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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. mining vetrancy?? the more of my mines that damage or kill... the more my vetrancy as a miner goes up? ? ? is this doable? it does not seem like a bad idea to me... ?
  2. The crap you ask your P.C. to feed you on a regular basis. how to seed this thread....hmmm....... ~~~~ ```````````````````
  3. Welcome to the forums.    I hope you enjoy the game.   :)

    1. Neffaris


      Thanks, I've been playing for a long time. First C&C Renegade and now Renegade X:)


  4. i haven't heard anything like that but it seems like a logical evolution in music. I have images of Dueling Banjos in my head...
  5. rotated out to a remote base. where? hell i don't have a clue. The terrain is familiar, but somehow not. ofc the base is the base is the base. This building here, that one there.. . . Today i found my sense of humor. I guess i lost it in the middle of the first battle i was in. The intensity of the gunfire, the blasts and smoke... not totally sure which was the front. Maybe i am the worst soldier, maybe i am the best. When our forces took the field i gave myself over completely to pushing nod back into their base. I was relentless. I repaired every vehicle i could find ahead of me. Heck even some infantry if the time was right. ! success! we pushed into their base and defeated them. but then here i am again doing the same old thing. another day. same old shit. different day. same old shit. It starts to feel like a grind. I push and my team just goofs around. We manage to take the field only to give it up. I want to win, but in the end i wonder what difference it makes. Maybe i am letting these noobs get to me. I was warned not to expect too much from the others. And then Today. Another push. ofc i am helping the vehicles, but as i tend to do lately, i am also helping the infantry. Its a hard push under constant fire from the enemy, but we are holding it together. And then there is this grenadier who has run up and joined us. Seriously? A grenadier? I am healing two mediums, a mrls and assorted infantry... all under fire... and here comes this grenadier trying to help. Ofc he quickly gets hit and is in the yellow. I don't know why .. but i heal him. he gets hurt and again i heal him. it does not take much to do. The next thing i know he is really out there trying to change the tide of the game. I think to myself.. this must be a new player who is for the first time experiencing the power of being backed up by teamwork. It is clear they are pumped up as they dance around deliver fire to the enemy. I can not help but laugh. And laugh i did as i proceeded to support him in the rush that ensued. . laughing all the way.
  6. How did i not know about this community event?
  7. I need a MEDIC!! I can easily understand the real world limitations of implementing any vision we players have. Totally get it. I am not even sure it would be a desirable plan... but as a frequent hotwire, i see the teamwork that can occur when a healer supports infantry at the front line. In my imagination i could see this leading to captains who are healers organizing rushes.... . .. maybe.. idk. just exploring. I wonder if it could work like this suggestion: The primary difference being the effect. So basically it is a purchasable item rather than a new character. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The thought to distinguish the difference between: "HEALTH", and "ARMOR" is interesting.... hmmm....
  8. Forum reading music:
  9. Your question is valid. I would agree that the changes in the game can be overwhelming. I felt that feeling when the new HUD was released. But i learned to adjust and i trust that other players will do the same. The game is in development and now is the time for change, even if it is difficult at times. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I like it! but i will admit it is not hard to spot who needs help currently as the health bars are very prominent. What is needed is a way to encourage the interaction between healer and infantry.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i gathered from the past that the game design did not want to put too much emphasis on the healing of infantry. I recall that it was reasoned as making them too powerful. Did i get that right and is that still true? While i understand that line of thought, it seems like any step which encourages teamwork is powerful. I have no problem with making teamwork the most powerful part of the game.
  10. So.... .. right now repairs are generic. It works on everything. What if repairs all did buildings, but you purchase one type of repair for vehicles, and another for infantry. Each having slightly differing characteristics. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am not arguing in favor of this idea. I merely consider it and welcome comment.
  11. Divest all powers from the commander and give them to players. <my usual stance. ~~~~~~~~ Or if Commanders had Captains ... they could share efforts.
  12. I think we are sorely lacking in any kind of communication that is positive. Building secure would be a good step. Not everything should be screams of pain. Some options that communicate a positive situation would help the overall tone of the game.
  13. I still hope!
  14. isupreme

    RenX Memes

  15. Don't punish those who are willing to swap to balance teams.
  16. I have been looking into Star Citizen. Considering spending 40$ and trying it out. Anyone got the inside scoop?
  17. Happy new year. Lets be positive in 2020 What a beautiful night it has turned out to be............... ahhh.. livin it. Hope i catch some good waves this spring!
  18. Well, yes they do indicate, but only an Alive or Dead status. What i would was wondering was if they could be incremental.
  19. Very interesting. I would like to see this as a player character ability, or as part of a new building in the base. Is this Idea worthy of a separate forum post?
  20. I cannot help but wonder if in today's world political environment - placing flags by players names in the game could allow for some negative situations. I prefer to keep the real world problems out of my virtual gaming, unlike the current situation with GTA where Hong Kong and Chinese players are acting out their real world animosity.
  21. BTW, It is great all the progress this game continues to make. The new HUD included. But i was wondering if.... In the new Hud, ... The small squares with the building symbols could be made to show the building health status. ? Just a color change sequence from green to red to dead. { that's kinda a pun } or maybe an up and down level marker. I know they are shown on the map page, but i often do not have the freedom of time/controls to check that during an intense fight.
  22. I don't suppose there could be a seperation between all the programed votes .... and the typed out words stuff ? Allow the official center and reduce and/or move the typed out stuff. ?
  23. More than i see the commander center texts, I see alot of Long worded, Big Votes. Since votes are often used to say the most stupid and sometimes offense things players feel like saying.... It just seems like giving that crap center stage is wrong.
  24. Polls are both Vital and Useless trash. Sometimes polls are important, and sometimes players use them to Proclaim a bunch of CRAP. The position Center Top is by far the Most important on the screen. Allowing random worthless polls to occupy this position not only detracts from the Commander getting attention, it allows the must stupid crap any player comes up with to take center stage. Not good. Kick it screen left with all the other stuff.
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