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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Add an exception to your antivirus for the RenX folder. And allow UDK.exe and Renegade X Launcher.exe access through your firewall.
  2. If you could provide some video or screenshots of this, I would appreciate it greatly!
  3. I had begun work on this, but I don't really have the time to analyze everything and pick out what exactly needs to be changed. If you want to be that person for me, or if anyone does, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM. I already have some work done on this game mode. https://github.com/sevans045/OGRenMutator
  4. Unless this one is special, you would also have to change it in UDKEngine.ini, as the DefaultEngine.ini should only be used to generate the UDKEngine. It is possible that it generates a new one when you open it, but I can't test that now.
  5. You have connection issues with the serverlist and launcher info. It's getting blocked. Have you set a filter or firewall recently?
  6. Can you not use the launcher?
  7. https://www.digitalpacific.com.au/hosting/dedicated-hosting/dedicated-servers/
  8. It's a global change, but I guess it wasn't updated on all servers for some reason. Possibly the Default config didn't reset for whichever file it's in, so no changes would be seen unless a server was redownloaded from the launcher.
  9. Not only is a lot of stuff out of our control for more than a few things, as a lot it is just built into the engine. Such as the audio engine and what not. It's all built into the engine, and we can't read any of the code for any of it. But I'll see what I can do.
  10. It's supported, but there's some problems of the engine we can't fix. You really have to pick your poison, memory crashes or occasional sound bugs. The problem is deeply rooted in UDK and can't really be fixed without a lot of optimization or tweaking of settings. We don't really have the resources to make many or any fixes for 64bit audio, but admittedly I personally have never looked at the issue myself.
  11. I'm completely fine with working with other communities, and I've always been a proponent of servers working together. I have code that will make clients connect to other servers, so it can be implemented in anyway possible.
  12. This is a whole other discussion on it's own, and I think if we are sending people from EU to NA, there has to be some sort of manual switch. In code you can get the current time stamp, but I would still like a manual "switch" for it to send players from one server to another. I don't really have a problem with it, but it's not any server specific problem. It's a problem with 64 player count and a low player base.
  13. The official Renegade X server, hosted by devs, is now online. It should be maintained indefinitely. It is hosted in Chicago.
  14. Google your router and how to open ports
  15. On your server, open this page and do port 7777 https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
  16. Or whichever you have specified, yes
  17. Are you in fullscreen or windowed mode? I've played this game with an XBOX controller before and it worked find, outside of the menus.
  18. Does your mouse still work when the controller doesn't?
  19. Don't use the launcher as the way to start your server, if you are. It automatically loads an invalid map name. Use a batch script or shortcut. Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=somepassword -NOSTEAM
  20. The menus do not support controllers.
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