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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone, @AlienXAXS and I have been working hard on the AGN RenX servers. We'd like to open up a thread on the official RenX forums and get some input from the community regarding custom crate types. Currently, the types we have are...

  • Abduction
  • Beacon* (Gives you an ion or a nuke)
  • Character
  • Vehicle
  • Money
  • Nuke
  • Random weapon* (Gives a random weapon, does not work for SBH)
  • Refill
  • Speed
  • Spy
  • Suicide (0% drop chance)
  • Super Money* (Gives 100 credits to everyone on team)
  • Timed C4
  • TS Vehicle (Now includes Tesla Tank)
  • Veterancy

* Is a custom crate

While the rates differ highly, the most common crates are veteran, speed and refill; the death crates have the lowest drop rates of them all. We'd like to ask the community to submit some feedback in this post, regarding new crate ideas and edits for the current crates.

Edited by Sarah!

Refill crate has became more irrevelant than ever since the increased ammo patch. I'd remove it.

Speed crate is lackluster and useless. You need at least 5 to get a slighly noticable effect, but the chance of that is exremely low as most of the time you die before getting the third one. Maybe upgrade it to 10% or keep the 5% but make it permanent.

Now that we have acces to the C&C3 models, add one of the alien ships high above the victim. Could fly-in, fly-out like the C-130. Make it big.

You become a Visceroid which has a chem-like weapon and heals on the tiberium field. The character model is basically a blob, even the one from OldRen would do it. There's no need for weapon model.

Kane/General Sheppard
OP character with all the weapons (or an Obelisk gun) and 500/500 base HP/Armor. Moves very slowly  (speed of 50), so it can be easily crushed by vehicles. Increase its chance at after 30-40 minutes (endgame).

Not sure if this is possible in UDK as I've never seen dinamic weather in it, but it was possible in OldRen. Shortly after taking the crate a thick fog appears, lasting for a minute, limiting the vision to 10-15 meters. It was extremly lulzy to see results of the disappearing fog on Field.

Rage quit
You've got a 50% damage increase but steadily lose health until you die. This could replace the timed C4 which can be survived in many ways.

Midget killer
Kinda silly, you become half of the avarage size. There's a similiar mutator for this in Unreal3.

The camera moves in erratic ways for a minute, making proper aim very difficult. Could be a toned down version which can be found in Paradise.

13 minutes ago, Radeon3 said:

keep the 5%

Contrary to what the message  says after you picked it up, it most certainly does not increment speed in a +5% manner, rather adds "5" speed to your current speed.


What about SBH spy crate for Nod?
Base defence offline crate (it will go offline in 2 minutes for example)
Increased chance for hotwire / tech crate when bar / HON is down


  • Totem Arts Staff
37 minutes ago, SvN91 said:

-Maybe a random new weapon?

-A nuclear/Ion beacon

I hope this is a troll post.


2 hours ago, Henk said:

Speed upgrade could be a little more, but be able to stack up 3 or 4 at most

I'll definitely look into that.


3 hours ago, Radeon3 said:


I was actually thinking of an Obelisk gun... don't know if it's really possible or should be done at that, lol. I'll run them by AlienX.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ☢☢☢☢ said:

if you're going to include the scrin make a team 3 option that way there when you become the scrin  you can unleash chaos on both teams.  but that's a WIP

Maybe Scrin vehicle crates if you ever get them working :P

Edited by Sarah!
1 hour ago, Sarah! said:

Maybe Scrin vehicle crates if you ever get them working :P

Will Engineers and Technicians / Hotwires be able to repair it, or only Chem Troopers (and Tiberium fields)? :D 

  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, limsup said:

Will Engineers and Technicians / Hotwires be able to repair it, or only Chem Troopers (and Tiberium fields)? :D 


2 hours ago, ☢☢☢☢ said:

yes! exactly! this! 

Don't ask me, ask him!


Abduction can just be a instant-suicide/bomb crate or something simple. No non-renegade vehicles or op character crates please. Visceroids sounds good.

The speed upgrade could use more effect, or if you wanna keep the 5% let it be permanent.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, vandal33 said:

Abduction can just be a instant-suicide/bomb crate or something simple. No non-renegade vehicles or op character crates please. Visceroids sounds good.

The speed upgrade could use more effect, or if you wanna keep the 5% let it be permanent.

Instant suicide crates are boring. (RenX already has non Renegade vehicle crates)


Permanent speed boost is basically impossible from my knowledge.

Edited by Sarah!
  • Like 1

Timed Double Speed (60 seconds of 200% movement speed)

Negative Credit Crate (Removes credits from the player (No more than 300 credits, min 0 credits)

Base Defense Offline crate (60 seconds of Disabled base defenses - This affects both teams, although if you can, make it so it affects the player who picked it up, have a reduced penalty by 15 seconds, example GDI pick up crate, 45 seconds of disabled defenses, Nod get 60 seconds.)

