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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Thx Schmitzenbergh!
  2. Good to see you working on this and other stuff Handepsilon. You know what might be a really cool idea: - Both teams have the new vehiclebays and can spawn a certain typ of vehicles - Airstrip is offline due anti-air defence and can only be 'working' again when the enemy AA is destroyed - Not sure what reason I can think of for the WF to be offline, but we can come up with something The teams get full access to their vehicles when the AA defence (or whatever is preventing GDI from using the WF) are down.
  3. Yeah can't wait for that!
  4. 'Generic' you mean? Indeed... But I gave a bit of a C&C sausage...
  5. That's kinda suprising, but also a good tactic... Can imagine this gets changed soon
  6. I rather go for installing your drivers manually, since Windows installs drivers for you which are 'general drivers' and not typ / serie specific drivers. So you might have a '3d driver' instead of your dedicated driver which gets the maximum out of the card. Same goes for the mousedriver. And do not forget to install (a shitload off) Win7 updates. Good luck!
  7. Odd, cause I (from the Netherlands) had the problem many times, but I fixed it by using the manual patch. Same goes for Machette. Since I have no clue what the cause is, I can't really post in depth about it.
  8. Can remember I had the same inside the strip on Whiteout. Always get killed due splash-damage...
  9. What did I just watch again?
  10. Was very nice (and close) indeed. Also that surprise on walls with the GDI meds + mammies. They must have ordered them before the WF went down, but nobody noticed the airdrops. That was a good surprise!
  11. Finish your maps first! Just kidding, I hope to see you IF I make it.
  12. Also had issues with the auto updater, as soon as I use the mirror with the manual patch it works... But the auto updater just takes hours with almost no progress. Second issue: some of the download mirrors for the complete game, including the torrent, do not work.
  13. The walls could use some materials, but apart from that it looks pretty good!
  14. Sounds interesting and forces players make a decision. Few questions: what would happen if you lose the silo and choose for + 2 vehicles or + 5 mines? Those extra mines / vehicles dissapear? Or they can't be replaced while they are gone. Also note that f3, f4 and f5 are (team)chat related. I bet a lot off players never usd chat, but those who do will have a issue while voting cause it might also trigger chat and vise versa. I know it's just a concept ofc.
  15. Time fight Kenz, uh the enemy again. Hope I can make it!
  16. Nice, keep up the good work, I will help testing if I can!
  17. Any news about this map btw?
  18. I guess half the playerbase is for new maps and half for 'vanilla' maps. I prefer new onces also, but still encourage this initiative.
  19. Some free assets (but not a bridge yet...): https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/74 ... st30050864
  20. I am still searching for free assets (found a gas station and half a city for UDK), but if I was making this map and would like to make progress I would't doubt about buying it if I knew some people would back me. 10 people giving 10 euro's will get you the assets and spare you a lot off time.... If they can be ported to UDK, but not sure...
  21. Check this Thommy: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/col ... del/912112
  22. Good idea, this is what I've suggested a few times in other situations and I would also contribute to it.
  23. Than we should sponsor your gin
  24. I would encourage this, but I know the majority doesn't want it to be too organized according to an old threat about this subject earlier this year / end of this year...
  25. Ok: small problem... Since a month or so there is no teamleader anymore... Which I would really love to see back so we know who to follow....
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