xeon Wraith
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No writeup of last week (3rd & 4th), been busy. You can check out the videos of it on Minji's, Gliven's or Danvik's videos.

Sat 10/11 NOD PUG

XeonWraith @MintLemonade (1) vs @boxes(2)

Match 1: Walls (Winner: Boxes - Nod)

GDI loses first harvester and Nod secures theirs. GDI does get early plateau control with basic infantry, which pushes back Nod's early arty rollout. The infantry gets cleaned up once Nod rollouts Apaches. GDI responses with a rollout of Meds with a few Orca. GDI overcommits on the Meds and is unable to contest plateau in sufficient numbers. GDI gradually gets pushed back and Nod sieges with arties.  Arties do some perma damage to the Ref, but gets cleaned up with aggressive pushes by GDI. Nod eventually decides to amass Apaches. Nod buffs and rushes into GDI's base despite having both AA towers up. GDI doesn't have enough firepower however, and GDI loses their PP. Nod restocks Arties and kills the Ref with little contest. GDI tries a desperate Med rush which is unable to deal significant building damage. GDI surrenders.

Match 2: XMountain (Winner: Mint - Nod)

Nod rolls out Lights and Arties and locks GDI in before they can amass Meds. GDI does manage to clean the majority of the light tanks however and pushes Nod back. Nod's backline arties whittles down GDI's tanks from a distance eventually allowing Light tanks to take point, locking GDI back in. Nod also starts using LCGs and EMP strikes to force GDI further back, allowing arties to push up and shell GDI's ref. GDI eventually cleans up the front light tanks and pushes back out. This repeats a couple of times, till Nod is able to kill GDI's ref. Nod continues the tank pressure and kills the PP with a nuke. The rest of GDI's base dies soon after.

Match 3: Field X (Winner: Boxes - Nod)

Both teams lose harvester. Nod gets the early Arty/Light rollout, while GDI is forced to donate for Meds. Nod neglects to support their tanks with sufficient repairs which allow GDI's Meds to roll over Nod's tanks with a defence buff. GDI pushes toward Nod's side of the field but is unable to push sufficiently to deal building damage. Nod gradually transitions into Stanks. This does allow GDI push enough to buff up and deal perma damage to HoN but Nod' stank rush catches GDI off-guard and kills the WF and deals heavy damage to AGT. GDI turtles up and tries to rush through tunnels with infantry. Nod also ups their tunnel defence and GDI is unable to deal damage to Nod's buildings. With little options available, GDI decides to throw in the towel.

Player list from Minji's Stream:




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Sun 11/11 NOD PUG PART 2

@Xeon Wraith (2) vs @Whistle(2)

Match 1: Complex (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

GDI gets early control over the silo and tries to run to Air. They get intercepted and nothing really comes of it. GDI starts to buy MRLS/Meds, with Nod rolling out a mixture of Arties, Lights and Flamers. GDI all-ins on the silo side but Nod goes for a split between both sides. A call out from a scouting tank tells Nod about their undefended side by Barracks and tanks rolls in uncontested. The Barracks dies. GDI tries to mass tanks again on the silo side, but with Nod tanks rolling into their base and no hotwire support, the push fails. Ref and WF get shelled down.

Match 2: Volcano (Winner: Whistle - Nod)

Nod loses their harvester and GDI secures theirs with a delayed start. Barracks gets dealt heavy perma damage from infantry infiltration however. Nod rolls out arties, GDI with Meds. GDI puts pressure on the tiberium cave but Nod AT infantry in the tiberium cave keeps GDI's tanks from securing it. Nod is held at bay thanks to MRLS fire. Nod sniper overwatch prevents GDI from pushing too far however. Stalemate continues for a while with both teams getting occasional armour breaks. Eventually GDI manages to gather a Mammoth and two Meds inside on the Tib cave and they push in with offensive buff, killing PP and dealing perma to HoN. Nod quickly counter rushes with a offensive buff, scoring kills on PP and Bar while GDI tries to restock. Nod's tanks get cleaned up but Infantry manage to also kill GDI's ref. GDI tries a couple of pushes but ultimately falls.

