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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. It happens frequently enough for me to keep encountering it. I don't see how does it matter what map it was on. The developers stepped in to prevent airstrikes called on top of beacons for the same reason, which are very similar to this, and I don't see much difference between someone purchasing airstrikes or someone saving up all their cp points for calling in multiple cruise missiles on a team beacon. It still prevents an opposing defending team from disarming a beacon in many instances and it causes wide area damage and it's devastating to any infantry caught up in it. It's highly effective and disproportionate, which is what the argument is. i.e. lame, cheap, overpowered, near invincible, whatever adjective you want to use to describe it. All it would need is a similar message flashing up saying "cannot call cruise missile, too close to a team beacon". If this is going to be allowed then the block on airstrikes may as well be lifted as well.
  2. If this has been posted before, please ignore. Can we please have a similar prevention check to stop Commanders from calling in one, two or more cruise missiles on top of a placed beacon, similar to what people used to do with airstrikes, but this was eventually patched. It's very effective and it's quite a cheap and nasty tactic. Thanks
  3. Thanks for responding and feedback. Any other thoughts about any of the proposed Specials, or things like the Gunner? The para-drop/gliders is the idea I find the most strategy changing as it would mean even GDI has an infiltration option, but of course, if they get spotted then it's possible also to shoot them down, but means a team always needs some sort of defensive presence that is more than one tech/hotwire. I get that any change to the artillery needs careful consideration as it's so pivotal to the gameplay, rate of fire is the main one I would be cautious of, but they do seem to be being used as head-on tanks often if they have a tech repairing them and can often challenge or take on a medium tank, which I wouldn't expect one to be able to do at close range. Long range is another story and even the MRL can do this. Collision damage I am suggesting only takes place between opposing teams, not for your own team as there's too much scope for misuse and abuse. If a buggy, bike or humvee runs into a tank I'd expect it to be toast or lose a lot of health/armour, bounce off even, and possibly cause a bit of damage to the tank if it has a long run-up. APCs would, of course, be immune to this mostly. It might prevent tanks from trying to push one another in some instances and keep range in order to fire and in some instances it encourages you to ram smaller vehicles rather than fire. I imagine artillery pieces would be softer targets for this sort of tactic. I wasn't envisioning any sort of terrain collision damage, so lag wouldn't pose much of a threat. I've not played Path Beyond so I can't comment about exploding units, I imagine they would become an attractive target to hit but would be offset by the ability to cause damage. Your team would need to protect them more and/or keep out of their way. If you snipe one who is in a group of other units, it's a strategic advantage as you cause damage to the other surrounding enemy soldiers. The veteran points thing is still an issue in some public games like FIeld/Under, where both teams seemingly become heroic and there's a standoff where even a rushing team gets eaten up before it can do anything. I sort of like the end game missile that was introduced into that recent C&C mobile where when you hold all 3 points you inflict quite a bit of damage to all buildings. It's a bit like the EMP cannon on Stronghold, but it could maybe be: Repair and hold the temple for a period of time, maybe both sides could 'capture' this, or introduce a comms centre. I think some people worked on models for these buildings at one point. However, I was thinking something that could be introduced into all maps and not just as a novelty, so it could also be some sort of server game option like Marathon or Arcade-mode, even. I don't think Stealth-Sweep is a bad option, it would work a bit like a spy-plane, except you'd imagine it as some sort of orbital satellite, and perhaps make it radius dependent, so it scans a large circular area of the base, but not great enough to cover an entire base and vocalises "enemy unit detected". This seems preferable to just driving or running around and constantly free firing everywhere to cover all possible areas. It would still be possible to do this of course, but there would be far less pressure to do this and mine. Walls and X Mountain are the main maps and Whiteout before they introduced the extra guard towers that I typically don't like on this map. If it costs enough CP then it has to be carefully considered and using this does mean you don't get the option to use your Offensive/Defensive bonuses as often as the other team. If someone does get revealed, they have to move out of the zone and the usual cat/mouse hunt for invisible units begins. My building defence idea was laser trip wires that weaken after every person that dies running through one and can be disarmed or EMPd, makes more sense to me that to mine your own base, but this is discussed in another thread. It would mean if you lose the bar/hon you're not guaranteed to lose everything else through APC rushes or SBHs etc. You could still strategically mine places, but I'd expect them not to be buildings, but rather other key points.
