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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. I don't know if there's a way to default it, sorry.
  2. Nothing we need to talk about in specifics here. Just something from the past
  3. Well, not just game knowledge. I know what/who you're talking about, but it could just come down to a different vision for what RenX should be.
  4. That is the point. Veterancy is supposed to add some sort of progression to the game, even if buildings take no permadamage, or if no buildings are destroyed. It's supposed to push the game along.
  5. Maybe in your games they do. In PUGs I am pretty sure they're basically never used because they get show down 9/10 times. I also almost always shoot them done on the rare occasions that I play. And yes, that sound is what is used with cruise missile. Go into single player and try it out.
  6. Well now you do. Also, what do you mean transit sound? I literally exported the sound and uploaded it here so you could hear it.
  7. Kill the higher vet vehicle or inf to catch up, or repair all the tanks to get assists
  8. Most of the time I like to listen to calming music to keep my mind down while I am coding or browsing reddit/RenX forums. Keeps me peaceful
  9. Going to say this again, rav and syd 1 shot these things. If you don't have a rav or syd with your tanks, you're probably doing something wrong.
  10. This is an extremely out-dated post. Our new patch servers are as follows --
  11. I went ahead and just made him a server for him to use
  12. No, I haven't played today.
  13. No map is ever balanced, that's the fun of the game. Some strategies work better on some maps than they do on others. Adapt to the map
  14. Spam LCG and airstrikes to victory
  15. It's really no big deal, our server has plenty of power to spare. Takes about 5 minutes to setup a server
  16. S_CruiseMissileFire.WAV S_Jet_Distant.WAV They really aren't that quiet.
  17. If you'd like, I can setup a private server for you to play around on.
  18. You don't shoot buildings, because it sucks at that. It's decent at anti veh, low range though.
  19. They aren't supposed to be exactly the same. That's why they have different guns now.
  20. You could also try changing the Decal settings in UDKSystemSettings.ini. they are at the very top.
  21. https://www.pcworld.com/article/244314/how_to_forward_ports_on_your_router.html Basically, you would just set it up like any other server. Try not to use Hamachi, it just adds complications.
  22. I would guess your port is open for it? Port 7777? If you have access, just port forwarding your router and using that instead of hamachi is a lot easier. You can also hide your server from the launcher so no one else can get your IP as well. In C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKRenegadeX.ini, set bListed to false. Your server will no longer appear on the launcher.
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