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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. *"Our Mines are Down" *"Enemy Mines Disarmed" Would be absolutely necessary e.g. Mines.wav
  2. A mixture of maps as some regular maps offer an more interesting terrain diversity for snipers - meanwhile an SniperDM specific map can make such a tournament less tedious when it comes to two players playing. Depending on how you want to judge this tournament, if it is solely based on most kills or if there are other goals the competing players could have beyond just kills
  3. Oh lawdy please no, lets make this as dramatic as the other FP thread But certainly can't take it to private now with the false TBan allegation Ryz made. People gotta know. I gotta know. Ryz saw me type out the command to tban him apparently - or he's just making an wild assumption based on coincidence and I get to be the target, I haven't prevented such bias in all fairness but I only tban folks who shit'on or hate'on other folks that are trying to enjoy the game. Never for difference of opinion. Maybe don't promote Ryz, he hasn't learned
  4. MRLS + Lock Turret + Spray n Pray = Super Effective Just remember to keep your MRLS far away from LCG eyes
  5. Ryz doesnt like me n i dunno why and this makes me want to have more than one feeling so I could better understand his frustration You should promote Ryz
  6. Updates thus far... Team Silo's have been moved closer together, but still a bit of an run from the main bases. They can also be hit by vehicles from the lower vehicle path. Updating the Nod Base with some defences The terrain just outside both bases have been modified. The weapons factory and Barracks have also been switched [As the Barracks was impossible to enter without an AOW assault] The Weapons Factory [not in image] has also had an wall added to it to mask a majority of the building - but neither team should want to lose the main fields outside their bases
  7. Just keep up an permanent 40 player Marathon server actively running alongside 64 player slot servers. For players who stand by 40 player cap servers and players who stand by 64 player cap servers, this will allow two servers to grow - given enough time [3 Month trial period] The minor difference, let it fuel two servers
  8. The fact that APB has an excellent 'H' for Help function which provides an pop-up for the player to know the controls of the unit they are presently using, as well as any other small tidbits of information.
  9. Shoot the sniper so they have to move - additionally, why are you using an pistol?
  10. So far after only having USB output/input for sound I have not run into the sound-bug. By not using the 3.5mm rear-port I have not encountered the sound bug.
  11. I genuinely hope the manual shuffle is without bias, I hope to see an manual shuffle where none of the players who have been named in this thread are shuffled.
  12. @TomUjain My one experience with you was straight forward and fine. My advice to you from Ex-Administrator of an GMod community to you would be this - Really try to ensure that your mod-team has the same agenda as you, who will uphold this as well and most importantly figure out who is just in it for their own selfish agenda. [They always show themselves up in the end so you really don't have to do anything to find them out]
  13. If you push an agenda and make a point lets not go playing the victim card here, I pointed you out and bigged up your commander game in public games - but when people started to put you in the category of being really really really good all it took was to cull that mentality from people to prop you up on a pedestal, you're as good as any other experienced player. But I'm still going to point you out as somebody who has in the past been very vocal that it is the experienced player's fault than those with frustration towards the experienced player, and you still have this stance and its a silly stance because you should know better than anybody that frustration does not make you victorious.
  14. These are the exact same issue if this and other threads similar to this are anything to go by. Map depending, this isn't typically the be-all-end-all for players - We've all not thought to ZigZag in our own base on C&C Walls but most of us learned from this, now my ZigZag game is so strong I've been able to get up close to those snipers and, as @kira indirectly quoted me earlier I have been able to kill or at least weaken the sniper. Snipers are weak to free infantry, because they ignore them or get cocky yet I've killed Sakura's with an Grenedier and Havoc's Flamethrowers. This is the only advantage experienced and regulars have over newbies - they know how to counter. This entire game with its units has that tactical counter which it inherited from its father franchise. Instead of catering towards any players' frustration (which is rarely a good thing, just look at any child that gets everything they want and then see how they react when they're finally told "no") try instead to find out the scenario they were in then inform them how to improve if they can't figure it out themselves. You want an solution against Snipers? Max of 1VP if an sniper kills any free infantry regardless of the free infantry's veterancy. [This may already be a thing actually...] Snipers are so fragile and I don't understand why people think they're impossible, maybe if they spent less time venting in all-chat they wouldn't get shot so much..? [that is a joke, this thread needs at least one intentional joke]
