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Everything posted by isupreme
HIHIHI those are some good points to consider. I certainly agree that one goal is to not make things harder. I did not intend to make players sell their accumulated CP., but having made the joke i should acknowledge that could happen. Rather i am always looking for ways to give players more voice in the game. Maybe it is just more grain for the grinders. I do enjoy considering the possibilities of sub command and i could easily see the map becoming an information and actions panel.
Could the players be accumulating CP while they play and then are able to donate to commander or captains? In this scenario a captain who has several team clustered up in the tunnel, could call for buff donations. Chat would begin to look like our familiar rush chat: "Tunnel buff 800/1300 CP Need more!" and requests and interest and fighters start gearing up for the buff. I could even see a nice exchange between players ... you want cp? ok.. but i need some cash .
ok... so.... right now if you press m you get the map. To this page has been added the status of the base buildings. Could we add more stuff for command and captains ? When i join a game, i could pull up the map and learn even more than base status and team distribution. If there was some indication of command voice I might be drawn to join an ongoing effort. It could indicate the command structure and options available that i can then join to support the effort. In effect, use the addition of more command structure to create some sense of what is going on for the new/joining player. Is the map essentially a tactical display? I wonder where on my uniform it is located.
There is tremendous value in this.
thanks for the feedback about bounty . I see your point. Perhaps there is a role for Captains, we shall see. clap clap: public chat ______ New Addition: Can Captains have a differentiating dot on the map. bigger? color ? circle around em.. .. this also opens the door to having the look of captains and command on the map INDICATING a mode of action. ie: i am holding this area. i am rallying for a push. I am Defending!
Very much a need. While i will always argue to put these abilities in the hands of the players, I agree we would benefit from sub commanders. Perhaps we might see more strategic plans beyond. . Meet in refinery. I would like to see sub commanders empowered to manage zones such as one for tunnels, one for field, one for 3rd option. Each would have: Highlighted or BOLD chat abilities. Each would have radio commands appropriate. Tunnel captain could radio call out: NOd inf rush inbound! etc. Use of Q could of course be implemented, however the roll of radio calls should not be underestimated. I would like to see sub commanders (is there a better name for this is ? Captains? Sergeant? ) able to rally forces even as the commander is busy doing something else. But also i see a real need for a commander to know that an area is being held, monitored, open to be used as a rush path, etc. A sub comm could take on these roles with some thought and planning. If i have a sub comm keeping the tunnels open and monitored, the success rate for calling a gunner rush goes up. If the same sub comm can be trusted to scream if there is an opposing rush, i can mount a field push and buff without the paranoia of the base being lost. I can see players talking/designing new strategies to make use of such a design. For a long time i thought the sub com should have a private chat line w commander, but now i think that is too hidden for a great teamwork game like this. I vote you make them call for help and plot plans in the public eye. Good to help new players see /know what goes into pulling of a crushing push. Could we us this time to enact a bounty system? I would like to see sub comms able to place a bounty on enemy units. This would allow the ability to focus the forces working in that area. Of course what i really want is to allow any player to spend credits to place a bounty. ... AS an Aside, I assume you would make harvester control a division of sub comm.... but may i say i still strongly feel that harvester control should/could be given to the general players base. As in truth all of this should be..... ..
sometimes the best response is humor.....
Thanks for the fun events. although i drive like i am drunk it was still fun! Yall good fun.
Radical Plan Zebra is the code name for a program to make RenX friendly to new players. Buckle up. Strange turns ahead. So... i have always liked the equality of playing in Renegade. Grab a character and go fight. Earn some creds and you can buy more stuff. Win or lose it all scrubs out and we start over again as equals. I do not wish to abandon that ideal, but the following idea goes against it to some degree. Could the game be set up so when a BRAND new player comes online, they are only able to do basic stuff, and then as they play... higher level things are opened to them. Speed of progression would be very fast ... but its more like unlocking branches of a tree than opening levels. if i like using infantry i start up that ladder. Maybe i really like using engrs and as i heal i get access to hotwire? I don't know specifics, maybe it works off vet points? Maybe one good game could give general access to most everything. This type of scenario would have several benefits. Chiefly it would give new players an INVESTMENT in the game. This Investment is one of the critical factors in player retention is it not? Make them choose which paths to open first and you have them. Make the paths quickly accessible with no grinding. Still it will put them on a path of investment. Secondly it gives new players a reason to watch others and think about what they can do and do well. More investment. Choices and then experiences in the game start to shape a player's view of themselves as valuable. Investment. ?? Allowing Brand New Players full access to the game is possibly detrimental to their enjoying it?? ++ And then of course we have the chance to prevent new players from having Bad mining experiences by slowing their access to it. My thought is to in NO WAY make players feel inferior to others in a match, but to allow them to quickly try new options....just .. not.. TOO quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another thoughtful exercise that may or may not bear fruit.... mmm apple pie.