  4. Hi all, I've been keeping a running list of new ideas and suggestions for Ren-X, I obviously wouldn't expect anything to be implemented without discussion or feedback, and some are perhaps just novelty or open ideas, but feel cool and in keeping with the C&C Universe and game mechanics. Rather than feeling you have to comment on everything, maybe just pick out the few things you like or really oppose, thanks. If something seems popular it could go into a future patch or development queue. Flame-trooper and Grenadier - make them slightly more realistic and more of a tactical-fun choice to use. Make both classes explode when they die just like the original C&C strategy game and make them do 'friendly' splash damage to surrounding soldiers and enemy soldiers - people will use them less in mass groups and more strategically. Maybe they could do more damage to offset the risk of one exploding near your group. Artillery - Should the artillery really have the ability to shoot so close? Could they also have a slower rate of fire? They aren't the same as tanks and preferably, they should damage themselves also given their blast radius for close fire. MRLs can't get a close fire option and easily get chased around. MRLS - aerial bombardment alternative fire option. They automatically aim upwards at a steeper angle and rain down more at 70-80 degree angles without having to know the technique for aiming awkwardly on certain maps. This is sort of like the Artillery's ability to arch fire over something. Harvester - make a full harvester into an exploding bomb - this was done in Tiberian Sun, a big blast radius that does lots of damage to buildings and vehicles alike, similar to when full of blue, but just ignore this technicality. New strategies could come from using it as a guided truck-bomb. Are Light tanks are too cheap at 600 credits? They end the game on some larger maps very early on. Could be increased to 700 - GDIs tank is 800 and better armour/damage is often offset by NOD Lights rate of fire and movement speed - one on one there isn't that much difference anymore. Gunner - give them an alternative fire slow loading, slow lock-on option for 1 powerful missile like the alt missile of the gun emplacements on Whiteout/Tomb and give them better armour like the LCG to function as an anti-tank unit that doesn't die so easily. Water - get rid of the water invincibility so people can't keep diving down and popping back out and shooting with near invulnerability and invincible cover. Commander - give him an arcade-style ground star around him so people can more easily recognise him (your team only), automatically boost him with a bit more health and armour like a sort of 'hero' unit to circumvent the time needed to access things like the powers menus or to keep a rush going and communicating. Vehicle collision damage if you manage to crash into an enemy tank, also destroys self if a light vehicle. Hummvee tow missile sounds quite viable, something from the C&C Generals game and might prevent powerful early organised artillery rushes. I really don't like the weak Mammoth tank alt-fire rockets anymore, how about giving them a slow sydney style railgun type blast - powerful, but slow to recharge, these tanks can't survive on their own for very long anyway. Limit the number that can be on the field at any one time as a special unit. Mutator - increase rate of veteran points during a PUG match? End really long stalemate games quicker. Some sort of alternative end game option(s) - the return of the end-game Beacon Pedestal / Sudden death mode with no more character respawns... ends tied public games or long games, could be made a votable option to end stalemates. Special Powers: Stealth sweep - special power for GDI a bit like the mobile sensor arrays in Tiberain Sun, reveals stealth units for a short period of time and then re-charges and costs CP like everything else. Better than random firing in my opinion. Building dome shield or temporary shield wall - counter to prevent an overpowered artillery/tank bombardment with an offensive bonus in play. Either turn the building the same dark blue or light blue defensive colour if possible or create a new honeycomb type of effect. Could be a GDI only thing. Paratrooper drop - for GDI - 3 - 4 basic inf or 1 engineer + 3 inf etc. Timed delay on usage and also CP based. / Same but with NOD gliders sounds like a hi-tech equivalent if we gave them the same option. Would create some new strategies from this ability as presently Nod as the sneaky advantage. Place a circle around people and they automatically fade out and get placed near or over the enemy base in the sky and have to land. A bit like the fun chinook drops of a relaxed pug. Napalm drop - Nod special that sets tanks on fire and does damage over time. Intended to help stem a GDI tank rampage with lots of armour through causing damage and destroying tanks i.e. Islands or Field.
  5. In Madkill's defense on MESA, I decided to pull away from repairing tanks and grab a Syndey and head for the cave like Tommy was prior. I threw my EMP onto the mines and then stormed the power plant, planted timed and started shooting the MCT. I did this whilst negotiating the obelisk and trying not to get killed by Minji who was defending it at the time as a Raveshaw. We both scored hits on one another, but at the end of the duel the Power Plant fell and probably won us the game.
  6. Can you please let me know which maps will be included in the PUG? Adding all the maps you suggested broke my game.
  7. I bet things would have been different if we had Tony.
  8. Having all these commanders on the same team made no sense. Frreak couldn't compete against this.
  9. Laser tripwires with a fuse box outside the door that can be disarmed, also vulnerable to EMP grenades. The lasers could either deal set damage for running through them and/or activate ceiling auto defence turrets and an alarm.