  15. Just going to say this now @TomUjain Sarah's influence had an direct result in FPI's success. For the longest time I thought FPI was Sarah's server and I doubt I am alone here. Sarah has definitely helped your server and that's incredibly redeemable and yes, somebody who may take certain liberties because they've put an untold amount of effort into something is immediately in the wrong - But somebody who tries to hide somebody else's effort? That's a much worse and potentially manipulative person
  16. What is the point in an IRC if you also need screenshots? Anyway, your tiff and squabble with Sarah seems very counter-productive to the point of this thread doesn't it? Sarah can be Sarah, Sarah has herself. That being Sarah. She banned me from FPI once for something I said in discord which was total bullshit, I didn't even realize Sarah was even that good at RenX but you seem to be using her past to disregard her opinion in the present and that is a really good way to justify why you shouldn't listen to somebody who contradicts what you're saying... [Not a good thing by the way] Much like we tolerate Ryz and his obnoxiously bias stance towards the aforementioned experienced players in this thread we still actually listen to what he says and deliver an proper counter-argument, But Ryz the guy who has a bit of an following in FPI for being an decent commander in public games - somebody who is one of your mods, right? Yet, why do I get the feeling he's part of the reason why this mentality towards the aforementioned experienced players has gone so far that you, @TomUjain feel like you can criticise the dev's for not listening yet you've barely said a word towards numerous posts of mine in here - bit odd considering my posts are contradicting you and your mods' points regarding this bizarre issue created by what was once the toxic few but now the toxic mob of XBitches. "people who aggressively idolize but envy a player who is better than them" I love how my first post which included an short experiment about player mentality was overlooked, was it because I initially agreed with a small part of something Agent touched on at the beginning of my post so you thought you were answering two posts with one despite my post serving its own? Was it because it doesn't follow what you may have concluded from your experiment? Is there some actual bias because of some silly past experience with AlienX? It'd be great to get an actual response. Maybe you just think I'm being retarded for thinking that the problem is the player mentality of somebody who doesn't believe in themselves (XBitches) Vs somebody who has just spent a lot of hours playing Renegade X... Totally insane, right? Or maybe just moderate somebody who vents their frustrations directed towards experienced players so newbies don't get this horrible toxic representation which is an fraction of the community but a fraction you've made it clear you're willing to cater towards...
  17. Yes, I have seen the many topics but unlike you I seemed to have progressed from "Maybe they could try and be on different teams" to my post on page 1 in this thread [With the big frikkin' card image] which exemplifies perfectly my attitude towards anybody who thinks they can have their way because they bitch about somebody else being good at something. Is has been stated that certain specific experienced players have actually gone out of their way to play on different sides, they listened to the previous thread and now its time the regulars and other experienced players PAID ATTENTION. Don't boast another player's ability to play a game under the guise of narcissistic bitching. Quit using the term "Elite" @kira @Ryz @TomUjain like it actually means something, you are promoting the REAL PROBLEM - even in this thread - by using such an gross term such as "Elite" - a term used by some who aggressively idolize but envy and also hate somebody who plays better than them? What the fuck? Who listens to that kind of player? They are always the worst. Player. Imaginable. I ran my own experiment and the result was that if somebody on your team is angrily idolizing players on the opposing team your team is most likely to lose, not because of the other players on the enemy team but because your team mate is being the most demoralizing, toxic and potentially chaotic team mate possible to the rest of your team. How? You might ask. Okay. I'll pretend to be one of these "Elite" aforementioned experienced players, Oh look! Somebody on the enemy team is calling me an hacker and someone else is already admitting defeat? ... Wow, okay that privatesay was pretty damn rude... erm... well if they really think I'm this good I guess I they've given me enough incentive to lack any kind of compassion towards their venting frustrated-selves... Oops... killed a building... I almost feel sorry for the rest of their team, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been as motivated to help prove them right! P.S. ^ THAT WAS NOT AN WORD-FOR-WORD [verbatim] ACCOUNT, just an basic mentality as to why having someone on your team being an XBitch [i.e. Somebody who aggressively idolizes but envies a player who is better than them] is more damaging for the whole team than a few friends playing together and working as a good team. I will repeat myself here for you guys again: If you're beaten by 3 people working as team, rally your own team and work together.
