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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. 3rd parties are evil! did the scrin teach us nothing?? Resist this EVilLLL.. j/k. hell why not
  2. I am on the battle field. Our team is pushing the enemy back despite the fierce resistance. We just destroyed their vehicles and their defenses look vulnerable. I reach for my equipment and pull out a VR beacon. Small and compact, about the size of C4. It calmly blinks at me as if asking; IS IT TIME? As an Attacker my Virtual Reality visor will notify me of other Attackers in the area by the highlighted aura around them. From here I can see 6 other Attackers in the mix of team currently on the field. Looking around I size up the situation and make the decision to plant the device. Instantly the ground around the VR beacon glows with soft pulsing light visible only to my fellow Attackers. Almost as one they look my way. Clearly my beacon is working as the light and sound pulse ever faster.. They know what i am thinking. My voice is made clear by my actions. My beacon screams at them ! LETS PUSH IT 2 of the others agree and place beacons as well. 1 more then joins the fun and we are set. The 4 beacons placed in proximity to each other synch up and begin to pulsate even faster... faster and faster... until..... NOW! An Attacker Buff takes hold giving renewed emphasis to our desires. Invigorated we push forward and crush them in a glorious victory of teamwork.
  3. isupreme

    My Renegade

    Good evening, i wanna share with you my lucky impression with the game. It makes me happy again and again that I was allowed to meet you all those years ago... You were a fresh new face in the gaming arena... you promised me i could go into a building without needing to use a Portal. Yes i kept looking for a dog house and guard dogs and never found them. but! i found fun i never imagined. Teamwork that was more fun than solitary uber dominance. Now it is the year 2040 and this game still rocks! I am in disbelief. How could you survive all this time and be so awesome? Maybe it is the great developers who nursed you thru trials and tribulations, or its the fans that kept making suggestions for improvement, or maybe its just the sheer fun of battle you enable... idk... all i know is i am glad i can enjoy the graphics, the teamwork on occasion, and... of course.... the boinks. Got to go! My nurse says it is time for a sponge bath.
  4. Please god! Please! There is this bit of hope from earlier in the thread. P.s.e. ( post script edit) expanding Q..... hmmmmm
  5. I still struggle to use the two buttons. A couple i can do with body memory, but most are hard to accomplish or i only use when i can use two hands at that moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, RE use of q: We use q to alert the team to problems. What if there was another button, with positive sounds, which we used to notify the team the problem is being responded to, or problem is fixed.
  6. >examines the background closely and sees little elves and sprites moving things around... >rubs eyes.
  7. I would like to use radio buttons or the Q ability to positively respond to a crisis. Is this possible somehow? When we hear cries of ! defend the power plant! it would be great to hear some responses from the team. I kinda can use : Affirmitve! but that is so general it gets lost in the information clutter. maybe somethings like this? : Im on my way, or Responding to Power plant... . I see a problem! I am on that problem! Problem solved! or BAck UP requested! Especially in small player count games these types of back and forth responses could really communicate a lot and enable a small team to be aware of what the other players are doing. It might help when small player count is on a Big map.
  8. Thanks! I was not aware of CnC Tiberium Alliances. I wonder how players managed things in their Alliance and if we could use any lessons from that scenario to increase player interactions.
  9. Could we make the bot boinks sound just a little bit different? i.e. a regular human player boink sounds one way., when you kill a bot it is a slightly less satisfying sound.
  10. That little window. Recently i am unable to exit before the next game starts, once the game ends. It used to be for me, that i could see the scores, even watch the fun chat after the match, and then exit before the next game. Now i feel a bit bad that i have to exit from the team list once a game has started. ~ so i wonder.. at what point can you exit the game without influencing the team composition for the next match, and leaving a team short handed. ? I would hope i could always see some of the after game chat and then exit.......
  11. You will learn a lot by playing support role and healing others. Never be afraid to die, especially if you have a low cost character. The harvester needs to stay alive.
  12. When numbers started flagging today we added 4 bots at level 6 (maybe 8 ) I am curious if anyone was watching and what they experienced. It seemed to help the game as it kept active thru what would have been a slump and at times the bots repaired the buildings.... Even when we were losing it felt less like a romp and more like a battle. I would say they helped keep the game active when we were down to to like 7 on each side... then more players joined and we had a fine time. Tho i note there is some strong resistance to bots.
  13. be my bet.
  14. yeah that was a great shot
  15. Can/Should bots be used to buffer small player count games? My imagination says the new bots are capable of buffering small player count teams. Lets say its 10 vs 10 real players. Would 3 bots at lvl 3 act as enough buffer, but still allow player initiative to prevail? Less ? More? None at all? Too many bots clearly creates too much junk to wade thru, but could a couple of bots help prevent The Dreaded: Fast game turnover.
