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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. This is why I should get unofficial things, I'd still have it otherwise Odd that Daybreak survived but not this map
  2. So at what point is a 'siren' less vague than Q-spotting the specific building - likewise, Q-spotting the enemies or Timed C4s inside the building? Your complaint or issue here seems more to do with players lacking in observation and unless devs are going to pull a Fable 2 by giving every player on the team a golden-sparkly trail to any Q-spotted building belong to their own team, there isn't room to hold every players hand if they're not going to pay attention to their own team in the first place - No amount of patching can fix the lack of observation of random team mates
  3. Honestly I think its fair Arty archs vertically Mrls archs horizontally Just make lock-on work only against aircraft
  4. Madkill40


    Should turn the green frame around players when you look at them into the colour blue instead
  5. Shoot the floor, use grenade, run for vehicles, hit artys, die, respawn, get a Gunner...
  6. The .MSI is only to install the Launcher anyway, running the Launcher does in fact download and install the game.
  7. Turret lock makes the MRLS more practical, before the turret lock was brought back I realised why using an MRLS felt so odd but being able to lock and unlock the MRLS battery is best of both- custom maps on OldRen which had an MRLS with a rotating battery were a novelty, it was nice because the battery should be allowed to rotate - but locking the battery allows the MRLS a similar out-of-sight fire diversity as the Arty The arty fire-arch can hit vehicles in cover or are otherwise out of reach of any other vehicle, thanks to the MRLS battery being locked GDI actually get this advantage as well - but 6+ rockets are going to magnify the impact compared to an singular (continuous) bombardment from one Arty. If its possible to limit the curve of the rockets so the rockets can't make an U-turn (unless locked on) then that'd be a fair nerf, but the MRLS battery lock doesn't give too great an advantage to GDI Flanking with rockets by looking right and firing left with an locked battery makes the MRLS an actual threat again, rather than "oh look an MRL- Nevermind, its dead now" Reducing MRLS splash might be a better idea, wasn't the splash increased just to buff the lack of versatility of the MRLS anyway? Not massively reduced, we don't want rockets that do FA-splash like that one time with Gunner's rocket launcher
  8. I was under the impression latest TeamSilo was in the base game but this is not the case - silo currently does not appear on the map, I'm not sure which file needs to tag along to make it work
  9. Changes I forgot to mention: Lowered FogDensity Altered PostProcessingVolume
  10. I really like the model of that heli, reminds me of the ones in the cutscenes in C&C95 One of them with an HMG on the side which has to be controlled by another passenger (one on both sides if poss) but each passenger's character is visibly sat shooting the HMG
  11. Let patch play spy Vs Black Hand units, so a Patch can become a Spy LCG/SBH/BHS if they kill one (either with a combat knife or pistol) So the only way a Patch could get an SBH Spy is if a player on Nod loses one, the same for LCG and BHS. Please be a knife, Patch is Guerrilla specialist ... maybe
  12. Changes: -Recon Bikes removed, Replaced with Nod Raider Buggys -Cover reduction -Thommy's working TeamSilo (Icon) and GDI Def Turret -Added extra Guard Tower to both Team Silos -Pathnodes now cover 90% of the playable area -Vehicles can no longer drive on the port -Cover has been provided for the Strip drop-off and GDI Barrack doors credit: TK0104 Lights currently building ... Standby.
  13. The TOW Humvee creates an desire for Vehicle weapon modification customization I really like the Nod AA Variant though, reminds me of the Flak unit from RA2
  14. I just realised... if you make the beam red and use the sound effects from the Obelisk you effectively have an hand-held obby
  15. When infantry request a ride it'd be cool if a green pointy arrow popped over the players head to anyone who is in a vehicle. RTS style.
  16. Okay.jpg "Mendoza rushes are great but they are very expensive." -Akbaro Within the context of this thread (comparing Mobius n Mendoza) it was as if you were saying an Mobius rush isn't expensive. The expense of an doza rush served no point in this thread when being compared to a char of equal price...
  17. What if an GDI character was the spy instead of it being a crate and could be purchased by any player on the GDI Faction? However, for a SPY to cloak themselves as the enemy team they have to kill someone on the enemy team first and any kill thereafter they become the unit they kill (With exception to Technician's/Engineers/1K Characters for balance reasons) The only character that comes to mind would be the Patch and the kill has to be made with the pistol or an specific gun which is not his main weapon... Unless it'd be possible to 'E' a corpse and take their outfit This would probably be a nightmare to code so I expect nothing from this
  18. If I'm in first-person in a vehicle I tend to be able to hear the "wooooooosh" of the cruise missile and then look around for the flare, if I'm in third-person its rare I don't spot the yellow/red flare
  19. It was more your point of Mendoza's being considered more expensive... Yet both chars are 1k each...
  20. HOW TO AVOID A CRUISE MISSILE [The list]: IS THERE A FLARE? MOVE. SPOTTED AN MESSAGE? MOVE. JUST HEARD AN WOOSH NOISE? MOVE. NOT NOTICED ANY OF THE SIGNS OF A CRUISE MISSILE? YA DUNN FUCKED UP. Always stay alert on the battlefield, or ya die. Also I just want to point out that if you don't notice any of the signs of an incoming cruise missile then either it was brilliantly placed by a commander or those suffering from the reach of an Cruise Missile are the type of player that will be an complete asshat in a vehicle anyway. Cruise Missile is fine as it is... Maybe the sound effect should be raised..? But the sound effect volume for the cruise could also be absolutely fine I wouldn't know as I have sound settings on not-100%
  21. Yeah, but not as expensive as them Mobius rushes amirite..?!!?!?!?!!?!!!
  22. I didn't think the spread on Doza's thin blue pellets was as absurd as described in the OP, but Doza's blue grenade volley's with the tib-spread is useful for crowds (or if your aim sucks), I don't quite see how Mobius is overpowered comparatively to the Doza tho. Plus side, Doza is a little bit faster in speed compared to Mobius too.
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