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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. I Alt-Dragged the area around the WF, but I don't even think there is a volume which would hinder the repgun or timed c4s, not to my knowledge anyway. What is weird is this repgun issue carries on beyond the WF to the outside, but only exists to be an issue when in third-person.
  2. If you're in first person, the rep gun goes at its normal range but in third person this is not the case. Remote C4s were able to be planted on an MCT in the WF, but not timed C4s. This is very strange. These findings based on the latest version (again) version.
  3. Tomb had a really good back and forth, when the refinery died that made defending the tib side much easier but that triple nuke. Hot dayum.
  4. Visceroids would be cool, much smaller project.
  5. People would also kill themselves just so you didn't get a kill, poor sportsmanship.
  6. This only extends to vehicles if you steal your enemies vehicle and your enemy doesn't target you. An automatic outline on your allies seems really intrusive and could either make any form of covert operations harder or easier. If you look at how simply colourful the original Ren is those yellows blend with all the other simple colours, in RenX those engineers stand out but not every character on GDI can be like that. Most (I think all) of Nod is black, grey and/or red, if you are on Nod and don't see those colours on the player ahead then it is an enemy. When you point your gun at anyone they get a box around them, clear enough indication.
  7. Thoughts on the look of the map?
  8. This is a long shot but here goes... Are you running any anti-virus software by any chance? Or is there any kind of strict firewall in operation?
  9. This forum keeps using cookies and there isn't enough milk to go around! This makes me sad and bursts my precious bubble of the superficial reality I needed to keep out of my depression, @Agent could you perhaps provide some remedy to ease this dreadful suffering?
  10. Released an updated version of Frostbite. Need opinions. Changes as of June 24th 2017 Terrain modified Textures modified Static meshes reduced Vehicles can no longer pass through the middle of the map Vehicle tunnel to GDI is no longer a tunnel Widened vehicle routes on one side of the map Tiberium mists are now blue Ice looks more like ice Background surrounding the map has been modified Misc changes
  11. Kane! The man they call Kane! CHORUS He blasted their battles and he beat them in stealth, Stood up t'GDI and they sure lost their wealth, We the brotherhood, are here to explain, The saviour of saviours, the man they call Kane! Now Kane saw the blue-zones gluttony’. He saw their gardens of eden, And he saw that luminous space-station, Every ludicrous breath taken. So he said, “Let them know the power of the Brotherhood!” “You can’t crush them under your heel.” Kane strapped up his missile, And in five seconds flat, Blew up that station with every bureaucrat. Refer back to CHORUS- Based on Hero of Canton from Firefly
  12. If TeamSpeak and mIRC had a baby, it would be Discord. Hah. I did a on words play.
  13. I like the levels this map has, looks like this will be really fun to play on.
  14. Well this explains why I've not run into this issue when using a mammoth tank, I always fire missiles between cannon shells. This sure is an odd bug.
  15. Delving into 3DS Max will be out of desperation. I'll bear that in mine but I've never used a 3D modelling program before. I've been toying about with the materials to get a better looking ice. I've also redone the two side vehicle paths and made them wider and removed a bunch of static meshes. I've also closed off the middle of the map to vehicles. Redlines are infantry only paths. Greenlines are where vehicles can go. (As well as infantry, but clearly I got carried away with the word 'only') Edit: Just noticed a red line between the green lines in the upper-right hand side, pretend that is green.
  16. Genuinely forgot this was possible.
  17. Thank you very much, I shall look into it and see what I can come up with. (:
  18. If an EMP grenade hits an enemy vehicle, does it detonate instantly?
  19. Even locked building health for the first x minutes of a small populated game may make the low pop situation worse. The only pro I can imagine is this gives both teams a 'peace keeping' time to mine the base preventing early game infiltration when the pop count of a server is too low to manage the defence of an unmined base. But is it worth it? Seems better off as a server-specific mutator to be honest.
  20. >Brings up snipers like they are the issue. If Snipers are killing off the enemy team for their team then they are teamworking good. Their reward is their teams success via assaults. Its not snipers. Server pop dies when players talkshit and babble nonsense coz they are bored. What should happen now is: No team-swapping until 5 or 10 minutes into the game and VoteMute for players to self-moderate servers. Simple but effective. Lets not just recycle past discussions which shifts the blame around.
  21. Okay so the ice just isn't very nice, or look enough like ice... transparency is what I need, is this possible? @j0g32 I want to have rock and then between player and the rock there is ice. Material ice. Rather than have ice which you cannot see anything through like in the current state of Frostbite. I can probably create an ice texture I just need it to be see-through so would lowering the opacity on the texture file in photoshop do the trick? Or is there some voodo in the SDK which can allow this? I.e.
  22. Interior decoration, I wouldn't mind giving a go using the props which exist within the UDK. I'll do a thing with those images I made so its less for you to do. Quite curious to see how this goes.
  23. That originally there were too many doors and they were super awkward, the current version of Crashsite proves that exterior doors are fine but interior doors should either be non-existent or fixed open.
  24. As learned from Ruud's Crashsite map animated doors can ruin a lovely thing. I'd recommend having interior doors fixed open. (static) May have to make some .gifs for you for those screens, .gif textures are doable right? @IdontKnowWhoToAskSoRandomAsk @j0g32
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