Than we would play field with WF and BAR down, but still the AGT to defend the ref which brings you money which you can't spend...
On stalemate maps the building which usually survives (at least in my experience) is the Obelisk / AGT. I think that, while surrendering isn't always fun for the winning team, that it's a necessary thing. Played 3 / 4 games in a row yesterday with 1/3rd of team either afk, teamhampering (we stole enemy vehicles, parked them in base and someone killed them), stupidity (handing over vehicles), overmining, starting to camp around a group of stanks so we all got spotted, repairing harvester in front of REF when the building is getting perma damage, shooting a building we were infiltrating while mentioned 15 times not to, not shooting a building which needed one hit to get destroyed cause the driver was too busy hunting ONE engineer and so on.
There was just no way these games would lead to anything so the only option, besides a map change vote, is surrender...