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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. Nod would get electric-resistant suit against Ion cannons and volt auto rifles.
  2. I never noticed losing power makes your buildings take damage in the original C&C games, damage must be unnoticeable. They also shut radar and superweapons so if losing power is gonna be more punishing, I expect something like slowing down your productions, beacons or radar. Anyway, losing power already makes vehicles and character purchases increased by 50% and disable primary base defense. This is usually bad enough considering I've seen so many angry players flaming the team before rage-quitting when losing the power plant.
  3. I only wish the Chem troopers have more resistance against Tiberium fletchette guns and auto rifles (mendoza's one if either of them are spies). One thing I like about their chemical suits in Renegade is they are not only protection from tiberium fields, but also make them good counters against sydneys and patch (they were using tiberium weapons in Renegade).
  4. A mutant Sydney would be good, Nod already have mutant Raveshaw.
  5. no, I feel proud voting for my awesome self
  6. I dont get it, your commander chat wont appear at the center unless you begin with /c ...... Was there a new update force all of the commander's teamchat to appear in the Center or something?
  7. This is true. I spent a lot of time being nosy on mpf and rencorner renegade community. I heard that they dislike the graphics, jumping is bad with that weird UT gravity, bad vehicle steering, bad physics, etc. It's like they were only expecting a HD remake of Renegade on a new engine but they didn't expect everything bad that comes with it. And yes, most of the remaining players there are hardcore fans who didn't like how RenegadeX make them feel like playing a different game.
  8. Infiltrators can turn the tide of the battle on his own at least. But I haven't seen any good infiltrator players playing recently.
  9. I always see that Nod base defenses are good against tanks while the GDI ones are good against infantry and light vehicles since GDI already have better tanks. I think this is how Westwood put in the asymmetric balance to it. I'm not a fan of having more guard towers. Nod turret alone aren't very powerful in what they do (destroying tanks) but the guard tower is too good against infantry. When GDI attacks Nod base on Under or Field, the outer GT is always the first to go down. The AGT already have machine guns and the AGT can handle infiltrations as effective as how turrets + obelisk handle tanks. Base defenses only act as support so Nod players are forced to have teamwork or be very careful if they want to sneak in. Most of the element in defense should come from the players efforts. Having guard towers along with a working AGT gives GDI more than enough defense. Also, the problem with Under and Field is that GDI always dominate the field with their tanks, I don't think Nod should be nerf in their infiltration and sneaking attempt. Even if GDI loses their power plant on Under, it still takes ages for Nod to finish off GDI even when they can sneak around all base.
  10. disc thrower would be just another grenadier, give something unique like AA-soldier or hacker
  11. vandal33


    Just allow players to see enemy player names when they're inside vehicles.
  12. 1. I like this one. No war is complete without navy. 2. It would make some vehicles redundant. 3. It was a bad idea in Interim Apex. 4. Machine guns on Medium tanks please. 5. The M2 Light tank can already do that. Plus, this would make Mammoths look less special. 6. I like this one. I've been hoping this would happen for a long time. 7. we have bikes?? 8. I would only give Nod a Recon Bike. GDI can stick to their MLRS and Mammoth tank. 9. Or increase its armor. 10. We already have bonus infantry. If we are to have another, I want The Terminator or John Rambo. 11. Not a bad idea. 12. Agree. 13. Agree. 14. I don't think it fits the game. 15. Rifle Infantry are already bad against tanks. I don't think they need another nerf. 16. Encourages people to be lazy.
  13. Where's my medal?
  14. Same here. Small text in the donate screen when I'm trying to see who has the least cash.
  15. Winter Crash sounds good.
  16. I prefer a TOW Humvee for GDI's special anti-air, while Nod counterpart would be a recon bike.
  17. Yeah, since we're talking about this bot thingy, I just hate when a server automatically adds bots immediately after players agree to kick them all. Not fun playing with them. There are times where one team has 6 bots and 4 players while the other team has 9 players. New player joins and gets put in the team with the 9 players. Not to mention those bots may just buy and leave empty vehicles to clog up the airstrip or factory bay, abandon vehicles in field to give enemy players, steals your tank if you don't lock it and do something stupid with it, spamming the kill feed with their constant suicides, bad drivers where they stop in your way or push you against your direction when you're retreating your badly damaged vehicle (something that harvester usually do but I can forgive harvs, they look so adorable beetles)... I know the AI players are meant to beef up numbers so low-player games wouldn't be quiet and boring, but they are a poor substitute for extra players where their crazy and wacky playstyles would give people the wrong experience they should be having from this game, turning it into something that didn't play or sound like how Renegade X should be like.
  18. I don't like all infantry can purchase mines. I like how losing a barracks/hand of nod impacts base mining as well and any remaining technicians/hots are extremely valuable and how the other team would hunt down those last tech/hots.
  19. The Bot AI is still pretty dumb.
  20. If a teammate ignores a warning, I doubt spamming like a madman would solve anything. Removing the spam limit wouldn't make a difference, they would still ignore all that warning if 5 radio spottings still couldn't get their attention. We can't change the players no matter how much we change the game. Spamming radios isn't specific but typing in chat can be, like when you typed "enemy tech in ref" people will understand and quickly defend the refinery (the teammates that didn't ignore message) but spamming "Refinery needs repair [99%]" 5 times wouldn't make everyone think there's an enemy inside, let alone if another teammate is spotting-spamming on other things. Also, some players don't take radio spams seriously anymore because people do that too much until it lost its meaning. I think people are relying to much on radio, this spotting feature made everyone lazy to type. Maybe there should be a beep sound when a team chat is entered because it's less noticeable than radio messages but more meaningful. This is a problem with sending message to your team (can be changed by changing the game) but the bigger problem is there are teammates still ignoring them (cannot be changed). This is why I don't think a siren is gonna make any difference.
  21. Remove radio spamming sounds good. What if someone types something important in chat but gets drowned by the radio? Spam the text chat back? Doesn't feel right if you have to put on a spamming-competition with your mates just to get your message read.
  22. Just give Officers a whistle (built-in masks for Nod) and a flare gun.
  23. vandal33


    Type "/bounty <playername> <amount>" in chat, just like on some Renegade servers. It's like giving donations but the person who gets the money needs to kill an enemy first.
  24. Balance reason. Realistically Nod would use stronger tanks but let's just imagine Nod spent all their money on advanced stealth technology, lasers and project regenenisis.
  25. Here we go again. Stealth tanks isn't that OP, they lose a head-on battle against GDI tanks or if the GDI is expecting them. They are good if a coordinated group of them took out a GDI building by surprise (and that they should be) especially when GDI left their base undefended but GDI can easily predict that (field is empty) and get mammoths. As for stealth soldiers, the most they can do is stealing vehicles and planting nuke beacons. People nowadays almost never leave their tanks unattended (at least for GDI) and a single dedicated defender can easily call out a sbh nuking or C4-ing and ruin their plans. The only thing they can do that GDI can't stop them are crate-whoring and scouting/reporting. Maybe they can be annoying to sneaking players if they're camping but that's not a big issue.
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