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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. The devs may have the older version in their SVN but the only ones CT has access to is Field Day/Night pre PP
  2. I've had issues in the past where it refused to use steam when having a name listed. In theory, there is no problem with the exclusion of the name either
  3. You don't even need to do this. Just make sure the following is met and it should be fine. 1) Steam is running when you load the Out of Game launcher 2) When you open the launcher, make sure there is no name in the launcher (as to allow Steam to provide the name) 3) Load the game into a server This will make you have your steam name in RenX and allow the Stats bot to collate your Ranking Data.
  4. We are able to alter the spawn possibilities of crates, but the issue stands, if the field is the only way for them to collect a crate, they are almost unable to recover since the field will be controlled by a force which has a much stronger side (Improved Infantry or Vehicles available). You will be lucky to actually reach a crate (Look at Field as an example). If Nod lose the Air, they can still collect vehicle crates via SBH. But GDI losing WF would be locked into the base by artys and unable to progress through the tunnels due to Sniping. They would not have the ability to capture crates. If they lose the Bar/Hand then the issue is slightly less relevant, since the Vehicles are the easiest way to defend the base + Hold the field. As for the Refinery, I feel that you could leave the credit tick rate at full if destroyed since the loss of massive credit gains from the harvester are a big loss already.
  5. Frostbite is on the CT Test Server, you can use that for your testing, I can set the map to Frostbite without issue
  6. Honestly, I would like to see an increased selection of characters available once buildings go down, but lock out the iconics for each team, I say leave the following locked out, although the Medium Tank, while being the iconic vehicle for GDI, is also the weaker tank compared to the Mammoth and as such should still be available. In the case of GDI Havoc, Sydney, Mobius and Hotwire. In the Case of Nod: SBH, Sakura, Mendoza, Raveshaw and Technician For Vehicles GDI Loses access to the Mammoth Tank and MRLS (Leaving the Medium Tank as an option) Nod lose access to the Stealth tank and Artillery. If Flying units are enabled, then they still get to keep the Transport Helicopter. This removes the most powerful base offense and defense tools of each team but still leaves them with options. Since Nod still have more vehicles (Light tank and Flame Tanks) and GDI has one more infantry (Patch) it balances out. As for refinery loss, I would say leave a full tick of 2 credits per tick since the loss of the harvester drops do limit the purchase ability of a team (like you see commonly in a PUG) it reduces the impact of the refinery loss. As for the Airdrops, I would say 8 minutes per vehicle will be acceptable, since the player purchasing it will then be penalised for losing it. I also think costs should be adjusted to not quite double, but enough to be harsh. GDI: Humvee: 600 APC: 850 Medium Tank: 1500 Transport Heli: 1300 Nod: Buggy: 600 APC: 850 Light Tank: 1150 Flame Tank: 1500 Transport Heli: 1300 Since Nod lose the advantage of stealth and range plus GDI the loss of their range and defense capability it balances out the loss a fair bit. I feel the Arty and MRLS are too strong for an offense role, their ability to destroy targets at range and at close quarters makes them very strong (even without repairs) to allow them to be purchased even on a cooldown, since it then limits the fights to a much more close range, back and forth fight. I would also consider also making the Power Plant loss affect team wide cooldowns/countdowns (In maps with a PP) (Make the cooldown for Airstrikes 45 seconds on PP loss, and maybe increase the disarmable time for a beacon to 45 seconds with the same 10 second undisarmable timer (total time of 55 seconds)) Also if possible, make the loss of the PP cause something new. If the map has advanced base defenses and the PP is lost, maybe have the advanced defense play a siren sound if an enemy unit enters the team base volume within the sight line of the advanced defense (until the Adv. Base defense is killed). That way even though the team will be made aware of the enemy, they won't know where they are, and the enemy unit will not be damaged by the adv defense. (This way you can say, that even though there is not enough power to activate the weapons, a siren takes minimal power to sound). Plus this also allows for infiltration since it will only sound if the unit is in sight of the advanced defense while still being within the base volume (used for Veterancy)
  7. How about downloading the full client again This will allow you to port some of your settings over to a new version by copying the files from your existing server files to the new one.
  8. I have a newer file DL area for all the maps. Not fully up to date, but mostly, still need to add some latest updates to it. Here
  9. @s1N1STER Here is the list of information for CT Teamspeak is ts.tyrant.gg Website is: www.tyrant.gg IRC is: irc.tyrant.gg (or irc.constructivetyranny.com) some people seem to struggle with the tyrant.gg version
  10. @yosh56 what about the alternate for the option 4 (purchase recharge frag?)
  11. @Ukill Details missing from the code
  12. Clip is more than 50% since the base PIC can deal 100% per clip (4 shots)
  13. Most probably, the SDK has a lot of stuff.
  14. Thats my fault I will fix it But who doesn't like tanks dropping from the sky!
  15. @Samurai try speaking to @Schmitzenbergh he will be able to assist you further.
  16. @Madkill40Nope, the item slot is never consumed by the default loadout. This is why timed C4 is often placed after a beacon is planted to kill the Hotwires/engineers who stay too close to the C4 while prioritising the beacon.
  17. The main difference in this case is that Patch is not invisible, while I like the idea of losing the 2nd timed on item purchase. It would require quite a bit more than that, since 3 timed c4 is still enough to bring a building to critical and still have no time to respond, since all it takes is 1 repair tool to disarm the mines.
  18. You have more options when it comes to the airstrip, i.e hiding most of it beneath the ground by angling the strip at an angle. It just ends up being awkward, and unpredictable and you may have places where it could be ion'd even though there is no strip there (visible)
  19. 2 SBH with 4 Timed C4 between them only need 30 seconds to instantly destroy a building and very little chance to stop it if they manage to disarm the mines, especially when you factor in the SBH's ability to kill infantry.
  20. It is fleshed out, but not finished. It definately needs some work doing to it, but overall its minor compared to creating a map from scratch.
  21. Just to point out some of the more important things within your statement: 1. This is not Kane's Wrath, where the game is a pure RTS, and you can overpower with sheer force of numbers. A Rail-gun powered Med tank at 5 mins in, backed up by 2 Hotwires will be near unstoppable in the early game, which will lead to a very dominant position for the team with the upgrade. 2. As for a player controller harvester, this I feel will break the game more if you are allowed more than one at any one time. Since the possibility to get credits at significant speed (think Islands or Fort) will break the flow of the game far greater than you expect, especially on large population servers. If you have only 1 harvester, then what is the difference compared to an AI controlled harvester?
  22. A lot of those upgrades are too strong for an unlock/upgrade path, and would likely just suck if you tried to scale them down to a personal balanced level. Permanent team-wide unlocks, while cool are generally very strong as it puts a winning team in a win-more situation and reduces the possibility of a come back. This also makes it more likely that if a building is destroyed the team that lost it will pretty much quit, since the amount you get for a building destruction would fuel a team wide upgrade and then cause a steamroll effect. At least with the upgrades I have suggested, they are gameplay altering but generally not too powerful in their reach, just altering the current units with a lost on death upgrade that augments gameplay rather than making all new gameplay styles and upsetting unit balance greatly.
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