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There is a very, very small chance I might make it on one of these dates. Will try my utmost!
@DarkSn4ke I was reffering to gameplay test when i mentioned 'testing session,' my bad! @Fffreak9999 Or whoever is hosting the PUG. Can you make it so the server starts with a new map before the PUG? @Madkill40 If more players can on sunday, it is fine by me, I won't be there most likely cause the weekend is usually packed for me!
Sorry, accidentally closed this topic before answering. Contacted numerous map makers this summer to organize the sessions, and also some CT people did, but it never really worked out. A regular timeslot would be great. It was for a few times before the PUG, but I cannot make it at that time (not that it matters if I am there, but just for your info). Maybe time for @DaKuja, @Henk, @TK0104, @Ruud033, @Madkill40, @Schmitzenbergh, @Fffreak9999, @DoctorAnubis, @Xtractor, @Handepsilon, @Zephyr, @kenz3001 and some others I forgot to try to pick another moment? I know timezones will be difficult, but I think it will really help out the community. Maps can be tested with more than 4 players and people can give feedback + advice so the knowledge within the community gets spread better. So guys: any idea for a good timeslot?
No video from Saturday @TK0104 ?
Have to say I really liked it. It was long, but never boring for me even though I defended. What I see from this threat is the fact that the losing team disliked the lenght of the game more than the winning team. Credits / Economy is something which should be changed a bit. But afaik @Henk is working on this. Balance wise the map seams really balanced, cause both sides had chances and and both sites were 'equal' almost the entire game. Playing another map (Glasses for example) would have been nice to be honest!
Really liked playing Reservoir yesterday. The fact that it was such a stalemate had to do with the (finally) balanced teams. I was one of the people I usually hate and camped the dam all game as a dedicated defender, so 'we' could spot rushes before they even left the enemy base. Found one bug: while we were trying to outside C4 the bar, I got stuck in the 'grass / forest' on the side of the barracks. I didn't have time to check the vehicle path, cause I was 'assigned' to defend all game. Overall I think the map is pretty good,but that the teams were the problem yesterday. Or to put it better; the teams weren't the problem this time cause no team made mistakes thus not giving the other side a chance.
I know about this server, but it would be handier to have a regular timeslot and some more people involved to test the maps.
@DarkSn4ke: thx for the feedback. I like River, but I agree it needs testing / work / optimalisations / changes. Hope @TK0104 gets to work in it soon. @CampinJeff. At the moment I am not sure about the status of Cliffside. @Redline assigned it to someone else, but not sure who picked it up. Overal idea of this topic is to: a) keep track off the maps b) encourage people to finish them I tried many times to get a few map developers together so we could test things. I am not a developer, nor a map maker, but I like to help out the community the way(s) I can. Hope there will be a map testing session soon so more maps can get finished. Good for (the motivation off) the map developers. Good for the community!
And update again: Removed: - Glasses (because @DaKuja finished it, gj!) - Gobi (redux, since @Ruud033 released another one a while ago) - Reservoir (because @Henk finished it, nice work!) Added: - CNC-Fallen - CNC-Storm - CNC Forest - CNC Sand Keep up the good work!
Do I sense a new patch upcoming ?
Uhm agent just noticed this (and since there was nobody ingame I went to the forum and stumbled on your post...)
Will be there tonight, unfortunatly without new PC so Machette has to play one more time on my 'crappy' laptop.
I am not that stupid
When pressing Q twice it 'shows' the vehicle ppl should get in, but if you are too close to the harv it shows 'get in the harvester' Just letting you guys know!
Hope you are not on a five weeks vacation than. Keep up the good work with your map(s)
Ok get this, feedback is by the way never a problem and I do not see it as mean, so keep it coming! You forgot that I was one of the people in those Apaches for quite a while or LCG or whatever was requested, while a lot of people didn't talk or join the rushes at all. The reason why people always point me that 'I am complaining' is because: a) I actually complain b) I actually join (most, like 90 percent) of the things the teamcommander(s) say and get tired of the fact that we do not archieve anything cause we lack support from a (large) majority of the team... I just and only changed plan after getting shot down like times 10 times with not much response and also no money for replacement units. And I only changed the plan after discussing it and getting an agreement from the 'leaders.' Only thing I can think of doing different is: 1) bring my critism more optimistic 2) Join the people going solo, do my own stuff, don't talk but don't follow teamchat. Sometimes it looks like that's the way to go. If you are quite and ignore the team you are fine. but if you are loud and point out things going wrong, but follow the team you are considered a bitch. It should be the opposite way...