Is it silly that one reason i like this game is... because while it can be frantic and insanely chaotic, there are often opportunities to take a breath, think about what is going on and formulate some kind of plan. Sometimes i just grab a support technician and support the front lines while watching the action and considering the next move. I like things go go go . but sometimes a chance to check chat, donate to a team member, or look at the map is what makes the frenzy more fun.
Why can a sniper rifle be moved/aimed as fast as a pistol ?
isupreme replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
Nice information especially about the role of spread, thank you. I am using a pistol only as an example in the discussion. I should title it as a thought discussion. I guess I am wondering if we can/do/could? limit how fast a sniper rifle moves around. Left right up down when you run along. Thus more accurately simulating the mass of a real weapon, and maybe helping gameplay a bit by limiting some of the player frustrations with snipers. Why can a sniper rifle be aimed so effectively by a player on the run? -
I want to understand why the game limits how fast my tank can move its turret, how fast projectiles fly, but makes no attempt ( ? i guess ? ) to limit the ability for a sniper rifle to be moved. i.e. In a tunnel when i and a sniper cross paths on the run and they .. ( i guess -i never get to see it ).... swing their rifle up and pop me dead before i can aim a pistol at them. I am not arguing against players being able to be good and make good head shots, it just seems to me as i play that there should be some limitation on the abilities of snipers to act like 007 on the move in tight quarters. Am i just suffering from lag? Am i a wuss? - just trying to understand those times when things don't seem right......
1. Too many players and maps so big its hard to follow events.... and too many players on a small map. 2. In a tunnel - Snipers that can swing a huge sniper rifle around and kill me faster than i can even aim a pistol at them. 3. Lack of team squad organization. ( why not give some of command abilities to the players?) ( where are the leaders we need to organize tunnels or field when the commander is busy?) Stolen vehicles due to stupidity. 4. A general lack of STRATEGY in teams beyond forming mass rushes in the base. 5. Repeating maps over and over. 6. Antiquated radio commands. ( where is the radio command that says: Tunnel rush inbound!!! or : We Hold the Tunnels.)
I wonder about the overall % for All of the maps played in a given time.
Thank you for your well written and clear Posting. May your mods be strong and your players happy. I appreciate the effort to provide competitive gaming.
Destroyed building mines can be removed by player w repair gun
isupreme replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
3 likes! cough cough -
Firstly i would like to say that it is a great addition to the game. Is it officially part of the game or is it just something added by the server? I would hope that it is part of game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additionally it would be great if there was some kind of general pronouncement from time to time or at the player entry to educate the current play rules.
Destroyed building mines can be removed by player w repair gun
isupreme posted a topic in Renegade X
It's great that a commander can remove building mines..... but what if we let players do it with their repair tool when a building has died? i.e. The weapons factory is killed. Then those players who were just there healing the building could erase the mines on their way out the door. Have we already discussed this option? >seems like talking about mines is a perpetual topic........ -
Changing the map after an early building kill sucks For me... because i just was really into the game and now its yanked out from under me. I know, i know, I KNOW! that players vote to change the map because they fear " it will kill the server!".. etc.... But i really hate this mechanic. I have always enjoyed the immersion this game provides. But when i play the game right, REally Get Into It and find a few players who are thinking alike -- and we play HARD to achieve an important objective..... It really SUCKS to just have that take away. What this says to me is .. hey! if you learn how to play well you just get screwed. It's best you just don't shake things up.. so just play the game in a certain way. _____ End of vent. Yall know i love this game and will continue to play it. Thanks for letting me share my experience.
Winter X map. How does artillary kill me inside Barr?
isupreme replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
snow x sorry -
Winter X map. How does artillary kill me inside Barr?
isupreme replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
I am asking because i don't think it was possible and it felt like someone was cheating. I don't like to make accusations in the game, and i like to know what is legit and what is not. Can nod artillery hit into the gdi barracks from the nod base? -
How does that work? i.e. where is the artillery? i was standing just inside the doors a bit, and got repeatedly killed by artillery. I was just wondering how that works. It was a general stand off with no nod vehicles in our base.
New update and the server is ..... ?
I had to make this channel mine when i saw it. In Pandora, i was browsing genre and ran across the : Video Game Music Radio channel. The image displayed was for Red Alert II you know the cover art... says command and conquer across the top. Green and red graphics looks like a sniper scope.....