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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. Base Defense: Does this new building defense mechanic completely deters technicians from infiltrating? I kinda like it if they can still blow buildings up alone when players are solely relying on their defensive tools. Infantry/Buy-able weapons : While I agree with reducing the TTK as headshots are supposed to be bonus, not a necessity, I hope the ability to buy weapons won't be annoying like when technicians have tiberium auto rifles. Only special equipment like grenades and beacons are purchasable is nice. But I like how each infantry is specialized at something, like the AT classes have AT mines, EMP grenades, flak armor and powerful anti-armor weapon. Personally, I'm not into purchasable repair tools as repairing is a special ability and should be something only a special class could. I like if players are forced to work as a team and mix their group with different kinds of characters, not being all-rounders. I'm aware it would limit a player's usefulness in the field, but that's what teammates are for. It wouldn't be as boring as Red Alert Path Beyond and TS Reborn, since those games even restrict C4 and pistols to most classes and Renegade X has more features. The idea is to make it more RTS-like but even in RTS basic infantry are only limited to rifles, rocket soldiers and engineer/infiltration classes would die easily to even basic infantry (but they are lucky enough to get a pistol, they are completely defenseless in RTS games, forcing you to rely on other combatants to escort them). Vehicles: I like the idea of more weapons for vehicles and different armor points (Path Beyond has this). The "who's-better-at-holding-left-click" thing is getting boring. Repairs: Currently, the repair units seem fine: one basic engineer that is available anytime and an advanced version so those who want to become repairmen can spend something to upgrade on. Game modes: The problem is other people doesn't really seem to like infantry warfare, since they used to complain about that Valley map (I like that map).
  2. If there was a text message announcing what the EVA is saying, people can read and respond faster. Renegade has this. The GDI EVA speaks very slowly, especially when it needs to say "Warning" in the beginning but I understand it's for making it sound clearer. Not a priority issue by the way. I used to play the game without the EVA sounds.
  3. All maps that has a Mammoth Tank.
  4. calm down... Nod already have a fast vehicle that shoots explosives. Also, MPF server isn't Renegade anymore.
  5. Last few days I asked my friend (who I insisted him on trying this game but he stopped playing) why he stopped playing. The reasons he gave was already mentioned in here: Very toxic community (I don't think this is the big problem for him since he plays games with equally toxic community like CSGO and R6S. But still a contributing factor). Game is very boring, I didn't understand at first what he meant but he explained it's because the unlimited timed games. I think it's because he plays 2 hours doing no progress and the game changer activities takes only 10 minutes to achieve destroying some buildings. He rather finished that match via time expiry where people will play seriously immediately after map change instead of waiting for people to start acting after 2 hours where most had already left the game. He thinks it is stupid other people are controlling how he should be using his own Proximity C4 - kinda disagree with him on this since mines are team-shared but I feel him, the game is forcing everyone to be using mines defensively (since it is the best place) when the possibility and creativity of using mines can do much more. He dislike how the price of characters contribute more than skills and he keeps getting killed by better characters - He sees the free characters barely do any damage to a mendoza (well it's based on RTS so I tried explaining this to him and how mendoza are anti infantry specialist). He plays other FPS games where the starting weapon can easily kill someone with the most expensive gun (btw, pls buff shotguns).He didn't mention this but I would like to add that team-stackers may also contribute him leaving the game since I suspect he gets killed by them a lot. (in his own words) The game is a radio-spam simulator. As for me, I stopped playing for almost 2 months mainly because I had trouble reinstalling and downloading it. It's just a small problem but the factors listed above makes me trying harder to reinstall it less encouraging.
  6. This game gets hated to the point people starts disrespecting one's opinion. "true C&C fans" will attack you and accuse EA is paying you to advertise if you play or like the game.
  7. Telling new players to stop "over-mining" won't help them. I wonder if they even know what does the term "over-mining" means in Renegade X.
  8. Repairing low power AGT and obelisks can give points, VP and money while denying the enemy from getting them (aside from farming points/credits/vp by attacking the tower) and you won't lose as long as the building is intact. I don't see that being pointless just because its primary function is disabled.
