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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. If each member in the Renegade community kept to using a single username like the PUGs maybe it would be possible to assign and denote some sort of "elite gamer" status and then some sort of team filtering system tries to balance equal numbers onto each side. i.e. Fun Player Name (real username in brackets) If each side had a fair balance of power I don't think it would matter so much if two very good friends/skilled players, played together, but most often I find that it hugely tips the success of one side in their favour. I've been experimenting with !modrequest team stack - but there are limited amounts of mods and especially one's who are in a position to respond.
  2. We played Islands this evening and very quickly Nod seemed to have a Mammoth tank, I think this was before even anybody on our side could even afford 1500 to buy one so I think it arrived in a crate. Nod essentially kept this repaired with 4-5 techs throughout the game as we struggled to push out onto the field many times. I think a gift horse like this breaks the game mechanics, it would be like someone on GDI being gifted a Stealth tank on a map like Lakeside. I don't have a problem with the other side stealing a vehicle, but is it possible to limit crates to only vehicles of the same faction? What are others thoughts? I remember one PUG game of Complex where Nod managed to do exactly the same thing and then camped the high plateau with a Mammoth and won and after this I think we decided to disable the crates here. Some public games can be just as competitive as the PUG if not more at times and this was super frustrating, especially considering we surrendered without any building loses on Field just to move the game on after an hour of play.
  3. Hello, and welcome, you seem to be one of the sorts of people we're trying to attract with this game. I share your frustrations when it comes to stacked teams on the whole, but also more specifically when certain highly skilled players take efforts to pair up for the duration of the game. Getting killed multiple times in a row by the same people, particularly in a game where characters and weapons cost resources (time/credits/effort to capture a silo or defend a successful harvester) is really frustrating and often it's under the condition of being locked in base. Maps that have bottle necks and choke points really exacerbate this, often it's one vehicle path and one infantry path and the enemy is capable of camping these spots quite easily with high class infantry and once resources are depleted the opposing team can only get lower tier or free infantry to counter them. The maps that come to mind the most are Field, Under, X-Mountain but this happens on any map where these conditions are met. Special efforts were taken to remedy Field in the way of Field-X, but the same was not done for Under and we let the original remain in the map choices anyway. On other games, you have an armoury area where you can choose a weapon to begin with, later upgrade or at times you pick them up on the battlefield or arena either at spawned locations or from enemy players, but the mechanics of Renegade-X are heavily based on the RTS game and so much be re-purchased each time along with the character class. I wonder what would happen if every character purchased granted an extra free re-spawn as that same class before needing to be re-purchased again - I'm not sure if this is innovative or game-breaking. It would nullify some of the frustrations of being instantly sniped down but might also make games last much longer and of course the opposing team would have precisely the same advantage unless some other sort of mechanic or variable comes into play. The best games for me personally tend to be challenging and competitive but balanced enough that it's neither a team stomp against one side nor an equal stalemate lasting for hours.
  4. I was playing on Oasis yesterday and it was a bit frustrating not being able to purchase a beacon to end the game because we had less than 12 players on the server, whilst the enemy team camped their barracks with mines and out repaired our tanks for quite a while. As we had no Hon we had to wait for someone to get a crate Sydney to even be able to take down the mines, a beacon would have flushed some of them out for sure.
  5. I like the Hover MRLS, it's much more powerful than in TIberian Sun, but it dies so easily and I rarely see anybody ever get one, but it can make a huge difference depending on the map. Maybe Nod could have a mightier artillery piece to keep things even, or perhaps even a digging tank like the Devil's Tongue that can move underground.
  6. Longer disarm times for smaller player numbers sounds sensible, but makes no sense when there's larger numbers of people and 5 Hotwires ready to jump on a beacon. I've proposed a perfectly legitimate solution to ending beacon spam period, so I'd welcome any comments on this, this can be found in my above comment, the the essence is only allow placement of beacon's in enemy bases and not randomly on the field, can't be that hard to do as we've already created area management for preventing beacons in own bases. Using a super weapon on the field without a beacon purely for stopping a swarm of tanks or infantry I've also proposed as something the Commander could use with something like 3000 cp cost. It means they can still be used on the field, just not as a deployed as beacon spams. Solo nuking is a tactic, especially if the rest of their team is elsewhere or it puts pressure on them to make a mistake, often fails, but it can work. I agree somewhat that it's very easy for Nod on some maps to place beacon's, but this needs to be considered against GDI's overwhelming heavy armour and Nod's need for stealth tactics.
