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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. So it counter-balances the Orca suggested changes which I also suggested as a basic suggestion list of overall suggestions of which to make balance changes for the two aircraft in question. There doesn't seem to be much of a strategic possibility in fighter-craft taxi, the Transport helicopter exists for a reason and an Orca/Apache being able to ferry a passenger makes that 9 Orca/Apache rush with 5 Hotwires/Technicians a lil'overkill on Walls, on Lakeside you can ferry 5 people across the refinery side in less than a minute, whiteout delivers that hotwire/technician 'strategy'. This all just feels like it takes away from the actual passenger-based vehicles. (Trans/APC) These quotes aside, removing lock-on and having faster rockets would be fun.
  2. I'm curious how differently Tunnels would play if the Weps/HoN switched places with their respective teams' Refinery's, artillery targets change but infiltrating the bases to take out the Nod/GDI economy would become an easier goal, if one team tries to arty/MRLS then the other team has a chance to counter by attacking the Refinery instead of the more crucial buildings.
  3. Walls without flying units would play out a lot like Volcano, only GDI would have an easier bottleneck.
  4. Increase damage of rocket-based attacks against Orca/Apache or nerf Orca/Apache armour so 3 rockets can kill an Orca/Apache, making dodging rockets more important. Nerf building damage for Apache and Orca rockets, Nerf vehicle damage for Apache MG, Nerf infantry damage for Orca MG, Increase infantry damage for Apache rockets, Increase vehicle damage Orca rockets, Decrease reload time for Orca rockets by 1 second, Decrease reload time for Apache MG by 1 second, Remove passenger for Orca and Apache, Increase Orca rocket range,/Decrease Apache rocket range, Increase Apache MG range./Decrease Orca MG range.
  5. Mines on infantry bottlenecks do cause a lot of surprise, but with EMP grenades they only really work in infantry bottlenecks the once and it is hard to remine those places after the first time, given how easy it is to infiltrate the bases the only practical place for mines has become the doorways. [SBH would easily avoid mines on most maps and get into buildings and we know how quickly 5 SBH can kill a building] Green radar blips to indicate mines and the mine limit better integrated into the UI seems the most minimal but visually aiding of changes which only benefit the entire team, more specifically the active defenders, which is good because 30 seconds is a short time to have when trying to guess which building the mines have gone down in, making this harder for a solo infiltrator but not impossible.
  6. A long game is good usually when the buildings are all still alive, forcing yourself to endure disabilities for too long can become grueling.
  7. (Other) The modification to the UI to visualize that it is in fact procedural; game integration of minelimit and points of interest.
  8. Dude, if all CNC-Glasses requires are collision fixes, a minimap and a loading screen then if it's okay with you I could finish the map up for you? Then in 2 years you can have something more fantastic or a renewal of Glasses.
  9. I will definitely be for the full length PUG this time. [Wooo]
  10. There are two parts to every team, everybody knows the offensive part in how to attack but not many stick around in the base to know how to defend which some people remark as an easy task, hating the defenders that fail put people off this game. As it stands, RenX has to break the game by relying on a silent number potentially going down, but a increased volume for disarm sounds won't quite fix the other problem the mining system is facing. In addition to an increased volume with the disarm sound effect perhaps give mines a very small symbol for the minimap so your team can see their teams' mines and more importantly where they have been placed, green for both sides to create some minor difficulty in recognizing changes. Timed C4 is 30 seconds, if you cannot hold your own for 30 seconds then you're infiltrating wrong. (And typically, this sets up solo-infiltrators to fail if they cannot hold their own, which is a difficulty curve required for RenX) If both of these came into place then we could remove the 'mine limit' from the UI, mines could then still retain their limits only instead text will flash on a users screen, e.g. "Mine Limit Reached! [24]" when he or she tries to place the 25th mine, this mine would automatically disarm itself upon drop. These changes make the mining system feel more interactive with the game itself. TL:DR No damage modification, no entirely new entity, no monetization for the purchase menu, no overhaul of the mines' mechanic. Just an increased volume for the mine disarm sound effect and small green blips of where the mine is on the players radar, it'll be hard to notice but it removes the broken guessing game and gives both teams a fair chance to disarm the mines. Example of blips attached to post;
