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Everything posted by Ryz
Interesting PUG! A bit single sided, but now not with teams, but one faction: Nod won everything We also had a nice extra show: GeneralHavoc / Eduardo / Theioncannonstrike joined our team and we heard all his family stories and what his mom was cooking (or whatever, can't understand Italian) while he kept is mic open ALL the time to fill teamchat with nonsense. Yet he NEVER replied to the team and typed if he could use his mic, but also didn't react. Odd! When he finally respond to a question it went like: GeneralHavoc: "They are rushing!" Me: "Where? Where is GDI rushing from?" GeneralHavoc: "The units come from their base..." WTF, where else? Totally weird, but had a good laugh. The solo beacon (he failed at least 3 times at it) was also memorizable. Back to the PUG itself: No clue if veterancy changed a lot for this gametype since both teams ranked up. We also played very conservative, so didn't gain much ranks. Too bad we didn't do any new maps!
If you downloaded this the MSI here: http://renegade-x.com/download.php Just run it and once down start the (new) launcher and it will update the game!
Also had the crash with both REFS up, sofar I couldn't find a proper reason for it.
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
That wouldn't be good. But if you find a way to arrange it good it will work. It will punish selfish people (like snipers with 8K and not caring about anything but K/D). Than maybe not add points for donating, but remove points for holding the money. Would be harder to abuse. -
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
I dont agree with VP for team donates: why? - Sometimes when I have 4K and trying a medrush I donate to people who want to get involved - helps the team - Donating to everybody will either give them not enough money to buy meds and will also give money to the people who don't care and won't donate / join any rush / whatsover, so the money is still lost. I like to be able to control who I donate, cause it benefits the team above random handing out money. Than it goes, for example, also to the person who was 10K and never shared anything nor answered teamchat. -
Godsnokke Henk, GJ! Now upload
No, there are multiple issues I suppose, but this was the one which I could clearly recreate.
I posted the issue here earlier: viewtopic.php?f=128&t=76534 Taken from the topic:
But the fact the launcher crashes is new I suppose and a bug? Edit: fffreak9999 [split from Unrelated Topic] On occasion, the launcher will crash (normally notice on launcher close).
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Stay inside building, Plant 3 mines, Get VP, Refill, Defuse 3 mines, Repeat. Also thought about this, but didn't go into details to prevent the post from being overly long. Removing those mines should just take away the same veterancy points just added so people can't use it to farm points. I like this. But could also be exploited by donating back and forth. I think it would be pretty difficult to implement this in the right way so it would not be able to be exploited. Yeah I release this is more difficult What would work is: - teamdonate (so every one receives) a small amount back, no problem - large amount gets donated back by same person, cancel VP points But how do you prevent this when there is a men in the middle? In the end if people donate eachother and the person who had initially more money and receives it back would still be punished by the time thing... This one is indeed tricky -
Played the map yesterday for a good 55 minutes. I discovered many attack rounds and both teams lost some stuff before it eventually ended. Wouldn't consider the map broken. - EMP could use a better indication - EMP last short (too short when you find out it's going to fire to get any action going) - FOG, as Henk mentioned, is indeed very tense suddenly - Generally I like the map!
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Lol I was just adding this to my list, noticed yesterday it wasn't there. -
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Just some more thoughts. I feel that people should, in general, be promoted more for helping the team. It's not only about the amount of people, but also about the what they are doing which benefits or harms the team. But how are you going to translate this to code? A few solo players (I am not refering to sneaking hotties, but the people who play 'for fun' and K/D and would rather have a sniper server than play C&C mode) can ruin the team. While I absolutely hate Islands (camp tunnels with flamer / med / apc and control the front and that's all you need to do) we had a good game yesterday where both teams ranked up in veterancy, but it still kept pretty balanced. Till we made Nod lose their strip and we had to encounter a lot of LCG's which teared our vehicles apart. Since the team had a good sniper we asked for help, but the person would rather killfarm in tunnels than support our vehicles. This behaviour is ONE off the things which punishes the team now more cause we hard a hard time countering LCG + less hotties to keep our vehicles alive. Nod became stronger and stronger... Some rules I thought about: Sniper: - Make sniper less rewarding when barracks / HON is still in place (prevents ppl from killfarming without a benefit for the team) - Make sniper less rewarding in places 'marked' as tunnels (in Islands for example). - Make sniper more rewarding for killing units which cannot be replaced (maybe do this for every unit) - Make snipers more rewarding when killing people near beacon(s) (maybe do this for every unit?) - Make snipers more rewarding when killing techs/hotties/engineers near vehicles (makes killing repairs more rewarding and thus benefits the team) - Make sniper more rewarding when assisting near vehicles in general Hotwires / Techs: - Make building kills with tech / hotwire more rewarding when your own bar / HON is down (to add a bonus for risking the unit) - More repair bonus - Bonus for placing x-amount of mines in own buildings (the game show is overmining near X, so I guess the game 'knows' more or less where people place stuff) - Grant extra points for repairing harvester which is severly damaged (under half HP?) - Remove veterancy by mineban SBH: - Make SBHS less rewarding when base defences are still up and they don't score points for x-time (to prevent ppl from getting an sbh and just hanging around - I know this is a difficult discussion btw) - Make SBH more rewarding when stealing enemy vehicles (to compensate when they help the team) Sydney /Raveshaw - Make these units more rewarding in battlefield and less in tunnels (to prevent using them as an alternative sniper for killfarming instead of being uses as an AT unit) - Grant a bonus when unit kills repairs near vehicles Vehicle kills - Idea stolen from Henk, reward vehicle kills more when it's getting more repairs. - Reward vehicle kills