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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Oh, thats new to me. Guess !ffffreak also does the trick since he has IRC alerts...
  2. Isn't it !requestmod ?
  3. I get it, but no. It happened during a normal game by accident. Infact the strip would have been killed if mines did work.
  4. Why would I glitch on purpose? I was just placing the beacon inside the airstrip tower when I got discovered, so I moved to a position where it was harder to hit me and placed the beacon (now finished the progress bar). Since I didn't want to move to avoid being hit I also placed the mines directly afterwards, but I looked around. A day later I tested this inside the base. After I placed the beacon I switched and walked towards it. Mines didn't go off untill I removed the beacon. @Henk i didn't move, but I turned around (I guess).
  5. Fixed the camera's again :D!
  6. Just confirmed this, ran into this yesterday and replicated it just now. During Walls I placed a (ion)beacon in the Airstrip Tower and directly afterwards I placed 3 mines at the same spot without moving. An engineer jumped towards the beacon and the mines didn't explode untill the person had removed the beacon. Tested this again: If you place beacon and do not move and place the mines directly afterwards your mines will not explode till the beacon is gone. Not sure if it also works for Nuke beacon(s).
  7. That was the best game of the PUG. Despite all odds (you guys killed the PP, we detected it early, but couldn't save it) we slowly won. Even @TONY-STARK did a solo nuke, uh rushed with a med to help the team. He was actually one of the people making the difference and that's what got us the 'kill' the PowerPlant. To bad we couldn't get more veterancy!
  8. Sounds like an interesting game!
  9. We found a bug BTW (some people tested the map today): MCT's in the security office do not take damage from timed C4, cause if you plant it, it goes through. Guess no colision!
  10. Second that You should add a gunboat BTW!
  11. It was a joke, read the whole message
  12. The wins felt 'good' the loses felt reasonable and fair! , GG! Oh maybe I should return to my normal mode: What a f*cking game. First map we were GDI and all the 15 players ignored the teamchat and everybody bought meds instead of the stanks which got order by the commander who didn't say who he was. Than 12 people were asked to solo nuke, but nobody did. Later our SBH rush failed cause all the GDI units disagreed to get them. Second map, when we were Nod I asked for meds but nobody listened. Minutes later I demanded a rush through the Tiberiumfield, but all the McFarlands refused to get chemsuites and we died. After that we lost the game cause nobody defended the Temple of Nod cause they were unable to find it on the minimap and to make it even worse: people failed to deliver pizza to Kane so he blew up our obelisk and the whole team got killed. At the final part off the game 12(!) defenders camped a building which was already destroyed while our 3 attackers failed to kill the enemy 'insert random building' again cause it couldn't be killed twice. Horrible disaster... No, just serious, was one of the best PUG's in months. Good balance, good mood, good games. Played on both teams (and got a change to actually improve 'my' win/loss ratio that way) but both sides felt like being dedicated, honest, skilled and coördinated. If only half the PUG's could be like this we will have a completely different Renegade-X PUG Era. Nice job ppl!
  13. Hmm it's not that I have a preference to lead or be directed, I just prefer things to be clear.
  14. Than the commander has to open his / hers mouth. Last week (or two weeks ago) there wasn't even a commander and it all turned out good cause people listened to eachother. But I will keep the above in mind.
  15. Sure! If others agree with it offcourse.
  16. @Gliven, np! All clear to me when I read it now, sometimes not in the heat of the moment. Let's focus on tonights PUG and hope it will be a good one. I will make sure to get some booze here to ease the pain if it isn't
  17. In the case of some extremely good players their skills matter. But imagine you have 'the best' attackers in a team killing everything in the enemy team, while your own team has nobody defending (well enough). That would mean that both bar / HON and strip / WF could go down. Your skills don't matter (that much) anymore if you cannot replace (for example) your sniper. So; skills matter, but they also depend on the rest of the people in your team cause they need to keep other things going while you utilize your skill. I can imagine nobody will be better than another in repairing, but still you need a person willing to do this 'boring' job...
  18. If the map gets changed it doesn't mean that the 'old version' will stop to excist. Right now the map just isn't played BTW.