Tiberium Bomb (Suicide Crate - But damages nearby targets, does not detonate immediately, after 30 seconds or on player death it detonates (not a lot of damage (About 60 damage - can damage vehicles), but applies a Tiberium Burn effect on explosion for 10 seconds - No damage to vehicles))

Regeneration Crate (Applies a Powerful Healing over time effect (About 10 per second, lasts 60 seconds)

Nuclear War/EMP crate (Nuke detonates in mid-air - Causes all UI elements to disable, for both teams or just the enemy team - Your choice)

Tiberium Fog - Applies a map-wide damage over time effect for all infantry units (about 3 damage per second, this will also prevent Self Healing from Elite and Heroic) - Lasts 30 seconds (Puts a green haze on each player's UI)

Damage Multiplier crate - Gives the player a 1.5x damage multiplier on all weapons for 30 seconds.

Vehicle EMP crate - Disables all vehicles (as per EMP grenade) for 15 seconds.


Just a few random ideas.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

Bodyguards? Or some Bots to help and support you on the Battlefield? Or a small Bot-Team that help you? 2 Engis and 2 Weaponbots and you can give them order? The Bots only on your location and only help you?

A Tiberium Launcher/ Grenade ?  You can  throw the Tiberium Grenade and it will spawn some Tiberium and make 1 minute the normal Tiberium damage on all other Players?

Teleport to a Player or a Player can teleport to you?

Commnadermode? You can create a Maker on the Map with a Info and all of your Team can see it? Or a permanent Info (like a Text) on the right side of the Screen?



Extra weapon crate.
Gives the player one extra random gun to use for as long as his character lives.
Can't give Remote C4s, Timed C4s, Sniper rifle, Ramjet rifle  (to prevent SBHs from becoming mad OP) or any of the handguns, including SMG and silenced SMG.
Can give bottom tier repair gun and marksman rifle.

I like the idea of finding a bot in a crate, even if its just one skill level 7 minigunner bot that does generic bot stuff and dies like a fly.
would be nice if he at least followed you around. pretty darn useless but funny, id name him Derpderp.

i feel crates should be random more so than rewarding.




A crate that completely transforms the map into a skatepark by adding ramps and grindrails and changes the gamemode to a team based Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and the team to get the most points in 5 minutes wins.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff


3 hours ago, MVN050 said:

Bodyguards? Or some Bots to help and support you on the Battlefield? Or a small Bot-Team that help you? 2 Engis and 2 Weaponbots and you can give them order? The Bots only on your location and only help you?

A Tiberium Launcher/ Grenade ?  You can  throw the Tiberium Grenade and it will spawn some Tiberium and make 1 minute the normal Tiberium damage on all other Players?

Teleport to a Player or a Player can teleport to you?

Commnadermode? You can create a Maker on the Map with a Info and all of your Team can see it? Or a permanent Info (like a Text) on the right side of the Screen?


The bot code needs a major rework before that.


I could do the Tiberium Grenade one....


Teleport, eh, would cause a lot of issues.


And I have no idea about commander mode.

1 hour ago, ☢☢☢☢ said:

there should be a gun you get from a crate that allows you to modify the landscape xD it's possible tutorial's online

Unless you can link me to those, I don't think it's possible. Would also cause SEVERE fps lag from lights not being rendered.

21 minutes ago, SvN91 said:

a crate that replaces your weapon to a completely useless water pistol

Would probably just drop all weapons besides the pistol.

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, Syntharn said:

Extra weapon crate.
Gives the player one extra random gun to use for as long as his character lives.
Can't give Remote C4s, Timed C4s, Sniper rifle, Ramjet rifle  (to prevent SBHs from becoming mad OP) or any of the handguns, including SMG and silenced SMG.
Can give bottom tier repair gun and marksman rifle.

I like the idea of finding a bot in a crate, even if its just one skill level 7 minigunner bot that does generic bot stuff and dies like a fly.
would be nice if he at least followed you around. pretty darn useless but funny, id name him Derpderp.

i feel crates should be random more so than rewarding.



If you read the original post, you'll see we already have that. And I still don't want to do bot stuff.

  • Totem Arts Staff
24 minutes ago, Syntharn said:

ooh ok, nvm then hahaha.

i have never gotten that crate though, gonna asume its new?

Well there's been 0 players since I added it into rotation.

  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, kenz3001 said:

tankers crates (gives buffs / de-buffs to vehicles) only vehicles can pick the big metal crate up

I suggested that, but nobody seemed to like it


I'm probably in the minority here, but I never liked the idea of "negative" crates. A crate that kills you, c4's you, downgrades you or otherwise impairs you defeats the whole point IMHO. You shouldn't be punished for picking up a crate when many times the detour to get the crate itself is enough of a risk. 

