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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. How long do you usually wait before cancelling? What's your internet speed?
  2. TONY-STARKS picture takes over the players screen whilst my voice reverbs out of the players speakers in mystical ways.
  3. Then whoever dominates the field has the economic advantage?
  4. Eventually old Renegade servers did have serverside mods which enabled changeable skins for some, if not all, infantry with little golden arrows in the upper-right corner of a characters' portrait.
  5. Only if the defender is AFK but the doors could just go on lock-down when an enemy is detected nearby, it's an idea that still makes more sense than your over the top laser defense girders for both teams.
  6. Madkill40

    GTA V

    You sold your MC didn't you? I got one now, do join.
  7. City does not need a Silo or Comms, the map is too simple and basic for those structures.
  8. Flame tanks need to have their weapon disabled if they're too close to a building/structure, similar to the Med Tank if its turret is poking through a building/structure its gun stops firing.
  9. Original Renegade had security access levels on buildings' doors in single-player. In RenX you could modify this and allow repairs guns to hack doors to gain access or shoot it enough to gain access, leaving mines free to use wherever else. A Spy could then be able to access these doors without an issue, making them more deadly in a team that is communicating. (i.e. Holding the door open like a true gentleman) I wouldn't really expect this to happen, but that's your way around.
  10. Please do not tease the devs with promise of food and wine, we keep them starved for a reason.
  11. Anyone that selects "Teamwork and Communication" is a filthy, rotten liar.
  12. I always think they're just crates and not full of sand
  13. Nod has the advantage and disadvantage of a higher ceiling with HoN, much likes the weapons factory. Are we seriously going to have to mention every balance to you 'imbalance' in equivalence to winning a game on Renegade X? Because funnily enough roofs don't come into the realm of mining, roofs comes under the pretense of Actively Defending for large games. Which also includes considering where all the mines are and actively going to that area to check up on any potential infiltrators, suddenly the mining problem comes under actively defending the bases' problems. You'd be surprised how many GDI and Nod you can come across now, they're mental, the GDI ones are a lot more noticeable so the mine limit is fine as it is.
  14. Am I right in thinking the boxes are more like placeholders for anything else wall-related?
  15. And GDI if you consider the Barracks. No more "3 mines!?", or such imbalance
  16. You're right! It's not about stealth, it's about having a decent defender in the base. You can feel so at ease being on Nod that you can lose a building so easily on all maps, but hey lets just disregard the one imbalance to your 'balance'.
  17. Even if folk don't download right away, best to acquire the media into your account free of charge.
  18. And then when the Hand of Nod is destroyed because hippity-hoppity-Hotwire disarms them because nobody was actively defending, where will all those excess mines go? And is that balanced? Or are we about to go into Air Tower territory?
  19. You don't consider surrender vote, thanks for clearing that up pal.
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