  19. @Norc, but you are right and the way you describe it is exactly like it was '12 minutes of complaints.' I shouldn't have done that and even mentioned to @TK0104 that my behavior was over the top. I usually never act like this, although I complain a lot Talking about commanding. I have nothing against doing this (again, been months), but it takes more than hand out orders. I make sure that I follow the commanders orders every time. Since at least 1/3rd of the team doesn't (or doesn't communicate they do, so you still don't know) in most of the cases I know that it wouldn't make any difference if I command or just comment from the sideline... @poi ❄ you example with 'you should record yourself and show your skills' isn't really fair. This game isn't (in many cases) about individual skills. I am a teamplayer and care about the commanders rules, no matter if I have to defend for an hour or do stuff I don't like. That's not a skill, but just making sure that I can't be blamed for the fact I complain about no teamwork, but be guilty on it. Considering the blames I hand out. I cannot compensate for (for example) the behavior of a defender who is on the other side of the map and has to hear from the team that he lost the building he is defending cause he didn't notice. As long as these things happen I have a point that it's the fault of (some) of the team. It would have been different if the defender (in this case) got overpowered. You should join one of the times where half of the people on an 11 players team are ignoring the commanders orders and see how much fun you have...
  20. Imagine: the side of the Lake for vehicles and the rest for infantry. Would be cool!
  21. The Orca rush was just a suicide rush as final thing before we were planning to surrender as far as I renember. At that point half the team had given up.
  22. Thanks for the constructive and critical feedback after the game on TS, that was the best part! We didn't agree with each other about everything, but at least we listened to each other... I know that I sometimes (uhm often ) have to sh*t my mouth more, but that's not easy when you are trying to get a decent game going and care about it. In the aftermath we discussed some things, but I am afraid PUG's have moved away from their main purpose for some people (also depending on which side you are, in my case almost always on the losing one). This behavior where the PUG's are more social events than serious games goes even more for the Sunday PUG's. I wonder if some people even know the real purpose. Why do I think this? In the aftermath on TS people mentioned: "You shouldn't expect too much from PUG's" "Maybe we can organize a competitive PUG on another day (while the PUG was to be a competitive game since PUB's aren't often) "Maybe we should make rules" (which we have but people don't follow) "Maybe you shouldn't care less (which would have ended the game more earlier cause I mainly defended) "Maybe people should do the things they like only on a PUG (like yesterday someone volunteered for mining and defence, but forgot to do it...) Yesterday was bad, today was worse. I am not going into detail about everything, but at one time (with 11 people) Thommy suggested an arty rush. A few minutes and almost no feedback later we had: 1 / 2 arties (depending on how soon they got shot down) 2 SBH 2 Snipers 2 Stanks 4 repairs (from which one or two might have been in a vehicle when it got shot) How on earth can you play a competitive game if HALF the team is doing random stuff? Since people won't be enforcing rules, and since there won't be much more balancing I have another suggestion: - Have an A list with people who (generally) care - Have a B list with people who use / abuse PUG's as PUB's to do their own stuff or aren't willing to respond or can't use headset Than allow (for example) 1 person from the B list to a team for each 9 people from the A list. The above example with only 2 people on 11 following the plan was a very rare example, but on the last PUG (after we lost one person) we still had two others on our team not responding to anything whatsoever. It was basically 8 vs 11. If I am correctly informed we at least had one person on our team which was banned before for ignoring the rules. You might say we 'block' people from playing the game and that this might kill of the player base, but I think it will be exactly the opposite. Games will start to have more quality and less random wins or loses and people will have more fun. The 'blocked' people can also be added together on a PUB server while being on TS btw and do their 'social thing' there since they don't care about the game(s) itself. Also the PUG's will last for 3 or 4 competitive games, instead of a less than 40 minutes PUG where one team gets slaughtered two times (like today), or a (for example yesterday) one 'ok' game on Goldrush and 45 minutes game where one team is being suppressed in (front of) their base just enough to make them last for a a while without any really action going on. I am desperate for competition where I will lose fighting or win by effort and not have the opposite where I will win / lose cause of random mistakes and miscommunicications like for example the main defender being AFK cause he went to get a burritos or somebody (even on a PUG) who put all the mines at a random place or whatever... Again: this goes even more for the Sundays than the Saturdays. If we can't expect competition from a game which is meant for it, than what can we expect from the game(s)?
  23. Team ignoring Thommy non-stop... BG!
  24. Maybe we shouldn't have people playing a competitive game if they aren't even able to answer ONE question in teamchat all game, every game... Naybe we should have defenders who know the difference between our base and the enemy base... Maybe we should have repairs who know the difference between enemy team vehicles and our team vehicles.. Maybe we should have miners who know there is a mine limit. Maybe we should have people who don't ignore the team orders like 1/4th till 1/2th at some times did... If all above happens and we still get slaughtered like paralyzed animals I might go into smoking weed. If we still have PUG's which, depending on which side you are, is more like a PUB with half the team afk / not caring... I won't.
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