  16. Do we really see very many big armor pushes anymore? Lately, with a few exceptions, all i see is a struggle over the field until an infantry rush thru tunnels kills a building. I would like to see more mass armor rushes not less because we made it even more difficult. Maybe I am not in the games where it happens a lot..... ?
  17. > sets the chairs in the back of the room back in place, glances out the window at the many tanks and vehicles parked outside..... Those are some good points about why med mass rushes do not occur often. The effects of Mammy improvements and command focus on infantry rushes is significant i would wager. BUT, I am happy to say i saw it done well just recently and it was as always A GREAT and Glorious Site to BeHold!
  18. Last time i was in the game, i was told there are no way points for the bots so they would not work. idk if that is accurate tho...
  19. New point on original idea of sub commanders> If sub commanders as captains could take responsibility for an area such as field or tunnels.... Then.. .if the captain could state the situation .. ( rush forming. we are in control etc) ..... then if that info was presented to a player when they are back in base to reset. .. Then! They the player are informed and able to choose an action based on the current situation. What i am working on in this idea, is the problem of a player only being able to see the part of the game they just fought in. When what a player needs to know is how the fight is going overall, and who won that fight i just died to win? Are we holding the field or losing it? Should i buy a technician or a LCG? We need ways to keep players informed about the battle... ways that allow them out of a narrow blinkered tunneled viewpoint. This especially is true when we play bigger maps and bigger teams. ~~ more random fodder for thought.
  20. xtractor, The ability to communicate to players what is going on is exactly the issue. As you say, fighting can limit attention to chat. ( and other cues like radio etc i would say ) While most game information cues focus on negative aspects like: " building is at 0 health", i think it would help us all if some of them said building is healed and healthy. I would like the game to make more audio cues about the state of the battle and limit the over production of cues we tend to ignore.
  21. An excellent suggestion. maybe 10 min is too long? ..... each repair action resets the timer? ? ?
  22. I have wanted to discuss this topic for a long time. Some because i think it happens a lot with other players in the game, and more because i often have this situation in real and in the game. I think it is awesome how virtual reality often reflects real. In my own life i find myself "tunneling" and it always amazes me. In the game i find i tend to tunnel as well. In this Post, Tunneling will refer to the frame of mind. When players are intensely involved in combat it is only natural to tunnel. I think there is a military term for this but i cannot recall it. It is well said in this bit i took from online: A woman was walking through the forest when she came upon a man who was furiously sawing at a very thick tree. He was covered in sweat and looked exhausted — the man wasn’t making much progress though. “You seem to be determined to cut through that tree, but it appears your saw blade is blunt,” the woman said. “Why don’t you take a moment to sharpen it?” Barely looking up, the young man said, “I have to cut down this tree, and two after it, by the end of the day. I don’t have time to sharpen my saw.” Being stuck is like cutting through a tree with a blunt saw — no matter how much you try, you won’t make any progress. Stress and anxiety narrows our vision. When obsessed about accomplishing a goal, we stop seeing what we are missing. Tunnel vision makes you blind to the opportunities around you. Rather than making progress, you get stuck. Your passion and determination are not enough to get you unstuck; you need to shift your perspective. That’s how you discover new solutions. Widening your vision is like sharpening a saw. You can overcome the obstacles with less effort. Discussion of the effects of tunnel vision in this game could consume a library. This is good, the game is dynamic enough to produce this effect. But how might the game recognize this and work to pull players out of tunneling and into TEAMWORK? 1. Audio cues. If the game could tailor the audio sounds to include not just warnings and trouble, but positive sounds as well, then players might not always sense panic when announcements are made and tune them out. When the base is healthy why not a positive sound to announce .. " 3 bells and all is well. " Can we redo some RADIO shouts to be positive? Radio commands seem due for an overhaul, since Q spotting has set in. Can q spotting include something positive? 2. visual cues. It is great that i can hit a button and see the health of the base buildings.. . but.. what if that info was more prominent? like a Heads up Display ? ( and of course we need info on GT and silos. ) 3. .. how do i say this?..... when a player is killed and is back in base deciding what to do next.... That seems the ideal time to present them options where they can affect the flow of the fight. Lets face it, we all are very focused and tunneled in ... when we are in a heated fight. So lets give players more info about the general battle when they are not in the middle of all holy hell. 4. OTher ideas? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please comment on the general theme of Tunnel Vision in Battle.
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