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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. Yes, on the condition of building defences changing. I think the current building defence mechanics and method of mining is stupid, flawed, out-dated and should be upgraded with the re-imagined Renegade-X - laser trip wires, hack-able door-lock seals or auto ceiling defence turrets or cameras are all viable and more serious options for defending a building from an intruder than manual mining. If something like this were done, finding a Hotwire or technician in a crate would mean they still have at least one advance repair class unit and would not be much more irritating to the opposing team than someone finding a Mendoz or Sydney instead for example. Mines could then be re-purposed for some other task in field rather than being allowed around your own teams buildings. I also get Xeon's point about hunting down miners, it really frustrates me seeing that one person can place all 25 or so mines, sometimes in the last remaining building. Maybe they should be limited to 6-8 mines total each maximum and then multiple defenders (near to 3) are responsible for mining buildings - assuming this remained the same. I don't like building mines at all and think there are more sensible methods for a modern game like this. In terms of small games you would be forced to choose which to protect or bluff and which to camp or be aware of.
  2. Great, the screenshots looks really promising. Will anyone be putting this into rotation so we can try playing a game on a full server/beta test it at the same time?
  3. I would still prefer the left screen data set (credits, cp, mines and vehicles) in the old position centre bottom, but the icons are an improvement over the old word labels. If a player Q-Spots an enemy unit, can we have some sort of meta transparent ghost text that then appears on the screen indicating the direction of where the unit is until it becomes visible (then it disappears) and include type in the label; possible alternative to the text feed, could then potentially remove even more feed clutter I'm thinking this would be more useful and intuitive than constantly having to scan different text feeds for everything you need to know. The compass could also include some small red arrow markers to indicate the direction of an enemy until it becomes a red dot on the compass. If it were done intelligently, a small meta label indicating type/position would not necessarily be anymore intrusive/clutter than a player name label presently is and normal spotting only allows for tracking something like 5 units presently anyway. Regarding indicating a building that needs repairs, I'd prefer to see some sort of large friendly wrench icon appear and hover above a damaged building that is Q-spotted until it's repaired, even if it still remains in the feed, almost like the RTS game had. The audible portion of a radio command would be enough to make someone stick their head out of a building to see which one and there's less reading required. The main problem is having one large feed with multiple sets of information that needs to be processed, differentiating them has helped somewhat, but placement is still an issue - back to other topic thread.
  4. I do think I prefer the new version more, but with a few tweaks to items being discussed: Do we even need a text print out for radio commands everybody can hear anyway? This way it's just none interrupted chat conversation. I would prefer the chat get moved to upper-mid section near to where it used to be and I agree about moving the kill feed back to lower mid left. I dislike the trend of putting lots of name/text labels in [square brackets], it looks really clumsy, unnecessary and harder to read/process.
  5. I like the fact you provided about Lazarus armour, I didn't know this. So maybe these advanced stealth suits come equipped with medi-gel so when they get perforated with bullets it just refills the suit and regrows the tissue at super speed, this way team members don't have to bother with healing one another and worry about becoming revealed and spotted and it's not like SBH have loads of health anyway or don't take at least some damage on the way into a base. If SBH were given an EMP grenade instead it would raise the question, should buildings hit with an EMP blast trigger the building under attack alarm is electronics are disabled? Obviously the current disarming of mines doesn't do this. Patch already has the grenade launcher, so it's sort of balanced when compared to the SBH. Bases could either come with a new radar tower or the existing Airstrip and Weapons Factory is edited to give the GDI WF a radar dish on the roof somewhere similar to the extra SAM turret it has on Lakeside. Destroy this module to enable your team to rush without being spotted on the mini-map / game map. OR maybe give the Officer more of a key role - I seem to recall he was able to spot things and call re-enforcement's in the original solo Renegade campaign. The range of the existing comms centre could be reduced to 50% map coverage instead of full - I think this is how it presently works, although I don't look at it that often. So who is Lead Developer these days? This conversation and good suggestions may get lost under the heap unless someone is told.
