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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Help players learn the game and improve if ye so dedicated to improving balance... no need to waffle like this omg What if I told you you made so little sense if you truly believe players are "scared away" by balancing issues and its not, perhaps, unsportmanlike behaviour during play that scares new players away. Balancing can put players off - but again, what happens in-game when things don't go a teams' way? "BALANCE" You state there's a surge of "new players" each patch, if every thing you do when you play a new game is criticized by other players by PoInTiNG OuT ThEiR fAiLuReS then that's as off-putting to play this game as your statement is nonsensical "scaring new people away cause a combinations of balancing issues and behaviour" Must. Not. Make. Dick. Pun. Or maybe we just add something more modern than the original Renegade. When you join the server I'd like a graphic of which team I want to be on at the beginning of every game. We never get to pick the team we want to be on at the beginning of the round and like... could we just give it a fkn try? ^^; [ Nod ] - - - - - - - [UI] - - - - - - - [ GDI ] Remember what I said about critizing other players' failures? Though a useful observation but just teach people the good parts of being on either team. Let players learns without interruption too is also just as helpful sometimes, rather than being over-imposing. Maybe there could be a hotkey which allows players to self-moderate AFK'ers. "Tag for AFK" - if a player is still for longer than 2 minutes another player can hit - to tag for AFK. This means this player will be replaced by the next player who joins this team. [If player who's tagged begins to move or is already moving, tag is invalid] Bam. A way for a fair self-moderation. Heck, don't even need the tagging. Auto-AFK that already exist works, just add an auto-replace You do realise that if a team knows what to do in some majority of its team mates, no balancing in the world can prevent scenarios like this? This is more the fact of new players somehow ending up on a new team in some majority. Whereas if at the beginning of a round, players always got to choose regardless - self-moderation is then possible among the players and if they don't adhere to a 'team stack' guideline then moderators/admins are within their right to re:balance teams, because each player to some extent is responsible for the team balancing. And Ryz, this doesn't mean you can try to dictate who should be on what team for every single public game. [That's not me saying don't, just conditioning this idea of self-moderation] Making it more difficult for snipers to base-camp seems map related in issue. Sniper-reduction range volume, perhaps? So snipers attempting to base-camp have a reduction in range? So StevieSneakerSniper at the back of the base has to be within rifleman range..? Doesn't seem right... maybe instead if a sniper in one lifespan kills the same player more than 4 times in a row , that player gets some visual hint that they CAN LOSE if they die a 5th time by this player, but will return in another 4 consecutive deaths. Could do this across the board actually, as a way of the game being nice to new and current players if they're being stomped by one particular player who hasn't died yet. Credit bonus on the revenge defence or revenge kill for the two involved parties [bear in mind, you could come back to hunt the sniper in a tank or avoid them all together] Obviously this, like the team-select at game-start too, are serverside options..? @kira mutator concept
  2. Depends how badly we want new players to introduce themselves to their own base and its defence first before running out into the complete unknown...
  3. Just send your money to me and I'll create a mega server (by purchase only) and it will be under my will and commandership! Donate your money to me and it will ignite a board with 32 - 64 - 82 - 101 - 124 slot servers. You'll love it, more players among every server across it all like in the OldRen days where people were wholesome in their participation and lastl- Oh shit DDoS
  4. If anything, declaring RenX legally as non-profit would likely infuriate EA Games and that's just because of the terms "legally non-profit" Plus what HIHIHI said
  5. Fuck your happiness, it is false. You need name of change
  6. Poi's problem is solved, however this as now opened up a new problem for Quinc3y and thus he needs a new name. Any ideas?
  7. Poi should take the name Quinc3y.
  8. Just turn up to the PUG over at the RenX Discord on either Saturday and/or Sunday for 7pm GMT and the moderators will assign you to Team 1 or Team 2 within that hour. Teams change every week as do the Commanders (which to be the teams' commander, you can simply volunteer)
  9. Just don't attempt to remake the oldRen tutorial level but instead have a fresh tutorial level with influences of the old one. A 1:1 tutorial level remake doesn't help when there are things not in the original Ren anyway imo. Besides, I think RenX should have a Nod-based tutorial level instead of a GDI-based tutorial level as Nod have certain things which do not transfer onto GDI so it might be more beneficial. Perhaps use of the survival bot spawners will help too after a certain point in the tutorial
  10. Madkill40

    Coop vs AI

    Unfortunately anybody who can't stomach losing can't stomach RenX
  11. It's a fucking amazing achievement to finally have 2 Servers going on ANY day so don't go degrading what a lot of effort members of the community put into encouraging an attempt at Server Runner-up #2 filling up. Ever. Game is amazing for a FREE GAME , really decent servers [also free], optional donation's only for server operational costs. Encouraging players to populate another server - I sometimes wonder what some of the playerbase think starts any of those servers up in the first place [i.e. somebody has to join 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc...]
  12. 50 - 60 player count imo. For performance reasons and also not necessarily all the same size player count either. Give players a chance to experience different types of servers and broaden horizon's into what the game once reflected originalRen days. Lets have a 32, 40, 52, 58 and a 60 different server player slotted servers. [probably already happening anyways] Let players learn how different player caps can affect gameplay here at RenegadeX.
  13. What's happening with this? Also, the train is a really nice touch @iridesence
  14. Being able to teleport between the buildings... Maybe just make an infantry tunnel to the buildings instead? Nothing works better than a trench
  15. AFK players shouldn't just be kicked but moved into an empty server, on the off-chance it enables a 2nd server to grow
  16. It was never in original Renegade, neither was XMountain
  17. Backside covers for Support and Player cards constructed. Xeon Wraith's Card modified.
  18. Madkill40

    SC Cover

    From the album: Player Cards

    Backside of a Support Card
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