  10. Our team didn't have a single leader/commander after the teams were picked, whilst the enemy team appeared to have at least three choices. The smaller organised team stomped over the larger unorganised team. I left after Lakeside.
  11. I'll be playing if it's on, but it would be good to know in advance if there's a server available and the necessary minimum organisation to run a PUG.
  12. I'm sure if B0ng moves to a better-protected server again people will/can contribute to the cost of running it.
  13. Good post, nice to see how people play and pro-tips that weren't confessed earlier. I don't like to see people mining the ramps on the Hand because a Chinook full of engineers and it's toast, a few Orcas with passengers, it's toast. If two or more people have a difference of opinion when it comes to mining preferences then the whole team suffers. I once suggested replacing building mines with laser tripwires and ceiling auto-defense turrets that could either be disarmed by engineers/adv engineers or destroyed and then either re-spawn or come back online after a short delay of down time. I know it's a game, but you wouldn't seriously mine your own buildings. You'd be better off placing them in the field, and turn the visibility threshold way down so the only way to spot them is to crawl or slowly walk up to them without detonating in order for them to become visible.
  14. I think there should be a short forced re-spawn timer in order to prevent dead players from spying on the enemy team whenever they get killed in the middle of the enemy base or main hub of enemy activity. After a few seconds the player camera should default-return to the players own base. This would still leave enough time to understand who and how you were killed without being able to relay important details or the actions/plan of the enemy team. You could also maybe blur the screen or fade it down to black so its not possible to see what's going on behind, but I imagine my first idea of moving the camera would be easier to implement.
  15. I agree with this after the end of the 2nd game. Swap a few players if things seem one sided, allow people to get drinks and use the bathroom without missing the map vote or going AFK at the start of the next game.
  16. Is there a PUG on today?
  17. I quite like Training Yard and the new changes all sound promising - especially bringing back the bridge and I also assume cliff paths to reach it. How have you sheltered the central infantry route from the vehicle sides? More trees or rocky arches? Would be good to still let inf access the vehicle routes from the centre.
  18. Just to add for completeness. Lakeside: GDI also rushed at the Nod base at the same time as the Second Apache rush dealing some damage to the Hand of Nod and destroying the Nod Refinery with combined Orcas and an infiltrating hotwire. However the GDI base was totaled. Walls: Hand of Nod initially took major damage from 1 of 3 infiltrating hotwires at that time and was later finished off with Orcas and a Gunner/Hotwire inside. The airstrip tower beacon was diligently defended from techs by another Chem spy, whoever that was ensured it made it. Although the score was 5:0 non of the games were easy wins.
  19. Thommy, could you please fix the Nod harvester issue on Tomb if you haven't done this already. The last 3 games I played on this map the Nod harvester got stuck in the refinery bay and GDI quickly wins due to the one sided flow of credits. This also happened on the last PUG game.
  20. Haha Quinc3y, I knew your Hotwire must have been hiding there during the pug which is why I circled back round to the bridge.
  21. Does anyone have a solution for this server version mismatch problem? I've just reinstalled the game and downloaded the latest version via the launcher and am encountering the same problem. [edit] Actually, I've just noticed it's a different package.[/edit]
  22. I think the map designer has plans to move the Tiberium field away from the GDI power plant, but he might not know about being able to place it inside the wall. The map needs testing so I wouldn't have voted to kick you, but that's me. Depending on the server, it's considered an offence to place a beacon anywhere it cannot be disarmed.
  23. I don't mind there being a river through the GDI base as it adds variety, interest and new gameplay tactics. However GDI really need more tank maneuvering space immediately in the Weapons Factory and Barracks area. Maybe you could remove the two wood bridges and replace them with a paved concrete surface and create two small concrete tunnels for Nod to swim through similar to what you see in dams and assault courses. One really game breaking issue is that vehicles purchased from the Abandoned Weapons Factory aren't bound to the person who purchases them. This means Nod SBH camp outside and then immediately steal any vehicle spawned/purchased with there being no delay or time-out before they can get inside. The doors on the alien ship are a minor gripe, they're still too slow, clunky and don't remain open long enough for groups of players to get through in one go, so you usually get separated from your team and picked off. I think they need to slide open from the middle to the sides like in Star Trek. There's an example in the video clip below. I'll probably have more comments about the gameplay the more I play it, but so far in the 20 v 20 games Nod usually wins by sneaky techs, hidden beacons and SBH squads. A GDI Guard Tower at the front of the base would provide some protection from mass SBH infiltration and likewise a Nod turret would afford them a similar warning. I've not had many tank battles so can't comment on this yet. At the moment Crash Site seems to be getting a really bad reputation because nobody wants to vote for it, which is sad because it really needs testing in bigger games so things can be improved.
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