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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Replace the Obby/AGT with an tall inner-wall with two Gun Turrets?
  2. Ramps destroyed when building destroyed. Make it happen @Developers
  3. It has to win something new for the first time
  4. This would require an map specific mutator and I'd prefer to have an Renegade Visceroid more than anything tbh, 50/50 chance that a tiberium death would spawn Visceroid bot
  5. https://www.indiedb.com/groups/2018-indie-of-the-year-awards/articles Only the Editor's choice has been posted so far
  6. Was pointed out during a testing with limsup after you had the map file. In any case, its been fixed.
  7. @Fffreak9999 What changes did you make to the map which somehow didn't include fixing the grass in the ref and rocks by the AirTower?
  8. Update as of 17th December: Titans n Ticktanks can now be purchased [Wolverines and Recon's removed from PT] Each team gets 2 Recon Bikes spawning in their bases Port is now blocked for vehicles TeamSilos work and the rocks on its inf path have been lowered, additionally an extra GT for both silos has been placed Reduced fog density and altered directional light Misc Changes~ Link to file: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlgMgOyuk9pRzjo5ZKi3kRe1QmVS [Cause download section still doesn't allow users to upload...]
  9. Let EMPs disable the weapon of an Arty/MRLS instead of the vehicle's ability to move. (Reduces ammunition to 0 until EMP effect has worn off, vehicles reload automatically when EMP effect has worn off) Now all players have to do is throw an EMP at Arty/MRLS to reduce their barrage for a small amount of time If the firing-arch for MRLS was increased the rockets would fly straight into the wall instead of going around the wall/mountain... Right? As well or alternatively.... Would it be possible to force rockets to travel forwards only if the player's reticle is pointing at a static mesh that's within an minimum range/distance? [Only when MRLS battery is locked] Seeing as how to curve MRLS rockets over or around a big obstacle requires a certain closeness to said obstacle - but also forces the player in the MRLS to aim at the big obstacle as well - then surely there's some scientific code to prevent this? JUST TO POINT OUT: This wouldn't nerf MRLS shooting around obstacles entirely, but it would drastically limit the MRLS's ability to achieve bullshit hits. If this is even possible or half-possible (half-possible: ignore part regarding player's reticle) then that would be awesome
  10. This feels like a step back when really players on both teams need to help moderate their own teams in regards to voice chat. It might be better to mention to all players before they're split into teams the guidelines to using voice chat during a PUG. (Whatever they become) How player's can help their team: If someone starts to vent or complain about a specific enemy player, or the enemy team, then your team and you need to ask that the player shuts the up fuck about it. Start with a polite ask and work your way down from there based on your teammates cooperation. (or lack of) Ideally it should be the Commander asking the player to chill, with the rest of the team echoing the commander. Otherwise communications will become chaotoic if anyone/everyone starts to sound off due to one negative bich. Even between games, this is not the time to start venting or complaining as this can seriously impact your team for the next game. If team mate becomes vocally unruly then Commander should start a 'Survey' stating the unruly players' name so the player can be muted Name and shame the toxic one Allows other team to be made aware that issues are arising in voice chat 3 Strike rule to being muted, third strike = instaPUGban Examples of Negative/Toxic Voice Chat: "Its over" - Should not be said before half the base is destroyed "Keep getting sniped" - Instead of just stating you are being sniped to the point where your frustration vocalizes into your teams voice chat, point out the location of the sniper is or track down the sniper yourself with another team mate. Player A "Its not looking good" Player B "We can still do this" Player A "No we can't" <'Player A' continues to refuse the possibility of victory, hampering the team via communication disruption> "Fuck this (<insert>)" - No, fuck you for being a fuck. 1 Strike. Rough draft 1
  11. It may be a good idea to release an 2018/2019 Launcher n Installation after/if new Launcher update or summin' [Onto ModDB with an notable changelist since the last upload to that site]
  12. They do sometimes but they don't go to the MCT
  13. If hotties/techs get personal mines either let them be destroyed by shooting them OR they auto-disarm if the hotty/tech is killed or switches to a different char instead. The main reason for the latter is so a player can't just plant the mines then switch to a different char
  14. Just do this and see if it improves the in-game economy
  15. I'm sure I ran into this issue and it was my connection more than the forum Either that or there was site maintenance at the time of my upload
  16. When a bot is in a vehicle they shouldn't be allowed to suicide or leave that vehicle. That's like the main reason I dislike bots in multiplayer games.
