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Everything posted by Ryz
Good solution MrSilence! This one is really appreciated.
Lol I agree some people are missing, for example Madkill, Newbie (if he returns) and some others I forgot but did good in the past. I also can think new people can rise (no joke intented with chosing the word rise...) For myself: I guess I've been a commander only once for 2 rounds, so I am not sure about it. What I know for sure is that I won't be calm if it takes more time to get people reply than the action itself takes ... I think, and here it comes again, that the players attitude is still more important. Too many PUG's the commander(s) did their utmost but some people (and sometimes a lot) seam to think they are in a PUB. Offcourse players arent machines which can be programmed to do exactly what needs to be done and nothing else. But what surprises me that still a lot of PUG's are decided by things like: - Orders: "You camp building A, you camp building B." Minutes later building B down (person assigned to task didn't report from it and is probaly lost / left?) - Everybody get *insert random vehicle / unit now* and still no vehicles - Team having a lot of money and still no donates to some teammates while requested or same for repairs - Generally not responding. "We lost mines, where?" "I guess there.." People 'shout out' safe buildings (I always tend to do this) others just don't react or check Sure it's not military organisation, but it could use a bit more discipline. When it comes down to being more silent I can also learn from this. When it comes down to having others react (simple affirmitive) others can learn. Guess we should focus on this a bit more? BTW: I know squads will be a hard thing to archieve if you talk about organizing in on TS and ingame. But what if the commander choses a 'defense leader' per game which gets assigned a few people (and can ask for more when needed): - This stimulates interaction between the comnander and subcommander - It would make the defense less random - It can 'train' new leaders by interacting with a small group so they may become a leader for the whole team - It will make the games 'less random' This could also work for various other actions. I noticed you can whisper in TS to a second channel and there are mulitple 'squad setups' but these require quite some knowledge and won't work I guess.
Updated this topic to keep track of unreleased maps easier.
The fact that only 7 people voted, says more about the rest than about the vote. I've had games where we had 2 (!) SBH's spies and where I tried to reach them with teamchat / PM's over 50 times. I can understand some people are quite busy with other stuff but a vote is easily spotted. There will just always be players not reading stuff. Same goes for the mineban, some people get banned cause they don't read and do not start reading untill there is a ban. One thing I can think of is make votes fill your entire screen (and minimize them as soon as you press F1). Same goes for PM's. There should be a (commanders?) option to send a more urgent message which really draws attention.
You need the Unreal Framework to play the game. Not sure if the installer / launcher will try to install this when you open it again. If it's not the cast it might be the best to run the MSI again and setup the game again. Good luck!
Also had this on Fort, but other players said they noticed my messages nevertheless. Is this on marathon or CT AOW? Cause another person stated it works on one of he servers and doesn't on the other...
Can't wait, good plan!
Lol I understand that looks funny, but that was to compensate the fact that the bar (and other buildings) didn't have mines. Better quote would be: "F*cking overminers."
No, no, lets not make it a team effort more than it is. I played a few games where both teams consisted of 90% solo players on both sides and I was one of the only persons mining and thus spend remining the WHOLE game. I never ever received any reply by the team and while they were celebrating they killed an enemy building, the enemy did the same to us. I couldn't defend 4 buildings, nor 3 or 2 so we eventually 'won' cause I was able to hold the WF almost single handly. If i had to pay mines I couldn't cause I didn't score a lot of money while protecting + nobody was able to answer teamchat. Past two days I had numerous games where only one or two people cared about mines, while on 3 or 4 maps in a row there was like zero teamchat. If mines become purchasable only than I think I just uninstall the game (might be a good reason to actually make the change so you can get rid of me :P). Now it is very difficult to keep the mines good cause a lot of people don't care. Why would they care more if you chance something? It would only extra punish the people who care cause they spent all their money on defending the base... Still, and I know people disagree, i think people should be disallowed certain options in the beginning till they proved themself. This can be ladder based, so the ladder stores they followed a tutorial (once there). If that doesn't work than a mineban should be a bit longer so people think about it + it would help if there was a huge message saying this to them. If noticed that some people start to read AFTER they are banned. When you try to reach them ingame there comes no reply for numerous times, but as soon as there is a ban and they can't do stuff they suddenly start to read....
Than I appreciate this option above disallowing overmining. Why? - overmining can be a tactic once you are locked up in the 'last' building - overmining can be used to protect friendly beacon
Voted yes for all (but you two knew this cause we talked about it on TS). TrainingYard is a 'maybe' depending on how the map looks now. City is fine by me. It's functional, but a bit grey. What about Paradise and Reservoir?
