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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Try clearing cookies and cache for the website
  2. I think as was shown with Fortnite and PUBGs recentish legal battle, and with all the new BR games popping up, you can’t really claim any game play mode. It would be interesting if they tried to make a case for it though. And once again, the reason I don’t necessarily support a reskin is, we literally only have 1 active artists making assets, and we are currently invested, both money and time, into the currently planned/WIP stuff. It would be a huge waste to just throw away the money and time that was put into the WIP content. Trust me, I know that it can be hard to see the game struggling with player counts. It’s something I think about a lot. I don’t waste hundreds of hours on developing and moderating this game just for the title. I do it because I want the game to succeed, I like having players enjoy the game and I want it to thrive. I love this game, as we all do. There is always room for discussion, as nothing I say is final obviously, it’s just my opinion. In regards to the stats, we have got our recent Stat API, which will start providing more useful metrics and data, after this upcoming patch.
  3. Easier said than done, but this has been discussed multiple times. We are at a point where we kind of have to decide what we want to do. We don’t really have the time for a whole reskin, as this would include all cnc assets, inf, vehicles, buildings and stuff like tiberium. This would take probably near a whole year to get done with our current team. This ends up being around the same time line as our “roadmap” for the final “1.0” release of RenX. And having stuff like lore changes would really change what RenX is, obviously. This would also mean dropping all we are working on currently, throwing it out and making brand new stuff. It wouldn’t be a CnC inspired game, it would just be an RTS/FPS hybrid. It would all be a gamble as well. If we do end up going down the reskin road, it could end up flopping, and we could have wasted a whole year and lose some of our player base. Would take a lot of serious internal discussion, but from my view, with only a handful of people working on art for RenX, it would take far too long to get a reskin done in a reasonable amount of time. I would love to do anything that would breathe some life into this amazing game, but I’m just not sure if the risks outweigh the benefits.
  4. Need screenshots to know what you’re talking about. If only the front page is messed up, could just be a formatting thing since the pic is very tall.
  5. We should probably fix that, as yeah, it was changed to just CNC-Walls I believe.
  6. I also believe there is a specific setting for LAN matches. On your startup, add bIsLanMatch=true I think...
  7. If you’d like to start now, you can get the 2 files here and begin translating at your own leisure. Thank you for your support!
  8. Thank you, I will be looking into correcting the English localizations, along with adding more stuff to be translated, and fixing bugs such as this.
  9. I saw you forked the repo, you now need to go the main repo and click New Pull Request, and merge your forked repo into the main one.
  10. UE3 keeps separate shader files for DX9 and DX11. You won’t need to get rid of one to use the other.
  11. Greetings Renegamers, As the game slowly spreads, Totem Arts has noticed a growing need for localization (translating) in RenX. If you would like to help translate RenX into a different language, please comment here and message me on Discord or the forums. Please include which language you would want to translate to. I will be opening a GitHub repo for the specific purpose of having open source and community driven localization. If you don’t know how to use GitHub, it is quite easy, but if you don’t feel like learning how, you can direct message me the translations and I will add it to the repo/game myself. If you desire to help, please read the entire README on GitHub! https://github.com/TotemArts/Localization If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I don’t bite very hard!
  12. This is true, and it’s something important to know. Although the skills/traits may be expressed differently, I think it’s pretty easy to transition the skills you learned as inf into tanks or vice versa.
  13. I mean, the code probably isn't ready to have them changed, so you'll have to write stuff to allow that to happen. If you want more detailed responses and help, feel free to download Discord and PM me.
  14. You'd probably just want to edit the seats in the vehicle. Move the weapon to the other seats at runtime, and allow it to move between seats..
  15. We already have the icons, just waiting on the HUD person to do the HUD stuff. Currently they're working on new scoreboard and other refactors.
  16. NodSaibot

    Map upload

    How recently have you tried to upload?
  17. I don’t know or care really. All you have to do is make the available vehicles change based on who owns a specific tech building. It’s not rocket science, I just don’t want to do it.
  18. Yep, the old code that breaks the game still.
  19. It was added? Where is the fort tech building code again?
  20. The wiki is free to editing by anyone, feel free to edit it if you want to update it. Will Fort return soon? If you ask me, probably not. It really just depends on if someone wants to get around to fixing the mutator code it has. But who knows, someone might do it out of the blue.
  21. Discord is aware of the issues and is actively working to resolve it. Should be resolved fairly soon if not already.
  22. Using dx11 is as easy as doing this. Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe -DX11 Just add dx11 to the startup of renx at it will start with dx11. There is also probably a setting somewhere for that.
  23. I don’t recommend dx11, but if it works that’s fine. Our materials don’t take dx11 into account, do you may find more bugs with dx11 than without, but who knows. You’ll also have to recompile shaders for every nap with dx11.
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