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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. Thank you. well said. Give all command abilities to the players with appropriate balance mechanisms like Command Points. 1. Allow players to vote a harvester manager. 2. Allow players to purchase the ability to jointly create a buff effect, or at least the ability to solo buff yourself and hope others do the same at the right time. It would be AMAZING to see a map with symbols indicating players who have an offensive buff option. Imagine the natural fun of game play when players gather in a tunnel until critical mass and them BAM! No need to wait for a commander. Just players doing what they know will work. [ Isupreme dies, returns to Purchase panel. Checks Map. hmmm.... we hold the field, O! look... some offensive buff players are gathering in the tunnel we hold. !Sweet! Maybe i can buy same and join them in time for a BIG PUSH. ] Could veterancy enable the mechanic? 3 Allow a HEAVILY restricted ability to launch... The dreaded Invisible missile of death from the sky. This would allow players to learn about it and not just dread it. 4.etc etc.etc I believe almost every command ability could be given to the players and this game has always been about equality of players. Every map we start equal.
  2. Nah.. its kinda fair game on the field of battle.
  3. Big teams: Islands, crash site, volcano, reservoir, outposts. Small teams: under, field, tomb, walls, snow
  4. I finally got a friend interested in the game and then struggled to find a kind way to tell him was messing up the proxies.
  5. When i look at the server list, and the maps that are being used, could i maybe see which ones are the Nod Vs Blackhand noted? i.e. today I joined a field match. Once in the game it was a Red vs Blue fight. Not what i wanted to play. So... if it is possible .. ( i suspect it is planned)... Please make the distinctions clear on the server list. Peace.
  6. From the Patch notes: Snipers have a more distinct near-miss sound effect (Notify player when they're getting sniped at) THANK YOU. It is hard to estimate the importance of subtle changes like this. I would rate this one VERY HIGH. Today i was repairing and supporting my team on the field of fight.... ... . HOLY SHIT Batman! When that sniper shot went whizzing past my head it was Awesome! Was it just sound effects? I swear i could almost see the bullet go past. Thanks for making the game intuitive. I KNEW I needed to take precautions........
  7. Knock knock. I got a present for ya!
  8. By My Own Forces!!!!! best part of a good clip.
  9. I'm running an i7 7700k. It does well. I assume Madkill is making a joke...
  10. With the influx of new player we NEED PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS MY top 5 PSA 1. you can repair in base by the defenses, but do not exit your vehicle on the field. 2.That video clip you saw was of an upcoming release... no you will not see that stuff here. 3. Three proxy mines per door is a strong defense. 4. The Harvester provides you with money. Defend it. 5. basic repair guns are nice but a Hotwire or Technician can heal faster.
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  11. yeah it was a silly idea. More of a call to all experienced players to help all the new folk that a true suggestion. my bad.
  12. Imma gonna stop laughing sometime tomorrow. Ok.. I'll bite. WTF is THat?? they go by so fast. i assume some kind of marsupial like joeys?
  13. RE: Donate menu. 1. Any idea when the bug might be fixed that causes the menu to run on down past the box. ... ( clearly not a game changer.. just curious) 2. More Importantly. .. How is the donate menu arranged? What decides the order on the list? I think i have asked about this before but it remains unclear to me. 3. Could the Donate menu be arranged to bring the leading team players to the top? Either by score or any other metric. When i have time to donate before I leave, I like to look for players with very little money who are a very big part of the team effort.
  14. In earthbreakers it was very. ... we dont care......with minimal defense....... destruction of a building did not matter much . How do i say this? When you destroyed a building it did not really matter. It could be rebuilt. The destruction only mattered as a Total amount. When a team Totally destroyed the opposition time and time again.... then it was a win. You could buy defensive structures like Walls (kinda cool) and turrets. (mostly useless except in times of need) But nothing really stopped you from running into the enemy base and shooting around, killing the zombies....except the spawning of the enemy which did not like you there. Additionally you could repair.... but it was a lame example of what RenX does. EXCEPT! It was cool that you could lock on Repair beam and it would even Curve!!! and follow your recipient! Awesome.
  15. I don't think there is any reason i can't share this material. It was included in the response to my being recommended to the group. I found it an interesting read overall. Full of lots of GoTeam! and enthusiasm for the battle. But in the end i think it is a bit subversive. After all. It calls to mind a credo that is Higher that either faction of GDI or Nod. Some Calling that says the action is more important that who wins. . .. That REP players see themselves more as playing in the conflict than swearing allegiance to a particular side. This ... joy? is that the word?.. this......... fascination with turning the hands of fate. It is somewhat bitter in mouth. I am not sure i can stomach it. Excerpt REP Guidelines Introductory.
  16. I'm just here for the colors...
  17. nope. but you may encounter some bumps in the road. Stay strong and join us in the game.
  18. REP #101 reporting.... Extract From R.E.P. Intro Manual.
  19. The goal of this post is to encourage new players towards beneficial action by giving them instinctual experiences. Clearly many new players do not know the details of the situation... so.... If the repair beam behaved differently when used on the MCT it would signal a difference. Also, As mentioned above if there were a distinction in look or sound between the standard issue repair tool and the purchased repair gun that would also be helpful. A symbol over the MCT is an interesting suggestion.
  20. weak beam / strong beam. small beam / BIG beam looking and sound effect ?
  21. Would the players in the usual weekend PUG consider playing regular games for a bit? We need good players to help show the new players both how to play and also the FUN of good teamwork. It seems like a Critical time right now to attract and educate a whole new batch of players ... which will Benefit the PUGs in the end.
  22. Roweboat said above that just 2 months ago. My my how times have changed! >insert furry joke about cats and stripes.
  23. I always return to the launcher for the server list. IDK why there is still the other option. I think it can be confusing. TIP: if you get the sound bug and cant hear anything. Close game back to the Launcher and restart.
  24. I am always looking for ways to make the game more intuitive. Less instructive and cerebral... more experiential. Could the pretty beam from repairs be made more intense when it is focused on the MCT? i.e. we know it does more . Let the player see that it does more. Or heck Let the HEAR that it does more.
  25. Carlos This occasionally happens to me when i am surfing the servers for a game, and i have turned the list on and off several times. My fix is to go to Task manager and turn it off there. I don't know why sometimes it still thinks about the game after i turn it off.
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