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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. If LCG are too vulnerable to snipers, I prefer giving the snipers nerf rather than buff the LCG. That would still be an indirect buff for them.
  2. What makes LCG so special until he needs to be immune to sniper fire? He's already a tough bastard, so using snipers against them should be a thing instead of fighting this overwhelmingly-armed and armored heavy guy head on.
  3. is the ddos guy still doing it? i thought he's gone
  4. About losing buildings taking away some of the options you have, being hampered by it is the core gameplay. I do agree that the punishment does take away some of the fun, since you are restricted from doing certain things. I was thinking maybe we could improve the weaker units so teams that lost a building can still make use of whatever they have left and improvise without being too far behind. For example, someone loves playing as a sniper only, but gets frustrated when his barracks/hand of nod is destroyed and his accessibility to snipers is now locked so he leaves. We can sit down and think why did he choose to leave instead of continue playing as a marksman. Marksman can still fill the role of a sniper (camping in bunkers, counter infantry at distance, weaken field repairs, etc) but they have a much weaker weapon. Perhaps we can improve the marksman class so it's still not frustrating for people who loves playing snipers when they lose their infantry barracks/hand of nod. Give EMP grenades to rocket soldiers too so teams without barracks/hand of nod can clear mines. Doesn't matter if the EMP is weaker or has longer cooldown, as long as players with no bar/HoN still has the option to use emps without needing to be a commander. Another example when hand of nod is gone, you can't do Mendoza rush anymore and rocket soldiers are expensive if you don't have a power plant or refinery. This makes players lose hope as the free characters can't do much. What if we make flamethrowers more viable in taking out buildings. I know it sounds crazy for free infantry to easily crush a building but it's better than having frustrated players with no hope leaving since it's physically impossible to do building rushes with free infantry and win. I was thinking maybe they can be a weaker free substitute for mendozas. Basically I just want the permanent characters to be a viable substitute to whatever options you have when you still have the barracks or hand of nod, but with weaker guns/repairs. The only exception is being a stealth character (SBH) or the ability to deploy mines (hotwire/technician). I enjoy seeing how valuable sbh/hot/techs are when they are irreplaceable, often teammates trying to protect them, or enemies hunting them down (like placing a beacon to bait them out) and I like the team communication asking "do they have a tech left?" or someone saying "player1234 & knabis65 are the last tech" . Just my thoughts.
  5. Might as well allow all players the ability to sell their vehicle. Because allowing commander to refund team vehicle is the same as that and if this is implemented, then commanders would be using this ability to allow teammates sell their unwanted vehicle so you might as well let each players do it themselves to their own vehicles. As for your other points regarding team vehicle destruction in that paragraph, I've already explained why it's bad.
  6. Yes, it is a team game. Therefore, you must put up with your teammate's choice of vehicle instead of having 1 person deciding which vehicle to keep and destroy if he doesn't like it. You think your newbie teammate buying the wrong vehicle at the wrong time is wasting vehicle slots? Guide them, let them know and understand we need more useful vehicles and his vehicle is wasting slot. If he doesn't listen, then the team is in trouble because (like you said) it's a team game. Not to mention we had topics about how the toxic elitist community is already scaring away a lot new players. Imagine if a team loses their power plant and refinery. There's one heroic player saved up money to buy a mammoth tank because he knows 1 Heroic mammoth can help defend the base. 5 minutes later, a commander wants an orca rush and he notices there's a mammy, he blows it up. How would the buyer feel? What if toxic people abuses it because they hold a grudge on another player they dislike? Teammates and moderators (especially if there are none in game) may not get the full picture of the situation and the commander guy can just justify his action is for the good of his team and he was just using the commander feature to remove unwanted vehicle to free 1 slot.
  7. Not sure if those things are even related to C&C.
  8. You can always try TSR for those who want a Tib Sun version of Renegade.
  9. Since we are already talking about why newcomers don't come back, I see a few things that may be frustrations to them. One-sided games: Nobody finds being trapped in your own base for 2 hours fun. Most players on the team would just sit in base, repairing buildings and try to fend off the attackers holding them under siege. But new players would off course buy something expensive and tries to get out of the base. They would end up being killed over and over again (espeically if the other team is stacked and kill-whoring) until they realize it's not possible to leave the base alive and quits. Community: (yes im not done with my community rant) New players won't feel like they are welcomed. One obvious example that I didn't mention in my previous post is the proximity C4 placement. A newblet picks a technician and finds he has proximity C4. Wouldn't take long for him to realize it works like a land mine, so he just places it all over the field and a veteran player sees this. What did the veteran do? Tell the new guy his bad mine placements is gonna hamper the team and asked him to remove them because mine count is limited and team-shared... Off course not, he's gonna outright call a mine ban on the guy. Urging everyone else to press F1 and the vote passed. How woud the new guy feel? He has no idea what he done wrong and discovers that he is banned from placing more mines (might even think it's permanent) so he's gonna say the community was just bullying him and he won't be coming back. I think the learning curve is not the bigger factor, anyone can think if mines are limited, the smartest location to place them is at the bottleneck of the objective you are defending (building doors) so I think people can get along with the learning if the other factors didn't scare them away. They don't understand and appreciate Renegade: I won't be surprised if new players have no idea what's going on when they were playing the game. People using weird terms, radio spam drowning all the other sounds, etc isn't a good atmosphere to them. Even if you say "mining", some are gonna think about mining diamonds or minerals instead of laying mines (even a C&C player who doesn't play renegade might think it's about harvesting resources). Another thing is tiberium, the game didn't say anywhere they are harmful. People might just think its grass and get frustrated when they die on it. Then there's the blue colour one which could bait them to die from it as well. And what if they wonder why is an old man (mobius) is a high tier character? Those who played Renegade knows he's an important character in the story and the devs just reuse him in multiplayer as a playable character but since renegade x doesn't have singleplayer, newbies won't understand and they won't appreciate it like we do. This isn't a big factor, but I once lost interest in a game simply because I don't understand the lore behind it because whenever the game shows something iconic about it, I felt clueless.