  7. Most of the models look really nice, although I wouldn't want the game to start looking like Japanese next gen artwork too similar to Red Alert 3. But at what point does adding next generation vehicles make this a new game? Or is it only planned for a alternative game mode? I still like the original C&C gold models, so I wouldn't want everything just replaced with Tib Sun models. Thanks for putting in effort to develop the game further. If true, I do find it remarkably odd that if someone were to reject one of the most basic and uncontroversial and possibly necessary vehicles to the game (the vanilla Nod bike) and then put forward a whole load of new content, it comes across as really quite controlling and hypocritical. I don't really want to go re-read the whole bike thread to learn if this is true, hence my IF statement, if it's not true then please ignore this last paragraph and don't feel offended.
  8. As for early game options, my favourite option is to have a beacon weapon limited to 50% - so it would cause immediate permanent damage, but be required to use 2 to destroy any given building and then this returns to normal after 12 people have populated the server and maybe even also raise the cost for a period. I think beacons only being placed within the limits of the enemy base will prevent beacon spam/abuse and noise pollution from beeps and Eva/Cabal announcements; and potentially limiting concurrent beacons placed to 3-4 maximum at any one time prevents an entire team beacon-ing the last building on something like Island scenario; if anything the PED should become the main objective. Presently, in a small game, it's often much easier to buy a beacon and defend it with either a vehicle, higher class or even the rest of the team than it is to infiltrate or sneak a build kill so long as the team is at least mining properly and defending and more so once credits snowball with a silo capture or achieving the upper-hand with harvesters. I never enjoy progressing on a map where a building has gone down quickly on a low populated server, and whilst I would wait for the next game, I can agree with whoever commented that new players are going to get bored or frustrated and leave. Aside: From a different thread, but related; can we have a super weapon option that can be called onto the battlefield without a beacon or booby-trap crate please? Something that could easily get a mammoth tank smoking or destroyed, something more powerful than just an airstrike - it seems a logical progression and not sure why it's not been considered yet considering this is how the strategy game also worked.
  9. Not really mod related, but giving out the carbine and tib-flechette gun for free to Ravs, Sydneys, Havoc and Sakura was a mistake in my opinion, give them a heavy pistol or machine pistol at most, as you're no longer rewarded for dodging their long shots and getting up close to engage, because all of a sudden they're a different class and can defend themselves up close as good as any other mid level character making them rather op. I would still give Gunner something like a shot gun. Just commenting on last night's almost 2 hour long game of Under, Dozer (Poi) racked up something like 120+ kills over an hour and basically camped GDI infantry in base, was eventually accused of cheating (probably false and unjustified imo) and then people vote kicked him/her, which was both sad and funny at the same time as I was not sorry to see said player leave due to the amount of frustration I was experiencing and not enjoying the game, although the player quickly rejoined and were now on the 'wrong team' and we won, unsurprisingly- this applies to other similarly skilled players as well of course and not sure if the mod makes all that much difference if its a global change, I suspect the mod was more than just an anti-poi handicap tho. Some players are so disproportionately good at aiming compared to everyone else it creates a massive imbalance swing and a lot of lost fun for whoever's on the opposing team. In an ideal world there would be both pro and intermediate servers running, but we lack the player base.
  10. People will vote for Field and Under no matter what you say. Beacon spam is sometimes a really irritating problem, particularly on a map like Islands or Snow and also when taking into account a large map like X Mountain or and having to check ever building the moment it announces "Nuclear strike beacon deployed". As far as choke points go, having a free firing nuclear strike or ion cannon strike that could be to target a camping army would be superb, just like the original game. For example, if you're just going to camp our base entrance without attacking anything then we'll super weapon you, and likewise, perhaps if all a team does is defend then maybe their army could be eliminated the same way, it would just need a fair system for how it's used, cost or cp limited and some sort of time delay that doesn't make it either instant or slow and useless, maybe the word "ion cannon incoming" without flaring the targeted spot and let people guess and scatter accordingly. It would have to be made useless against buildings though.
  11. Did anything positive come out of this thread for limiting plays/replays of Field and Under map pick combinations, especially during weekday evenings, or is this just a personal karma thing I'm seeing for attempting to play too frequently? People seem to vote for these maps like zombies and they're probably the most played maps of the game, especially for new comers/returners. Excluding frustration maps like this from being re-picked too soon seems reasonable. / or add bunkers with super weapon control centres for finishing off a base/game like these...
  12. Great picture! I could see some sort of forum competition coming out of this. As long as gore effects always remain optional as I prefer the arcade look and feel, especially with things like blood, melting skin and decapitations if people have kids watching over their shoulder etc. I'm perhaps less bothered about withering, skeletons and ash effects.
  13. Just raise the cost of beacons. This would also prevent more people from using beacons's period, even legitimately; and especially on games where refinery's have already been taken out, this seems like a major potential source of frustration and under these conditions a team rarely spams beacons without a refinery and not every beacon makes it to a deployed state due to the carriers being taken out before they can get into a position.
