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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. I don't think there is any reason i can't share this material. It was included in the response to my being recommended to the group. I found it an interesting read overall. Full of lots of GoTeam! and enthusiasm for the battle. But in the end i think it is a bit subversive. After all. It calls to mind a credo that is Higher that either faction of GDI or Nod. Some Calling that says the action is more important that who wins. . .. That REP players see themselves more as playing in the conflict than swearing allegiance to a particular side. This ... joy? is that the word?.. this......... fascination with turning the hands of fate. It is somewhat bitter in mouth. I am not sure i can stomach it. Excerpt REP Guidelines Introductory.
  2. nope. but you may encounter some bumps in the road. Stay strong and join us in the game.
  3. REP #101 reporting.... Extract From R.E.P. Intro Manual. 🛠️🔩🔧
  4. The goal of this post is to encourage new players towards beneficial action by giving them instinctual experiences. Clearly many new players do not know the details of the situation... so.... If the repair beam behaved differently when used on the MCT it would signal a difference. Also, As mentioned above if there were a distinction in look or sound between the standard issue repair tool and the purchased repair gun that would also be helpful. A symbol over the MCT is an interesting suggestion.
  5. weak beam / strong beam. small beam / BIG beam looking and sound effect ?
  6. Would the players in the usual weekend PUG consider playing regular games for a bit? We need good players to help show the new players both how to play and also the FUN of good teamwork. It seems like a Critical time right now to attract and educate a whole new batch of players ... which will Benefit the PUGs in the end.
  7. Roweboat said above that just 2 months ago. My my how times have changed! >insert furry joke about cats and stripes.
  8. I always return to the launcher for the server list. IDK why there is still the other option. I think it can be confusing. TIP: if you get the sound bug and cant hear anything. Close game back to the Launcher and restart.
  9. I am always looking for ways to make the game more intuitive. Less instructive and cerebral... more experiential. Could the pretty beam from repairs be made more intense when it is focused on the MCT? i.e. we know it does more . Let the player see that it does more. Or heck Let the HEAR that it does more.
  10. Carlos This occasionally happens to me when i am surfing the servers for a game, and i have turned the list on and off several times. My fix is to go to Task manager and turn it off there. I don't know why sometimes it still thinks about the game after i turn it off.
  11. If you know me, you know i am not a big fan of command functions. I still wish that command powers could be given to the players.... BUT! Thanks to all the new players, and the sheer sillyness of some games... (god bless all the newbs) I have found a relaxed enjoyment of the game that i have been missing. Nice! Thank you. So much fun going on ALL OveR The Place...and so few people know the basics... so its kinda fun to just mess around, Heal my team front lines and get a rally going........ or what the hell... i could Try being commander! Sometimes the team just REALLY REALLY NEEDS a commander and someones got to do it.... It is nice that game are not always 64 jam packed, and Teams are generally needing the most basic commander help.. so no one complains at you when you are not 100% Uber perfect commander. It is like open season to try being a commander. Heck many players are just learning about voting.... and i swear some do not understand they can heal themselves in the building. Bless their hearts.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal Log. 52781 Today i actually helped my team. I managed the harvester to keep it safe and let it out to feed. Then we rallied a good raveshaw group and I double buffed them in for the kill. Is the sweetest sound hearing someone cry out! Those raveshaws are too strong!! ??
  12. This is just my experience, but i had that happen several times until i set up a download using a program that specifically would restart me where it left off. If each time you are starting from the start.. Then, maybe that will help. Keep asking for help... its worth the effort!
  13. Sometimes it is necessary to Press and HOLD L to obtain control - then when you press L again it will lock.
  14. I had to use a download program that specifically kept all the download so next time i could pick up where it left off. It didn't automatic work for me. It is annoying to try many times and almost get there. Hang in there!
  15. I had a similar issue. I think the fix was to use a download that saves progress instead of making you start all over. i don't remember what i used to download but that was the idea. Hope it helps. Keep asking for help its worth it!
  16. I would seriously like to learn more about being a good sniper. Practice practice... ya i know... but.. Would anyone be up for actually teaching about sniping in a game server some time? There really is a lot to know about this game. You would need to prepare a real good lesson plan and maybe think of some exercises we could do against bots or something...? We could arrange/announce a time and see who shows up.
  17. I am just guessing. In this game you enter a date you think it could be and then we see what happens
  18. I dont know about the menu only issue, sorry. There is a known bug regarding sound, where you lose sound in the game. The fix is to restart the game. There is no cure for this at this time ? i think, although you may find using 32bit vs 64 bit may give you a change.
  19. Wednesday Nov. 24th. Just before Turkey and shopping mania. Titled Edited.
  20. The influx of new players ~ which is awesome ~ gives thoughts like: Could the Team's Base voice say things like: Empty vehicles are unprotected in this base. ( or not) GDI Guidelines recommend 3 mines per door. etc etc..
  21. lol wait for it.. .wait for it...
  22. Same for me ... i hope the EU players will pardon my bit of fast ping enthusiasm.
  23. Summer Sniper Camp?? Sign me up.
  24. Dear EU server.... I have played with you often. You have teased me with teamwork, but your lag is showing. For so long you have been the one to play on. The one with all the players. THE ONE. In my quest for fun and teamwork i turned to you. And you provided. BUT the time delay! I could Never be a good sniper, never get that kill that depended on timing. I WORKED like HeLL as a repair specialist because i so WANTED teamwork. Goodbye. NA servers rule! > gives EU servers a long good bye hug. ( wink )
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