  6. Mystic~


    Thanks, I've tried Sonny's suggestion and will test it later today.
  7. The coms centre is very useful on a map like FIeld-X to reduce the risk of one side just tunnel rushing, on Outposts it's quite irritating because an SBH can camp it with a rep tool, in fact they can do this on most maps with most tech buildings. I would say the SBH shouldn't get a repair gun but that would prevent infiltration, maybe they should be given an EMP grenade instead and just self-heal over time (if they don't already)? If GDI has a good team on Outposts they can win, but I see more Nod wins than GDI on this map due to their speed/stealth options and early game is important for GDI as else they become somewhat base locked and high tier infantry prevent any progress along the forest infantry route. Maybe GDI needs a new Seal unit that can disguise itself as a bush when standing still or something so it can go capture buildings whilst everyone else is locked in base. Or how about we give both teams a radar by default and losing it means you can no longer see deep enemy unit movements on the mini map? Like a periodic sweep that fades.
  8. They seem to be saying they're open to suggestions as long as it doesn't require new models or animations. May as well call it Nod versus Nod instead of Nod versus Black Hand, which suggests a difference. I like the idea taken from C&C3 where they're are different factions from the same side like normal GDI and Steel Talons, one having access to Titan and Wolverines and the other more traditional tanks.
  9. Make the Black Hand light tank shoot blue lasers instead of tank shells. I would give Sakura a small stealth ability so she can move from cover to cover similar to the SBH, but make it so it can't be sustained indefinitely like the the SBH can. Make Red Nod's harvester carry more tiberium but slower, make Blue's move faster but carry less. Give Blue soliders a slower rate of fire, but make their flame troopers more powerful than red. I'm just thinking small adjustments that gives one side a slight speciality or an edge in one area that's asymmetrical so it's not just a total balanced head to head.
  10. I don't really understand where you're going with this in relation to team balancing? You say your data and conclusion shows that the winning team based on score at the 5 minute mark, becomes the final winning team at game end; that's useful stuff to see in statistics and it suggests that early game is really important (most experienced players know this already) and that almost 9 times out of 10 if your team occupies more top score leader board positions (has lots of kills) your team is highly likely to win when past this point. Maybe you could popup a Surrender vote at the 5 minute mark. The probability of winning is 7%; would you like to surrender? Usually which ever team manages to destroy the opposing team's first harvester and save their own are going to quickly power up and win the match, so long as they capitalise on the opportunity and don't just waste their economy by being killed/vehicles destroyed too easily. It would be good to have some sort of in-game accessible statistic for commander wins/losses as this makes a huge difference and can often turn a game around entirely. I don't think I agree that just because score is balanced it's an enjoyable game - could be an awful stalemate. The better team doesn't always necessarily mean they have the better players, although it helps, especially if there's a competent commander.
  11. I would look forward to this, thanks for taking the time to make it, I hope the flame tank's also shoot blue fire. It would be cool if there were some small differences, a bit like Vanilla Nod and Black Hand Nod in Kane's Wrath being different factions of the same alliance, and maybe the weapons also perhaps behave differently. If blue is anything like Cabal, in Firestorm there needs to be a cyborg unit. I agree about the colour, some of it is over saturated, particularly the purchase terminals and purchase interfaces.
  12. I somewhat agree with iSupreme, I'm constantly seeing a post that says something like: Havoc's Anus or Sydney's something... there are other examples of course, people begin to use it like a chat function and it's sometimes really stupid stuff, the ping notification is distracting as is all the extra text and activity on the screen. I don't really know how to moderate the game polling system though, can be a really useful feature and I sometimes don't mind general stuff goingup like what movie should I go see this weekend. Could players perhaps have a clear button that hides the polls they don't want to see? Similar to how commander vote ins can be cancelled by the player if they don't want the role.
  13. I can relate to this, I constantly reload my assault rifle after killing an enemy even if I've got plenty left in the clip, obsessive compulsive behaviours.
