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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. The reason why moving was so hard for you is because your GPU had to render the lights realtime. If you turn of realtime rendering ( the weird joystick icon which you mentioned earlier ) it gets a lot better. If you go to unlit mode, it even gets better. Rebuild lights in order to see the final result in your map
  2. Might be worth looking into
  3. I'm fond of Henk's idea! I'll also look into the issues coastal is causing on the server for you.
  4. Let me get this straight, you want to have the guard tower scripted with health? or the repair pad? The guard tower should just be an extension from the GDI one with a TeamID override (should be about 1kB in size when youre done lol) As for the repairpad, scripting that to a building is very hard, I'd suggest you ask Agent or Rypel for help on that. Maybe HandEpsilon can even help you.
  5. It is really easy to create custom materials which you can edit on the fly, you can create Material Instant Constants (MIC's) that allows you to adjust the color of stuff on the fly, you can add as many parameters to the MIC's as you like, you can for example, even change the tiling of the textures and loads of other stuff. I'd suggest you watch kenz's video's about this and also browse the interwebs for some UDK tutorials on materials. Keep in mind that you override the materials in of your placed meshes at all times, never ever 'replace' the material in the static mesh editor unless the static mesh is in your own package To override materials, click an object, press F4, expand the 'static mesh' tab, expand the 'rendering' tab, click the green +, insert materials there. (again, please google some material guides on how to do this) At the moment we can't swap out the static meshes for the prefab buildings yet (or override the materials). I've asked for this a while back but it did not get implemented yet. I've only made this possible for the interface mod, which was added later on. So If you want to have a frozen WF you're going to have to use decals to have the frozen look, to project everything you want on to the exterior. Keep in mind that some people have decals turned off in their play-settings, so not everyone will see it the way you want them to see it(because they have shit PC's) If you add static meshes on top of the WF, the hit-registration won't work and that would cause an indestructible WF. As for the light switch on the bases, we are able to cheat with static lights by using functions on them. Check out Canyon (with that pulsating light) on how that's done. Basically you add a material in a function slot, so the material serves as a mathematical function for the static light. That way we can turn a static light on and off. The advantage of this system over a dynamic system is that we can actually bake lights of this static light (which is awesome). All we need to do is create a MIC that we control via kismet to operate the on/off switch. The swerving search lights are always dynamic unfortunately, they're costly so indeed be careful with this. Make sure they can be culled out (make sure you can't see them after a certain amount of distance anymore) I'd suggest you take a look at how CNC-Artic_Stronghold is made, it's also a night map but it's not completely black, I also doubt whether you want to make a map pitch black because then it'd be impossible to see enemies, which can be quite frustrating. You could create lots of caves where area's are pitch black but I think it'd be a better idea to have the main playing field lit by a moon or so, so there's a little bit of light there. Also, the idea of your map looks great, however I'd reduce the size to about 40-50% of what it is now.
  6. Welcome dude! Nice to see the old players coming over @Kenz It seems you're not alone anymore indeed!
  7. There;s a launcher in the works that auto-downloads missing maps to your client if you join a server.
  8. The long load should only be the first time due to shaders not being compiled (both server and clientside!)
  9. I think this isn't going to work in multiplayer, as the TeamID has to be replicated in a multiplayer server. I'd say test it out first, in a small testmap or something. If it doesn't work, I can write a mutator for you that allows you to place Nod guard towers if you like.
  10. That's amazing Henk! The stuff you're making here is beautiful ! I'd downgrade the fog-level on those spherical fogs @ the lights though, I'd half the density.
  11. Someone forgot to rebuild shaders in patch 5.16. In 5.17 I hope they won't forget to do it. @Bong, if it has to rebuild shaders it only has to rebuild once. I'll try to get a decent LocalShaderCache.upk file tomorrow which covers it all. (no more rebuilding shaders even when rebooting the server)
  12. Looking very awesome there Henk! Can't wait for the first playtest (and get stuck on things )
  13. The quality level of the old renegade, and the old models that are within that is terrible. I was good for the W3D engine but in UDK we have way better graphics. It's better to use them as a reference but just do the whole thing over yourself. i agree, the overpass needs a few additions for gameplay... obstacles like burning vehicles are a good start. i would also add a path for infantry to get on or off it (like the staircase to get on top of the two buildings in the bases). breaking a few pieces of the bridge so vehicles can drive down (maybe also up? making sort of a ramp with a long broken piece of a bridge?) I like this idea, very interesting.