Match 3: Whiteout (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Both harvesters die. Twice. Nod goes with super sneaky surprise Arties to the hill, GDI with Rockets, Gunners and MRLS to contest. The hill takes a while to clean out but Nod does so before GDI can push Meds. Arties start shelling GDI's buildings taking down WF first. GDI manages to get a few tanks during this but are unable to push Nod off the hill. The arties shell the rest of GDI's base to death. 

Match 4: Snow X (Winner: Whistle - Nod)

Nod runs into GDI's base and GDI shoots at them. This continues for a while. Eventually Nod rolls out Arties and GDI with Gunner/Meds. Tanks goes into the tunnels. Teams switch control over the tunnels occasionally but are only able to provide tiny bits of building pressure before being forced back. The Barracks then decides to explode. GDI tries to rush through with the vehicles they have and then get stuck in the tunnels. Nod buffs and WF explodes.

Player list from Danvik's Youtube:




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Posted (edited)

Sat 17/11 GDI PUG

@Xeon Wraith (3) vs @Madkill40 (1)

Match 1: Field X (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

GDI starts with a delayed grenadier rush, which dies horribly. GDI then tries to divert their efforts to Harv but forced back by buggy support. Nod secures their harvester and GDI loses their harvester. Twice. Nod starts rolling out Lights and Arties, GDI with a single MRLS. Nod doesn't really do much for a few minutes, allowing GDI to start rolling out Meds. GDI proceeds to contest outer route with the Meds but is unable to break through their repairs. @TONY-STARK then airstrikes their tanks, allowing GDI Tanks to clean up and push to control the field. Nod abandons field control for a joint Stank rush on AGT and Mendoza rush on Bar. GDI gathers up and offensive buffs with their entire tank force at the same time. GDI takes heavy perma damage on Bar but kills HoN outright in exchange. Nod tries a follow-up rocket rush on Bar with a few Stanks hitting WF. The rockets gets spotted early and repairs are able to get to Barracks before a armour break. GDI pumps tanks out in the meantime, taking field control. Nod tries to amass Stanks. The vehicle dropoff gets scouted and GDI buys a mammoth to defend. The stanks hit AGT but gets quickly cleaned up. Eventually GDI rushes in with smoke cover, killing Ref and Air. The rest of Nod's base falls shortly after.

Match 2: Cliffside (Winner: Madkill - GDI)

Both teams secure harvester, though GDI uses a delayed start. Nod goes Arty/Light with GDI with MRLS/Meds. Nod gains control over the tunnels and starts shelling WF and Bar with arty fire. Nod infantry infiltrate the Refinery at the same time, killing it with no resistance. On the flipside, a hotwire sneaks into the HoN killing it. GDI starts to pump Mammoths into the tunnels and Nod pumps Arties and flamers in response. Tunnel control exchanges back and forth but eventually the sheer mass of mammoths overpowers Nod. With no advanced repairs, Nod is forced to commit nearly all of their players to try and hold GDI's mammoths back. Meds secure outer route control. With no ability to flank repairs, no infantry EMP and tunnels blocking commander EMP, Nod is unable to kill the mammoths fast enough to gain any meaningful control. GDI pummels Nod's buildings switching between and dealing perma damage on everyone. GDI gets a second infiltration kill on Nod's Ref and Nod decides to do a last ditch Stank rush through the outer route. GDI rushes in response. Nod manages to pull off a kill on AGT but GDI ends the game before Nod can do more.

