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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. You can now swim here . Error is self explanational. Just walk over Nod bridge... Suggest the map gets moved from rotation for a bit.
  2. Been so long since I played OG Renegade that I honestly don't know anymore
  3. Wasn't holding the control button a thing in OG Renx to change camera view? They might be mistaken with that!?
  4. FYI: Also had this after the update. Verifying game integrity solved it indeed!
  5. Guess somebody forgot to render lights for this map Actually it is less foggy
  6. Great to know, thanks!
  7. Since a few updates something has changed. I cannot really describe it in detail. I used to be able to move freely, but now a mammoth (which ppl know is the vehicle I use the most) becomes undrivable. Sometimes I have to leave if like ever 30 seconds to just make it move. As soon as I touch an object this happens. This wasnt before. Any clues? Posting this cause ingame more ppl tell they have this problem. Edit: even the airstrip surface gets the mammoth stuck. Might be for other vehicles as well.
  8. As the titel states. The vehicle begins to lose health when very close to the barracks on Reservoir. Only tested with Mammoth sofar.
  9. Looks very interesting. Nice work!
  10. Surprised nobody is mentioning the MRLS loop. - On Islands you can shoot near and in HON from around the corner of GDI base - On Field you can shoot near and (maybe) in HON from the GDI base exit Sure there is more spots One these maps Nod cannot use one of the two mayor defence points because the looping.
  11. First of all I am posting this based on what I've seen in past weeks. i think out of +/- 40 games Nod only won two. I am not sure if my statistic correspond with the reality, but both in PUGS and PUBS when balanced teams Nod tends to lose waay more often these days. In PUBs the chance is even higher than a PUG. Some reason for this were always there: - Nod requires more teamwork (cause less firepower which can take a beating) - Nod tends to attract people who play hide and seek - I guess in Nod players are less on the lookout for infiltrations Newly added to this are things like: - A few maps which are harder for Nod. The new Islands is super hard for Nod cause arties can be hit from everywhere and sneaking is hard for base defense. Same with Forest (I have a seperate topic about this). - The continous use / abuse of MRLS loop. The majority of the games I've played this week had this. There is continous rockets landing in Nod base - The new mines (even harder to sneak often) I wonder about two things: - how others think about the above? - if statistics prove what I 'feel'. I am not talking about long term statistics, but about them for the past months till two months. Feels like Nod has become weaker since some changes (which I cannot pinpoint). Interested to hear feedback!
  12. Shit happens, nobody to blame!
  13. Ok, clear. Still the point is that it becomes even harder for Nod to win anything...
  14. Just noticed this last game. Airdrop is now broken since one of the last updates. Timer is super long. Don't have screenshot, but it speaks for itself.
  15. Well that could indeed be a thing I didn't consider Gliven. Maybe GDI can pop out tanks and support faster then Nod can kill (cause the money flow they can quickly replace them). Nevertheless it feels like this map is GDI favoured now...
  16. Hi, First of all compliments for the great (and well thought trough) map. Too bad the 'inf' path changed in last updates and our doza rush failed because nobody knew about the change Jokes aside. I wonder how others think about this, but I guess the map needs some more cover for (Nod) vehicles. Sofar I've seen GDI win the map 6 out 6 times I played it. Usually GDI tanks just blast Nod vehicles to dust but in most maps you can use the terrain to your adventage as Nod. On this map I haven't seen it. It might either be my experience but then I've had the same one every time I was Nod. Posting this to get some feedback.
  17. Can say that in the PUG it worked out 'well' yesterday. No errors turned up with this. If the system is good? I doubt it. Why: - Normally you would have to choose where to put mines (unless you have a building less) - This creates chances for Nod (and even GDI) to sneak - Now you can just mine extra without risking a building to have less mines. For example WF on Goldrush had 9(!) mines - 3 normal and 6 'personal' - It aids in stalemates and makes it even harder for Nod to win anything. In pubs I barely see Nod win (due lack or coordination / logic, afk sbhs, and the fact GDI is just 'straight forward' put out vehicles, etc.) Maybe, since the mines are 'zone based' make the personal mines ONLY work in enemy base (so they can be used for offensive mining when defending a beacon / infiltrating). Normal mines had issues (cause people didn't understand them). Now you cannot make tactical decisions with mines anymore but you 'always' play on safe, making the gameplay more stale.
  18. 1) Steppe 2) ArticStrongHold 3) Reservoir 4) Tomb 5) Fort (since I heard this will be coming back)
  19. The 'old' mining system was fine, but needed explanation (like more things ingame). When there were no new players there were no issues with mines. WIth new players the mine issues appeared Whatever system you introduce; without explaining it people will still screw up. The times I've seen people place AT mines in buildings.... Just make clear what it does and so on and things should be fine
  20. It would be cool if something could be implemented along a 'global ranking' which gives you a (very small) benefit for your rank. Like 10 or 25 hp extra for example + the 'rank' and medal(s) displayed. Offcourse it needs custom coding, a registration system and more. Not easy to realize.
  21. I see it often used as a 'value' for when people differ in opinion / have different mindsets instead to 'downvote' a really stupid action... It's more an emotional command to show you don't like someone, then anything else. To me it serves no point, but who am I
  22. Should have stolen the flamer A lot of 'near death' moments BTW
  23. Hi, My title is a bit short and to the point because I didnt have more space This might not be a very popular opinion especially since I know a lot of effort has been put in Nod vs Nod... Still I am posting it here cause I think a lot of people agree with me based on what I've seen in game. What did I notice? On NvN - First of all people don't know what BH is (ok they can learn, but they don't expect another game mode) - A LOT of people usually leave. - There is very often a map change request. More often then regular gameplay mode - It is not popular with a lot of people based on teamchat While I realize it has to grow I also see it confuses new players even more. GDI vs Nod is hard for new ppl, but Nod vs Nod EVERYBODY seams to be repairing their own vehicles for example while nobody even looks (or calls out) for beacons, is doing stealthcheck, watching for mines, and so on. Basically what is allready hard to expect in public normal Nod vs GDI games becomes even less to be expected in NvN More important is how this feels (to me and quite some players). NvN is lacking a certain pace in the game... With Nod vs GDI you have your own abilities with each faction, stuff which counters enemy vehicles / units. With Nod vs Nod you basically have the same stuff against the same stuff. Combine this with A LOT of (semi afk) SBHS on both sides (not doing too much) and (so far I tried) close to zero repairs vs the fact that basically all Nod vehicles are paper and you have a very hard time to have the game move forward. NvN seams to drag on without a feeling of much sense. it is all very random to me. I can see how NvN could work in PUGS (I like that) I can see how it can work in a seperate server (people know what to join) IF it stays in official servers I strongly suggest a few things: - Remove / disable SBHS - Give each faction some other vehicles. Curious how others receive this topic. Like I said I appreciate the work which is put into this, I don't want to insult anyone, but I REALLY feel this needs more polishing before it can be on public servers and benefit the RenX community. Also: a lot of people cannot stand changes / new stuff. I am not one of those. I am open to new game modes but I feel this compares in no way to the uniqueness of the regular game. Some changes might improve that (a lot).
  24. I thought it was more game related since other people stated (ingame) they had the same. That's why I posted it here. I will check my drivers and stuff, thanks for all the feedback!
  25. I guess Madkill that new people are overwhelmed and do not read chat (including votes and commander chat) at all unless they suddenly can't move or their entire screen turns a different colour so they have to focus on the text. Seen this happen a lot...
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