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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Just tried to setup a local server to test some stuff. While the server shows up in the launcher it also cause me to be unable to join any server. Summary Setup server with default settings Cannot join own server (launcher crashes) Cannot join other server (launcher crashes) Disabled server, launcher doesn't crash....
  2. I did, twice... There is no issue when I use the MSI, so it just do that, but I guess the zip has issues.
  3. Downloaded the ZIP, cause the launcher got stuck in a loop, now I have an issue that my ZIP file 'hangs' forever when extracting newtonsoft.json.dll. Rebooted PC, disable AV, tried everything but with every attempt the result is that it won't uncompress. Testen with: Explorer Total Commanders extracter 7Zip Winrar Had no issues before.
  4. Suggest you contact NBab, the same (capturable) MCT on Fort has a different name which is custom afaik. It's nothing which is bothering me, but maybe it helps.
  5. Also note that the MCT in the control room with the camera's says: "Advanced Guard Tower" Didn't check for HON.
  6. What would be great is if the beacons go back to the way they work in old Renegade. Diffusable till the last second. Why? People take more risk to disarm If you succeed you are lucky, if you don't you die. Would also kill of remaining techs / hotwires in certain games.
  7. Uhm, beta 5 was launched months ago We are all waiting for a new beta (5.2 or 5.21 not sure) to be launched soon. You can play this beta for at least a year
  8. Got SBH, was damaged under 50 health - picked up refill crate - SBH didnt cloack anymore, evne after shooting
  9. Lol I didn't create this topic, this post was moved from a reaction. Most important part is that it's getting fixed!
  10. Yeah and I tried to disarm the C4, but.... Guess you allready know that bug Edit: [fffreak9999] - C4 + mines are not disarmable in 5.2 is what this is refering to, and needs to be returned to previous functionality
  11. Laser isn't replacement, cause EMP cause a lot of noise and draws attention. If you could disable the laserfence like you could with mines it would be better. Getting the laser off when PP goes down also doesn't sound like a good plan, cause then every building (HON / STRIP for example is extremely vulnerable.. Mineban should just be for a longer time cause ppl deliberately screw up.
  12. Yeah I agree that it won't work if you have to pay for mines, unless they are super cheap. Reasons: - when you lost a building like ref (cause ppl don't care about mines) it will be harder to buy mines - the people who don't care about the team (and thus mines) are likely not going to donate for them Having proxy mines as a purchasable sidearm would be cool.
  13. We actually tried to put them on the new beta 5.21 server yesterday, but the server didn't have the maps yet and the custom content folders (where the launcher looks) neither. I am sure I will talk to Cronus to convince him to put the map in rotation asap
  14. Have the same with this and the older launcher, mentioning not all maps have been downloaded
  15. I am just building up the pressure We have to wait till it's done and that's all we can do, right...? Found the new patch myself, but not much to do without servers.
  16. Well get some ppl organized and we can test it? I am for it. Will update the list once again.
  17. Didnt test everything (ofc), mainly cause of my first note! Notes: The Skirmish timer is 4.30 / 5 min, or maybe that's my game settings? Lights and map looks amazing I am curious how this will play with 'two bases' for each faction and a lot of ways to infiltrate I like the PP maintenance shaft cause it also has a real purpose (infiltrating) Also nice the WF gun emplacement Destroying the defence turrets can be best done by standing under them + timed Water isn't reachable at many places cause invisible walls. Is this on purpose? Maybe you should add a speedboat? I've said this about several maps before (Crashsite for example and Fort) and while those maps amaze me cause of the design (Crashsite) and the features (Fort) I think your map is at least as interesting as those, or maybe even more interesting. Tip for everyone, go check it out!
  18. Updated the topic: - removed Fort due to be released soon - removed Paradise since developer considers it done (and it can be downloaded) - added update about Daybreak - added Woods small - updated status tunnels - updated status woodsv2
  19. Wow, just wow! Good you implemented the CCTV system by the way!
  20. Field & Field-X are merged I heard yesterday and renamed to just 'Field.' + it has multiple extra tunnels for inf. and vehicles
  21. Good job, I am testing it right now. Managed to fool the 'old' launcher twice to setup 5.21 (that's why I know there has a new build been released yesterday). Will see what this one brings me. Installation goes smooth. While I have multiple versions of Renegade, it still can't find my configuration OR needs to update it. Hope I am not updating my 'live client' but we will see. Update 2: it's installed and now installing the (new?) UDK developer kit Update 3: all went smooth and I am ingame again with patch 5.16. What else do you want to know Agent? Tested it on Win7, also the skip intro movies works now (i know there was an easy fix, but just out of the box it works!
  22. I got a feeling the patch is ready, but just not released
  23. Any idea why the day and night version are removed? Also: two versions of Field won't be a problem if you ask me, although I allready prefer the new Field
  24. Hmm, just tested this a bit to see how the veterancy works and in order to be heroic you need indeed a lot of kills / building taken down. Won't spoil too much cause I think this is up to the developers and also since I am not sure if everything stays the game. Also noticed that some of the 'new' developers are now featured as a bot with their real names...
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