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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Madkill40

    Close for Comfort

    03 ‎October ‎2020
  2. 14 ‎November ‎2020
  3. Madkill40


    14 ‎November ‎2020
  4. Madkill40

    PUGs are great fun

    30 ‎December ‎2020
  5. Live-playtest of Frostbite this Wednesday, 8pm GMT. [UK Time]
  6. Unless tackling it yourself, lemme know if you want a minimap doing
  7. The original game had two disks, one of those disks was required to play the cutscenes so perhaps the game for you is too reliant on that one cutscene to rock n roll into the next mission? It should just bring up a "insert disk for cutscene" message though. Are you playing the game from the disc? Through Origin?
  8. But what if one of them is the over-amplified_meme-porn_moan.wav?
  9. @Fffreak9999 got any relatable stats? 😆
  10. Add fog-sphere's to the coast horizon, so the player cannot see exactly where the water just stops
  11. @TankClash Yo! Took me a while to get round to making this. Mini_M_Kiluea1.tga ^Map Extent: 52400 99.99% Accurate (Player pin-point to Map position) When you polish off this map, feel free to add a little extra around the outside - This is just a temp minimap for now, because something is better than nothing. Also tested out a bit of an effect to see how it would look.
  12. @Fffreak9999 What about the ability to change game settings via the launcher before starting the game first..? Can do a help
  13. May we please have the in-game settings as a button linked to whichever is the correct ini file it has access to overwrite, thus being able to load into the game before it starts, at the correct settings and instead of essentially for best results - to avoid "RAn out of Video Memory" potential outcomes - restarting the game. This is just a theory with feedback and suggestion. The less chance of VRAM flashes, the better. Amirite?
  14. When I've time I'll continue work on Frostbite
  15. I'd keep Commander as is and use the Comm C. as a feature in certain maps to allow every player to use non-buff type support powers as items you can purchase only by having the Comm C. online. So a Scout flare., Cruise flare. (maybe one has just enough to kill an Elite Med-Tank if a direct hit. ) and an EMP Flare. Timing is everything to use these effectively. Replaces the Timed C4. But if a map doesn't have Comm C. then it shouldn't have the items. No altering of the OldRen maps but other maps is up to the mappers discretion.
  16. If you attack the Barracks, then quickly switch to any other building the announcement will only sound that the Barracks is under attack meanwhile the other building can just be struct without EVA saying anything. For sneaking, this is really handy - but if multiple buildings are being hit then you're in trouble to take notice of any building unannounced It's also handy with tricking a whole bunch of techs to flag one building whilst another crumbles.
  17. --Snip-- Edited: I don't mind whipping up a minimap, I still need to re-install Photoshop tbh. [Haven't needed it necessarily to create anything since building a new rig] Plus this Lockdown malarkey has me working more hours than normal. I just live in the reflection of life, clearly.
  18. 'Q' them first by looking at the bot you want Ctrl+V and the menu will pop up
  19. Titans in the GDI base aren't particularly ideal ...
  20. Are there typically a lot of people playing when the crashes randomly occur at PTs?
  21. I really like the look of this map, if you're unsure with a minimap get in touch and I'll try to find time to make a minimap for ya Regarding pathnodes, you'll find them in the content browser - not in the main tab [I currently forget the name of the tab] but just drag and drop the "pathnode" from the content browser onto the map, put them a Mammoth-Tank and a half apart from each other and just make it basic for now. Then just "build paths". AI should then be responsive so long as they can each reach the enemy teams' base Be aware of any 'lights' that have 'dynamic' anything enabled, unticking the 'dynamic' properties in any of the maps' lights should help with optimization - there's also A lOt Of GrAsS - find some particular areas to have a meadow-amount of grass and other areas could do with just patches of grass instead of a whole field of grass
  22. This is all the validation I ever wanted
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