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Everything posted by vandal33

  1. Such aggressiveness.
  2. Then that would make Mobius seem underpowered because currently, Mendoza is already much better than Mobius in something else.
  3. I'm ok with the cruise missile either have a large killzone or less-obvious indicators, but not both. If it has a large killzone and damage (like it is currently) then the flare needs to be bigger. However, if the indicators are made more obvious then nobody is gonna get killed by the cruise missile (like superweapons) and it becomes only a scare weapon since people will always run away from it (though I agree, missing the cruise missile hints and get killed by it is part of your fault, but still you don't even get to kill noobs that easily other than using cruise missile). If the indicators are left how it is, then at least reduce the damage and radius. I mean airstrikes are also not very obvious to those who didn't pay attention but people can still run away if they got caught in the zone.
  4. In Renegade, you get healed when buying any character (including the free ones) but this was removed in X to avoid people from constantly getting a never-ending-supply of health when fighting enemies inside buildings. Same reason why there is a cooldown after refilling. (I think)
  5. I like the idea of giving losing teams a chance for a comeback, but not in favor of requiring only 1 building left in order to use it. What if a team only has 2 building left and they purposely let it be destroyed because having 1 building is better than 2? Doesn't seem right. And it might split the team where some wants to save both and some wants to let it be destroyed. The result is legitimate players repairing and trying to save both gets insulted while the ones that prefers 1 building left would start trolling, helping the enemy team destroy 1 of their buildings. As for the OP's original idea of letting the losing team instantly win if they survive a certain time limit: why not just play timed matches? I remember when I was playing Renegade and Tiberian Sun Reborn, the losing team would defend their last building until time out. Off course, we still lose because of lower score but it was still a small victory for us to survive not getting slaughtered completely. Same thing with the original idea: if you survive 15 minutes, it's only a small victory not getting slaughtered but we know who the real winning team is.
  6. What happens when the "reinforcements" arrive? Are those reinforcements free empty vehicles for the losing team, or just AI-controlled units that automatically slaughter the winning team? Or it's just merely a name where the losing team instantly win without actual reinforcements? Because when you say reinforcements, people expect to see new units entering the field and put into action.
  7. 40 players is decent. 60 just feels too crowded and chaotic. I prefer 2 20 vs 20 servers than 1 30 vs 30.
  8. Less than 50% refund on character change. Items doesn't need a refund since it hardly happens. I kinda like how the enemy team is punished if the other team attacks them at the right time (when they don't have engineers around, especially when the base only have people preparing to nuke). The introduction of purchasable repair tools is to allow people with expensive characters still repair their base at a limited rate, that's a lot of pampering already. But I do love the idea of selling vehicles. On a repair facility or not, sounds good. *n
  9. Not surprised you're making this thread after yesterday's Nod defeat with you in command and how you were frustrated People have different opinions and some prefer Field is better than many maps in the rotation. Yes, it does have all those bad elements like you said, but it also has its merits. I think the main problem comes from the overpowered Mammoth tanks and broken veterancy in general. I may be wrong, but 2-3 Black Hands with laser chainguns working with a Raveshaw and airstrikes failing to destroy even 1 mammoth on Elite (being repaired off course) makes me think that at least. I like Field but it is nowhere near the best map. I usually vote for Field to prevent maps like Hourglass, Cliff Side, and Sunrise to get more votes.
  10. Had this yesterday on Under, WF is down and a Hero mammoth makes Nod impossible to get out of the base (they still have all 5 buildings) and mobiuses crowding the tunnel. And yes, we had competent players on Nod that time.
  11. I agree about Guard Towers being a lazy method to "balance" infantry. And they limit options a lot.
  12. According to them, gamers don't really know what they wanted so...
  13. What if we have one player in the third team as neutral. His objective is just to troll/annoy the other two teams (GDI and Nod) as he can attack both sides, capture tech buildings (basically making it neutral again, plus he gets money that way), and has no base (he will spawn randomly in the field if killed). When a team is attacking a base, he can annoy either sides (example: killing the defending team's last engineer near beacon, or kill 1-2 of the attackers when they're sneaking in the enemy base). Can be humiliating for a team if one of their building is destroyed by the neutral player. Might be possible, it's like making 31 vs 30, except that extra player can attack "his team" and has field spawn points.