Match 3: Crash Site (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

GDI gets the early silo. Nod rollouts Arties, GDI with Meds. Both teams contest the field for a while, but Nod manages to push GDI back with a Flamer and Titan support. Nod locks GDI in, but a Hotwire manages to get heavy perma damage on Air. Nod shells GDI's base but is unable to get signficant damage off. Eventually GDI stacks enough tanks to kill the Flamer and GDI breaks the siege. While GDI pushes field, a Mendoza sneaks by Ref and deals heavy perma damage by shooting the MCT from the outside. Field control goes back forth. Nod manages to push up to GDI's base again, buffing and dealing heavy perma to GDI's WF. GDI amasses Mammoths in response and pushes Nod back. They buff and kill Airstrip. Nod tries to rocket rush through the tunnels, but this gets called out early and blasted apart with MRLS. GDI tries to push tanks again but is held back by tons of AT infantry. Nod tries a second rocket rush, this time going to the hill by the abandoned WF. This gets spotted by Radar Scan and shut down. GDI tries a APC rush to PP but this fails. Nod tries a Chem rush through the tunnels, once again being spotted by Radar Scan. GDI uses this opportunity Ions the HoN and tanks pummel it at the same time. The HoN dies with little resistance and so does the Ref. Nod tries a assortment of infantry rushes, which are continuously called out or scanned. GDI in the meantime forgets the HoN is dead and does nothing for a while. Whoops. Eventually someone points it out and GDI tanks kill off the PP.

Match 4: Walls (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Nod loses their harv and GDI secure theirs. GDI tries a humvee surf, but this gets scouted out early. The humvees meet a wall of remote C4 and a stopped harvester and explodes. Nod rollouts with a Arties and some SBHs. This deals a signifcant amount of perma damage to Ref. The Arties get cleaned up and GDI secures plateau control with Orcas and Sydneys. Nod continues to try to rush with SBHs but loses field control in the process. The SBHs fail and efforts are redirected to the field. Nod manages to mass a couple Apaches and they take control of the plateau with LCG and Sakura support. The Apaches begin to pressure GDI's repairs and force their tanks back. Arties move up and they finish off the Ref. Nod gathers Apaches and chinooks and rushes the WF while nuking PP. The WF gets a armour break from outside C4 and the nuke kills the PP at 0%. Nod amasses Apaches and rushes in to finish the game.

Player list from Minji's stream:



Some pretty amazing scouting and callouts this game. Huge credit to @LavaDr4gon for calling out so many of them.

Edited by Xeon Wraith
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Posted (edited)

Sun 18/11 GDI PUG

@Xeon Wraith (2) vs Democracy (2)

Match 1: Gobi (Winner: Democracy - GDI)

Both teams lose harvester. Both teams try to get a upper hand by buying Humvees/Buggies. Neither do. Nod tries to roll out LCGs/APCs but miscommunications causes them to try rush with them instead. GDI APCs rushes the HoN in the meantime uncontested. The HoN explodes. Nods tries to do a number of APC rushes with defensive buff but with no success. With no advanced infantry on a infantry map, Nod surrenders.

Match 2: Snow X (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Nod rolls out with Arties and Lights. GDI does nothing for a bit till Nod rolls into GDI's base. GDI gets Gunners and MRLS to push back the tanks, but not before taking heavy perma damage on both buildings. GDI starts stacking Meds and turtles for the second wave of Nod tanks. In the meantime, a hotwire sneaks into the HoN dealing heavy perma. Both teams contest tunnels with their tanks. GDI gets the upper hand however and roll into Nod's base with offensive buff. GDI fails to deal perma damage, but completely wipes all of Nod's tanks. Nod pushes the tanks back with a assortment of AT infantry. As GDI pushes into the tank tunnel again, Nod gets a infiltration kill onto WF. GDI falls back with their remaining tanks to defend. GDI rushes into the HoN with 3 hotwires using defensive buff and kill it with remotes on the MCT. GDI proceeds to turtle heavily with their remaining tanks and pushes advanced infantry into the infantry bunker. Nod tries multiple tank and rocket rushes but they get spotted by radar scan spam. GDI gradually gets a VP advantage by leveraging higher tier infantry and defensive tanking. Nod eventually manages to kill most of GDI's tanks but not before GDI gets 3 heroics. GDI proceeds to rocket rush with the heroics and a few elites, dealing perma damage. Nod tries to light tank rush in response but ends up feeding GDI VP instead. A second wave of rockets finishes the job.

