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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Since the DDOS has started again since the beginning of the week (or maybe earlier, but I didn't notice) I see people populating a server. When i join occasionally to check there is a small group of players that either ragequits cause the games are single sided, or the server grows and it gets hit and goes offline. Only to have a smaller amount of people move to another server, and again, and again... Till by the time I am about to start playing nobody is left. I am sure this goes for more people. What I noticed that people usually first go CT (cause it says its protected, which it isn't atm) and than to another server they favor, but in first instance they never join the (afaik) only protected server which is hosted by MPForums. We cannot force people to go to a protected server, but having a server which says it's protected while it isn't, doesn't help. I would suggest CT removes the 'DDOS protected' message for now so people who don't know the situation, are not in the false assumption this server is safe. I realize no server will ever be 100% safe, but I think it's the best for the playerbase if they know where the best place is to go... This only breaks down the playerbase. I tried to convince some players today (after they joined a second server cause CT went down) and I just got stuff back like 'we don't care', 'you are talking bullshit', and more reactions without anything facts based.' Being clear to the playerbase, also here, would help. Any second thoughts about this?
  2. Wow, wow... I talk a lot, but not all the time Well almost all the time
  3. Ryz

    'Global' moderators

    Basically CT (which was offline) and MPF / Cronus have moderation most of the time, Area54 sometimes and all of the rest just not.... If you ask me there are more respected players who could be a mod, but it's not for me to judge.
  4. Ryz

    'Global' moderators

    Hehe I would rather leave the devs alone so they can focus on other stuff, but since the developers are the ones who can 'create' this or make it possible I posted it here. I like the idea of global server moderators!
  5. Ryz

    'Global' moderators

    Exactly my point!
  6. Yes, that person got also kicked, but returned minutes later...
  7. Past few days I've seen over 25 votekicks for this and other glitches, but people return in a minute... Only to start over again.
  8. Ryz

    'Global' moderators

    Good to hear Cronus, I don't want to typ down the server names which do not moderate, cause I am glad they are there and I don't want to 'blame' them for trying their utmost, but your server is one of the place which usually has someone supporting when I do a modrequest!
  9. Ryz

    'Global' moderators

    I can understand both the 'serverowner needs to arrange his own stuff' perspective and the fact the Ren-X team doesn't want more work. Downside is that, when we are finally able to play, half of the matches are ruined deliberately with nobody solving this issue. Spoke a guy yesterday and he told me he installed the game 24 hours before. Like me he 'moaned' about the teamwork, but he was also confronted with the glitching. Not sure if he will return to play another day...
  10. While I think moderating is a privilege and job for the server owners, I also think that it would be good to have something as a backup for when a server isn't moderated. Since the DDOS attack the Ren-X landscape has changed and people play on different servers from which at least half of them are not moderated. This also leads to a lot of glitching / cheating. Things I've noticed past days: - People being transported on top of bar (Xmountain) and kill it with a beacon - Very unbalanced teams (not refering to skill, but numbers, like 7 vs 11 cause people can switch if teams are unbalanced) - Person shooting from under the map on Under... (two times, oh wait now 3, Under in phrase) - Enemy team having more vehicles from 'your' team than 'your team' itself. People just handing out tanks - Repairblocking and the usual stuff Some things are solved by a votekick, but the people only return minutes later to continue their behaviour. When I played yesterday before my PSU burned we waited for a moderator for like two hours. So my question: would it be possible, for the future, to have something like 'secondary mods' which are global mods. These people come in action when a request for mod isn't answered for several times / several minutes. I can imagine server owners having something against it, but I hope it motivates them to organize their own moderating!
  11. It is possible to get a beacon on top of the bar in Xmountain. One teamhamperer helped and SBH to get on top of it.
  12. What do you guess... I would go for the first.
  13. Can't really judge about the crane with these images, but it looks cool indeed! Construction Yard!
  14. Have to say the server by Cronus is very stable now, good job!
  15. Don't want to break the optimism, but I joined the server today (like 7 hours before this post) and people explained it was down at least twice. While I played (2 hours) it stayed up. Thx for your effort btw!
  16. Yeah I enjoyed it, especially the idea to stop shoothing for 10 secs so a building wouldn't get repaired, only to hit it full force after the countdown and crush it!
  17. It's software indeed from what I know, but I am not the expert here. You can rent 'booters' to check your own server if it can withstand a DDOS, but also use them on other people. Second option is to create a botnet by infecting multiple PC's which is a lot harder and not the method used now (afaik). The 'why' is biggest question, if we only knew... CT, when it will be up. will have good protection. It was able to withstand most attacks in the past, so just wait for that one to be up again.
  18. Yes, indeed, plz update us about the availability of the server... Server seams to be working but hidden if I am not mistaken, lets just wait and make sure we are ready!
  19. Hmm. where begin to explain: It isn't about people using passwords, but about more 'people' trying to connect. Above the 1 ~ 40 people that connect, one person can send a lot off fake request to pretend someone is connecting. What you see when 10.000.000 people are trying to order 1.000.000 concert tickets on a server which can only 'help' 10.000 is exactly what happens. The ticket requests are legitimate in this case, but the DDOS fakes request making the server shut down clients or fail. A DDOS isn't legal, but it happens. Here in the Netherlands they even brought down one of the big ISP's. It's one of the flaws of the internet, but there will soon be Ren-X servers with protection.
  20. Hope there is one tomorrow indeed, we are ready for it!
  21. I am sure it's been worked on! At least the people who usually comment aren't reacting, so the will probably working on the fix right now!
  22. Check this topic about DDOS: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76434&hilit=ddos Servers (at least CT) probably up and running within 24 hours. I am not an admin / mod, so it's just a educated guess based on info I hear from them.
  23. At least than you can see who has the silo, so ppl only need to credit icons.
  24. Wow, just wow! Maybe you can share these icons with the dev. team so they can use them for the 'normal' maps with Silo?
  25. Hope you have! Maybe some people can motivate you a bit more by donating on the bottom of this page: http://tyrant.gg/
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