  14. We can try implement new features or complete overhaul on the entire game, but if that happens, I would still prefer the classes and weapons based on C&C Renegade (because they just seem fine and fitting for the game) but with slight alterations. Here goes... The classes are Anti-infantry, Anti-Armor, Universal and Maintenance Support. Each classes have different tier levels (the higher the tier, the more expensive and effective at their intended role). Base level classes (Tier 0) are free and available without inf. barracks or hand of Nod. Anti-infantry should be the best infantry killer at long range and worst tank killer in their tier level, anti-armor is best against vehicles at their tier level, worst at killing infantry. Universal is in between. The reason I like this is because it is simple, only 4 classes which are fitting with the game. Each are separated by different tiers as having only 4 characters can be boring. Special Grenades Flash Grenade: Issued to all anti-infantry, since it's useless against vehicles and makes anti-infantry more effective. EMP Grenade: Issued to all anti-armor. Useful against vehicles, useless against infantry. Frag Grenade: Available to all universal classes except Tier 0 (grenadier, flamethrower) and Nod Tier 1 (chemical). Grenade is strong against everything. Smoke Grenade: Issued to support classes, I thought a harmless smoke would do nicely for support. Molotov Cocktail: Available to Nod Tier 0 Universal (flamethrower). Chemical Grenade: Available to Nod Tier 1 Universal (chemical soldier). GDI Tier 0 Universal (the Grenadier) has a grenade launcher, maybe he can have all types of grenades (except the fire and chem bomb) launched from his gun so he doesn't need hand-thrown ones. Explosive rounds are rapid, powerful ones like EMP has a cooldown. Anti-Infantry Strong vs: Infantry Weak vs: Vehicles Armaments: Primary Weapon, Pistol, 1x Timed C4, Flash Grenade, Knife. Primary Weapons: Tier 0: The game's most basic firearm (eg. Assault/Automatic Rifle) Tier 1: More powerful version of above weapon (eg. Machine gun) Tier 2: Sniper Rifle Tier 3: More powerful version of above weapon (eg. Anti-Material Sniper RIfle) Anti-Armour Strong vs: Vehicles Weak vs: Infantry Armaments: Primary Weapon, Pistol, 1x Timed C4, EMP Grenade, 2x AT mines, Flak Armor (more explosive resistance, cannot be runovered) Primary Weapons: Tier 0: Shotgun Tier 1: Basic Rocket Launcher Tier 2: Rapid-firing rocket launcher (GDI)/Rapid LASER gun (Nod) Tier 3: PIC/Railgun Universal Strong vs: everything at close range Weak vs: anything outside their effective range Armaments: Primary weapon, Pistol, 1x Timed C4, Special Grenade (see above), Special suit (see below). Special Suit: Flak (GDI Tier 0), fireproof (Nod Tier 0), hazmat (Nod Tier 1), Stealth (Nod Tier 2), Kevlar (all others). Primary Weapons: Tier 0: Grenade Launcher(GDI)/Flamethrower(Nod) Tier 1: More powerful version of above weapon (eg. Rapid firing splash damage weapon like the Tiberium Auto Rifle for GDI, chemical sprayer for Nod). Tier 2: More powerful version of above weapon (eg. Tiberium Flachette Gun or Tactical Rifle, preferably something short-ranged) Tier 3: Volt Auto Rifle. Maintenance Support Tier 0: Basic Engineer (Repair tool, 1x Timed C4, 2x Remote C4) Tier 1: Field Medic (Medical Supplies, 1x Timed C4, Steroids to buff allies) Tier 2: Advanced Engineer (Adv Repair tool, 2x Timed C4, 2x Remote C4, 3x Proximity C4) In addition, all support classes have a pistol sidearm and smoke grenade.