  9. Players that are using steam can still abuse it. Some legit !rec users are not using steam. !rec is based on the person's opinion so he can argue the person he !rec deserves it. Also what Sarah! said. They don't do anything. People shouldn't take the recs seriously.
  10. There is nothing wrong preserving the powerless AGT/Obelisk, especially in unlimited timed games.
  11. They probably don't wanna do another C&C game. They got attacked very badly from tiberian twilight and rivals reaction. Might even hold a grudge against the C&C community.
  12. no surprise someone is gonna make a thread about this one day.. I think the devs are aware of this although they don't seem to do much
  13. Damn. The first thing that comes to my mind about a Demolition Experts is that he would at least have the Timed C4s.
  14. Single-shot weapons are always powerful in a game with high TTK. Basically, the weapons in this game that has a low firing-rate is very powerful in firefights if the user is good in his accuracy. The only exception is the shotgun that is sadly barely useful. Making the Railgun/PIC's crosshair wider for more difficult aiming is a good start but people with good accuracy will still kill easily. Maybe have them to have lower mobility and/or other guns have more damage on Raveshaws and Sydneys. I already like how the flak jacket taking extra damage from bullets.
  15. I love this one.
  16. Timed matches are good because it will end the map before people starts getting bored and leave. People will get bored and ask for a map change after 45-60 minutes anyway in unlimited time. Making marathon 2-3 hours would be nice if AOW is too short.
  17. I think players mostly don't mind playing 6 hours long game. Otherwise, they won't join unlimited time games in the first place.
  18. Well, we could start working on that GDE vs Brotherhood of Mod idea. Stealth Black Toe. Stiberium harvester. Rotwire. Womendoza. Deadnose.
  19. Why is it a surprise? Most C&C-related games created unofficially by the community have this low playerbase. Even the original Renegade right now. There are a number of reasons such as the new generation doesn't recognize C&C as a great franchise and people nowadays are not really into games with high TTK.
  20. Another things I think that is gonna help the community grow: 1. No unlimited time games that passed 1 hour. The game gets dull where everyone just be doing the same thing over and over again until one team gets bored and left/stop trying. This is the kind of games that you don't want newbies to be in because they'll see how boring and dull it gets. 2. Stop flaming people, in general or targeted. A hostile environment is not a welcoming one. 3. People making a big fuss out of a losing game. 4. No Team stacking and radio spamming. 5. Less player limit. (64 is too much)
  21. The repair tools are bugged. Ammo keeps showing 1337/0. Please fix it. It's unbearable for me.
  22. Players explain to the newcomer why is he/she mine-banned. Many newcomers that were mine-banned for overmining thought they were bullied for no reason and never come back when they left. People stop blaming/complaining about their team and gloating about their score. No team-stackers. People stop flooding the screen with spammed radio messages. EA suddenly allow this game be on Steam.
  23. Would be bad for a player who contributed a lot for his team to only have all those efforts for nothing if he is put to the losing team during the match. I know it's about fun and not about winning or losing, but people want to be rewarded by their efforts. All of the hard work would be wasted and hamper his own newly-switched team. It gets more frustrating if you had done a lot for the team but gets switched just because the losing players rage quit. This I agree. There is nothing wrong with the swapping feature. The problem is when the experienced people are abusing it to stack teams for their own selfish reasons. The swap feature shouldn't be changed just because several people are misusing it, the majority of the players don't stack teams and limiting the swap features would create more problems to most players who would want to use it legitimately. Keep the swapping feature lax, if people misuse it for team-stacking or abandon their former team to the winning side, give them a friendly warning. If they continue to the point of making you feel like limiting the feature, blacklist them! Then, remove their swapping rights.
  24. yeah right as if players in renegade x are actually gonna be listening to the commander in shooter games compared to computer controlled units in strategy games
  25. All I'm seeing here are these typical online gamers disrespecting other players and trying to justify whatever the reasons they have, it is still against the rules and we don't wanna hear the arguments in this thread. Take it to the PMs instead of derailing it any further. About the server, good job server owners. I like it if you keep it vanilla style as possible. Just my thoughts.
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