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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Yeah, I know. I was just reacting on the discussion, but knew about the plans you have!
  2. The only way I can see this being dealt with, is if it is added to the rules. Then we can do regular checkups to see if the players respond, if they don't, give them another chance or two, if they still don't then kick them or something. Fine by me! Even suggested something to temp lock a player till he answers a big message. Not cause we need the reply, but because we want people to teach stuff and afaik a lot of the new players don't read. Forcing them to reply, will make sure they have reached the messages. Would prevent a lot of (vote)kicks and would be good for the playerbase. But I guess this is not only PUG related.
  3. I can agree on friendly mines being shown, but not enemy mines even with comms centre, since the comms centre is about communication (players) not mines. So it communicates enemy intell like vehicles, mines, players, and stuff? Own mines would be a great step allready!
  4. Got another idea: Standard map / radar should show mines (own team - can be handy to find overminer!) Rader should also display enemy mines when com center captured Would be good to have this added anyways.
  5. Yeah the teams were a bit chaotic but the PUG itself was good, but also a bit boring. I rather have it this way than play without having the feeling you do it together, but I think both teams kept things on the safe side too much. And those solo people not responding at all. How are they able to understand how to log in the game and yet they don't understand the game or any chat / teamspeak at all. If you can read the password, than you can read (team)chat.
  6. No clue what to do with it, but it's too powerfull as it is now. One thing I thought of is to automatically show an enemy beacon when it's deployed after x-seconds.
  7. Represent!
  8. Don't forget there is DM. I think, with the current assets you can just set DM + sniping as an option just by creating servers for this goal!
  9. I miss: "Get in the Tranny!" Someone made that legendary during a PUG, while he meant: "Get in to the transport Chinook!"
  10. Promote the game, but start with the people around you! Million dollar budget games do not interest me cause I have a 'history' with Renegade and that's something money can't buy. Still I find it hard to 'lure' people to Renegade-X from Renegade (or CnC in general) cause they have moved on with their life and (online) gaming isn't a part of that anymore. Maybe it's a thing of 'my generation' (and I have a background of marketing / journalism) either, but if somethings is 'hyped' around the internet I mostly do not find it interesting. I'dd like to run into things myself and share it with people, but my main reason is always cause I like it and not cause I like it because others like it, cause commercials told I should like it. In this case you should be a better advisor for your friends than promotional campaigns. I agree the game deserves more people BTW!
  11. Also found, what I believe is a different version of, Meteor but I am not sure how to open it.
  12. Added some new maps. A few are work in progress (RIM) some others where found on Ren-x artists portfolios, but I am not sure if they will ever be released. For example Stella and Snowbound. Hope developers can give an update about these! This list is hopefully getting smaller and smaller once the maps are out there!
  13. Too bad you didn't get the ceiling turrets to work, but great work sofar. Hope some servers will add the map to testing rotation if you approve with that?
  14. Good, good! Make TeamSpam great again!
  15. Also noticed this and reported it in the feedback (or bug) topic. What I do is use ~ and than: Use 'TeamSay' to create a message for the team Use 'Say' for general Use 'PrivateSay' *insert username* for PM Via the tilde key you can use the arrows to get the message back again. Works less pleasant, but does his job.
  16. Would be a good thing to have a 'yoo' contest
  17. Guess i posted this here before in a reply. Communication is still very hard, for example with new players, guess a sound for a PM would help. What I also notice is that ppl rejoin the server when they are getting kicked when afk (the return cause they hear the game sound stopping). Guess the 'yoo' sound from originale Renegade or whatever it should be would also grab their attention to check the game screen. It should also have an option to turn it off ofc... Guess this one is easy to implement. I know there has been a lot of work done, but I think this minor change can have at least some impact.
  18. I Guess this has more to do with the DDOS attacks lately. I couldn't find a proper reason why this map would crash. Personally I doubt that Ruud. I am not an expert, but once it happened on Cronus server (MPF) and I asked him to check the logs for info / DDOS and he found neither. The same happened with the City4All server. In the past week since Beta 1.50 ~ 1.53 I've never had a crash afaik, but only on your map. Lets hope it's just coincidence.
  19. No thank you for providing the link / download!
  20. Maybe you should change luncher to launcher
  21. Curious to try this map, good work as always Dakuja!
  22. No clue what they use, but what you can do Kira is visit the webpages from the people involved. Just check the 'credits' ingame and google their pages. In many cases you find their resume (including software experience). Good luck!
  23. How the f*ck did that happen anyways?
  24. Sounds good to me. Ppl stack teams and when you kick some afks the game might even be 17 vs 21. But I guess it's a server setting right now?
  25. According to another topic it can't, but I guess they are still working on this.
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