more when a vehicle is damaging teams building Harvy (not sure about this): - Grant less points for killing harv more times in a row, to prevent people from camping base front and gaining and gaining veterancy, cause this is unstoppable eventually. Moneywise: - Grant some veterancy for donating team (yesterday we had a game where someone rather had 10k unused that share it with the team) - Or decrease veterancy when someone has more than x-k of money for x-minutes (I know people could use some spare money, but it shouldn't be too much). Vehicle steals: - Reward people from stealing enemy vehicle if if stays alive for x-minute (couldn't find this, maybe in place?) - Punish people for losing vehicle by getting it stolen and not destroyed within 1 min Captures - Give points for capturing tech building / silo - Add more points for having silo / techbuilding longer? AFKS Make 'auto spawned' AFK's not get veterancy Make people who didn't move / shoot / chat x-minute in advance of event (kill building) for example not share in points (noticed some people returning to game after 10 min. as a veteran without any effort. -
Veterancy, easy for teams with more players
Ryz replied to Darkraptor's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
This is exactly what I ran into yesterday at Field. Nod has a few people overmining so I am busy remining all game and I gained almost no points Nod had snipers killfarming in tunnels and / or ppl randomly running around SBH GDI had meds 'camping the base front' for 10 min. killing every harvester Nod never got any vehicles + money and GDI becomes stronger and stronger Nod ppl (rage)quit GDI attacks -> more Nod ppl ragequits Whole GDI team = veteran, not is left with overminers, snipers, no vehicles, and not a single harvy and maybe some ppl with a higher rank I know you want to 'thank' people for being offensive, but that also punishes the people who are in an incapable team as a whole. I am not a teamswitcher, but if many rounds like yesterday happen I will sure consider to teamstack and I've allready noticed some people doing this. I have some ideas to finetune veterancy but I think we should watch the veterancy mechanic for a bit longer. I really, really like the overall idea btw! -
This sounds client side issue, although the OB does sound different, could be that you have the got the timing quite perfect? I heard more people complain about it, but I am not sure if it's server or client side.
@Ob/AGT this is intentional, the old beta broke the advanced defences, this one fixed them. @mines in Small corridor, I suspect I know where you mean, can you grab a screenshot for them. I was still editing my post. Will make a screenshot when I run into it once. Plz note that (or maybe I renember wrong) that before the previous changes you could also sneak there without triggering the oby twice.
Another thing: obelisk shoots while still charging and doesn't always have an animation for me... Got killed many times when the sound was 'still charging' and I died by obelisk without any fire animation. Guess maybe more bug related?
In the past beta you would be able to sneak to the PP on Mesa (if playing GDI against Nod) without triggering the obelisk twice and if you were lucky not once at all. Now it is impossible. I know the base defences have been adjusted, but I renember you still could before the last 2 changes to them. Also add the fact that it's possible to place mines in the small corridor towards PP 'under ground' it has become harder to infiltrate on this map as GDI.
About veterancy: While I like the idea I also ran into a downside immediatly. I am either organizing rushes, sneaking (if you kill a building you get rewarded) or busy with repairing / base defense. I can understand the first part doesn't grant you veterancy. But on the new Field I've been running around between buildings FOREVER cause I was the only one caring. From minute one I did this, besides some rushes, while we NEVER received one harvester. Meanwhile I didn't gain any veterancy and I had no clue what the entire team was doing. By the time we played 20 minutes GDI had such a strong hold on the Field and veterancy and there was nothing I could do. Sneaking also didn't work cause when you control the communication building it's all it takes. Infact I feel veterancy punishes you for defending (even more while ppl overmine). While i get it's made to stimulate offensive gameplay, it shouldn't overly punish defending (mining and stuff). Guess that's different for camping with a vehicle in base at all... If I didn't defend we'dd lost at once, but still we lost as soon as the enemy gained veterancy points enough while I didn't get one cause defending isn't rewarding enough. I have no clue how to change this, but infact pointless (imo) sniping with 5 ppl is more rewarding than actually caring about the core principals about the game. I hope my opinion isn't too harsh. I like the fact that tankbattles back and forth aren't pointless anymore and I like the way veterancy changes your vehicles and characters. It's just the fact that being solo and not caring about teamwork grants you more progress than being a good and loyal player.
In this beta you cannot press up in (team)chat to get your old message back to edit it, was usefull for rushes cause now I have to type the phrases 12 times entirely before one persons sees it.... Edit: found a way by using tilde and TeamSay.
Was also thinking about that, that it could 'scratch' the building but the payload doesn't go off and doesnt kill the building. But what with the Ion canon than?
I agree with the fact, like discussed ingame, that it was kinda stupid to see the nuke failing only to have it dissapear in the last second. Could still have the nuke falling, but the payload not detonated.
That's what I did, and it worked previously (untill I had issues with the zip file, but thats a different story). My game is on the I:\ disk!
No clue, but just verify if someone else has it. On the other hand: when I installed the 5G installer I had issues with the same file for some reason.
Omg this General Havoc / Edoardo was talking all game about stuff which was completly irrelevant. "Apc rush inc!!" "Where?' "They have two in base!" It was like he was in a parallel universe. Before PUG started he shot a lot off ppl at the beacon moment while he didnt respond via TS, even though is mic was constantly open (as you knew cause of his dog). Later we could still heard the dog and he said his mic didn't work and so on via chat. WTF! Even tried to help him with changing has name, but he never responded. Some good games with Goldrush being an odd outcome. Too bad someone was overmining on Volcano. Machette and I communicated outside the games TS and we made sure we never overmined. Still we saved the BAR twice cause there were no mines there. The third time I checked it we still had max mines, but someone was inside BAR and killed it. It's ashame this happens on PUG.