  10. Community. Is there a mute function on specific players? Because I'm tired of hearing fu loser team this, fu stupid loser team that,.... a useless 0-score mobius in a lab coat from the other team saying "mines at 16/24" in all-chat every 10 seconds.. and give them a notification if they're muted so these fuckers know no one wants to listen to their crap. Would be nice to mute/limit radio chatters too from specific players spamming because I hate having half of the top-left quadrant of my screen blocked by green text. Not having a commander sucks, yes. But it's even more annoying when people treats it like a serious crime. People trolling after losing 1 building. And trash talks those who didn't vote surrender, blocking people who are repairing buildings, go into afk (even until the next game), commanders using the /c function to curse at teammates or just talk irrelevant non-gameplay stuffs. 64 players is a problem too.
  11. At least you guys are slightly better than the Renegade community. How Renegade multiplayer (as of now) isn't newbie friendly is even worse and some of the admins even said they don't care about growing the community (they said they tried and it failed). We also have team-stacking problems, small playerbase, and most players being rude and childlish in general at the renegade community. Now, Renegade X has all of that too but I gotta admit the moderation team is friendly and nice (while Renegade's mods can be as toxic as the worst most toxic player here and they make up more than half of the toxic players there) so give yourselves a clap and continue what you're doing.
  12. Better Under or Field. People are used to playing these maps all day.
  13. I was around when we could buy tiberium guns if the team captured the silo. There was indeed an issue there. Allowing technicians "the possibility to create their own loadouts" and turning them into an all-rounder combat-repair unit isn't "awesome" in a balancing perspective.
  14. They are remastering Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. This was the new game they announced 6 months ago. So far, they already released 1 preview art at this point.
  15. Umm, since when Nod uses Russian weapons?
  16. The repair facility isn't a main building, I don't like seeing extra unimportant stuffs cluttering in the icons section. Personally, I don't like having the loading screens or at least make it a plain black screen with the words "loading game" on it.
  17. I understand the original game is great and renegade x doesn't feel like playing the original (I even miss using the purchase terminal from the other side of a wall, that was a cool unintended feature) but Renegade X isn't a HD remake of C&C Renegade. The new changes like how they balance the classes and maps is why I play, otherwise I would just play Renegade. In the original only snipers, engineers and stealth soldiers are used. Most infantry battles are just snipers in third person view free-targeting (they call it V-shooting). Even the Renegade server that is the closest to the original and has people playing is heavily modified.
  18. A Tiberian Dawn version of Renegade is in the works. https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417185-tiberian-dawn-ground-zero-official-announcement/
  19. So the coaxial MG is more of a scanner than an anti-infantry (which is fine since medium tanks are not meant to be very effective infantry-killers). I don't feel stealth tanks should be "nerfed" on small maps since they are already having a harder time hiding than on big maps especially people who have bad vehicle handling. I'm not sure if it's gonna break small maps but I don't see them a big deal on big maps but I was thinking if coaxial MGs are on small maps then limit them like only for people with high veterancy (IF it is possible). It's just a personal benefit for elite players so not everybody in GDI have the MG tank which I believe would be bad for Nod if everybody has it. Like Titans and Tick Tanks from Tiberian Sun have sensors only when they're elite, medium tanks shouldn't have the ability to look for stealth (and attack infantry) easier right from the start.
  20. I see loyal fans who has been following the development for years got disrespectfully trolled by deliberate misinformation. Anyway, I shouldn't be disappointed even if everything is a joke because I don't like any of the changes except City map and driveable Harvesters. They don't feel like Renegade, even Blue Nod discomforts me.
  21. whats a battle royale mode?
  22. This made me very happy. Finally!
  23. Some interesting ideas, I like the end-game options such as pedestals and sudden-death and yes, water invincibility sucks. But No grenadier/flamethrower explosion when death please. People don't really find death-rewarding perks a good thing in FPS games, especially when you could do friendly fire with it. There's a reason why Red alert a path beyond removed this feature from the soviet grenadier/flamethrower. Vehicle collision damage would be bad for some players (like myself) with lags. I dont know if it's just my rig or the game's engine, but I am having trouble driving vehicles. Making collision damage would encourage me not to use vehicles even more. And I don't like stealth sweep. I like it better if Nod stealth have the advantage of the first attack with GDI cannot do anything until they started attacking first. Stealth units aren't that powerful when they're discovered. I prefer GDI being forced to random shooting if they are looking for stealth . GDI being forced to recall some units from the field to watch base or spend more time patrolling is one trick Nod can do to keep enemies occupied. All this is gone if they can easily spend some cp to scan the base. This is too much hand-holding for GDI.
  24. Akbaro did make some good points but I don't think the problem is as big as he sees it. I can agree with the "winning team will continue winning" because veterancy does punish losing teams even further with the excuse of making them lose faster just because some people doesn't like match going on for hours. In Renegade, some modded servers have veterancy that gives your character slightly more armor and abilities (such as calling bot reinforcements) but it doesn't seem like it was aimed to finish a game faster because people really enjoyed matches lasting 5 hours unlike us renegade X players. Curious why unlimited time games are more popular here. The veterancy here is to make games end faster and easier to destroy buildings but at the same it makes it harder for comebacks if half your team is still veterans and the opponents are heroics. Ok, maybe they deserve that lost for not playing well to get higher VP but turning it into a slaughter-fest is not the way, especially when you have new players there.
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