  14. My concern with limiting max beacons as you've suggested is that sometimes, particularly on maps like Walls, Islands and Lakeside, Nod in particular will try a number of times to multi-nuke a base to achieve victory, and it is perhaps a separate discussion to discern whether or not 4 or more beacon's from Nod at the same time is an unfair advantage or overkill. Even GDI will often place 3-4 beacon's in a single rush. But in any case, even limiting either side to just 10 per map would prevent an ordinary and legitimate strategy due to risk of eventually running out. Currently we have it setup so it's no longer possible to place a beacon in one's own base, but I think we have got this the wrong way round. If we were to only allow beacons to be placed in the enemy base it would no longer be possible to spam or misuse them period. The only people I currently foresee this sort of change irritating is people on PUG games who want to mad plant beacon's on the field or in their own base just to get a really impressive explosion or rush of power. I don't really think beacons should be allowed to be placed on the field as a fake and if anything something like this could be some sort of max cp special ability to target the field area only with an ion cannon or nuclear strike, perhaps similar to a cruise missile or what was done in the original C&C strategy game. The idea of free field striking is just something extra to throw out there and it would have the positive benefit in my opinion of preventing or breaking a long stale-mate campy base siege on choke point maps like Field, X-Mountain and so on. Placing fake beacon's just outside of the base zone I feel is a bit of an underhand tactic anyway, it can also still turn into mad spam and it is equally annoying to listen to all the noise and EVA chatter, to place a fake somewhere like an enemy base tunnel I don't think is bad as it can cause what I would call allowable misdirection and confusion so they don't get an instant disarm, maybe limit the max number of beacons that can be placed on a building? Is it really fair to allowably have 6-7+ beacons placed by an enemy all on one building, take the Islands map and trying to finish off the GDI barracks without an Airstrip, sometimes there's no reasonable chance of even disarming that many beacons.
  15. I really enjoy this map if it has a large enough number of players, else it's quite a ball ache, especially if team co-op is hard to achieve in the public game. Thanks for making the map and asking and responding to feedback after release, there must be a lot of lost maps due to not developing them beyond release point based on how many later disappear from the vote selection. Did you make any of the other maps, or do you ever intend to make another one?
  16. The laser rifle on SBH were what I noticed most, a few hits and you're dead as something like a Patch.
  17. GDI's main advantage has always been armour, once they've massed it's almost impossible to stop them. Nod can't do this, it has to do smart things, cloak & dagger and use speed and surprise much more, which I think the bike would compliment quite well.
  18. I've not had chance to use the new attack cycle, but I think people are under estimating the ability for bikes to be used for solo transport onto the field, capturing a silo, comm centre or getting to where the teams tanks need repairing and perhaps it is less detrimental if one is even stolen or taken by the enemy due to lowish armour, they have a smaller target area to hit, lower profile, they are more manoeuvrable, they move quicker than the buggy, it would be the vehicle of choice for vehicle sneaking a tech or other unit and they could perhaps be used to harass or bypass slow tanks like mammoths. Granting it access to areas otherwise off limits is probably going to break some maps, but at the same time it might be fun and open up new possibilities like allowing it to access the infantry hills on Lakeside. I'd rather it fit into the bracket of something like 300-350 credits. A buggy has a machine gun for anti-infantry but the bike would have rockets for light armour such as Orcas and Humvees. GDI has the MRL for cost effective anti-air, but Nod has to wait until 900 for an anti-air vehicle or use slow LCGs and it presents some more early rush options.
  19. They shouldn't need to stop in order to shoot, else I don't think people would use them. I remember them being on a game of Lakeside and GDI were pinned in base, mostly just by bikes and perhaps a few artillery and it just played awful and they were really taking advantage of having something nobody could counter, might have been the perfect strategy though. The cut scene artwork also shows they have front mounted guns. They would also work really well on a map like Outposts and I could especially see them being used early game to bring back early rush tactics, but I think they should be a standard purchase choice anyway as they were in the original game this FPS is based on.
  20. Mystic~


    When I was a kid someone bought me a micro-machine's military base (pictured below) and this was probably one of my favourite toys, I'm sure I don't have this any longer now but I also collected the various tanks, planes and soldiers to go with it, it's probably the reason why I like C&C Renegade so much, it get's that nice balance between an arcade soldier game, whilst having bases and not being ultra realistic like something like Call of Duty. It reminds me of the river that was originally in Crash Site felt quite like this and I'm sad this was removed really, although Nod seemed to have a field day in having places to place beacons. I hope we get a map with a destructible bridge at some point, that can perhaps be blown up and re-repaired like Tiberian Sun and making it a high win / high risk scenario for either team - a valuable way of taking out a rush column or making it to a base entrance not covered so well by an automatic base defence—a modified version of Cliff Side really. Feel free to post nostalgic toys and other things that influence your game preferences or things you'd enjoy seeing in Ren, even if it won't get made.
