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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Added a 'POWER' one to complete the set. UNITY.tga PEACE.tga STANDBY.tga POWER.tga
  2. Do some players think that if they hide behind a stealth-tank with a non-stealth'd unit that they will be cloaked from one side? Just to be clear to people who are able to read, that is not how stealth works in this game.
  3. That marble texture is exactly what I was thinking of. How do the door frames and the door's frames... look with the marble? Not sure if you made a background for the screen yet but here is a lil'something for them. .tga attached. ScreenBckgnd.tga
  4. A good tutorial just gives players an upperhand for the most common tactics. Like informing people to stay in their vehicle when Nod have SBH running about the place.
  5. Interior pillars and such would look nice with a black marble texture.
  6. A still red background image with black text that reads. "-PEACE-" "-UNITY-" "-STANDBY-" Your Temple of Nod is amazing.
  7. Soft boundaries with Hard boundaries behind them might be a good idea from now on. (Or since they go off-map just make them reeeaaallly long?)
  8. Genuine stained glass replicas... Nice. Brotherhood one is amazing.
  9. But it already looks so good, curious to see how much it could be improved.
  10. I understand that if the building is purely scenery but if it was to be at a playable scale (scripted building) it would be more practical to be shrunk down. Technically, the Barracks shouldn't be nearly as big as the refinery but it is because practicality dictates this. The temple should remain the biggest building but maybe not that much bigger? Scaling it's total length and width down would benefit the metal.mesh texture as well, the closer it can remain to its original height by comparison would keep that cinematic example. Have the original and a scaled down version by all means, the scaled down one could could just be dubbed 'Temple of Nod Shrine' and be made into an actual building with a health/armour bar and MCT.
  11. Their models and textures started as hi-res but are massively reduced for old engine, I wonder what it'd be like. Beta Sun plz.
  12. You will be so sorry that your ass will be red with binary.
  13. If this was a woman I would actually daterape it. That's how sexy this is. Oh man. It does seem a little bit on the large side compared to the other buildings... I do wonder if in the UDK all the grey/black textures on the Temple are in their own texture_group? So it would be possible to switch the grey/black texture of your Temple to textures which currently exist in the SDK without ruining those beautiful red windows.
  14. Madkill40

    New maps

    I will eventually sort my one map out.
  15. Purchasable drugs in RenX? YES
  16. The scorpian collumns are nicely included and the shape is spot-on. The building is mostly stain-glass windows on the surface so want to have a go at including window frames for these windows to sit in? Allowing the ToN to have destructible windows would be a niche thing. Looking forward to seeing this fully textured.
  17. Nah... that would enable easy-trolling if the AI harvester was just replaced due to a player harvester. Regarding the harvesting point, if it is possible for player harvesters to use a tib_node which is set to Team 3? Then those team 3 nodes could be highlighted when a player is in the harvester. But this is impractical unless a player harvester became more official as every map would need T3 Tib_nodes added. Just an idea.
  18. Is it a recording of a PUG doe?
  19. The 2 mines is for recruits throwing EMPs to be fair. Vet gets 4. Elite 6. Heroic unlimited.
  20. Unless there is a UI scaling option in the UDK .ini files this problem will persist, it is a common problem on a lot of games but 4k res is relatively new and ut3 engine is quite old. Unless the devs can include a custom magnifyer to scale the ui to different sizes in the in-game settings menu or if a mutator can work clientside this is going to be difficult. In any case, a dev or someone who has knowledge of correcting the ui scale would need to have a 4k monitor to get this right. Right?
  21. It is odd that there weren't even any screenshots of Renegade-X but it could quite possibly mean Renegade-X could gain its own article at some point?
  22. Apologies, there just seemed to be bits in the scripts that may have to have been modified to make sense, a lot of the dialogue is single-player based and I wasn't sure how much of that you wanted to keep in and as such was just offering to re-voice a majority of what would be kept but if you're happy with using the original sound files that is absolutely fine as well. I am absolutely game for doing voices for the Engineer, the Officer and Patch.
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