Match 3: Tomb (Winner: Democracy - GDI)

GDI rushes Nod's HoN through the tunnels. GDI suicides to defend but abandons the harvester battle. GDI secures their harvester and Nod loses theirs. Nod still pumps out Arties and Lights to the field first, pressuring GDI's Ref and PP. Meds roll out to push Nod back. GDI pushes Nod back on Silo route but is unable to displace Nod from the Tiberium side. Nod forgets about defending and the HoN explodes from infiltration. Whoops. GDI pushes Nod's tanks back and rolls in. The rest of Nod's base explodes.

Match 4: Islands (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

Nod starts with a classic Arty rollout. GDI contests with Gunners/MRLS/APC. Nod takes a few losses but manages to push through GDI's forces and pressures the Ref. GDI starts to get Meds. Nod pushes up and shells the WF, dealing perma damage. Nod locks GDI in with a Flamer and pounds Ref again, dealing perma damage. GDI manages to breakthrough Nod's lockdown and pushes field with infiltration distracting Nod's reinforcements. GDI transitions into mass Mammoths. Field control goes back and forth a bit but GDI gradually pushes to Nod's side of the field. Nod pushes GDI back using a mix of tanks and AT infantry. Nod manages to gather Arties and buff before GDI can push Mammoths out of the base. They deal heavy perma damage to GDI's Ref. GDI counter pushes and buffs, also dealing heavy perma to Nod's Ref. Infantry infiltration pressure keeps Nod away from the field, letting GDI get easy field control. Nod opts to try their own infiltration. Nothing happens. GDI continually sends waves of tanks to Nod's front, getting armour breaks onto Air and Ref. Nod eventually decides to abandon field to Mendoza rush through the tunnels. GDI counter pushes with their tanks, killing all of Nod's base before the Mendozas can kill Barracks.

Player list from Minji's stream:



Solid tanking from my team. Not so much on the defense. Complete opposite it appears on team democracy funnily enough. 

Edited by Xeon Wraith
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24/11 Sat Nod PUG Part Three

@yosh56(2) vs @Redarmy(2)

Match 1: Eyes (Winner: Yosh - Nod)

Both teams get harvester, though Nod pauses theirs. Nod rolls Arty/Lights, GDI with MRLS/Meds. Both teams push up to secure control of the tiberium cave. Nod's early rollout gives them a head start however, allowing them to pressure GDI's 2nd harvester. GDI manages to push back Nod's repairless tanks back to their side of the cave and the tiberium field exchanges control a few times. GDI also pushes tanks to the outer paths, which end up dueling Nod's Lights and later Stanks. Nod manages to pick off GDI's Guard Towers but is unable to put lasting pressure. Nod tries to lock down the Tiberium cave using AT infantry & Apaches but is pushed back from GDI own Infantry and Mammoths. Nod Stank rushes shortly after, getting a armour break on Refinery and forcing GDI's Mammoths to retreat from the Tiberium cave. Nod's remaining tanks push up and retake control of Tiberium cave. GDI eventually decides to Orca rush with defensive buff. Nod gets a early pickoff on the Commander's Orca and the rush fails to do damage. Nod pressures AGT using Arties and then starts to gather Stanks. The Stanks manage to get to GDI's base unnoticed killing Bar and PP. A second wave of tanks kills the Ref. GDI tries to Orca rush via the outer route, but it gets spotted and shut down. The rest of GDI's base falls.

Match 2: Canyon (Winner: Red - Nod)

Nod secures their harvester and GDI loses theirs. GDI tries for a grenadier rush on Ref with a distraction Patch on HoN but both fail to deal damage. Nod pushes out standard fare Arty/Flamer and GDI responds with MRLS and Gunners. MRLS missile locks prevents Nod from getting a total lockdown with a Flamer but GDI is unable to breakthrough their Arty backline. GDI tries to gradually build up tanks but constant pressure from Nod keeps GDI's tank count low. Nod manages to EMP multiple tanks and then pushes through with Flamer/Arties. The Bar dies. Rest of GDI's base shortly follows.

