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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. True. I also noticed that Nod vehicle drops are easy pickings when the siege is on. I'll post some stuff about it and see what you guys think of it. Agree, I think the snipers right now are from the Quake-3 Arena time period where there is no recoil what so ever, in most games like BF and COD there is some recoil and even movement where you have to stand still to aim for a bit. Maybe @yosh56 could try to add some recoil into this to make it require more skills?.. just saying.
  2. I'll update the SDK soon as 5.283 is out
  3. Well done sir, very cool sidenote; still think those trees look weird.
  4. If this is the case, I'd say a good commander would switch tactics (inf only) or deploy strategic infantry to counter those tanks to get a window of time to spawn those tanks. Im not so sure if putting the HON first is such a good idea since it's a massive building.. (MRLS spam inc) Maybe its better to block it off slightly with some rocks.. I'll experiment with it. Also, in your second setup it's possible to kill airstrip and HON at once with a beacon, same goes for ref+airstrip. Given the fact that's an easy spot to defend (very flat) it's a bit OP
  5. Yeah the map is to small I think
  6. It was made by @Nielsen but i'll pick up the fixes.
  7. @TK0104 I was going to finish it at first but I do not have the time for it. You can take over. Files are in this thread.
  8. Thanks for your post, glad you love Renegade as much as we do! Unfortunately things are not as easy as you might think. We first need a good conversation with EA before we do such stuff.
  9. Hey, so I've checked out your map, it has improved a lot since the first release, well done! It looks awesome and feels way better in terms of gameplay than before. Here's my feedback; (don't mind the missing items since i didnt copy over your prefab package); Good luck on finishing this! Looks promising!
  10. @Fffreak9999 can you look into the logs please?
  11. Just got 5 creepy clowns crawling from my monitor
  12. It's only a singleplayer map.. why would you want to remake this ? Ren is mostly multiplayer. @Schmitzenbergh and me have like 30% of the map laying around somewhere.. it was a start so to say but we're not gonna finish that. If you're interested maybe if @Schmitzenbergh agrees we can send you the files to finish it.
  13. Hey, thanks for the feedback. Turns out that the soft world boundry was actually set the wrong way, it didnt point towards the entrance and thus didnt give you the option to get out. Ive fixed the floating crystals, and you can still get back there in the cave, its pretty but it has a soft world boundry now. Fixed the glitch where you could get out of the map, and made sure you can't get out on some more places where i suspect some people to exploit. The tib field was designed to be like that, I mean, once you camp there with an arty you're also on the GDI doorstep and easy target for gunners/meds/airstrikes. In public games you will get slaughtered easily and in PUG's its best to check for stanks everywhere on this map, thats what i like so much about it. It's a balancing thing between Nod and GDI.. both have their strengths. Regarding equal base-bombarding opportunities, yes Nod can hit almost everything due to arty physics.. but we're not able to en capsule the whole GDI base just to prevent that and not demolish the map. GDI can also hit the HON from a distance.. but hey, once you have the field, you also have the EMP cannon.. disable the ob and storm in, thats what its made for! (map design ), just look at the last episode from lavadragon. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. There is no silo in Gobi, maybe a different map??
  15. Haha that looks awesome and very funny. Will look into that though
  16. damn.. it didnt do this when I was testing it. fuck sake.
  17. Yeah the bot works really well. In the past there was the TmX community who had their own bot for their administration, but the bot Agent wrote is working really well. You can have extensive administration on that via IRC if you like. It also allows you to have ingame commands, if you sign in via steam (it check upon the SteamID)
  18. Ive taken a look at the map, downloaded the latest items. I made the following changes: Changed the camo's to be a desert theme Added base-volumes Did a collision check (seems to be good didnt do anything) Fixed paths (they were quite poorly done, i'm sorry) Changed all PathNode_Dynamic to Pathnode actors Removed settings from the tib destination path node (the reason the harvester was not doing a second run was because you set the path to be destination only at first) Locked the landscape in place (can't move it now, its a fail safe, you can easily undo it in the properties) That's it. Thanks for updating the map. RX_CNC-Eyes.zip
  19. Here it is, the improved version RX_CNC-Glasses.zip
  20. No that just the zero-extent collision showing. It's doing that by default.
  21. I've made a collision check, i greatly reduced the amount of collision objects for rigid body. I've set them to block weapons only. You can never reach there in person but they do block shells. This saves up for the server and client CPU usage. Before: After: Also: Added base volumes Did a spottingarea check (remember on eyes?) Rest of the map seems to be good. Will upload tomorrow, I'm gonna play some Renegade first
  22. Gameplay-wise, i'd choose for the renegade version
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