  17. Pretty sure McFarland's can be more effective when you know how to use them. And you don't want to miss your shot with a rocket Vs a Chem. Seems like you're dying to rocket soldiers too much, they're pretty fun and easy to kill.
  18. Try uploading it again? Seems like an internet issue. @Agent
  19. Sadly sound is the most restricted copyrighted art out there.
  20. Dead Ref should be brutal, reduced to 1.5 tickrate works as does having a tickrate of 3 for an active Refinery. A 25%-33% reduced Harvester payload is also worth trying. If you want to boost the in-game economy after the refinery is destroyed it might worth considering buffing the credit income from repairing friendlies for the team which loses their Refinery? So when a teams Refinery is destroyed text on each players' screen of that team could state [GDI/Nod Refinery Destroyed : Repairs credit buff initialized] The current credit income for repairing friendly vehicles could be buffed by a 50%-100%, so players have the option of suffering to a reduced tickrate OR they can repair friendly vehicles and accumulate credits quicker than normal to enable a swifter comeback for the whole team. For example: If an Engineer's credit income for repairing is 2 credits per 1% repaired, that then becomes 4 credits per 1% repaired if their Refinery has been destroyed. If a tank ends up having 7 engineers who are too careless and they all get slaughtered by an Arty or sniper(s), well that happens already... But at least those engineers will have been able to gain a fair amount of credits in the mean time. This also means Hotwire's will gain a lot of credits much faster which is healthy for the team because that means somebody or something is being repaired, but depending on the player of the Hotwire they may lose that repair to find a friendly vehicle instead, which doesn't always assure victory. But this also means if a team without their Refinery is able to push back out, the less damage they take the more it will cripple their own economy so if they're not careful and get cocky they risk losing their progress, or if too many players are farming credits via reps in the battlefield their base is more open to infiltration as well. So they're still at a disadvantage but the disadvantage is one they'd bring upon themselves if they're too reckless despite being a building down. People already use engineers to try to gain credits back if they're low on money after the Refinery has been destroyed, so lets reward that initiative. Just to summarize what might work best: Buff Ref tickrate to 3 for Active Refinery Reduced Harvester payload by a % Debuff Ref tickrate to 1.5 for the team with a Disabled(destroyed) Refinery Buff credit income on repairs by a % for the team without an Active Refinery In-addition to this buff, on-screen text needs to pop-up stating "Repairs credit buff initialized" for the team which just lost their Refinery P.S. Minor Team VP for successful harvester dump would be nice on maps with contested harvester fields, however Crashsite and Islands as well as any other map with in-base tiberium fields would need this harvester dump VP gain disabled. @Xeon Wraith
  21. If you read the last two comments before yours you'd understand why I won't be sending you an Xmas card this year now
  22. I'd recommend naming the cabinet mines "<Barracks> Building/Door Mines" <Barracks> = <Name of building they're in> "Building/Door Mines" tells the player the mines they're purchasing from the cabinet are specifically for the buidling they're in as well as the most ideal location to place the mines Even if a new player doesn't figure it out straight away the naming of the cabinet mines can still help them figure out why they've disappeared from their inventory Perhaps for each building loss every other building gains an additional mine to use Similarly it might be a good idea for mappers to modify how many mines can be used per cabinet, for flying maps specifically or maybe flying maps could just come with exterior proxy mine cabinets for the ramps etc? Nonetheless, I like this mine cabinet idea and we should ignore redarmy's comment. (He eats food with a gun)
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