Match 3: Walls (Winner: Yosh - Nod)

Both teams secure harvester. GDI plans to not get Meds. Nod tries a Buggy surf but it gets predicted shortly after plane dropoff. A flamer trooper manages to kill off a AA Tower while GDI remotes their front. GDI commander reiterates to not get Meds. Nod rollouts Arties/Apaches. GDI gets Meds. Arties pound the WF and Ref while Apaches and plateau infantry pressure the Meds and repairs. GDI tries to get control of the plateau with a few Orcas but is unable push Nod back. Nod buffs with their Arties, dealing heavy perma to Ref. A Hotwire manages to sneak into HoN dealing equally heavy perma damage. Eventually Nod Apache rushes the PP with Arties shell the Ref. Both die. Arties and Apaches switch to WF, killing it also. In the meantime, GDI manages to infiltrate the HoN with multiple infantry and kill it. Nod gathers Apaches again, with Rocket soldier pilots for extra burst damage and rush in with offensive buff. The damage overwhelms GDI's repairs and Bar falls.

Match 4: Islands (Winner: Ref - Nod)

Nod tries for a early Humvee surf again but @yosh56 is bad at jumping and fails to get on. The surf gets intercepted by Nod's arty rollout. GDI pushes MRLS/Gunners to hold off the arties. GDI gradually pushes Nod back with the later Med rollout but critically lacks the repairs to sustain it. Nod cleans up most of GDI's tanks and locks them in. GDI breaks out using a defensive buff push. Field control exchanges a few times, but Nod eventually locks GDI back in with a ton of AT infantry. Arties swap between shelling the WF and Ref. GDI is unable to sustain and push tanks against Nod's Flamer and EMPs. GDI loses the WF and Ref. GDI tries a last ditch Gunner rush on HoN which very nearly kills it. Nod starts flooding high tier infantry into GDI's base and the Bar dies from a nuke.

Player list from Minji's stream:




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On 11/26/2018 at 6:06 AM, Redarmy said:

GJ Ref, we always knew you could win it for us.

...I'm not gonna change it.

25/11 Sun

@Xeon Wraith(2) vs @Whistle (3)

Match 1: Complex (Winner: Whistle - Nod)

Nod pulls Arty/Lights. GDI tries for a APC rush but it gets spotted and shut down. GDI tries to pull Meds afterward, but lack of field presence lets Nod siege the WF and Ref freely. Ref dies with no contest. Nod rolls in and GDI is left without options to respond.

Match 2: Crash Site (Winner: Xeon - Nod)

Nod pulls Arty/Lights. GDI with MRLS/Meds. Nod's early rollout lets them quickly lock GDI in and kill their GT. Most of Nod's Lights overextend without any repairs and die however. Meds roll up and finish off the Arties. Second wave of Lights and a Flamer arrive to pressure GDI's tanks but is unable to sustain it without repairs. GDI gradually builds up a sizable tank force of Meds and Mammoths and secures their side of the field. A Tech manages to sneak into the WF as they move out however and a distraction nuke and MRLS steal keeps GDI too busy to disarm it in time. Nod floods GDI's base with Lights while GDI Mobius rushes the Ref. The Mobius rush gets spotted and shut down. Nod's tanks shell the rest of GDI's base down.

Match 3: Tunnels (Winner: Whistle - Nod)

GDI all-ins to secure their Harvester. Nod's Harvester subsequently remains untouched. GDI masses a ton of Meds but with minimal repairs. The Meds overextend and get picked off by Nod's Arties and Lights. GDI's base gets shelled down with no contest.

