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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Can't you place the skeletal mesh and set the LOD to 3? (force LOD3)
  2. Hey people, I've been working on this map for quite a while already, even before the SDK was out for the masses. I've been posting on thematrixren.net forums but I'll post it here from now on too. Timeline: So I've been having some idea's about making a map. I'm really fond of Tiberian sun and I remember one of those missions where you have to save a crashed Nod-Scrin tech ship. I always wanted to go inside of this ship, never could. This made me sad. Now I've got the power. GDI Cutscenes of Tib sun: As seen at: 5:20 - 7:31 AxByWYI6-Nk And, on the CNC Wiki: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_warship <-- Be sure to read this, quite interesting. It is all in the timeline of Renegade. Gabriel Maung helped me out quite a lot with the ship, he modeled the interior parts and also helped me a lot designing the interior! Be sure to check out his website at www.gmaung.com These are my first thoughts on layout of the map, It's got a bit of a horseshoe idea, just like Under As for the setting, I was thinking of a sort of Mesa2 like setting.. with rain and thunderstorms.. to really accentuate the alien ship (glowing etc) Got the model in 3DS Max First looks At this point I decided that I needed a unique feature in this map. This is when I added the weapons factory at the bottom right of the following screenshot. Future air vehicles will be able to get bought here. First test of the interior First paintjob Textures fixed First foliage (will delete this later on due to several reasons) Tiberium eating the forest slowly Added mega tiberium (á la CNC3) added water, added waterfalls Have no idea what to do with this spot ( I still don't at this moment of posting)\ First tunnel development (yes you can get inside the ship) First tunnel development x2 . Further development Scale impression: Updated the ship, so textures are lost Updated the WF in the middle Added some nice lights in the Nod base Added harvester paths Pimped GDI ref ( no you can't shoot the silo and damage the building, its just a filler, but looks cool) GDI base overview this far: Got the Orca list to work. What it does, is it spawns the Orca, adds it to a list and removes it from a list when it's destroyed. This allows me to have a seperate vehicle limit beside the one already in the server. So we have X amount of vehicles (serverlimit) + X amount of Orca's Got this text to appear on screen (need to rescale that obviously) First test! Just server testing purposes, see if the map runs etc.. I found out that it needs to compile shaders on the first run, so the first time you load the map, the game seems to crash, don't panic however, it's just compiling shaders. Wait it out, then, after a while, it's gonna kick you out to the main menu. No worries still.. just re-join, and voila! Added the entrance Work in progress Re-added foliage and went from 350MB package size to 140MB Added rocks Custom PT terminal! Enter the matrix! So that's where I am right now.. still got much to do I think.. loads of optimisation, still have to add the details that really fill the map. Also I'm looking at ways to tighten the map, so it does not feel that large.. I'll update news when I get to it, really busy with my personal life atm. Update; Added serveral zones to cover the foliage collision. Set the instigator variable to an object variable instead of a player variable, shoutout to all mappers; never use the player variable unless you have 1 person playing your map, because it checks the playerlist rather than what it says it supposed to do. The setting player Idx "0" ALWAYS refers to the first person in the server list (player#0) so only he/she can buy or do shit. Made a little something that will fall out of the sky
  3. Didn't know you had modelling skills! Keep up the good work Henk!!
  4. Hi guys, whilst looking at the maps in the editor today, i found this rock that's got to move a bit. It's near the Nod entrance, check the strip on the top left for the location, you'll see it in the editor.
  5. That's awesome. I'm also interested in having a custom PT somewhere.. with a custom building or so. Right now i'm using a trigger (Use) to get something going in my map.. would be nice if there's an actual interface.
  6. Hello guys, Today whilst working on my map I discovered that all of my decals were missing. I've put tiberium cracks on these grounds, they're all gone (along with all the other decals) So, what happened here is as following: When you've downloaded the SDK it has reset all of your display settings. Enable static decals is turned off by default then. If you want them to re-appear go to play game (play on PC) via the right mouse button, then go to the settings menu, find this check box and enable it! When you have enabled this option, save settings first, close the game and restart the SDK. Once finished you should see the decals again. My result:
  7. On the GDI WF in Goldrush I see this: Some decals missing? I'll look into this myself too. Got a fresh install.
  8. I haven't got any issues with booting... I've just unpacked the files in to my SDK folder (deleted the old files) and created a new shortcut to ..\Renegade X Beta4\SDK\Binaries\Win32\udk.exe then, in the properties of the shortcut I use this target line: Notice that the language is Dutch, but, all that matters is the target line. (Doel = Target) I've added "editor" to it. Notice there's a space behind the " Edit: I've got Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) AND (x86) 11.0.50727 (installed it at 20-1-2015) and .net framework 4.5.1
  9. Awesome! Looks really nice. Love the new SDK too!
  10. And TS units? lol. Well technically TS had old mammoth tanks and flame tanks... Changing the Buildings would require model replacements... Again i don't know how much you can modify in the map itself. I've seen old ren maps with hover mlrs, some of them acted like they had invisible tracks, others were pretty awesome and quick Well, it's still a nice looking map anyway. I think this is the... third main mission of TS right? 5th As seen at: 5:20 - 7:31 And, on the CNC Wiki: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_warship <-- Be sure to read this, quite interesting. It is all in the timeline of Renegade.