  15. Why don't people realize is not a big surprise if EA failed at making C&C games? I was already expecting them to screw up another C&C game. C&C3 was the first sign the franchise is dying, then they made RA3 wasn't as good as expected. Don't get me started with C&C4. These games are even more disappointing than Rivals because my expectations for a C&C game is extremely low now. The last hope I had for C&C was on Victory Games when they were making Generals 2, because they receive massive feedbacks while the game is in development but EA decided to cancel the only C&C game that had a hope and release shitty games instead. Right now, I'm still playing Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert online with people (the original with online-compatible patch, not some shitty DTA or OpenRA). I have C&C3 on steam but didn't bother to finish more than half of the campaign. This is my honest opinion, not some EA-hate bandwagon, they still impress me with Generals and Zero Hour, but for me C&C died after that.
  16. Agree on this. I was surprised Youtubers lost many "true C&C fan" subscribers and accused of being paid by EA just because they play C&C Rivals. Even I myself don't play mobile games and never plan to play Rivals, but I never attack people for playing them. Good for them for being able to find satisfaction from a game we could not.
  17. We can try making the Domination game mode. Maps will have 3 special tech buildings in the field, if a team captures one, it will give them points every second so if you capture all 3, you'll get the most points per second. It's like the Tech Silo except it gives you points instead of credits. Once a team reached a certain score limit (from the captured tech posts), they win. Capture the flag - Both teams have flags in their base, if a team steals the opposite team's flag and bring it all the way to their base, they win. C&C1 has this.
  18. Hmmm about this vehicle weapon change, an M1 Abrams (medium tank) with a 7.62 coaxial secondary gun and an M2 .50cal BMG mounted on top for passengers control (like the Trans. Heli) sounds good, but it might reduce a Humvee's usefulness. How about giving officers some support call like a toned down version of the commander's ability (inspired from Renegade campaign's officers who can call reinforcements and Generals Zero Hour Reborn's officers). These guys don't act like officers currently, they're just regular soldiers with improved armor and weapon and carrying smoke grenades. Also, Decrease the TTK. Make stealth soldiers feared again!
  19. I do agree with you about infantry units shouldn't have too much abilities as it devalues other classes and that I'm against purchasable mines, repair guns, etc. If people are getting bored with their character being stuck to one specialization, they can still have fun with the purchasable airstrike (it's single-use and doesn't devalue other classes, so im fine with airstrikes), become the commander and lead, hunt down the commander-spotted targets to get extra CP, or still be useful by spotting enemies/crates with the "spotting" feature. That's why I said RenX has more features, to point out that people can still have fun with these "extra features" without giving them too much abilities that devalues other characters. Talking about Red Alert Path Beyond a little bit: Regarding the point about some infantry classes have no sidearms, I'm aware the Rifle Soldier doesn't need one as his weapon have infinite ammo but it's not just about that, it's also about making it more interesting/appealing. The Riflemen for example is a simple balanced class that comes with a rifle and doesn't need a handgun. We can increase its reloading time so the handgun becomes useful and buff other aspects to rebalance it out. I know it's unnecessary (and extra work) as the character is already balanced and adding a handgun to balance the reloading speed nerf will only makes things more complicated to players, but this complexity is what makes it more interesting. I find being forced to switch to a sidearm is more interesting than simply do nothing and wait for your gun to reload. (I'm not suggesting this change for APB, just wanna make a point). This is exactly what I wanted to talk about in this thread. Going back to topic about how we want to rebuild Renegade X, do we want to make changes while making it still look like Renegade, or change it without trying to be Renegade? Changing the game without trying to be renegade for example : removing some of the existing characters, vehicles or buildings, adding new weapons/classes/vehicles/buildings that's not even relevant to C&C remove tiberium harvesting, replace income collection with something else replace the GDI and Nod factions with something else (example: McDonald's vs KFC)
  20. Agree with what PS212 said. Don't remove mines (Proximity C4) if there is a new base defense being implemented, make them personal limit so players can still place them wherever they want. I'm not sure if they were meant to be door-only defense in Renegade, but obviously this game made it to be so you can't just place them willy-nilly because a team will be in a disadvantage if they don't use mines defensively. With a (possible) new defense system, proximity C4s should be allowed to be used freely and not hamper interior defense if used anyway people want. People can still lay mines in buildings for added defense at the cost of being stuck in that Adv Engineer class as mines disappear if your character dies or change...
  21. People have been using that Bike for reconnaissance so it's still a Recon Bike.
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