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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. ack you making my brain hurt
  2. So many busy servers... should i choose an Official? maybe a Fury. O look this one is NA for north american! and my ping is low. But DANGit! its is full... hmmm.... I am in heaven.... p.s. I saw 3! busy servers today .. and the map for all 3 was islands o0oooo p.p.s. it is midnight east coast.... i cant get into a full server playing walls.. LOL Now that is funny..................
  3. you ride across the battlefield in your tank. there is death everywhere and you know what that means. But once the battle has begun fear subsides. Your thoughts hover around one thing and only one thing. Where is the Enemy Tank? Is it hiding behind that bush? Is it aiming at me? Who will shoot next? Adapted from Grigori Shishkin, Russian General. Netflix Age of Tanks. S1 E2
  4. What term do we use for Firestorm? Is it a RenX sequel or what? Does this mean RenX will get a launch and come out of beta ?
  5. isupreme


    How did i miss this? ? ? ? and btw....with the current acceptance of Bounty..... Allow team to donate to bounty funds like : Kill that mrls! and Spy kill Bounty!
  6. Well, that was fun. What do you all think now that the demo is done? I agree with roweboat it seems like a step backwards compared to Ren X Like mystic i enjoy the sheer soldier vs soldier fight that seems to be short cut in ren X. I liked the way you incrementally improve your ability instead of the save a bit and then buy the uber game changer item ,method RenX supports. I think i feel ya there. I interpreted it as : Petroglyph is being respectful of where RenX has gone. There is so much to respect in the journey of RenX. Could it be petroglyph is a bit envious and respectful both?
  7. I know the subject of resupply ammo has been discussed, but i think i missed most of it....but.... Could we allow a LIMITED option to resupply the ammo : OF Another Player? I can understand that giving too much ammo on the battlefield will negate the distinction between infinite ammo and limited. I respect this and I do not want to destroy this game mechanism. I want to encourage teamwork. Engineers get to enjoy the fun of helping other players. Other players get to enjoy the fun of engineer support. We could extend this metaphor/homily to other infantry classes. What if? An officer could buy ammo to resupply a gunner? Or vica versa? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i.e. I think there is room to expand the teamwork. ... Smoke, emp.. these are all good teamwork enhancers. Lets find more. ( but engrs must always be OP o0 )
  8. What about AFK? : lets make AFK kicks separate and clearly noted as AFK vote. Then you get my vote yes.
  9. Maybe the other players thought it was a vote to kick because of AFK. ?? I do not know. We often vote to kick out AFK players who are not playing the game. Maybe no one took the time to ask why the vote was called. I would not vote to kick you out. Your video clips make a strong case. I hope you will not let this bad experience stop you from having fun playing the game.
  10. R.E.P. # 101 isupreme Log for REP. Its Great to be a member of REP! Since the meeting i have been waiting for news. ! I am proud to be a part of the most important group of players in the war. Turn the Tide! See you on the battle field, if not in front of you then behind Log, private. today as i fought i was wondering... Engineering can be fun and it can be boring. No engineer alive wants to stand and constantly repair a building. The fun in engineering is being in the mix of battle and thru teamwork the tides of war can change. It is an awesome experience to see your team falling back in the face of fire - only to find engineer repairs and the chance to regroup and resist. Or helping another player who is taking the point and giving them hell. All good fun. so why are there not more teamwork based abilities ? Why is only engineers get to engage in this teamwork? I can see why basic repair abilities are available to all... " everyone wants to feel like they are helping out" . But it seems like there must be more teamwork possible between infantry...
  11. RE: gypsy music, Trip to tomorrow by the Barn owl band. and of course : Pearl django. SOrrY no video today.
  12. A shooting range where players can test out weapons and vehicles. In a battle is not really the time to study how far your rocket goes, or how much damage your rifle does not do to vehicles. ( i suppose they can always go to an empty server and learn how to operate bots .. but.... ) Mythology. A simple story line that easily explains why we are fighting to keep our base alive and why we should destroy the enemy base.
  13. Now THAT's! what I'm talking about. We can make decisions faster on the field then a Commander can make sitting in the base. There is NO Commander that can see all the action all the time. It is the front line forces that are in the thick of the fight who know the time to strike. Right>?? When the team forms a solid front and pushes the enemy forward... the ITCH to strike is real. Maybe it is jumping the gun, maybe it is INSTINCT, born of battle. Born of battle experience... I would enjoy an option to purchase additional goodies. Who doesn't want more toys right? Enable me to purchase a squad option. Enough players with squad options can join together ....and they can activate together. Bam! lets go. Let my team visually see that i have that option. Let me visually see that they have same. The action will happen and it will be F.U.N. Sign me up.
  14. Well my dear thread .. .. how are you? You were so popular for a while... but sadly it was all about the harvester. [ 07 that result ] I had hoped together we might discuss the importance of moving command functions to players. Even an argument about the need for command powers to climax protracted battles would have been fun. ah well. you dear thread and I both know that true gaming freedom lies in the abilities given to ALL the players.... but maybe it is too soon for others.............
  15. something players can purchase and utilize?
  16. If you think you will watch this great old sci-fi movie, do not look at the reveal below ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- the food soylent green is made from human flesh.
  17. I checked it just now for a few minutes. I found the gameplay seemed alot different from renx. Maybe it is just the team size but they spent alot of time preparing for battle and not much time fighting together as a team. I did like a few things which could be used in RenX, for example when they purchase a character little symbols tell them what the other players are running.
  18. I would rather leave it as is. We have just enough time to get a few comments in without getting too snarky or complaining at each other. That battle is over. Lets start the next map and focus ahead.
  19. >scribbles a few notes on a stickem. Calls mom and dad.
  20. Strategy Tactic #41599 I would like to see it tried more often. I have never seen a commander announce the tactic and rally the troops to push out.
  21. Could players buy an option similar to a group being buffed? i.e. I can buy a buff which i can activate for myself. I could do it alone or get others to join me. It could be regulated like the command points so it is not too crazy.
  22. Also an option: Players vote for a harvester manager. Like a vote for commander. The idea that it could be an Engineer thing is really intriguing. Return to a preset safe location. yep.
  23. i bought it. only 20$ and it enables me to play it on my modern computer. I have to relearn my automatic key controls like i used to have... you know... when you dont have to Think about what button to push so much. But it does play like the original and i have had a few "time warps" where i was transported back in time and felt like i was playing the game as a much younger person. o0! I found it crazy how much of the artwork resembles Renegade. All the cinematic stuff that is there to give you a feeling for the game is like TotallY REn.
  24. Some serious points to consider. I do think we could handle our own loses if the command functions were broken down into several players. Especially if they were less dependent on gathering large rush groups that succeed or fail spectacularly. Teamhampering does have potential, but is it more than we get currently, when we desperately vote in a bad commander? I would hope we could work thru that problem. Mystic said: That's the spirit!
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