  11. Another time maybe, not in this map
  12. I think it is possible to add anything into the game actually. Even ion storms (matinee + particles + a rock with animated trajectory, animated lightning particle with timer). I might give this a try if I have spare time.. Gotta look at the lightning and how I'll create that. Would be cool if I can convert a 3d mesh into it and have it strike in a zone where you get killed in when it hits.. But I'm still trying to get the game play right (and the ship) Thanks for all the compliments, they really keep me going! Without a fan base this would be pointless! P. S. I have a fully functional model of the titan in tib sun, does anyone have the skill to actually animate that thing in kismet? Please reply then, I'd be glad to work with you!
  13. Thanks, @ SFJake, I Haven't rebuild lights yet. It's the same intensity as Mesa II
  14. Do I have to add health to a static mesh for that? I thought you once said that it's quite hard to get a repairgun registration due to the projectile it fires.. I'd be very interested in how you do this (create a capture/repairable MCT or whatever static mesh) because i also need this in my map haha. Lol just noticed that you've mentioned my map in #15, awesome. It's not ripping an idea hah. If anyone's ripping here that's me.. I copy pasted shitton of you dev's stuff.. It's nice to see you explaining those things too. I think it makes ppl think out of the box when it comes to making custom maps. A guy called 'Henk' asked me to help him with a sequence for blowing a dam and increasing water height.. that's also gonna be interesting. We've got to correlate those lists together too, I have one working right now but splitting them per team is gonna be tricky due to the proper team-list assignment.. We might do this with 2 seperate actor factorys (behind a switch that's controlled by a team capture check or something).. discuss that later on
  15. Yes thank you b0ng! I was thinking about posting this here as well, but I guess I was lazy. Here are some previews for you people, if you wanna see more, check out the link b0ng posted! http://www.thematrixren.net/index.php?/ ... -renx-map/
  16. I'd like to thank you Kenz for all your support this far! This is the result at this very moment (W.I.P.) C&C Crash Site
  17. Ah nice!! Well done! Are you considering implementing this? I'd love to use your model in my map.
  18. That is actually a nice idea. Atleast, I think so. Meby that's an idea for a Tech building of some sort.
  19. Definitly, I'd like to use it for sniper spots. Edit: Just in the idea phase now though
  20. Hey kenz, is it possible to have custom models inside of the map? I was thinking of making a map for myself in the future when I have some time. I was thinking about the Nod-scrin ship that was recovered from scrin technology in the first tiberium war. See this link: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_warship I was thinking about making a map with the ship itself and the crash site surrounding it. Would be awesome I think. Considering the immense dimensions of this ship, it would take up to 2/3 of the map. However, since it's crashed, I think it's possible to have it be part of the terrain and therefore make a suitable renegade map. What are your thoughts on this? And is it possible to integrate such a custom model?
  21. I've noticed that like 90% of this entire thread is about the Havoc/Sakura and the Ramjet. Let's first of all, Thank the developers and who ever involved for creating this awesome new beta. I thank you for your hard work, I enjoy the game alot already, as it is right now (beta3) and I think it can only be better from now on. I can only encourage you guys to keep on doing this awesome job and I hope I can make a difference or addition in testing of beta 4. Keep in mind that, whilst people might complain alot, I think they do this for a reason, and that is because they enjoy the game so much they are already playing. This means you're doing already one heck of a job! Now my feedback: I like the new gameplaying style you introduced by adding these new features to the EMP grenade. It creates a whole new playing field and a new ballgame. I do prefer that, for example, the timed c4 gets replaced on a hotwire instead of the proxy mines. A thing on the EMP grenade, I think it has got tons of smoke with it. I think it could service as a smoke grenade itself! I would like to ask you to remove like 50 to 80% of the smoke particles within the EMP grenade to make it less obvious that it actually is an EMP grenade. I personally find it hard to believe that Electro magnetic pulses produce smoke particles at all.. However, on the other side, I do understand that it should be noticed by the enemy team when one throws an EMP at an enemy building for example, hence the smoke particles. I'd prefer if you would bring this down by the previous mentioned amount, since the "building under attack" message is also there. I like the plasma flickering though. I think it resembles the current ionising the air. With the previous change, I think smoke grenades will be used more for actual smoke screens. GDI APC to be made less wobbly, does this mean that it isnt as surly as before? There were times that I was thinking that I was about to do some backflips or something in beta 3. I really appreciate the alternative firing mode on the mobius! Thank you for this. Will this mean that they can shoot plasma balls or something? I think that would be cool. I am also really fond of the changes to the MRLS / Arty shells which (on paper) seem to be more balanced to me already! I'd like to test this in beta4. My thoughts on the flying vehicles: Descending / ascending is horrible right now. When I'd like to descend from a higher altitute to repair my vehicle it takes ages. Especially with loads of anti air / homing missiles / ramjet rifles / enemy air vehicles on my tail, I think it is nearly impossible to dodge out of a battle with +- 100 HP health due to the descend. Compare renX to for example battlefield 3/4 (which I've played alot) and I think you'll see that their choppers' climing/ascending skills are like 60% of their descending skills. Keep in mind that, their descending skills are way faster than they even can fly forward, due to the rotor blades, spinning slower and therefore thrusting less air and creating less lift. Gravity can do it's work then. In BF4 it's even so that if you keep pressing "S" (down) the chopper will eventually come to a hold and will shutdown. Meby this is a feature you can built in as well, I'd really think this is an awesome small game changing feature that makes air more capable of defending itself by dodging several direct attacks. To summarise; I'm really fond of your work as developers and I appreciate every hour you've put into the game. Please take the feedback I gave you as constructive critisism, I'm not a native English speaker so I might have told some stories in a Dutch-like way. Thanks and peace out.
  22. Ruud033


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