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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. I don't see any landscapevis node in any material on the dev version of the sdk.
  2. It shouldn't matter what version you have... I don't think we've added new nodes to materials before.
  3. uhm, on the landscape brush menu, theres an eye. click that and it will let you edit landscape vis.
  4. Keep recording after the pug and then post it
  5. If you modrequest, I can disable it for the day.
  6. Technically, Renegade-X is no longer a mod. Also, the reason that we no longer release patches on ModDB is because it is far easier, and less bandwidth consuming to use our launcher. We use a delta update system which automatically detects differences in the files and only downloads what needs to be updated. This reduces the download size dramatically. It isn't easy to distribute that type of update on a website, or there is just lack of interest to put the effort forth and do that. If you have never used the launcher before, you should reinstall the whole game. All of the downloaded versions from ModDB are pretty far out of date, and it's best to just download it all from the official launcher. Also, the launcher will always tell you to update, and if you by chance didn't open the launcher before the game, the game will tell you the game is out of date. If you are using an older version, you will not see any servers in the launcher. We do not release opt-in betas, or any other beta besides the official and current version, so there is no alternate version to worry about. Any community member is welcome to keep ModDB updated or to host their own files for others to use, but we can not ensure that they are safe or up to date, so use them at your own risk. I hope this clears up any questions you might have had.
  7. https://github.com/sevans045/OGRenMutator/ vlat and I are working on it together. You can keep track of it at the link above.
  8. You can not compare a float as an int. GetCredits now outputs a float. In the red square, you are trying to compare a float to an int in a compare int box. A float can not be input into an int compare.
  9. The issue has been fixed on CrashSite. The kismet node was changed to output floats, not ints. This caused some issues kismet side. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You will also have to change your kismet to work with floats, not ints.
  10. My issue with it comes from the fact that attacking buildings/killing tanks gives far more than repping does. Assuming the team that's in the base can't destroy vehicles all too well (which is why they're in their base), they would already be losing the VP battle. Harvy dumps, on maps such as Field and FieldX don't take that long. The VP would add up with the VP acquired from other sources quite quickly
  11. It would still help snowballing, would it not?
  12. I mean, the sound is literally in the game already. It's a kill sound for havoc I believe.
  13. Yes, yes (i just did that actually) yes, yes, yes, yes. (Yes as in it's possible)
  14. I thought we were trying to stop snowballing and make harvesters less valuable? Any team holding field would be getting even more VP than they usually do.
  15. Keep in mind they are like t2? inf. They do a ton of damage for something that low cost.
  16. Got bored one day, and followed a suggestion for a mutator.
  17. Just one thing noteworthy, it would be harder for one person to mine, depending on the cost. Mining has always been a flat cost of 350, unless you die while mining. Usually there aren't too many people mining at the beginning, at least from what I see. People might have to ask for donations to mine or take a bit longer to mine while they get credits. I am all for the idea, that's just something I thought about after reading.
  18. The classes are in the SDK though. It should be fine.
  19. The editor needs to compile shaders, which is normal. It looks like it’s finished, so it won’t need to do that again. The editor comes with a StartEditor.bat which you can use, you don’t need to make your own. I would need logs to debug any further.
  20. you could do all that stuff, even adding in more AA towers or sam sites through code. adding new defense structures and redownloading the whole map seems kinda unintuitive. and moat, the language for the Unreal Engine is called UnrealScript, as its basically a scripting language.
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