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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Henk

    Player Cards

    Can you make one of me being a suicide engineer? I loved doing that before the remote C4 detonate delay.
  2. Needs a longer tail in my opinion, you can achieve that with reverb (on the sample)
  3. I've uploaded a new version, try again Антагонист
  4. Looks like you didn't add the upk (environment package)
  5. View File CNC-Powerplay A small map designed for 6 vs 6 at most. Could be great for filling up a server when the playercount is low. Barracks vs Hand Of Nod The cooling tower was based of an abandoned cooling tower I visited last year during an urban exploration trip. Submitter Henk Submitted 03/30/2019 Category Levels
  6. Henk


    Version 1.0.2


    A small map designed for 6 vs 6 at most. Could be great for filling up a server when the playercount is low. Barracks vs Hand Of Nod The cooling tower was based of an abandoned cooling tower I last year during an urban exploration trip.
  7. It takes some time to figure out what is and what is not a path on the outer edges of the map. As for the design, I'm not gonna experiment or work out any new layout, I just made the map functional, added the final touches to make it playable (which already took longer than expected). The outer blocking volumes were already in it btw.
  8. Click 5 years, or Max.. the stock was this price before in april of 2017, and had always been lower before that.
  9. 40-50 players is my preference for most maps, some smaller maps are better with lower playercounts.
  10. Oh nice Soundcloud embed is also possible! Visiting this festival next week, here's a nice warm-up mix with euphoric to raw hardstyle. If you're not really familiar with Hardstyle the euphoric stuff is a great place to start imo.
  11. 3rd person gives you a 6th sense ☺️
  12. The point is you'd no longer mine your base, you have the laser doors. You put your personal mines where you'd like them, like around a beacon, in the field, use your own strategy. Could increase the enemy detection radius..
  13. For mines along with laser doors I was thinking of limiting them to 3-5 per person, and make them weaker, like they were in the first betas. You could still defend your doors a little extra with them if you'd like, but also players could finally put them wherever they like. The team-based mine limit and mining strategy are just hard to understand for new players. This way they will be like AT mines. Another advantage of the laser doors is that they prevent early rushes, since this defense would be up from the start. My initial laser door suggestion had the idea of being able to (temporarily ?) "break" or disable the door by suiciding on the lasers, just like we can suicide/sacrifice ourselves on mines at the moment. The reasoning behind this is that it would require some power to kill an infiltrator with the lasers, and the door would need some time to recharge (or ofcourse help from a friendly repair gun). This is my idea for the HUD: The buildings have a small status bar under them, blue means all good, red means under attack, grey means disabled. Since these doors would be linked to their buildings this would be possible, unlike with mines. A downside might be that it would be a bit too easy for the defenders since you'd know which building is being infiltrated right away.
  14. I think he means on the overview map.
  15. @Cephyrus I like those synths
  16. yay forums back online. Check out this legend:
  17. Good taste @HuskerDoggo Visiting Loudness this saturday, visited Origins last saturday:
  18. Henk


    Version 1.0.0


    A simple deathmatch map blockout. The total filesize is just under 3.6MB so it can be downloaded via the ingame downloader quickly I'm aware that you can walk on the walls of the structures, keep in mind that this is still in the blockout phase, a lot can change, and if the map is recieved well I can make it more detailed and more refined. Please note that this is not an official map or anything, just a blockout, and something to play around with when there's a low player count, or to have fun on with bots.
  19. View File CNC-Prototype A simple deathmatch map blockout. The total filesize is just under 3.6MB so it can be downloaded via the ingame downloader quickly I'm aware that you can walk on the walls of the structures, keep in mind that this is still in the blockout phase, a lot can change, and if the map is recieved well I can make it more detailed and more refined. Please note that this is not an official map or anything, just a blockout, and something to play around with when there's a low player count, or to have fun on with bots. Submitter Henk Submitted 01/20/2018 Category Levels
  20. Henk

    Spies everywhere :)

    The best thing about having a flametrooper spy is running into a Nod flametrooper.
  21. So many knees in that thumbnail
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