Match 4: XMountain (Winner: Whistle - GDI)

Nod decides to allocate dedicated field repairs so they don't throw away the field. Nod is late with their tank rollout however and GDI pushes Meds by the time Nod has Arties in position. Nod's AT Infantry keeps GDI's tanks at bay but the opportunity cost of vehicles prevents Nod from gaining ground. Nod tries to pull vehicles to push GDI back but is unable to get enough vehicles. Field control goes back and forth. Eventually two Hotwires sneak into Nod's Ref and kill it, with another killing HoN. Nod surrenders.

Team Xeon: -Redarmy +Boxes

Match 5: Field X (Winner: Xeon - GDI)

GDI saves their Harv and Nod loses theirs. Both teams roll out with their standard vehicles. GDI gets a upper hand on the field early, but once again lacks the repairs to maintain pressure. Nod manages to stank rush the AGT shortly after getting pushed back but only deal minor perma damage without any veterancy bonuses. GDI dedicates a MRLS to scan for Stanks and proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes trying to get field repairs and tanks. They don't get them. Eventually, GDI starts buffing with 3-4 tanks getting bits of perma damage on HoN. Nod tries their own rocket rushes through tunnel, but they get scouted and by infantry in the tunnels. After 45 minutes of gametime, two 1K infantry manage to sneak into the Air and deal perma damage to it. This also pulls technicians from HoN and allows GDI to kill it off with their vehicles. Nod quits afterward.

Player list from Minji's stream:



Some really rough games and could have easily gone 5-0 if my team didn't get lucky or if team Whistle pushed hard on tanks. Just basic issues with team composition and a stubbornness to not adapt.

@Tankers: Being able to use a tank does not mean you're beyond taking field repair duty. If I can switch to repairing while holding commander powers, so can you.


I have been receiving numerous reports lately regarding a number of issues concerning the PUGs. Normally I wouldn’t write something like this, but I’m beginning to see these issues starting to have an impact on these weekly events, given how we are once again having difficulty finding the same level of participation we had a month ago. I’ve reached out to a number of players, particularly those that I considered regular players but don’t show up as often anymore, and I asked for their feedback regarding the current state of the PUGs and what we need to improve on.


Firstly, the conduct that we’ve been seeing in the PUGs has been very poor. It has gotten to the point where the attitudes of certain players are beginning to drive away others, and I admit I haven’t been enforcing the behavior rules at all. From what I observe and what players have told me, is that the amount of negativity that comes from one player can be very contagious, and has the capacity to ruin the experience for the rest of the team. Therefore starting now, I wish to see a friendlier and more positive environment in the PUGs. I understand that losing can be frustrating, but the team chat is not the place where you vent and make a fuss. I ask all participants to hold themselves responsible for their actions and exercise control over their emotions. Starting now, all player conduct will be strictly moderated, and any sign of toxicity will be promptly dealt with at our own discretion.


Another issue is team balance. This one is more for the other moderators. Although there hasn’t been a stomp recently, I ask of the mod team to please respect what players have to say in regards to concerns of team balance and abandon any form of bias when forming teams or when rebalancing. It should go without saying that equal teams lead to more rewarding experiences for all players, and that is the goal we strive to achieve. In the long run I do plan on making a more robust system when it comes to picking teams.


If you’ve ever joined a PUG in the past, you should know by now that getting volunteers for commanders almost never happens, primarily because of the responsibility held to lead your team in tandem with having to deal with people that don’t listen to you or straight up reject your ideas, and requiring the vigor to speak over 15 other people in your team. I am considering that voice chat will only be restricted to the commander, and leave it for the commander to decide 3-5 other players in their team to be allowed to use voice chat. All other players will interact the same way as public games, via q-spots and text chat. This should clear comms much more, and at the same time it won’t sacrifice too much merit that comes from unrestricted voice chat. We will experiment with this in the following PUG. As for the players that don’t listen, that will be a bit more difficult to manage. Sometimes players have their game volumes too high and can’t hear others properly, or don’t understand English very well. Depending on how blatant it is, the ‘listen to commander’ rule will be enforced more strictly as well, but we first need to understand the circumstances to see whether or not action is necessary.


It is my hope that these changes will make the PUGs a more engaging and less-chaotic experience.

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