  14. Whilst you're cooking, showering, watching television, attempting to sleep you're really trying to come up with a sound strategy for that map yet to be played or that last game you just played and lost and you're seeing visions behind your eyes of game content. You're watching a movie and wonder if that vehicle, uniform or weapon would be a good fit for the Renegade Universe. You're watching the Expanse and wondering why Nod soldiers couldn't repel the boarding commando's on the Donnager. You watched the amazing game trailer for the latest C&C mobile game showing Commanders and then couldn't believe it wasn't actually for a FPS version of the game, which is what it seemed to be alluding to and were disappointed. You're playing Renegade-X and have that de-ja-vu flash back to when you were 16 playing original Renegade back in 2001, you're playing Field or Under and you still hate these maps but play them anyway, you still wish you were out drinking with your buddies having a life and then realise many of your friends are from online games in other countries... and despite all the new maps the only thing you really want is C&C City Flying to return to the game and are wondering how damn hard is to create high rise skyline texture and skin a road anyway? You actually managed Ascension via Jesus Christ and you're actually wondering what the psychic re-creation of this game is going to be like when you finally get chance to play it like a VR-immersion game, but in the mean time you fall out with someone from the game and get told to fall again. The real reason you're meditating is to release the trauma from your hands, arms and back for all those karmic bad clicks or wrong key presses that were detrimental to the games just played. You look at the terrorist bombing of the WTC in the original C&C TIberian Dawn and you compare this to the WTC terror attacks of 2001 and think this wasn't just an unfortunate coincidence. That the UN GDI is really just indoctrination into the UN as part of a future planned world government.
  15. Hi everyone, I wanted to post a link to a indie game just released on Steam in the fantasy Action-RPG genre, called DrainLive, it's based on similarities to the classic game Nox also by Westwood Studios and so far it features just a battle arena mode. It's free to download, but you appear to need to purchase a character skin to start playing. It was a very fun game back in its day and I'm looking for people to play a game with, not sure how the servers work yet and not sure if it will live up to the original game, but the graphics are much updated. Update: Servers are currently auto assigned, East Europe and West Europe - and presumably maybe a north American one. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1092150
  16. So one person can barely hold a game on the server? I don't really call that proportional scaling, I'd like to see a video of someone doing this.
  17. Well this is why I asked if the wave numbers could be matched to the number of people in the game. i.e. 1 player, first wave only consists of 10-15 attackers and so on, or whatever is necessary. When more people join the wave numbers increase proportionally so things become harder. I understand it's meant for more people, but this way you can at least get the server seeded with one or two people until more join without it being defeat ever time.
  18. Well I tried your server yesterday as soon as I read this thread, and after about 5-6 blasts of that gun emplacement the whole place is overrun and they're placing timed on the MCT. I don't even have time to block the sandbag entrance with an APC. What am I doing wrong?
  19. British team: Mystic - tanker Fffreak - defender/server master Madkyll - team motivator Smayhew - panic report Xeon Wrath - can command Jamie Dodger - lucky crate whore AngryDave - I'm not sure yet Majestic Sausage - A majestic sausage Kenz3001 - ex developer/Chief complainer Could be you?
  20. Can the assault waves be scaled proportionally in terms of number of attacking units to match the number of people in the game? As just myself wave 1 is already overwhelming. I really like the idea and I can see it becoming more popular.
  21. If people are prepared to list their country in Steam, I don't see how it would violate privacy anymore than they have already disclosed. Maybe it's possible to create an opt out option, but I don't know. It's not a priority request, but if the game survives new releases of the next few years it would be a welcome small addition.
  22. I just managed to get on, for how long?
  23. Discord is currently saying Google's Data Servers have crapped out in places, so I can't connect to the service, not sure how many others can't either. p.s. if someone can pm me the pass I can still join the game.
  24. Hello, Just an idea I had the other night for something to help grow community ties. Is it possible to build into a future patch or interface revision, pulling in the country information from a users Steam account and then either show a small flag sprite graphic or country letters next to their name on the scoreboard? i.e. Mystic (Eng) This would enable everyone to see where everyone else is based in the world. Thanks
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