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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Deleting blocking volumes did not work either. I accidentally deleted the Hand of Nod in the process so I replaced it with a new one, the playerstart nodes in the new Hand of Nod also failed.
  2. Tried it. That still doesn't work.
  3. Saved to a different filename fine.
  4. An error occurs on my newly placed start node.
  5. I cannot spawn onto the map via any of* the UDK's methods. Short answer: No.
  6. The only option that currently springs to mind is to replace every building. But I am hoping, as the issue is paths and their nodes, does not require another lighting build.
  7. Like every single building in both bases? The content browser is currently not saving the CNC-Frostbite package, which is also odd.
  8. "check collisions boxes" ? Edit: It is just ALL building playerstart nodes which have not been touched. Ever.
  9. Yes ^ Lights are built, only took 2hr 42m... woohoo... Unfortunately I ran into an issue... These are mostly the nod buildings, not sure why this is occurring. I knew there was something fishy going on when after a certain point of playing in viewpoint did the editor refuse to place me at all. Rebuilding paths did nothing. None of the buildings have been moved at all. Edit: Oddly, pressing 'P' no longer shows linking paths either.
  10. I did an intensive amount of mapping. Anywho... V1.0.0.1, fixed all raised issues. Currently building the lights now. brb in 4hrs.
  11. Run everything just under ultra and decide your AA level. No AA still looks good though.
  12. May have to remake that infantry bridge in the ice cave.
  13. You should move onto using the Downloads section of the website, up at the top. Do it. By the way, shouldn't you be on V1.6, not V1.3? -Added to Custom Maps server
  14. Few points on discovered breaks. What are you showing me in this image exactly? This platform has no collisions and uses a blocking volume as a pathway, I don't think you'd expect many mines wasted on easy kills at the sacrifice of less than perfectly mined base. I suppose there is that one mine. This is now going to become a road down to Nod's tiberium field, as I've noticed two ways through here have quite a heavy defense against swift targets. Not too sure about this one, going to investigate.
  15. Interesting how none of you found the collision issue by the Nod Power Plant. So the map was still somewhat balanced. But the GDI Barracks does need a repair to that part of the mesh, can't cover it up I suppose.
  16. Lowering what the other team gains is a bit of a step back. Maybe the failing team gets a morale boost and gains extra veterancy points for the next 5 minutes, at least giving them the opportunity and idea of what to do. The strong desire to just kill the enemy teams' soldiers and vehicles after the destruction of a building should be engaged, and rewarded with veterancy points boost for 5 minutes starting from the moment either a GDI or Nod building is destroyed.
  17. Hourglass top hill only ever needed to be slanted to GDIs base to enable AGT fire. This way the Ob AND AGT can fire at what's on top. Fast way to fix that, alternatively create a scene of cover and short routes at the peak of the hill to make it more playable and less Arty/MRLS party.
  18. Hourglass map looks swish but the context of the video is lost on me.
  19. Well, if it wasn't for the Ion Cannon we would have died anyway but you are welcome for the point. Team communication is good to combat early surrenders.
  20. McFarland listens to Metal.
  21. Always wanted the Renegade Nod Buggys to look more like these.
  22. I chose vote surrender on Complex as GDI when we lost our Weps and Bar, not noticing the Ion on the Strip which was about to go off. I'm glad the Surrender failed because with just the refinery GDI beat Nod back and via base destruction, thus winning.
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