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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Beer ready, tranquilizers ready, tie-rips in place!
  2. So? Tonight is the night!
  3. Or make a Lakeside flying and non-flying?
  4. Stank / MRLS vaporizes an orca / apache, not to mention the mammoth and some special units like LCG. IF you do a rush with meds / lights only on for example lakeside and it gets spotted while the enemy has apache / orcas's than you are in trouble. On the other hand, if you have 2 mrls they shoot down the apache very easily. And what about the snipers? They can also kill off apache at a huge distance, but same goes for the mrls. To me it feels very balanced, but what I miss is the fact that vehicles on Lakeside can only get like a meter above the trees!
  5. Difficult time to be there for me, but will try!
  6. Let some of the map makers come up with times?
  7. That map, the bridges and bunkers, drop the weapon pick-up, make silo path bit more interesting and it is perfect if you ask me!
  8. Hope someone really looks at this.... Just had one of these games again... After a long, unbalanced game Trainingyard got voted. We played 16 vs 16 but started with 10 active players, while whole Nod seamed to be active. After we lost half our buildings we kicked 2 afks around 4 min mark. Than, with 14 playing (2 became active, 2 got kicked) the final afks joined at minute 5 to witness the PP go down... People who know the game a bit tend to switch to the team with the most rush chances, making the balance worse. After the map some people ragequit, but sometimes a load do. Edit: today another game of Snow with 3 afk in one team... Server got empty as soon as we killed the Bar. From 30 ppl to 10....
  9. Check if there is still a process of UDK running in the background, or restart? Had this myself and it solved it. Hope it works for you!
  10. I am trying to convince some mappers to do another testing session, but so far no reply...
  11. Surely would feel more than a victory than now!
  12. Ryz

    More Bot Names!

    Maybe add the names of the 'new developers' as a bot with a small change to the name?
  13. Ryz


    Than we would play field with WF and BAR down, but still the AGT to defend the ref which brings you money which you can't spend... On stalemate maps the building which usually survives (at least in my experience) is the Obelisk / AGT. I think that, while surrendering isn't always fun for the winning team, that it's a necessary thing. Played 3 / 4 games in a row yesterday with 1/3rd of team either afk, teamhampering (we stole enemy vehicles, parked them in base and someone killed them), stupidity (handing over vehicles), overmining, starting to camp around a group of stanks so we all got spotted, repairing harvester in front of REF when the building is getting perma damage, shooting a building we were infiltrating while mentioned 15 times not to, not shooting a building which needed one hit to get destroyed cause the driver was too busy hunting ONE engineer and so on. There was just no way these games would lead to anything so the only option, besides a map change vote, is surrender...
  14. I get what you say Quincy, but now it's exactly the opposite. A team kills 1 or 2 buildings and still loses, cause the other team goes in full defence... Forcing them to (try to) attack would make the game more open. We now noticed that a losing team was a) camping b) winning by the points by defending... Which lead to the winning team to do the same tactic last round (don't get units, do not attack, sit this out). The score / points should be so that people are rewarded for initiative, not punished. I have no clue how to get out of this impasse btw.
  15. Lets test this map (and City) soon!
  16. Or maybe introduce a new 'mode' which is something between AOW and Marathon? Marathon is just who wins by killing buildings and finish the map, AOW is win by score. What if a building kill would ALWAYS count more than no building kills. Score than only comes in mind when both teams destroy an equal amount of buildings. Right now it's kinda sucks that the best thing you can do to win is camp....
  17. Yeah this was actually a good one, too bad I had to leave during Tomb.
  18. Hope you, with the help of someone, can still finish it Redline so everybody (including yourself) can enjoy it.
  19. Just checked it, looks and feels like City, gj!
  20. I ended up at @ Turkish kebab shop in the middle of the night cause a girl I was with is half Turkish. Almost died due the longdrink glasses Whisky... Back on topic; Bounty island (served in a coconut) sounds like a good cocktail: 1/3 rum 1/3 blue curacao 1/3 cocosmilk And a bit of pinapple to top it!
  21. But I like the 'new' field more. Still I would like to see the walls removed...
  22. That's something like a u-boot? With a u-boot you drop a bottle of flugel in cola...
  23. You receive a message allready!
  24. Curious about these changes indeed. Imo the map is good as long as some people defend. But when you have a selfish and ignorant GDI team you will lose for sure. Although last time I played it meds roled in and everybody was to busy hanging around in the spaceship. Did you do anything to repell early rushes?
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