  21. If you're an infantry player and you Q spot a vehicle it says something like "Hold Position" (Player x requesting a ride), if you're in a vehicle and you Q spot an infantry player it says something like "Get in the vehicle" (Passenger requested) and if you're a player/vehicle and you Q spot another inf player or another tank it will say "Follow me". I might have miss-quoted something, but that's the gist of it... I agree with the sentiment of the original post as I'm sure building spotting can be made more intelligent though. I remember what it was like before q spot and needing to remember all the hot keys for the radio commands.
  22. It would be useful if the Q-spot function could tag a building with a bit more contextual information say if you press and hold it, reveals more options - maybe it creates an icon above the building of say a Spanner/Wrench for Repairs and maybe something like a yellow or red exclamation mark for missing mines caution or intruder/critical health. The text information in the feed is useful, but it easily gets lost in all the spam messaging, kill feeds and whatever else is going on in there and an icon is easy to understand without need to read.
  23. I would probably like the Nod bike back because it's part of their fast, stealth and hit and run tactics they can use to run circles around GDI as it were, but I really don't like how effective they are in terms of coming across as a Hell's Angels biker gang that can mass swarm missiles to destroy almost any tank and avoid shells and MRL locked missiles whilst they do it. They would be a perfect fit for a map like City Flying, although the same things still apply. I suggested somewhere else a while back that maybe GDI could get a dirt bike similar to what Chuck Norris used during Delta Force, simply because they're great for allowing single infantry to move around the battlefield.
  24. I've not had chance to look around this map yet, so hopefully I remember how to install a map. I just wanted to add that I like Madkill's spawn idea of falling from the sky, if it were easily done, I'd suggest the animation of a troop ship and the players either jumping out or off the ramp as it would look really good or maybe just start by showing either sides plane flying off to suggest this. In terms of vehicles, with all that space maybe you can pre-spawn a determined set amount of each aircraft and vehicle type in a dock yard and then give each side a good anti-aircraft SAM site to make sure that the other team can't just fly a Mig across the map and troll destroy the other teams vehicle stock. i.e. 8 Stealth Tanks, 8 Flame Tanks, 10 Light Tanks, 15 Buggies, 12 Fighters etc. Maybe you have your own ideas, but this way the map would be more objective and action orientated rather than needing to defend the various purchase structures. I enjoyed the test videos. So, given the huge distances between either side's base, is there a way to more quickly get back into play? I don't think the stamina bar is sufficient to run over these sort of distances and jumping form one forest to another is going to be painstakingly slow and long, feels a bit silly if you're shot down as a Sydney and you're expected to suicide due to poor positioning. Play through: I installed the one I downloaded 6 weeks ago, so I'm uncertain if it's been updated since. I had fun exploring for a while... My main criticism is how long, slow and boring it is to traverse the map - the only vehicles that feel fast enough are the jet fighter and the transport plane, the bike is okay, but even this feels slow and tedious if you're wanting to go from one side of the map to the other and anything else is a joke really, it would probably take an hour for a Mammoth tank purchased at the Weapon's factory to get in range of something like the Hand of Nod and assuming it doesn't get destroyed en route. It's really uncertain how any base defence element might work, what is to stop Nod from just purchasing stealth tanks and picking off each building under the cover of stealth? Even something like a single Mobius/Mendoza or Sydney/Ravshaw feels like enough to destroy a building unless there's going to be Hotwires/Techs camping each one, and they're so far apart it's going to be difficult to respond to a building under attack alarm. The GDI bomber aircraft doesn't feel anywhere near as fast or responsive as the fighter so I'm not sure how any balance of air battles work. It's almost as if the Orca/Apache and Chinook need a huge speed boost to take into account the scale of map you've made if they're doing to be useful for anything. I still feel a main objective like capture and defend something for a set amount of time is going to be more enjoyable or feasible than destroying each others bases.
  25. It would be cool to see tiberium being used as more of an environment map feature, like finding more larger giant quartz crystals to move around or caves with roofs covered in the stuff, things like when shoot at them with laser weapons, it reflects and redirects the beam elsewhere. I've watched more of the video, apart from seeing the occasional GDI eagle logo placed on things, nothing felt very much like the C&C Universe, it feels very generic, more like Half Life and those guns seemed awfully slow and clunky, environment scenes were overly dark. I do like the direction of the Kane's Wrath artwork and tanks rather than Tib Sun.
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