  18. Its a shame you, as an experienced player, don't promote the bigger perspective as well Ryz. For the most part, you're pointing out less than 15% of an team in most games as being able to cripple another team - This is mostly true if you have the toxic 'Elites' perspective. "So, what is the bigger perspective then?" This is an team game and 3 players working so well together as a team should be more encouraging for the other team to work as a team rather than letting one or two toxic frustrated XBitches disrupt their own team and cause chaos -Remember! When playing RenX you are not just an individual, you are A TEAM with upto 15 or more people. Amusingly enough when you rally a team in an public game they perform better and come out on top in which case nobody gives a shit then about whoever player is doing what. So quit bandwagonning this toxic perspective @Ryz and look at why 3 people can beat another team. Because they, as 3 people, are working so well as a team that they can overcome more than 15 or more players. This is not because they are godlike [which is always an gross-over-exaggeration no matter what game] but because THEY ARE WORKING AS A TEAM. Ignore XBitches who vent and indirectly boast about specific players' abilities, !modrequest the XBitches OUT of the server because, I'm not sure if anybody here has ever worked as a group with other people but you know what is more infuriating than somebody who does better than somebody else? Somebody bitching about their frustrations of somebody else being better than them. Shut up and fight and prove you can become better. That's it! People can change their attitude but nobody can change how good somebody else is without mental or physical abuse. @TomUjain Tagging you in the hope that you read this.
  19. Quite a few of the mutators on the FPI server are an great addition such as beacons being unavailable when the player limit is too low, pop-up reminder if the enemy team has an commander and the other team does not, different crates from the vanilla game, only being able to switch teams pre-game if somebody else wants to switch team but not during an active game unless the teams are unbalanced numerically? Marvelous! And I'm sure there are other mutators I've experienced and enjoyed without even noticing - its great to test potentially future features by experimenting via mutators The team-shuffler isn't the greatest and its awesome to see active moderation to manually re-shuffle the teams. Let me inform you of something right now and this should probably be pushed among any server moderation team. The player tiers (should be) as follows. Newbies, Regulars & Experienced. [These are neutral and fair terms] The "bias" you are referring to in its simplest form is the bias from players who cannot stop themselves from venting about somebody else being better than them. Unfortunately for your staff there is only so much any person can take before they accumulate this bias as well, it happens whether you like it or not - if you're stuck speaking to the most easily frustrated people its going to rub off on you eventually. In addition to accumulating this bias [unintentional or not] the terms of the toxic begin to feed into how you refer to different players by proxy and what you may incidentally do is marginalize specific players and put them off from playing the game - Do this too much and RenX will just have players who know venting will score them an catered victory. If you keep referring to players as either 'normal' and 'elites' you are furthering this bias, you are letting the toxic-from-frustration players have their way when they are in fact the bigger threat to newbies than regulars or experienced players. If players want to be vocal and bully people who are better than them, kick them, temp-ban them before one toxic p.o.s turns into 10 toxic pieces of scheisse with an mob mentality - This does not only protect experienced players but protects EVERYONE in your server from an player who choose to vocalize their frustrations for everybody else. You may find moderating players who spew their toxic frustration is much easier when they're boasting and bullying others in all/team/private chat in-game. That's just an approach which worked in the past - on an once very popular Garry's Mod server. But just to say, backing up Kaunas here - You've experimented and results of any experiment are always informative in some way. FPI is an fun addition from the vanilla game
  20. "If you don't pay for the server you cannot have an opinion" ? That isn't an very community-friendly attitude, especially when somebody else as taken the time, thought and effort into writing an detailed post [which isn't "a load of bull"] and if you are an mod at FPI I hope you don't use this shitty attitude of yours to be one of "those" types of mods. [The type which are c*nts and will always be c*nts to players they choose to not get along with because of something that has been said to them outside of the game, via power-abusing-c*nt-clique] It probably just frustrates players new and old, no way an new player is going to be put off by somebody better them at a game they've played a few matches of unprompted. What turns new players off more would most likely be: Disrespectful players Disrespectful mods Game crash Sound Bug Players speed-running maps during low-pop games Additionally, if you're an 'experienced' & regular player and the server your on has low-pop and you don't recognize more than 50% of the names on the enemy team then show better sportsmanship and avoid the cheap infiltration kill. [This last one is purely subjective, but seriously, is playing this game about your ego or RenegadeX being somewhat newbie friendly?] Honestly, one thing that APB does really well is its "Help" hotkey. Press 'H' and whatever you are or whatever you're in, you'll receive an quick short pop-up of how to use and control that unit. Its an great idea and RenX would really benefit from this when it comes to attracting and keeping new players. Last thing: A new player isn't going to really know an good player from an bad player unless their team is boasting about any specific player, which may in fact put them off more than just being killed a lot [which is going to happen in a lot of games where other players have had time to practice than any newbie] - strict ranking systems notwithstanding. But don't go blaming people who have spent a lot of time playing Renegade X for playing Renegade X because some people choose to boast about those players in-game and disrupt the server with their lack of self-control over their own unfortunate frustration
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