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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Ok so here's my feedback for the second edit: Very nice job overall! I really like the looks of this level. Well done @ the feedback and working it out. I have no more comments other than some cosmetic tips (you choose whether you do something with it) The rock here and here has some sand on it I guess? the color is a bit gold-ish, not sure if it's supposed to be like that.. you might want to change this to be a bit more like the environment. The landscape here and here are perfectly flat. I'd suggest you make a small indent where the roads are, to give the illusion of natural erosion that occured when many tanks have driven there. Right now it looks like it's almost finished to me. The landscape near (all) rocks ends almost in a 90* angle in comparison to the landscape. I think it'd look better if you made a slight angle to the landscape here that goes up to the rocks so the transition from landscape to rock is smoother. Example here. I'd personally also add barbed wire here to give the illusion that also infantry can NOT go this way. Very nice waterfall, I'm very fond of it. To make it even better I'd personally add vector paint-wetness to it. For examples I'd check beachhead. For the GDI base, it's mostly the same as for the Nod base, here's the overview As a last thing, the colors of the bunkers are mismatching a bit, not sure if this is intended I don't know if you want to make the last changes to Horologe or if you want to keep it this way. I could add it to the servers as it is right now if you like to test out the gameplay.
  2. So is it fixed now or do you still have issues? If you still have issues i'd recommend you manually add the launcher to the exception list in your windows firewall (seems to be the solution for many)
  3. Dude, you have done a great job! Kudo's to you! I very much like what you've done here. To answer your question: the pivot of the prefab will be saved to the last object you have selected before you create the prefab. So if that'd be an object aligned to the grid, the whole prefab will also be aligned with it's a prefab. As for the feedback: I'd like to see helipads without the sandbags (in real life the amount of wind produced by the helicopter blades would blast the sand away inside. It feels a bit unnatural.. but thats just a personal thing. Maybe you can add a bunker with a gun emplacement inside on just the right height? What about a fully functioning tech-building-silo with all kinds of extra's in your level? (rather than the static mesh) Same for the Communications center? And some watchtowers for ppl to get in to ? (custom made ones rather than the static mesh there) Some tank-barrier/barbed wire setups Radar domes with all kinds of extras Hope that helped. Keep up the awesome work.
  4. Fixing the kismet on this is a .1 priority I think. Then it's ready for deployment on the server(s)
  5. Ruud033

    Mutator help

    Just stop doing crazy ass mutators and keep the skins as is can always release an update to the map later on.
  6. NA players would need to advertise more on American sites or so.. to get more mericans to play
  7. It's your firewall, we already had many cases like this. Check your windows firewall
  8. I can already tell you that this batch file is gonna fail. @kira your batch file will only work if the folder actually is in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame
  9. Post the log here, it's located in the installation folder.
  10. You can also multiply / substract, add and do whatever with 2 unique textures to make a new one that does not count to the limit!
  11. So what happend? It's been a while. New SDK is out, I'd say go for it!
  12. Do you have to unload the mutator at game end?
  13. In the downloads section of this website.
  14. Hey Thommy, We played this map with a couple of people and were finding it quite interesting. Although the map really needs the finishing touches, we all agreed on 1 thing: It's way to big. The atmosphere and layout of the map are really interesting but it's just to big. Also please bring down the height by a factor 2 or so. What I'd do is shown in the Xmeteor differences attachment. (photoshop hack there) The map as is right now, is just way to big. It takes to long to get to the other side. For planetside 2 or any UT3-WAR mode this would work out but for RenX this isn't really the case I think.
  15. Still cripples the connection to the bot somehow
  16. Please remove CNC-Woodsv2.ini and CNC-Woods.ini from the Gdrive
  17. Nice. I'll add this to the new SDK build if you're allright with that. What you're saying regarding the 4 layers.. it's not entirely true. The limitation is in the amount of textures we're applying in a material. You can only have 7 unique textures before it freaks out (been there done that). However, if you're smart you can combine those textures to have a completely new look for a new layer. You could also add a color multiplier to it, use masks and what not. If you just keep sticking to those 7 textures.
  18. Added to testing server Here;s my feedback: I absolutely like the map very much! It's a simple map with a good atmosphere. Keep up this good work! Remarks: In general, the shadows are jumping around a bit. Try to set this value and see if that looks better. http://prntscr.com/cngdc7 and http://prntscr.com/cngn06 The color of the trees don't always match up so nicely with the surroundings.. maybe you can tweak the colors a bit? It seems like they're way to green. (all of them) http://prntscr.com/cngfli Please tile the diffuse texture a bit more here, when you get up close the details are lost and the rocks look messy.. you want to play round with this value a bit. http://prntscr.com/cngesa I think you should break the repetition a bit here by maybe adding a decal or something? or a bush /leaves growing on it http://prntscr.com/cngh4k The landscape texture looks a bit tiled.. maybe you can add a new layer with a rotator applied to it in the landscape material. This way you can re-use the texture, maybe even rescale it and rotate it. This'll break up the repetition. http://prntscr.com/cngjjq I would suggest to break up the decals a bit more here, you can clearly see they're repetitive. http://prntscr.com/cngk9a The green pointlight @ the tib fields outshine, reduce the radius of the pointlight here (and if you're not satisfied with the ground color then place some more with a smaller radius) http://prntscr.com/cnglje and http://prntscr.com/cngo3k These piece of landscape seriously needs smoothing. Make sure you turn off detail smooth because it'll do more harm than good in this case http://prntscr.com/cngom1 (Suggestion) Maybe place several pointlights with a smaller radius (256 or so) with low brightness to fix some of the low-light areas, they seem a bit unnatural now. Normally you would have more scattered light through out a scene, because light bounces off of surfaces. Alternatively you could set a higher number in the amount of light bounces in the world properties Good luck finishing it, looking forward to playing this with 40 people, looks really promising!
  19. We'll see! if it stays like this we'll put it back or maybe have 1 map at a time.
  20. Frostbite Tunnels and Reservoir are added (as 3 test cases) to the AOW and Marathon server.
  21. Hmm ok, would like to see it finished ! Would be a pity if it were forgotten
  22. The kismet on this map needs some fixing. The camera's are quite game breaking right now. It also needs a proper version of the communication center (can only do that with the new SDK so hurry up @yosh56 )
  23. Let's meet on Skype or some other platform and lets fix it. Pm me for meeting details suggestions and we'll get it done
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