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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. It could be used to scramble nearby enemy radar.
  2. *awkward silence*
  3. Left-Click (primary): Shoots guided rockets (will follow targets that are "locked") Right-Click (secondary): Shoots unguided missiles (ignores the locking system)
  4. Yeah but how is giving the harvester a gun would stop 10 tanks in siege from farming points without making that harvy gun ridiculously overpowered? A better solution is to allow some kind of team vote to allow the Harvester to hold position in base, like parked in the refinery or something.
  5. Early harvester rushes would be ruined.
  6. Has been brought up before and this happens on some other maps. You deserve to blow 2 buildings with 1 ion/nuke if you defend the beacon well.
  7. The MVP calculation isn't as superior as conscious human judgement. Just because someone is top score doesn't mean he is capable of leadership and command. It could be an AFKer doing repairs on buildings with zero commanding experience. What if there is no last game (server reset f.e.) or the players who won those mvp tittles left game? We still need to decide who is the best commander. Not sure why we need to create value on those awards, but people are already motivated to play better if they wanted to earn their teammate's trust to be voted commander.
  8. Never knew about this...
  9. chrono vortex maybe
  10. MVP shouldn't be a big deal nor taken seriously. Just give it to the guy with the most points, eventhough I spent the whole game disarming countless C4s on MCTs and beacons near buildings, the guy with most points being MVP wouldn't make me complain. People should know there aren't any real ways to accurately determine who is the true savior to the game and getting MVP is nothing special.
  11. 60 player-orgy-circus in a single game is a bit too much. Gameplay feels very different.
  12. Credit or ammo loss crate sounds good. We need more negative effect crate, like speed downgrade, temporary blindness, minimize or maximize your mouse sensitivity for a while or 2girls1cup video pop up in your screen.
  13. Abduction can just be a instant-suicide/bomb crate or something simple. No non-renegade vehicles or op character crates please. Visceroids sounds good. The speed upgrade could use more effect, or if you wanna keep the 5% let it be permanent.
  14. Yes, Lakeside few weeks ago. Was hiding behind the tree outside barracks. I laughed at that moment when we just stared at each other and not shooting.
  15. I think everybody are allowed to play however the way they want as long as they are not team-hampering like having a truce with one of the enemy players... This means I am fine with poi doing his kdr farming with his sniper killing spree although I'm aware many people dislike him for this. But what about his other reason why people hate him? Being a boastful-ego jerk. I've seen him being a cunt to new players before, like calling them "stupid campers" and rage quit after they ruined his kdr simply by killing him eventhough they weren't even camping. Not only this annoyed/amused his opponents, but even some of his teammates were also annoyed that he simply joins for his selfish kdr farming agenda and leaves when it is ruined. This is why his name keeps being brought up (in a bad way) in this and possibly other cheat-related topics. I know they are plenty of good players and some were also accused of hacking and doing plenty of "impossible shots", but only poi and jpj were hated even outside of a game. I understand he keeps being trolled in game by people who hates him but that's no excuse to behave worse. And wow, they even made nonconstructive posts here.
  16. I don't know how they value a player to be come the Most Valuable Player for the match, but half of the time it always picks someone who is not the most useful or the true game changer who made a difference to the team. I'm not saying that MVP-awarded player didn't deserve it, it's just that the MVP is based on the algorithm, not by a conscience judgement so people shouldn't take MVP seriously or believe it is always correct when judging the best player.
  17. I knew something is fishy about those names.
  18. There are times where people were actually minding their own business and didn't need to fight. I was a technician trying to sneak in and bumped in a Hotwire also trying to sneak in my base on the way. We both agreed not to shoot each other because we're trying to sneak in, we don't wanna combat. Another time, I was technician also trying to sneak in, a GDI soldier spotted me and started shooting. I was like " damn, I'm so dead" and didn't even try fighting back or running away, so I just stand still waiting to get killed. He stopped shooting me at 10HP, and then just stared at me. I didn't attempt to fight him because he didn't kill me when he clearly can so I continued sneaking in (with that Soldier following me without shooting) until someone else caught and killed me. I think he felt pity shooting a defenseless technician. But I agree something should be done if 2 players not killing each other because they're buddies. Deliberately allowing enemies to kill your allies is team hampering. This is utter bullshit. They don't deserve to be top players if they are not willing to fight people on their level so they can easily pick off the easier opponents who are actually playing because they are obsessed with k/d ratio instead of trying to win.
  19. I like AOW's extra winning condition. If a team managed to defend their base against all sorts of attacks from the other team, then they deserve to keep their base and the other team is forced to win with time expiry. It's a small victory to the losing team if they still manage to defend until time runs out. This kinda belief would (hopefully) reduce rage quitters. Unlimited timed games that don't end by the time an AOW should end would only drag the game on for hours, causing people to quit because we only be doing the same thing and failing it over and over again until one team is weakened when their players started leaving or just got bored and started trolling. And Heroic mendozas running everywhere. Honestly, if I was recording a match like this, it wouldn't look fun playing for hours doing and failing the same thing and I don't think people who don't play Renegade would find this appealing. Just my thoughts.
  20. Ion is an electric charge but I think the stealth armor is already bad enough to get nerf.
  21. They should have sticked to C&C Commando.
  22. We can't remove rage quits completely, it exists in any games that don't have penalties for abandoning games. People rage quit when a building gets destroyed. They just thought that it's better for them to leave if their abilities are limited when they lost a building. A small step to slightly reduce rage quitting might be reducing the effects of losing a building. Maybe a buff to free infantry will always help teams that lose any building a chance to fight back. I never like the VP system because I'm always against anything that punishes losing team even more and while it is good that it encourages people to stop throwing their lives in vain, it also discourages people from doing rushes although this game is based on RTS, rushing and being cannonfodders as regular infantry shouldn't be penalized heavily.
  23. When airstrike is called, explosive presents are dropped.
  24. I agree this rant should be locked long time ago but why not request in a normal manner?
  25. Mobius/Mendoza are supposed to be medium-range anti infantry units. Syd/Rav are tank killers. The "epic sniping battles" happen in Renegade because snipers at that time are the best anti-infantry weapon, even at close range. A Deadeye in Renegade can easily kill an officer, laser chaingun black hand, and even mendoza in close combat. In Renegade X, snipers are adjusted to be long-range only as their close combat has been nerf, you can take down a deadeye easily with officers now. So, why not adjust chem/flame/autos to be powerful at close range as these weapons are more suitable to be the ones dominating tunnels/CQB ? They are 1k for a reason isn't a good argument here because that 1k already earned them being the most poweful anti infantry in open areas. You want a 1k-tier tunnel defender, get mobius/mendoza. You want a 1k anti-tank, get raveshaw or sydney. The problem in Renegade, it doesn't make much sense snipers are overpowered at close range even against CQB weapons. This is why in Renegade, people only use snipers and engineers and sometimes black hand stealth.
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