  11. I can actually fully attend the next PUG.
  12. If a mine explodes, that is a bad infiltrator. If a mine is disarmed, that being the mine disarm noise is modified to be louder and can actually be heard from a moderate distance, then a 2 second sound effect that is ignored boils down to bad defending instead of whatever excuse you peanuts keep coming up with. Just to make it very clear to you I am literally referring to the noise the mines already make when disarmed to be turned up a few notches - this at least gives the defender a bit more to go on, by hearing the the mines going down from a distance this can eliminate two buildings from inspection at best, this also reduces the infiltrators ability to destroy a building -BY THEMSELVES- a window of opportunity instead of a door. Do you have any idea how inane it is to guess which of the 3 - 4 buildings where mines have been disarmed? In which case it can take longer than 30 seconds to locate the correct structure at which point you are making defending near-impossible, when actively defending a base boils down to either a good guess or convenient luck is where the line should be drawn, so lets up the disarm sound effect of mines to be heard from beyond a building because lets face it they're placed mostly in doorways and they always sound like they're disarmed through concrete even though you can be literally around the corner of mostly metal buildings. [Let that sink in] What's wrong with the mining system is a defender has no clue other than a good guess or convenient luck against an infiltrators most of the time, the issue is not randoms trolling the server, it is a lot of people not admitting to failure and not admitting that they did not actively defend the base. Ask yourselves this, how many times has the person who quickly talks shit about mines is commonly not in the god damn base defending? This bullshit pandering of trying to promote a new system to people who won't admit to failure is just wrong. Increase the volume of the mine disarm sound effect and be done with it. Mining system fixed. The end. Example of hearing distance: If I am outside the barracks sandbag walls on C&C Walls I want to be able to hear a very faint sound effect of mines being disarmed at the back of the Refinery. That's the maximum distance players should be able to hear mines being disarmed, so lets start there and slowly work it backwards if that makes it too easy to defend. [It won't, because the root of the problem is still people not actively defending the base when they should which will be highlighted moreso if this MINOR CHANGE is made] /thread
  13. Lets replace mines with something else that has to be placed by a player, because that helps the argument of accidental newb abuse... Here's something that could actually help and doesn't require much dev-effort, make the mines' disarm sound A LOT louder. Make the mines' explosion sound effect A LOT louder. Then we can stop blaming mines and just blame the players for not defending their own god damn base.
  14. How long do you usually wait before cancelling? What's your internet speed?
  15. TONY-STARKS picture takes over the players screen whilst my voice reverbs out of the players speakers in mystical ways.
  16. Then whoever dominates the field has the economic advantage?
  17. Eventually old Renegade servers did have serverside mods which enabled changeable skins for some, if not all, infantry with little golden arrows in the upper-right corner of a characters' portrait.
  18. Only if the defender is AFK but the doors could just go on lock-down when an enemy is detected nearby, it's an idea that still makes more sense than your over the top laser defense girders for both teams.
  19. Madkill40

    GTA V

    You sold your MC didn't you? I got one now, do join.
  20. City does not need a Silo or Comms, the map is too simple and basic for those structures.
  21. Flame tanks need to have their weapon disabled if they're too close to a building/structure, similar to the Med Tank if its turret is poking through a building/structure its gun stops firing.
  22. Original Renegade had security access levels on buildings' doors in single-player. In RenX you could modify this and allow repairs guns to hack doors to gain access or shoot it enough to gain access, leaving mines free to use wherever else. A Spy could then be able to access these doors without an issue, making them more deadly in a team that is communicating. (i.e. Holding the door open like a true gentleman) I wouldn't really expect this to happen, but that's your way around.
  23. Please do not tease the devs with promise of food and wine, we keep them starved for a reason.
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