  14. I pushed hard for a capturable MCT to make this happen. The mappers can create their own custom tech buildings without having to code with this MCT. If you'd like to have more Tech buildings you'd have to ask the custom mappers to do stuff like that. I honestly don't think the official dev team will produce more tech buildings as they take quite an amount of your time. (modeling, coding, testing, etc.)
  15. Do I sense an overly comprehensive guide somewhere?
  16. The biggest question is, what could be improved? The scale of the original one is quite big, as previously has been said. I think there's some improvement here. Then agian, if we touch the scale, the vehicle combat also will be different. I think that if we'd have an urban map, it would be more like cnc-downtown (copy pasta from UT3) B3DqaMVkQGE?
  17. Where can I find a tutorial on how to make the pages, make the links on the left side of the screen? etc etc..
  18. Im considering bringing that TS soldier into the ship, I just don't know how to do it just yet, the infantry system works different than the vehicle system. I might have to write custom code in order to get that to work, or take a close look at the existing UT3 code. The chem dudes in the GDI ref are an easter egg indeed im glad you spotted them haha. There's more easter eggs on the map, also outside of the boundries! (should be reachable still though) In the future I'll reconsider the tib field near the GDI PP because indeed I can imagine it being OP for chem's to plant that for Nod. I'll move the tib field further back I guess.
  19. looking good! Keep placing those rocks and flesh that map out
  20. Good to see you fixed it! You don't bother us at all with this, we can only learn from problems that arise elsewhere and try to prevent them ourselves if we ever run into them in the future
  21. Not that I don't like kenz his tutorials, but I highly doubt that they cover the basics of the editor. I suggest you search for 3D Buzz on youtube and watch his series. Using the SDK for renegade does not mean that the tutorials are renegade specific as well. Using this SDK is 99% about UDK and 1% about renegade. If you really want to understand what's going on and know what you're doing, there are plenty of decent tutorials on the interwebs that cover the UDK. I know that 3D Buzz is a good one. Eat3D also had decent tutorials on UDK. Don't forget you have to invest some amount of time to get this to work, mapping isn't like, 'oh hey lets just do this in 5 mins'. If you want to get something done properly it takes time to learn the proces and logic of UDK. I highly encourage you should watch them UDK tutorials and understand most of the principles first, I know most tutorials are based upon UT3 rather than RenX but the principle is the same, and that's the most important thing to understand. If you have a grip on the logic and proces of the UDK you'll understand that doing stuff for RenX is just a matter of placing the right assets.. nothing more
  22. Updated CNC-TombRedux to v1.2 Please note, when downloading CliffSide manually it'll prompt you to replace the beachhead package file. DO NOT DO THIS! Current maps in the server: CNC-Crash Site : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cselfidlu0ck ... SauHa?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=135&t=74944 CNC-Beach Head v1.3.2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/viq9z ... V1.3.2.rar viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75638&start=15 CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75566 CNC-Sniper Park : https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04r ... k.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75610 DM-M13 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... UZnZUJ0UUU viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75700 CNC-Woods : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Woodsv2 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Snow : https://www.dropbox.com/s/zsrdeue2hjtli ... 3.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75599 CNC-Sniper-Vantagepoints : https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75eh ... 0.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605 CNC-Containment : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75679 CNC-JFF-Rockethill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75233&p=150192&hilit=jff+rockethill#p150192 CNC-GoldRushTest : http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... ldrushtest http://constructivetyranny.com/showthread.php?tid=254 CNC-TrainingYard : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... klxVVpPMjA viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75778&start=15 CNC-UphillRedux : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76017 CNC-TombRedux : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76017 CNC-CliffSide : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nllW ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75858 If you want more maps to be added, use this template and post below: DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MAP.INI FILE FOR MINE AND VEHICLE LIMITS!!!!!
  23. Try and set your viewmode to rigid body. Might be a volume that you created that went haywire. http://prntscr.com/abxvhs You'll enter a mode where you can see all collision on the map. You should be able to select the faulty actor and delete it.
  24. I think you're better off really finishing one map first, before starting another.
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