Machette also requested a tech numerous times on the plateau. I got dropped of there a few times and killed immediately. Well next time better!
What I really don't get is that this was one of the evenings where I didn't complain that much. It was even said to me after the game (when I returned, was afk for 30 minutes directly after Xmountain ended). The PUG wasn't great, but not bad at all. At some point I said that we at least died fighting instead of just being overrun with zero defence effort, so I also made positive criticism. And if I complained it's about the same stuff @KrypTheBear and some other did. On both Walls, Complex and Xmountain I mainly followed the orders @yosh56 and @KrypTheBear gave alongside @Madkill40. Sometimes, even with a lot of money in the team, I had to wait quite a while to get the 'prefered by commander vehicle' cause some teammates ignored donate request several times. Something even @yosh56 mentioned. As far as I recall a lot of people just didn't follow the plans (but that's usually behaviour for on a PUG for some, cause they play it to have a PUB experience...). Later on walls, after we tried so many things but never reached half the amount of people we needed, I suggested some 'stupid' attacks yeah, after proposing this to the team and after feedback from @yosh56: "You are going to be the Delta Force and do special stuff with 3 ppl, and so on..." One of these rushes did quite some damage damage to the ref. Only on Xmountain I got, sort of, mad once and later corrected myself @poi ❄. I was kinda wrong in the fact that people didn't respond to mines, cause they did but were too far away. But during rushes they didn't respond well often (both on Walls where we could have done waay more perma damage with arties, but where ppl broke of the siege to save their vehicle and on Xmountain where a big part of the vehicles just hitted random stuff while we were doing perma damage..) And @poi ❄. Maybe I should call 'rushes' an attack. What I tried several times on Walls was to hit the ref from the field. We did some serious damage but some people backed off. Later we never tried again, even when GDI momentarily lost control of the plateau due a failed Orca rush. If you ask me I am more than down for PUG's where the commander has more control. Not sure how to do this since spoken words get ignored, but maybe give a commander a way to force a sniper / SBH limit or disable sudden vehicles or set a limit? It would be way more fun for me if the teamplay was really good. I remember some games a while ago where I defended for the most part, but where the team was so solid organized and responding that it was even fun to listen to. I know I am not realistic to see this every game, but would really love that kind of behavior on PUG's again. Talked to Machette about this yesterday after the game and he also has the opinion that it sometimes sounds like it's more a fun game, than a competitive play for some people. Guess till next week saturday for another one, pretty sure I can make it now I am done with moving and family troubles!
Congratz Kenz indeed! When is she going to play Ren-X
Good you mentioned this, the more info, the better!
Had this quite a few times, but cannot exactly replicate it. When moving from GDI to Nod over the 'ramps' near the base entrance I get stuck often. Might also happen on the GDI side. Image stuckfort1 looks towards the place Image stuckfort2 is around the place where this happens Hope it helps in fixing stuff!
Next week I will try again, this weekend is too busy!
