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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. isupreme

    Fair play?!?

    You describe the situation very well. I think the confusion hurts the game. It has been discussed before. Because we are discussing sportsmanship and fair play, we must accept that many players will not choose to conform either by lack of awareness or by willful choice ~ and as long as the game is this way there will be players conflicts. I hated being yelled at by a bunch of players when i used a becon in a small game.... I felt like if it was not right it should not be allowed. And getting told by others what i should or should not do felt like abuse. But since the game does allow it, I have decided to be sporting and refrain. Now, I actively try to dialogue with other players when a small game starts because sometimes you can cooperate and have more fun. I will mention the RenX customs sometimes but only with the passing hope they might consider the situation.
  2. and it is really annoying. This is not the first time this has happened, that i do not hear when a building is destroyed. I don't think i am just tunneled into the battle and miss it. Has anyone else experienced this?
  3. +10 points for comedy. Clap clap Clap. Any Ion joke is right Ion with me! intentional or accidental does not change the points score.
  4. I like it. Its simple and fun. You get knocked down... you get back up and go at it again. I haven't gotten past a third round yet. It is an interesting study for me. Look at all these players with no names and no chat, and yet as we all progress forward - doing well or Not doing well... It is social, in a sense. We are all here and can see each other. But no teamwork is required so for me that will be boring eventually. Worth the 20 if you like getting knocked about a bit.
  5. I might be about as stupid as the characters look.... but i bought the Fallguys game. Gonna give a go. Is anyone else trying this ? Made by a small team of 20 I hear. Ridiculous fun. 20$. Steam or PS4. I found the game by reading this BBC article. It is a good read with several points we could relate to RenX. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-54049289 O my goodness Megan. Tell it like it is why don't you?
  6. Pretty sweet RenX music video! I am not usually too much into the heavy music, but the video make it awesomely great fun. That is a hell of a lot of vision and effort. Congrats Few will fight for ALL until the bullets are gone! Resist and do whats right!
  7. I think we have to get Kira to show up and spawn the goodies......
  8. Good fun stuff. I really like how the titan feels on that map with the various terrains.
  9. I will look for the server. In this Thread you might Announce it Bigger.. o wait. I can do that ...
  10. I am interested in trying this out too!
  11. I really like the signs I have seen in the Refinery explaining the dangers of Tiberium. They look appropriate, are fun to see to be honest, and Informative. Could we use more signs with game information? It is always a chance to distract a bored players and help them improve their game. PSA Bulletin Board suggestions: 1. Highlight the MCT as THE place to repair, get credits and vetrancy. 2. WARN about the dangers of leaving vehicles. 3. ADVISE if this base is protected enough to exit vehicles. 4. Fictional account of recent battles with the enemy.
  12. In some ways the commander becomes a target of value for the enemy. Maybe some way to compensate for that is appropriate. Bring it on.
  13. I have a friend in real who has been playing the game. Nice! He has been finding fun in the game for a few weeks. He spends a lot of time protecting the harvester, and putting up with serious snipers who teach him he is out his league. Once and a while he gets a vehicle and gets into the fight. He plays on... and understands the intrinsic gut wrenching fun of the action. sweeet. I want to spend some time with him and share some of my Ancient Knowledge with him. ( rolls eyes) What is the best Empty server to play around in and show my friend some RenX tips and tricks? I have looked at Cynthia"s Playground and i like that arena. Money and abilities i can use to show my friend how things work. and can kinda freak his mind Press B. We both tried Test server when it was set up as sniper ground. That just reminded him he had no skills.
  14. I wish there was more call and response options in the classic radio selections and q spotting. As it works now we do a lot of screaming that there are problems, but there are few options to respond to the call. Q spot a rush!! , This building needs repair! Defend the obelisk! Responses available? Affirmitive. That is about all there is. Please give us more response options when there is a call to teamwork.
  15. Last night's REP meeting was boring. More of the same old line: We live for teamwork! blah blah... But after the meeting concluded I ran into #017. What an interesting woman. Vast experience in battle and a great sense of humor. Makes me think a sense of humor might be a requirement for longevity in this arena. We fell into talking like old friends. It took me a while to understand some of her points. One in particular she returned to again and again. Engineers make dreams come true. Every other story got sprinkled with this comment. "Why do you keep saying that? I asked. With a smile in her eyes she explained. " Because any battle plan a player has can be made possible with an engineer. Let's say they want to take the field but there is strong resistance from the enemy. An engineer can help with that. Are the Front lines collapsing and only one tank to stop the enemy advance? There is an engineer who can help with that (Probably a Hotwire). Dreams of sneaking into the enemy base and destroying it completely? There is an engineer for that." I started to see what she meant. Engineers do make dreams come true..
  16. That is quite a production. The upstage video wall with moving panels is impressive. I am a theater technician so that stuff always interests me. They spent some big money on that stuff and really used it.
  17. The game devs have always tried to keep the game accessible to lower end systems. I used to have one and was thankful. I hope you will try it and let us know what you find.
  18. I have so much Respect for this Artist. Her newest album is Analog sourced. More respect than ever. The closing track even added in the sound of a dirty record playing. True dedication to sound quality recordings.. Two Hits in my Book: #1. for INTENSITY! #2 for Heart and soul of world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOHN WAYNE!!!
  19. Surprise! You have found the secret RenX mode that allows this to happen. Enjoy!
  20. I could use some good placement strategies. I usually put one laser in the barracks, then i spend money on hotwire for mines. When the money starts to flow i put UP Guard towers mostly. Is there still a limit on the number of placements?
  21. I think this points to my core problem with this idea. In times of trouble my team stops fighting and then spends time doing solo work, which then deprives my team of firepower and repairs. The ability to gain credits by repair work, the constant tick from refinery, and now in some cases by scoring bounty kills - is sufficient. 07. We have all experienced that feeling. ..
  22. I enjoy that mode from time to time. The ability to place turrets, GT and lasers is half the fun i think. It can be pretty intense when a group of players defeat wave after wave. Too much fun.
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