An airstrike crate might be kinda cool, either that gives you the ability to deploy one, or that summons an immediate one into the crate's location (doesn't hurt you but hurts enemies). I also like the idea mentioned earlier of a crate that spawns a couple of friendly bots to help you out. They won't respawn when they die but one issue I could see is getting out of your vehicle to pick up a crate, the bots spawn and steal your tank! 😂

I agree that the speed crate needs a serious buff. It should add 15% instead of 5%.

Another good idea from elsewhere in the thread, a crate that kills base defenses for 45 seconds, like a mega EMP crate. But to both teams simultaneously.

One thing that annoys me about spy crates is I always get like a marksman spy when I'm a 1K char. Would be nice if spy crates gave you either a lateral character or an upgrade from what you currently are.

  • Like 1

Credit or ammo loss crate sounds good. We need more negative effect crate, like speed downgrade, temporary blindness, minimize or maximize your mouse sensitivity for a while or 2girls1cup video pop up in your screen.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Thief crate - steal some money from the most rich player in the opposite team (maybe 5% of his money).

Casino crate with the sound of roulette. You can bid or not (F1/F2).

6 hours ago, vandal33 said:

We need more negative effect crate

Troll crate - placing your mines randomly and sending messages that you are overmining :D

Edited by UFO
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, vandal33 said:

 2girls1cup video pop up in your screen.

too good! I'd abandon crate whoring after that no thank you.  

end of the day I think it's all up to the server owner/map maker to do whatever they want.  all great ideas but none of them actually used.  

Edited by ☢☢☢☢

Chronosphere crate.
teleports the player to a random spot on the map.

Cyborg implant crate.
Lets your character heal in tiberium for as long as it lives.

Golden pistol crate.
Your hand gun/smg earns you 150 credits for each player kill you make with it, for as long as your character lives.


Well this serves me right for not checking the forum, and look at this - a crazy thread all about nuts ideas, love it!

I'll have a read later when I'm not so tired and see what i can and cannot implement into the AGN server.


Thanks for the ideas so far guys :)


-- AlienX

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 01/12/2017 at 1:05 PM, Ryz said:

Base defence offline crate (it will go offline in 2 minutes for example)

This crate is now live on the AGN Server, thanks for your suggestion.


And fffreak's sugguestion: Timed Double Speed (60 seconds of 200% movement speed) is also live.

Edited by AlienXAXS
11 hours ago, AlienXAXS said:

This crate is now live on the AGN Server, thanks for your suggestion.


And fffreak's sugguestion: Timed Double Speed (60 seconds of 200% movement speed) is also live.


Are these crates going to be shared or are they AGN 'only.'
Especially the base defence offline and the SBH spy for Nod is what I miss in Ren-X

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, Ryz said:


Are these crates going to be shared or are they AGN 'only.'
Especially the base defence offline and the SBH spy for Nod is what I miss in Ren-X

When people get on the server, they are automatically downloaded. Technically, they could be added to other servers, but at the moment I think we want to keep them private. I could be wrong, maybe @AlienXAXS can tell you

Posted (edited)


As stated by [NE]Fobby[GEN], in several interviews and topics :

“Not only will Renegade X have a sizeable fan base, but in the future, we can develop a self-sufficient community that develops new, refreshing content”

In accordance I have created my own unique set of features, by which I aim to differentiate my server, and provide a unique experience for our players. I have invested a considerable amount of my time to develop these features. Should it prove to be appealing for the fan base, Renegade-X Developers could perhaps adapt some of them to the game itself.

I personally would like to encourage other like-minded people, to realise their potential, after all, the possibilities are nearly limitless when talking about Mutators!  There are so many ideas waiting to be realised – diversity is salutary, and in my opinion the fan base should be the ultimate judge of our efforts.

All, of what I have created is open for everyone to experience on [AGN], I hope you shall have an enjoyable time playing there.

Edited by AlienXAXS

What about a double jump crate
Or a hover crate, lets you float for a second after you jumped.

You could get into some pretty cool places like that. (hopefully not out of the map)

6 minutes ago, Gliven said:

What about a double jump crate

Double jumping is already possible with a mutator, as shown on CNC-Deck (the Deathmatch version of DM-Deck UT3 Map), however i feel it would cause so many out of map exploits that would not work well until the new patch comes in with the play-area volumes.

Just now, AlienXAXS said:

Double jumping is already possible with a mutator, as shown on CNC-Deck

that is why i suggested it, and yeah i can see it causing too many problems :(

  • Totem Arts Staff
4 minutes ago, CoreDefender said:

I would like to see the other missing Renegade vehicles, including the civilian vehicles as crates:



Adding those old ass models would look terrible, in my opinion. If someone redid them, I would be happy to rig them.


Yes, that's what I meant, recreating the models for UDK and rigging them.

There's hardly a reason not to at this point, now that we're getting the M2 Bradley vehicle as a crate... and these would be simpler to add because there's no turret to worry about rigging for them.

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