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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Nice! If you want some feedback, I can also test it on servers I have access to and let you know what I/we think. Great work! I was also inspired to play RA2 earlier thanks to you
  2. Version 1.0.1


    This mutator will add a 2 credit per second tick to each team that has their refinery destroyed. The source code is the .uc file, while the compiled and useable file is the .u one. To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits to your server startup line. Example: udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits -log
  3. View File [Mutator] Keep Credit Tick With Dead Refinery This mutator will add a 2 credit per second tick to each team that has their refinery destroyed. The source code is the .uc file, while the compiled and useable file is the .u one. To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits to your server startup line. Example: udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits -log Submitter Sarah! Submitted 04/25/2018 Category Modifications
  4. A good point. Damage scales better than reps for a reason!
  5. C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\Renegade-X Launcher If you didn't know where to look for them. Or just search %appdata% and go to Renegade-X Launcher.
  6. Map lighting is basically already reworked. Just waiting on a few more people to get back to me on what they think needs to be changed to improve game play.
  7. Oops, thought I was editing this post.
  8. Just some stuff they didn't add or incorrectly referenced. Nothing you should worry about.
  9. Well, left click does track (2500 speed). Right click is also faster than left clicking (5000 speed).
  10. I'm not sure what purpose the Bradley would actually serve besides being annoying for infantry. They don't do that much damage. The only way I see this helping at all would be if neither team has a veh building. And even at that, I don't see it helping that much.
  11. Make sure to find your UnrealEdCSharp.dll and unblock it. You can compile scripts using UnrealFrontend.exe, which is located in the binaries. However, it will never stop asking for you to compile scripts. You must say no every time. Do not run as administrator. My editor start script looks like this. Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe editor -log
  12. I'm glad you're excited! TomUjain, myself and others have worked a lot on this recently and we hope it will make a positive change in RenX. Glad to hear that I clarified that for you.
  13. I don't think you realize the need of stuff like this. As a mapper myself, it is very hard to come across assets in the SDK that no one else has used. These would definitely be useful to help create more unique environments. Though I don't know how great they would look ingame, as the rocks ingame look very different compared to those ones. Great work, though!
  14. The system is definitely still able to be finely tweaked, but all the special points (Best Offense, Voted MVP, Most Kills, etc) will only be awarded in the monthly matches. I do believe the rest of the points will only be coming from public matches. You can see your points using the !rank command. All of these points will come directly from the in-game points you have at the end of a match. I think it is a fair system by mostly using the in-game points, as points are acquired from doing (mostly) everything. As you said, it can be easy to get high on the matches leaderboard if you're contributing to the team. Killing people, damaging buildings/vehicles, repairing infantry/buildings/vehicles. I may have interpreted your message wrong, if I have, let me know and clarify.
  15. The dedicated box is currently located in France.
  16. Someone open up the Rx_Game.uc and get working
  17. Looks great! Hadn't heard from you in a while. Good to see you again.
  18. UDK. As stated above, the problem lies mostly within the realm of hosting. The single threaded-ness of the servers doesn't allow for a higher player cap without a performance decrease.
  19. I started working on it, but lost interest. Too many custom assets needed for it.
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