Yoo, just checked your message. The above is ONE of the reason I said that I would leave after round two if teams didn't get rebalanced. I see no point in playing in a team like we used to have and I see no fun in it also, but let me explain. Before we started I made this statement and than I got quiet for a while. After the first rush on Volcano it became clear we couldn't get the team organized cause nothing happened anymore. Not @Schmitzenbergh's fault, but more the problem with 6 ~8 people not responding at all + someone completely 'raping' teamchat with playing music via a microphone. Sadly this person NEVER EVER used the microphone to even talk once or do something constructive in the past PUG's this year....He joined over 30 times and never responded to any teamchat in any game. On Volcano we proved that we were just cannon fodder. Islands started and again we couldn't get organized enough. At one moment someone called something out about 'ref.' Yet there came no details and some people asked 20(!) times what was wrong. This was the moment I gave up. EVERY single question which was asked to the team by multiple persons resulted in an echo and no spoken reaction back. From there on I spent quiet some time getting replies from the the team and stating that we should do different. This can be seen as demoralizing, but more important I tried to point out our weak spot. Unfortunately the same people not responding, didn't care about this fact. I waited for walls. (cause first rounds didn't last long) and the teamchat was like 'we are doing well, we are killing the apache.' Again I mentioned that, while we were killing them, they could easily replace them and that with our harv being killed all the time that we would be overrun any minute. The apaches came and demolished our base in a matter of minutes. That's the moment I left. Why: - There was NO team or teamchat,. this wasn't PUG worthy. - All my fun was gone and for just like numerous time in the past months we would lose due a combination of snipers and complete disorganization. - Teams were very unbalanced from the start. Only after I left and the teams got rebalanced and the game became 'a bit' interesting. Still it was never balanced, never challenging for both sites and never PUG worthy. For the future PUG's we should really assure people are able to communicate. If they are not willing to play the PUG according to the rules., than they shouldn't play. I don't come to the PUGs to win, I come to see at least some degree teamwork. If the past 4 or 5 PUG's rounds I played ended in at least 18(!) losses for the team I was in, nomatter if I was silent and just followed teamorders, or commanded. Those PUG's were lost mainly cause of the combination of lack of teamwork and having the 'same 2 snipers' against us. After the PUG @Norc and some others had a chat about this. It is my opinion that, if we don't make clearer rules, the PUG's will eventually die. For myself: as soon as this happens again I just leave. Better for the team, better for myself... Edit: @DarkSn4ke. Forgot to mention this: rather have this feedback than no feedback at all. At least you try and that's appreciated, nomatter what the message is!
Can we plz, plz, plz make sure in the 'pre-game phase' that people are able to react? Norc / testman mentioned that one of our persons typed in game chat that he died, nevertheless we kept asking about his status for a while and there came no reply at all.... Even when we started the game 6(!) people did not respond to spoken chat, nor by answering back, nor by typing. It's ok if you don't know English well enough, it's ok if you don't have a mic, but it's not ok if you are on a team for 3 rounds without EVER showing up or responding. No reply in postgame = kick. If you cant say 'Yes' to are you there 'insert playername' x20 times. Than how can you participate in a team? About Norc: I think he did well. Second note: he cant help that, when he orders to move all the vehicles to the tiberium cave, they move the opposite way. We had, and I know I am repeating myself, to many f*ckups and people doing random stuff which decided the game. The fact we lost Volcano with a huge adventage and 10 people at the strip when it went down, proves this...
Thx for that feedback. First of all: a few weeks ago we played a PUG and when I 'shouted' get this or get that it ALWAYS took less than a minute. The past PUG's I've been in it took always minutes after the first attack (up to 5), so a quick command doesn't get followed 90(!) percent of the time if you ask me. Nor a slow command, I've just been in teams lately where people had many issues following commands. "Be more clear who does what": acknowledged, I know Volcano was chaotic... By the time we played walls saturday I didn't care anymore. Concerning the 'V' button (or looking it up with M). I know, but I also try to get reaction(s) from the team. Basicly I know if it will be a good game if: - There is a healthy portion of chat prior to the PUG from a large part of the team - From the start people spread out information and talk when needed (too busy isn't good, too quiet neither) - Give suggestions Most of the games I played lately lacked all that.... It even started by the fact that I was commander at least 3 times cause nobody else wanted and when there was no reply at all for candidates. While it was clearly not a good idea for me and I even mentioned this several times before the PUG. (On sunday) I just got home prior to the PUG and was f*cked up tired from all the activities during the past day and night. Saturday is usually a better day for me... When I lose 3/4th of all PUG's during the past months (nomatter if I was a commander or not) I start losing fun and interest in the game... Count the fact of being sniped 10.000 times in a row with that and you know why I don't play PUB's anymore...