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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Ryz

    Funny videos

    Therei is a second video of this, pretty funny!
  2. Wasn't there someone on this forum with a PC configured to build lights fast(er)?
  3. Ryz


    Even if you nerve the base defences (more) you still have those people camping. We played Under yesterday and every base entrance for infantery was locked by at least one person sitting there in a vehicle all game. Not to mention the fact that, as on every game with base defence, at least 4 or 5 people stop playing to start killfarming / sniping all game. I always notice this on base defence maps and I think it's one of the reason they get 'more stalemate.'
  4. Nice idea with the showroom!
  5. Ryz


    Yeah but in your example, the GDI team may have attempted a surrender after losing ref and WF and it did not pass....and they came back and won (comeback medal..). I guess the only few 'active' players on GDI left and new people joined... Glad GDI won after all, but in between Nod having a chance of winning and losing there was 30 minutes off really nothing... Yeah we lost a building due a solo action, but nobody cared... We didn't launch an attack, except one a few min for the end, we didn't defend. I had no clue what people where doing and the game was absolutly the opposite from what it should be...
  6. Ryz


    Just played a game where we were winning, but than the team broke down. We had their WF and ref killed and our buildings where still standing. Slowly they managed to sneak in our base and kill building after building, while some players didn't play, others teamhampered and gave vehicles away (maybe not on purpose, but they weren't paying attention time after time). What could have been a loss, turned out to be a game lasting forever. Sometimes they only action I could note from people is voting no, cause there was really NOTHING else they did. It proves again that getting a surrender 'passed' is hard enough...
  7. Nevertheless. Compliments for both Kenz and Doctor Anubus! Let it burn!
  8. Ryz


    This is what I already suggested as well. The surrender vote is nice to have, but there should be incentive to not use it every single time there is a 1 building disadvantage. A pentally doesn't work. Isn't the team already enough disgraced by the loss? I mean, as I tried to state above, many people do not matter about a loss, but they do about a effortless loss where 3/4th of the team is either unreachable or teamhampering. You know the difference when you play.. Evenings where the server stays full (besides the weekends with more people playing) are usually pretty balanced games, Evenings where the server empties are usually games where one side wins with everything still standing, while the enemy team is still trying to determine where their mines are, of why the enemy has more vehicles from 'the own' team than the own team has...
  9. Ryz


    Right now it's even hard to surrender... When a team surrenders it's usually due... *insert a shitload of teamhampering options and fails and not getting the team to do anything together.* I mean losing when having the feeling you are still fighting together is also cool, isn't it? We once defended the HON for 30 minutes on AOW only to lose the last minute! But in these games where there is no teamwork it still /even takes 'hours' to even get the poll for surrender having enough votes. Why? Cause the same people ignoring teamchat (insert random other word like ignoring vote for mineban / q spotted c4 / enemy in base / beacon / building being perma damage / base defences triggered / vehicles being handed over to the enemy / and so on) do not care about the vote. The fact is that a lot of Renegade-X games are very, very single sided and that, if you don't switch to the other team, there's a high chance that you end up in a team where only 2 or 3 players are even reachable, while the other team has all the 'successes.' You almost never archieve this when sides are only a bit balanced. So no, I am fine with the way surrender is right now, cause sometimes it takes up to 10 votes for people even notice it (among teamchat). What would be cool is a different kind of countdown timer. So that a team can surrender ONLY after the enemy has done NO damage to your base for 'x- minutes' cause I understand it sucks when the opposing team surrenders in the middle of a flame rush in which you would have won anyways. This also works the other side, cause I've had many games where one side would lose the BAR / HON or WF / STRIP in a game before the recent OBY / AGT changes (or bugs) and the other side would just switch from being in 'destroy base' modus till 'killfarm and lets last this forever modus.'
  10. There is one Volcano, you made it yourself
  11. Maybe we can 'hire' two people to read written teamchat out aloud Will try to make it next week (finally a PUG)
  12. You got me surprised again, nice job!
  13. I thought this was about the 'repairable' vehicle shell, still miss that one.
  14. Agree, but these creatures were unfamiliar with any form of communication...
  15. People not talking on TS during the PUG are the worst. I think we once had an SBH spy who was unable to talk. Just aargh!
  16. So soon Ruud will script a bomber in one of his maps after he made busses allready...? Once thought about a map with a 'huge' base defence would could bypassed by getting a plane on a flightdeck carrier. The main fight for the game would concentrate on getting the ship, which would eventually lead to one side 'bombing' the base defence down. The only problem: No flightdeck carrier assets And time, skills, knowledge...
  17. Can you script it so passenger spots can be occupied by enemy forces (SBH) ?
  18. Hmm will try it, not sure IF I can make it.
  19. Good job, so this is the 'secret project...' Ok we knew about it from the other list, but still!
  20. Ruud should be promoted as the new SDK guru!
  21. Nice nice, also the volcano and the cranes, good work. Not sure what you are doing with the airstrip, the sandbags are for defence or cover when sneaking in?
  22. Nice list, not sure IF this still considered, but a veterancy system would be cool to have. I also 'miss' the fact that there's been worked on preventing / ending stalemates. Good work people!
  23. Inc tactical!
  24. For me the perfect moment for both Youtube and pressrelease would be when the game is 'fully' done and not now. But I'll leave this up to the project team to decide.
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