New maps for the PUG would be cool, but when we (Machette and I) tried to download Glasses it didnt work on one PC ending in a loop where you could not bypass the download, nor enter finish it. In order to get into the game we needed a direct IP. About the PUG itself. Sorry for bitching (more than usual, but it was horrible). i just unplugged my headset after Whiteout so I couldn't talk anymore. While I followed the commander(s) orders every game, I didn't like them. Why? For every map we did the same tactics as you would see every single time on the chosen map. First map(s) this was kinda ok, but when it didn't work twice the commander(s) kept doing the same predictable attacks because 'that works every time.' In contruary to us, the enemy managed to do different attacks and thus surprise us and win. The only thing we did something 'different' was on Lakeside with the gunner rush, which should have killed the HON if our base didn't die too early. I understand that, in order to win, you have to do a certain amount of 'predictable stuff.' But if every pug becomes more of a mathematical procedure than a fun game where you can try different tactics than it's really not worth playing at all. For example last week 'we' lost 3 out of 5 maps, but I liked the games cause they involved fresh gameplay. What I also didn't like on some maps is that wherever we attacked, the building was instant repaired. It was like some buildings had (afk) repairs in there all game. Conclusion: our team spent too much time doing (and preparing for) the predictable stuff and while focusing on that the enemy outsmarted us with quick rushes we couldn't' anticipate on.
Maybe cause everybody is trying to have a discussion based on facts and you come with "If you can't kill or counter some snipers, then you're a terrible player." Surrender isn't about this. But there are in fact a lot of games where the 'winning team' stops with their victory march in order to killwhore with up to half the team (had this) snipers. Maybe you can counter those, what is hard when they spawn kill you on field when you leave bar for example, but that's not what this is about. It's more or less about the game becoming stale. Doesn't only happen in this case, but there are a lot of games where team A has the adventage over team B, but doesn't use it and just let the game 'flow on' without any really attempts to advance it. In this case surrender = great In the case where the team is allready doing a lot of damage they should be able to finish it That's why I recommend to have the surrender vote only when a base has not any building kills for 'x-minutes,' 15 looks like a decent amount of time to me.
Personally I think that the way it works is ok for most of the games, but what I think is would be great that surrender either: - doesn't have effect immediately when you do the vote in x minutes after a building has been been lost (and the enemy knows this, so HAS to strike) - is not available x-minutes after building is lost What I hate is when one team is steamrolling the enemy base and killing all buildings, but the other team surrenders earlier in the middle of the assault. On the other hand I hate it when I am in a team with a lot of afks (or people doing random shit) in a long, long, long game where nothing happens from both sides. Than one team loses HON / BAR and the other team goes for full sniping mode, stalling the game for way longer, while not doing any attacks to achieve the thing the game is about: win from the enemy team by base destruction. In these cases I think it is ok to have a surrender vote.
Two options: Did you (accidently) change keybindings? (most likely the issue) I've had issues where my keyboard would strangly got changed to azerty or another format in some programs. Could you check this? I am not a developer, just thinking out loud. Hope it helps.
That was cause everybody was asked to stop shooting WF for an x amount of time, which the team surprisingly did. Than we pounded it again with whole team at same second. Main issue (again) was some people not listing to teamchat. I don't get why the team decided on roles (2 persons asigned by name as a sniper, rest tech or arty for example) only to see 4 snipers and 3 sbh doing 'something)' It was basically like we had 4 ` 6 afks at some moments. The first rounds there was also frustration when asked about mines. followed by a lot of sighing and things like "I guess we missed them 'name random place'" cause people were to annoyed to answer for real... Last thing I noticed that not even half the team talked on TS and that people didn't answer to questions at all for 90 percent of the time.... Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a menslaught for the losing team and it was pretty good, but I also think we just got lucky and that it could have easily been 5 - 0.
They can, with a repairgun!
Guess I can make it finally!
I am sure it will be delivered before 'one' of the PUGs, otherwise you will never receive it...
Every weekend, same time. So you should be able to play next saturday.
Usually if Nod loses, it's because they have half the team being SBH from the beginning without coordination. SBH's have an adventage (stealth) and disadventage (can't do much solo) and are right for me as they are now.
Best idea is to get the MSI from the site and let it download the game. Is there a way you can get internet elsewhere? Ren-x won't fit on a CD or DVD, but can fit on a USB
Tried to get some people together for some testing, but proved to be difficult. Hope it works out now!
Isn't that this topic now