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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. Would it work to simply allow players to purchase into a squad type? i.e. If i want to be in a field squad i buy into that, get some little thing that helps in that purpose and off i go..
  2. Over the years i have had every Internet Service Provider,, ISP you care to name. They all had varying degrees of reliability. With the Covid-19 situation, i think we can expect to see a very high volume of traffic on the internet. So... a thought... and tell me if i am wrong.... we may see an increase in players complaining about connection, lag, etc .. issues. Today i was in game and almost never... like almost never... does the game just hang up and quit. .. I could blame the game... but my experience tells me it was my ISP. Especially because it happened at 5:00 pm. I have seen it in the past with various ISP.. the 5 PM effect is harsh. Thoughts?
  3. Give commanders the ability to declare RED ALERT! or yelllow alert.. etc. Make Picard Proud. Teamwork Rules! What is the Commander's #1 Concern?? Protect the Base. AT all Costs... Protect the Base. give commanders the ability to declare a Red Alert!
  4. i usually go for the picturesque or colorful for my screen... but if it is Tanking you want... These are some i used to use . ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 20!! Culture points to anyone who knows what movie this is pulled from... A car driver's BAD Day: 5 World History Points if you know what this is Before you see the pic below. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` And because i have free speech: 100 points if you can name the location of this photo and spell it correctly.
  5. I have done this type of thing before... i think it was when we were looking for the first planets outside our solar system. O and once when someone was lost at sea. time for me to participate again. Done.
  6. Yep. the HUD is pretty crowded. Maybe too much so i realize now. I am curious now if AT mines could be shown on the map. ?? Like actually shown where they are located. I know its a crazy idea. Would it be even more crazy if all my team's AT Mines would display? A commander could see where there is need. I could see where there is need.
  7. yeah i think that is the real question.... would it be of any benefit.
  8. I am thinking of that time we spend after the map is chosen, and everyone is loading up for the next battle. It is cool that we can spin the dial and play with choosing what type of basic character we will start with.... ..... It is during this time : Could we provide players with the opportunity to rate the game they just played? i.e. During the wait for a game to start there is the option to rate the game just played from a 1 (bad game) to a 5 (great game). Would this give the developers good feed back ?
  9. Maybe my AT mines could be shown on the map instead of the HUD? o0
  10. Please remove bots from the donations list, so that when i donate i do not waste my money. or at least designate them as bots......
  11. I hope you will not give up hope but return to these forums for help. All your problems can be resolved. This i believe. I have seen you ? in game! I hope you will return.
  12. When we played tonight with 6 or 8 players our choices in maps were: 1. canyon 2.volcano 3.walls. If i may be blunt. Horrible choices for a server with few players. We played walls and endured that with no base defenses.... and then our choices were Either Canyon or Volcano. again NO Base defenses. ! 2 choices?? I do not understand what makes a good map for small teams cause that sucked. ?? 07 for all the devs... i just dont get it.
  13. Seems like when you use TAB .. the building health status is bugged/not accurate.
  14. as a USA player........Lately, Ive been kinda surprised to find some very active games at times which are late night usa. Good fun.
  15. I totally understand the bloated HUD feeling. One of the main reasons i ask is because it would help me be effective when funding is in short supply. This often happens when my team is pretty well beat up. Instead of throwing up my hands and voting surrender.... when I have somewhat useful strategies I will fight on. Basic cheap plan is: Buy rocket, place AT mine, join a hail mary rush. Die. Return as something else and keep up the fight. Another aspect of being able to see AT count would be a sort of trip wire knowledge of enemy action. If i remember where my AT mines are, when they trip it is intel that can be useful, maybe.
  16. Hanging out with other engineers today. We usually get only a very short break between battles to talk a bit, but today the pace of fighting slowed and many of us gathered at the rec center. Some played games, some pumped iron, and the ones in the far corner looked a bit wobbly although it sounded like they were having fun.. especially when a wave of hotwires fresh from battle strode in. I have started to see a trend. When the talk turns to battle the engineers seem to fall into different groups. Some utilize their skill the entire game. Damn they are some hardcore folk. The few the dedicated. But, Most engineers are what i call Need based players. I am in that group. We see what is happening to our base, or to our team and we step into the role of engineer because we know it is the time for an engineer. Among needs based engineers the discussion will usually wind up being: what actions by engineers have the most benefit? So i have been thinking about what makes a good engineer. 1 .if you are a basic engineer you are expendable, so get out there and back up your team or take a silo. 2 .if you are a Hotwire or a Technician - stay alive and stay useful. find cover and use it. establish defensive positions with mines. 3. try to always support the teammate who is at the point and taking damage. Follow rules 1,2. 4. you can run and save that building.... you can do it. Ignore rules 1,2. 5. Watch the flow of battle. BELIEVE! that If you pick the right situation to act on......you can change the outcome of a battle or the war. Tonight i will be attending the Engineer Guild meeting.
  17. I like to use AT mines. I find them effective in defensive situations. But often when i place my AT mines, i move on and play another role in the battle. Is there a way to know if my AT mines are gone... while i play a different character from the one that placed them? i.e. i buy a rocketer and place AT mine. then i change to a hotwire and heal team. If my AT mines get used i want to replace them. BUT i have to buy a character with mines to find out if that is even necessary. If there was a way to know if my AT mines were still active or gone... i could continue playing......
  18. Quite possibly. I would like to hear a sound notification when there is a poll to elect commander. Yes yes yes. The building icons need to somehow reflect damage and situation. I disagree on this one. it is helpful to me to be able to see the team count and scores. Same comment for vehicle count and mines. I feel mine count is vitally necessary to the whole team at all times, and vehicle count helps me know when i can get a vehicle while continuing to play on. Thank you for the clear and well thought out posting.
  19. I always tend toward physics solutions as they are logical.... But..... but i don't mind accepting the premise this game is built on .. which is not pure physics. hell, World of tanks is pure physics and that game sucks. The fun and teamwork here multiplied by the various paths to a Win = Gameplay
  20. How do the rewards for using C4 work? Both money earned, and vet points, Please. In general terms is fine with me. i.e. How much do you earn for damage from a successful c4, or mine. ( timed, remote, and mine if possible) and How many points do you earn for removing and enemy c4. ~~~ I assume the game gives more for serious damage, like say to the enemy MCT of a builiding. BUT! I am also betting there is no great reward for REMOVING an enemy C4 on a building, or its MCT. .. as opposed to a random mine on the field. If so..... Should that be changed??
  21. I have had this experience before today. Sometimes when i turn on the game, the launcher listing of servers does not show the populated server. It shows all the others, but not the busy one. Today it was the Fairplay server, full at 64 players. No matter that i tried refreshing or restarting, the Fairplay server was not in the list. Then after about 3 min of messing around, it showed up. at first i thought: o that server just crashed. but when it came back up it was full
  22. Wow Great Pics yall. This bird fell in love with this cut out.. so the zoo left it up...
  23. copy that Maybe something like giving more reward to mines and c4 ?
  24. Could Vastly increase Player voice in the game. Could greatly increase teamwork. ~~~~~~~~~~ Player voice: The things that players can do in the game that express the will to win.
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